@@matt112fly I don't know how it is in the east, but southern part of Poland - Silesia is completely being torn apart for more housing that will stand empty in 20 years. Villages in my area that used to be full of forests are now full of houses. What was forest is now cut down and new things are being seeded in one single species for money. As you expect the eco system's getting less and less diverse.
@@versedi That's very bad considering the fact that it's one of the most ( if not the most ) polluted areas in the country. It should be a law that each home should have a few trees around it.
Nah it's really not lol... It doesnt look like that anymore... We just have normal forests, like those in the video are like all the animals we have lmao...
I hope that you will not only demand, but also pay the people living there, for having to live there without infrastructure and with many restrictions on their activities. :)
The diversity of predators is always the best indication of how healthy the natural environment is in the described place. Poland is the only country in Europe that has a full list of native predators. From lynx, through wolf, to bears. Not counting the smaller ones, of course. This is a value that cannot be destroyed.
Norwey, Sweden and Finland itd different kind of biome, if we are talking about nature. Other thing is that in Poland the main goal is to protect species like wolf, or bear. In Norway they think only how to win the battle with this animals, how to not let them some part of land.
@@szymoko What about Slovakia and Romania?:) The latter is probably the most diverse in terms of wildlife. Additionally, there are a few other countries in the Balkans with relatively large populations of big carnivores.
Dlatego nie powinniśmy "wypuszczać z naszych rąk" dbałości o naszą przyrodę, florę ani faunę. Decyzja o zmniejszaniu populacji dzikich zwierząt, np. wilka powinna pozostać w gestii państw narodowych i nie powinna podlegać np. decyzjom Komisji Europejskiej a tym bardziej jednej osoby. Przypadki że wilk zabija zwierzę hodowlane zawsze się będą zdarzały. Zawsze powinniśmy pamiętać że to my weszliśmy na tereny odwiecznych siedlisk zwierząt a nie odwrotnie i zabijanie dzikich zwierząt nie rozwiąże żadnego problemu.
2 years ago I was a member of team doing research on diversity of butterflies (mostly nocturnal ones) of Biebrza NP. It was my second such work in the National Park (earlier I did the same in Bieszczady Mountains NP). I am doing field works in biodiversity studies for many years now, since I was early teenager, and I must say that not only the diversity but also quantity of specimens we were finding during this study was something incomparable to anything I saw before an after - there were some nights with almost 200 different species. In the end of the works there were over 1800 species recorded in the National Park - this is approximately 55% of all butterflies diversity in Poland just in that one spot - we also found some species that weren’t noticed for very long time (e.g. Diachrysia metelkana). I hope to have a chance to conduct such a study in Białowieża Forest one day too. Eastern Poland definitely is one of Europe’s natural wonders from the North (Wigry lake NP, Augustowska forest) to the South (Roztocze NP, Polesie and Bieszczady).
Few years ago there was a sensation in polish media, that a domesticated cow run away and joined a herd of wild bisons. I know that it's a loss for the farmer, but somehow I supported the cow. I hope she found peace with the bisons ;)
Obyśmy dożyli normalizacji stosunków z Białorusią, by chociaż usunąć ten mur oddzielający tamten obszar... ja wiem, że teraz jest to nierealne i mur ten jest nam bardzo potrzebny - nie krytykuje go...ale mam nadzieje, że kiedyś nadejdą "normalne czasy".
Wystarczyłoby przestać atakować Łukaszenkę i uznać legalność jego rządów na arenie międzynarodowej czego Polska konsekwentnie odmawia. Myślę że wówczas zniknąłby zarówno mur jak i przestępcze hordy intruzów z Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu.
thank you for filming this beautiful documentary ❤❤ I have tears in my eyes. I haven't seen such a beautiful video about Poland yet, taken in English. Nature's a treasure that belongs to all. Much love from Poland 🥹💞💗🌸
@@MrCr00wn wolves were reintorduced in many places in Poland around 10 - 15years ago and hunting them is strictly forbidden. I'm a residnet of Polish north-east since birth, I grew up right inbetween Biebrza and Białowieża National Parks in Knyszyn Forest Landscape Park and wolves are common here too. My neighbour, who lives right next to the woods has a trail cam on his fence and he was able to capture recordings of wolves many times as well as even a lynx once
So ineffably mesmerizing, magnificent, & majestic that it seems to defy any critics for its quality & the sublime all thanks to these incredible photographers, for they moiled & toiled night & day w/ an interminable patience so as to gain access to those unmissable & memorable momentous footages consecutively in the face of some adverse environments. The post-production crews on the other hand such as editors, scriptwriters w/ their researchers, background music composers in tandem w/ sound engineers, a narrator, etc., they all achieved an excellent job to enhance a wealth of thrill, intrigue, & excitement, but were able to do so from the opulence of their studio in their own country. And that is an immutable & pivotal disparity from the aforementioned cameramen! Nonetheless, thanks to them all concerned in the success of this singular & informative film of outstanding proportions, we could appreciate it to the fullest for free on YT from the luxury of our cozy dwelling. Thus, I can't help feeling greatly indebted to you for that.,,,,From California,,,,,,(12/21/24, Sat)
Call them "żubry", bisons living in Northern America. These beauties are orginal European ones although Western Europe was exterminated in the Middle Ages. So long ago that you forgot what they were orginally called in old kind of your languages. Isn't it "wisent" in english as well as in English and niedterland? As for beavers, they are almost extinct in Poland, but we have reintroduced them so effectively... that they live not only in forest complexes. I live in the center of Krakow and I can easily point out at least four places within 1000 meters of my apartment where they have their burrows (they do not build lodges on regulated rivers). Basically, there's a lot of them everywhere.
@@jankowalski3220 yes its "Wisent" in most germanic languages. Same with the Aurochs, alot more aggressive and larger - and completely dead. also wouldnt be easy or convenient to re-introduce, given its aggressiveness
@@SkyForceOne2 The Dutch and Germans have back bred cattle to have the physical characteristics of Aurochs but which are less agressive. (Note that's 'less' aggressive, not docile.) They are being reintroduced to the wilder parts of Europe.
Animals that live a social life in nature, studying their lives, relationships, territory, reproduction, and hunting, even their play and fighting, is interesting for research and understanding. How they behave in social life is also interesting. Even their behavior in the face of natural disasters and death, and defending themselves and their colony are interesting topics for research. Thank you for the good film, Telan.
Kocham mój Kraj, przyrodę i to jak jest zróżnicowany. Trochę smutno, że to cudzoziemcy kręcą najlepsze filmy o naszej ojczyźnie (przyrodnicze). Dobra robota :)
In Poland we have so much storks, really in every village there's at least one stork nest. In the summer there's just as plenty of them, that sometimes I think we should have a stork in our heraldic instead of white eagle.
@@jezalb2710 Tu nie chodzi u kluby piłkarskie Bracie. 😅 Lechia to historyczna lub alternatywna nazwa Polski! Do dziś w niektórych językach europejskich oraz w niektórych językach Azji Środkowej i Bliskiej funkcjonuje nazwa Polski,która wywodzi się od historycznego terminu Lechia:Lenkija po litewsku, Lengyelország po węgiersku,Lehastan po ormiańsku,Lehistan w języku osmańskim,Lehestan w języku perskim i Lehia w języku rumuńskim. Wpisz sobię proszę Lechland jak chcesz i przetłumacz. Znam osobiście Irańczyków którzy po przyjeździe do Niemiec nie wiedzieli co to Polska bo oni nazywają nas Lehestan. Pozdro ✌🏼
Mam nadzieję, że kochasz Polskę nie tylko deklaratywnie, tylko też codziennym czynem. Nie zaśmiecasz naszego kraju, szanujesz jego zasoby naturalne, szanujesz cudzą pracę, własność publiczną i prywatną uczciwych ludzi, nie wyłudzasz publicznych pieniędzy i nie oszukujesz innych Polaków, szanujesz naszą kulturę, tradycje, symbole państwowe i narodowe. Według mnie to są podstawy, żeby mieć prawo powiedzieć, że się kocha swój kraj, swoją ojczyznę. Cześć wielkiej Polsce i narodowi polskiemu.
@@KowalskyLeon Dokładnie tak jak to wszystko pięknie napisałeś bracie,a do tego ochrona zwierząt(natury), pomoc ludziom ,ochrona kraju! Fajnie, że jesteś. Pozdrawiam 🇵🇱
Thank you so much for this gorgeous video, showcasing your incredible wealth of species. I am from the horrifically nature-depleted UK, where land ownership in private hands, ultimately connected to our shockingly outdated monarchy. and massive anti-Nature farming practices on US style intensive farms owned by pension funds, has stripped our once beautful countryside of its biodiversity. This has been exacerbated by the criminal privatisation of our water companies and the crippling of the agencies that are supposed to police them, which means the vast majority of our waterways and rivers have been made sterile through sewage dumping, pollution and agricultural poisoning. I believe Poland still has the opportunity to withstand these evil forces and remain a beacon for biodiversity, but you will have to fight tooth and nail against the evil forces of neo-liberal economics. I hope you will prevail. Witaj Polsko!
Bardzo bym chciał żeby ten wschodni zakątek ,ułamek tego co było ,ocalał.Chciałbym , choć nie wiem czy tylu co tego chcą jest wystarczająca liczba w kręgach władzy.PS Po tym jak rozpoczęła się wojna na Ukrainie nie ma możliwości otwarcia granicy z Białorusią w Puszczy Białowieskiej co skutkuje niemożnością przemieszczania się zwierząt po całym terenie lasów,tak jak to się działo wcześniej.Chyba ,że wymyślono coś ,to wdzięczny będę o informacje.
In Poland, agricultural land also belongs mainly to private. In Poland, however, one agricultural company cannot buy or lease land if it has more than 300 hectares. In addition, if you buy land from someone the commune officials can block this transaction and then the commune has the right of first refusal at the market price. As if that was not enough, you must be a resident of a given district for at least 5 years to buy more than 1 hectare of agricultural land. These regulations were introduced when Dutch and French companies began buying and leasing thousands of hectares agricultural land. When it comes to forests, the very proposal to privatize them it means the end of the political career of whoever does it. In addition, the Lasy Państwowe (a state-owned company that owns about 70% of forests in Poland) company has a statutory ban on the sale of National Parks.
Hi. A small correction to the beginning of the video (I live in Poland), the point is that frosts are very often single digits, and winter in Poland sometimes resembles autumn with temperatures above zero. The climate is warming, in winter in Poland in my lifetime it has never been more than 25-30 degrees below zero. Now it is rarely -15.
Bialowieza means White Tower - like the one in Minas Tirith in Gondor (: there was an option once to see bisons and other good creatures on the life stream straight from forest
هاي هاد الفيلم شامل من كل نواحي تغيرات الطقس بين تلج ومطر وبرد نهر الصحو وتنوع بلحيوانات والطيور مثير للدهشة والتأمل والإعجاب بأن واحد ابتسام تعلقت بهذة النوعية فهي تضيف لشخصية الخيرة والثقافة والمعرفة وتعلمنا التامل بلحياة ملحوظ كل الحيوانات شكلا اكابر شبعانة وسبحان عظمة الخالق انتم لكم بصمة ايها العظماء حظا سعيد وشكرا. ❤❤❤❤
Tego bardzo potrzebujemy przy zarzadzenjacych idiotow z Brukseli kturzy zniszcza przyrode polska swymi zarzadzeniami utrzymywana i pielegnowana przez polskich specialistow kturzy konczyli uczelnie w dziedzinie przyrody i ekologi pozdrawiam
Upon watching it for the 2nd time, the following thought flashed through my mind; were it not for this informative & transcendent film, I couldn't gain new & better insights as regards life of those animals on such a corner of Europe, let alone their existence there as I reside in the state of California. It gives us a glimpse of the harsh reality of nature's perpetual cycle of life & survival. Incidentally, so strikingly stupendous & engrossing that it offers me the impression it seems to go beyond the bounds of possibility that any others comparable to this one could possibly arise again for its quality & the sublime ( perhaps comparable only to that by BBC of the UK & PBS of the USA? ), or am I the only one sentient or perceiving it so? Hence, I'll bestow my heartfelt gratitude upon all the staff concerned in the success of creation.,,,,(12/22/24)
🌲Bardzo piękne zdjęcia, niezwykłe. Z bliska pokazują życie naszych sympatycznych braci. Dziękuję Amerykanom za wynalezienie internetu, inaczej bym tych wszystkich cudów przyrody nie zobaczyła.🌳
Prawda jest taka, że natura w Polsce ma się dobrze, coraz więcej wilków, coraz więcej żubrów, coraz więcej łosi.Ostatnio nawet widziałem klempę w mojej okolicy, mieszkam tutaj już 15 lat, często chodzę po lesie, ale łosia widziałem tu tylko raz.Martwiąca jest tylko populacja lisa, negatywnie wpływająca na zające w środowisku.
Co do populacji lisa to chyba zależy od regionu. Od jakiegoś czasu zauważam zwiększającą się populację zająca. Chyba myśliwy przetrzebili lisy po prostu
Dodam, że pojawiło się u nas też sporo inwazyjnych szakali migrujących z południa Europy, które często myli się z lisami. Ja osobiście widziałem jednego na półwyspie helskim.
@@arturhashmi6281 Nie wspominając o jenotach i szopach.Niestety dużo jest w Polsce gatunków inwazyjnych.Norka amerykańska, żółw czerwonolicy, a za niedługo przyjdzie pewnie wiewiórka szara.
Może znacie jeszcze jakieś inne popularne, przesiąknięte treścią i mądrością porzekadła. Na przykład: W dzień jest jasno a w nocy ciemno. Albo, Lewy but na lewą nogę, prawy but na prawą nogę.
Bisons in Poland are doing really well... To such an extent that their population is growing by a dozen or so percent each year..... They are already in many forests, not only in Białowieża... Some time ago one even reached Germany... Where of course... how else... it was immediately shot and then eaten at a festival. Germany is such a "progressive" country.
Rząd nakazał wycinkę lasu ponieważ drzewostan byl niszczony przez plagę szkodników. Gdyby nie wycinka 50% Białowieży by już nie było albo i wiecej. Zresztą wycinką nie był objęty dziwiczy drzewostan tylko ten na obrzeżach (to nasadzony przez czlowieka las)
Tak. Drzewa absolutnie sobie nie radzą bez ludzi. Dobrze, że ludzie je wymyślili i o nie dbają. Tylko twarda ludzka ręka sprawia, że ten las zostaje naturalny. Bo gdyby nie ludzie, to jak ten las mógłby być naturalny? To przecież dzięki dobrym ludziom jest dziewiczy. Zgadzam się na 1000%, szkodniki nie są częścią przyrody. Robaki do piachu.
@user-pf7nl7xx4n Hahaha a kto te drzewa sądził jak nie ludzie kpiarzu. Gdyby wyrosły naturalnie i las kształtował się przez tysiące lat nie było by takiej monokultury i zagrożenia przez szkodniki. Wsadź sobie 100 tyś hektarów kasztanowca zobaczysz jak będzie pięknie rósł. Drzewa by sobie tak poradziły jak te w górach coraz większa pustynia suchych kikutów. Ale za jakieś setki lat będzie tam samoistnie piękny las. Usiądź sobie i poczekaj.
th-cam.com/video/JSqhOfCoz7A/w-d-xo.htmlsi=tKrpbcocQtn1mTqJ Żubry w Polsce mają się naprawdę dobrze... Do tego stopnia, że ich populacja rośnie o kilkanaście procent każdego roku..... Są już w wielu lasach, nie tylko Białowieży... Jakiś czas temu jeden dotarł nawet do Niemiec... Gdzie oczywiście... jakże by inaczej... został natychmiast zastrzelony..
These are old growth habitats, not a lot of these left anymore. Yes, there are "forests" nearly everywhere, but not every forest will have this wealth of biodiversity. Biebrza, Bialowieza, and a few parts of Wigry for example, these are some of the last untouched spoils of wilderness in Poland. Sure you can ride your bike out to a pine plantation pretty much anywhere, but you won't see wolves, wisent, or lynx there.
Several lies in this film. The bison were saved by Poles. The road construction does not threaten the national park. Why does every film have to have lies about Poland?
With it's decision EU Commission destroyed hundreds of hectares of Bialovieza forests which have fallen the victim to infestation of voracious insects. Bialovieza trees are dying as a result. Thank you EU for that.
The felling was of a healthy forest that was going to China, the local authoritarian PiS government, under the pretext of a bark beetle plague, cut down a healthy forest for profit, even trees protected by law that were over 100 cm in diameter, and even those that had bark beetles, were debarked on the spot with machines and the bark beetles remained in the forest. they didn't save anything this way. The EU saved the Białowieża Forest from being cut down by corrupt PiS politicians.
Polish nature is beautiful and should be protected, but the economy should also be developed. The Germans want to block navigation on the Oder, so I suggest they create a floodplain somewhere in Magdeburg.
Apperently those trees where supposed to be cut because of an infestation, there've been a lot of badly planted forests in Poland while in communism which made them weak to diseases and types of insects. The EU loves to gain face with actions like these in international media, so of course they stopped this needed action. Łał.
It's not an untouched wilderness. It's a forest heavily exploited by PGL Lasy Państwowe, a crypto-corpo poorly controlled by the state, commercially exploiting Polish woods for timber and firewood. The protected part is very small and heavily contended. Now it is also threatened by intense military investment on the Belorussian border, which, though possibly necessary for national safety, means that animal migration routes have all been cut and the army can do practically whatever they like at the very heart of the forest. The place is certainly unique but it needs much more effective protection, especially from logging.
Beside that this document is full of knowledge, I have one qustion, why those collors of 'bisons' ('żubry' in polish) and beaver theets are so brightfull ? Now beavers looks like sick or zoombie XD
Fantastic narrator. As a Pole, I appreciate the struggle each time he says `Białowieża' :D
which btw is very accurate. Although, focus can be heard ;)
True but he pronounces it beautifully.
What a wonderful video with a fantastic narrator.
Nature in Poland is breathtakingly beautiful, hopefully it can stay this way.
I hope so too. But you know how it is: global warming, demand for more land, demand for trees and so on.
@@matt112fly I don't know how it is in the east, but southern part of Poland - Silesia is completely being torn apart for more housing that will stand empty in 20 years. Villages in my area that used to be full of forests are now full of houses. What was forest is now cut down and new things are being seeded in one single species for money. As you expect the eco system's getting less and less diverse.
@@versedi That's very bad considering the fact that it's one of the most ( if not the most ) polluted areas in the country. It should be a law that each home should have a few trees around it.
Nah it's really not lol... It doesnt look like that anymore... We just have normal forests, like those in the video are like all the animals we have lmao...
I hope that you will not only demand, but also pay the people living there, for having to live there without infrastructure and with many restrictions on their activities. :)
The diversity of predators is always the best indication of how healthy the natural environment is in the described place. Poland is the only country in Europe that has a full list of native predators. From lynx, through wolf, to bears. Not counting the smaller ones, of course. This is a value that cannot be destroyed.
Don't forget Norway,Sweden and Finland that also have the wolverine.
Norwey, Sweden and Finland itd different kind of biome, if we are talking about nature. Other thing is that in Poland the main goal is to protect species like wolf, or bear. In Norway they think only how to win the battle with this animals, how to not let them some part of land.
@@szymoko What about Slovakia and Romania?:) The latter is probably the most diverse in terms of wildlife. Additionally, there are a few other countries in the Balkans with relatively large populations of big carnivores.
Romania has lynx, wolves and bears too. In fact the most bears in Europe outsides Russia.
Dlatego nie powinniśmy "wypuszczać z naszych rąk" dbałości o naszą przyrodę, florę ani faunę. Decyzja o zmniejszaniu populacji dzikich zwierząt, np. wilka powinna pozostać w gestii państw narodowych i nie powinna podlegać np. decyzjom Komisji Europejskiej a tym bardziej jednej osoby. Przypadki że wilk zabija zwierzę hodowlane zawsze się będą zdarzały. Zawsze powinniśmy pamiętać że to my weszliśmy na tereny odwiecznych siedlisk zwierząt a nie odwrotnie i zabijanie dzikich zwierząt nie rozwiąże żadnego problemu.
2 years ago I was a member of team doing research on diversity of butterflies (mostly nocturnal ones) of Biebrza NP. It was my second such work in the National Park (earlier I did the same in Bieszczady Mountains NP). I am doing field works in biodiversity studies for many years now, since I was early teenager, and I must say that not only the diversity but also quantity of specimens we were finding during this study was something incomparable to anything I saw before an after - there were some nights with almost 200 different species. In the end of the works there were over 1800 species recorded in the National Park - this is approximately 55% of all butterflies diversity in Poland just in that one spot - we also found some species that weren’t noticed for very long time (e.g. Diachrysia metelkana). I hope to have a chance to conduct such a study in Białowieża Forest one day too. Eastern Poland definitely is one of Europe’s natural wonders from the North (Wigry lake NP, Augustowska forest) to the South (Roztocze NP, Polesie and Bieszczady).
Few years ago there was a sensation in polish media, that a domesticated cow run away and joined a herd of wild bisons. I know that it's a loss for the farmer, but somehow I supported the cow. I hope she found peace with the bisons ;)
There are no bisons in europe
@@apfelsaftyeah7623what about european bison?
@@apfelsaftyeah7623 there are if u watched video youd know
they smaller and have a different name they are still bison .
A co to za zwierzęta w Polsce nazywane żubrami?@@apfelsaftyeah7623
@@apfelsaftyeah7623 You ignorant!
What an amazing documentary. Mesmerising. Beautiful Poland.❤
Thank you very much! :)
Obyśmy dożyli normalizacji stosunków z Białorusią, by chociaż usunąć ten mur oddzielający tamten obszar... ja wiem, że teraz jest to nierealne i mur ten jest nam bardzo potrzebny - nie krytykuje go...ale mam nadzieje, że kiedyś nadejdą "normalne czasy".
Wystarczyłoby przestać atakować Łukaszenkę i uznać legalność jego rządów na arenie międzynarodowej czego Polska konsekwentnie odmawia. Myślę że wówczas zniknąłby zarówno mur jak i przestępcze hordy intruzów z Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu.
thank you for filming this beautiful documentary ❤❤ I have tears in my eyes. I haven't seen such a beautiful video about Poland yet, taken in English. Nature's a treasure that belongs to all. Much love from Poland 🥹💞💗🌸
Thank you so much! :)
Thanks for this beatiful video . Greetings from Poland
Thank you so much! :)
My mother’s family is from Poland. So I crave any information about Poland. I very much enjoyed this video.
Eastern Poland, where bison thrive, wolves roam, and wild nature rises strong-a truly inspiring conservation success!
i wouldnt be so sure about wolves
@@MrCr00wn wolves were reintorduced in many places in Poland around 10 - 15years ago and hunting them is strictly forbidden. I'm a residnet of Polish north-east since birth, I grew up right inbetween Biebrza and Białowieża National Parks in Knyszyn Forest Landscape Park and wolves are common here too. My neighbour, who lives right next to the woods has a trail cam on his fence and he was able to capture recordings of wolves many times as well as even a lynx once
So ineffably mesmerizing, magnificent, & majestic that it seems to defy any critics for its quality & the sublime all thanks to these incredible photographers, for they moiled & toiled night & day w/ an interminable patience so as to gain access to those unmissable & memorable momentous footages consecutively in the face of some adverse environments. The post-production crews on the other hand such as editors, scriptwriters w/ their researchers, background music composers in tandem w/ sound engineers, a narrator, etc., they all achieved an excellent job to enhance a wealth of thrill, intrigue, & excitement, but were able to do so from the opulence of their studio in their own country. And that is an immutable & pivotal disparity from the aforementioned cameramen! Nonetheless, thanks to them all concerned in the success of this singular & informative film of outstanding proportions, we could appreciate it to the fullest for free on YT from the luxury of our cozy dwelling. Thus, I can't help feeling greatly indebted to you for that.,,,,From California,,,,,,(12/21/24, Sat)
Wonderful film. We were in Białowieża in October 2023 and could even find a herd of bisons at our own. It was incredible to see them in the wild.
Those bisons look so peaceful and cute ❤ Glad they were saved
Call them "żubry", bisons living in Northern America. These beauties are orginal European ones although Western Europe was exterminated in the Middle Ages. So long ago that you forgot what they were orginally called in old kind of your languages. Isn't it "wisent" in english as well as in English and niedterland? As for beavers, they are almost extinct in Poland, but we have reintroduced them so effectively... that they live not only in forest complexes. I live in the center of Krakow and I can easily point out at least four places within 1000 meters of my apartment where they have their burrows (they do not build lodges on regulated rivers). Basically, there's a lot of them everywhere.
@@jankowalski3220 yes its "Wisent" in most germanic languages. Same with the Aurochs, alot more aggressive and larger - and completely dead. also wouldnt be easy or convenient to re-introduce, given its aggressiveness
@@SkyForceOne2 The Dutch and Germans have back bred cattle to have the physical characteristics of Aurochs but which are less agressive. (Note that's 'less' aggressive, not docile.) They are being reintroduced to the wilder parts of Europe.
Animals that live a social life in nature, studying their lives, relationships, territory, reproduction, and hunting, even their play and fighting, is interesting for research and understanding. How they behave in social life is also interesting. Even their behavior in the face of natural disasters and death, and defending themselves and their colony are interesting topics for research. Thank you for the good film, Telan.
Kocham mój Kraj, przyrodę i to jak jest zróżnicowany. Trochę smutno, że to cudzoziemcy kręcą najlepsze filmy o naszej ojczyźnie (przyrodnicze). Dobra robota :)
In Poland we have so much storks, really in every village there's at least one stork nest. In the summer there's just as plenty of them, that sometimes I think we should have a stork in our heraldic instead of white eagle.
Wonderful documentary with an excellent narrator! Dziękujemy ❤️
Kocham mój kraj nad życie! Dziękuję bardzo ! 🇵🇱❤️
Arka cię pozdrawia😂🎉😂
@@jezalb2710 Tu nie chodzi u kluby piłkarskie Bracie. 😅
Lechia to historyczna lub alternatywna nazwa Polski! Do dziś w niektórych językach europejskich oraz w niektórych językach Azji Środkowej i Bliskiej funkcjonuje nazwa Polski,która wywodzi się od historycznego terminu Lechia:Lenkija po litewsku, Lengyelország po węgiersku,Lehastan po ormiańsku,Lehistan w języku osmańskim,Lehestan w języku perskim i Lehia w języku rumuńskim.
Wpisz sobię proszę Lechland jak chcesz i przetłumacz. Znam osobiście Irańczyków którzy po przyjeździe do Niemiec nie wiedzieli co to Polska bo oni nazywają nas Lehestan. Pozdro ✌🏼
Mam nadzieję, że kochasz Polskę nie tylko deklaratywnie, tylko też codziennym czynem.
Nie zaśmiecasz naszego kraju, szanujesz jego zasoby naturalne, szanujesz cudzą pracę, własność publiczną i prywatną uczciwych ludzi, nie wyłudzasz publicznych pieniędzy i nie oszukujesz innych Polaków, szanujesz naszą kulturę, tradycje, symbole państwowe i narodowe.
Według mnie to są podstawy, żeby mieć prawo powiedzieć, że się kocha swój kraj, swoją ojczyznę.
Cześć wielkiej Polsce i narodowi polskiemu.
@@KowalskyLeon Dokładnie tak jak to wszystko pięknie napisałeś bracie,a do tego ochrona zwierząt(natury), pomoc ludziom ,ochrona kraju!
Fajnie, że jesteś.
Pozdrawiam 🇵🇱
@@Lechia_Lechistan_Poland ja też sarny o mało nie zabiłam , a może chociaż stałam autem. zabiłam jeśli nogę złamała
Thank you so much for this gorgeous video, showcasing your incredible wealth of species. I am from the horrifically nature-depleted UK, where land ownership in private hands, ultimately connected to our shockingly outdated monarchy. and massive anti-Nature farming practices on US style intensive farms owned by pension funds, has stripped our once beautful countryside of its biodiversity. This has been exacerbated by the criminal privatisation of our water companies and the crippling of the agencies that are supposed to police them, which means the vast majority of our waterways and rivers have been made sterile through sewage dumping, pollution and agricultural poisoning. I believe Poland still has the opportunity to withstand these evil forces and remain a beacon for biodiversity, but you will have to fight tooth and nail against the evil forces of neo-liberal economics. I hope you will prevail. Witaj Polsko!
W Polsce w większości ziemia też jest prywatna
Thanks for your words. We will definitely fight for it.
It's filmed in national parks - no farming allowed. Still happens though.
Bardzo bym chciał żeby ten wschodni zakątek ,ułamek tego co było ,ocalał.Chciałbym , choć nie wiem czy tylu co tego chcą jest wystarczająca liczba w kręgach władzy.PS Po tym jak rozpoczęła się wojna na Ukrainie nie ma możliwości otwarcia granicy z Białorusią w Puszczy Białowieskiej co skutkuje niemożnością przemieszczania się zwierząt po całym terenie lasów,tak jak to się działo wcześniej.Chyba ,że wymyślono coś ,to wdzięczny będę o informacje.
In Poland, agricultural land also belongs mainly to private. In Poland, however, one agricultural company cannot buy or lease land if it has more than 300 hectares.
In addition, if you buy land from someone the commune officials can block this transaction and then the commune has the right of first refusal at the market price. As if that was not enough, you must be a resident of a given district for at least 5 years to buy more than 1 hectare of agricultural land.
These regulations were introduced when Dutch and French companies began buying and leasing thousands of hectares agricultural land.
When it comes to forests, the very proposal to privatize them it means the end of the political career of whoever does it. In addition, the Lasy Państwowe (a state-owned company that owns about 70% of forests in Poland) company has a statutory ban on the sale of National Parks.
Hi. A small correction to the beginning of the video (I live in Poland), the point is that frosts are very often single digits, and winter in Poland sometimes resembles autumn with temperatures above zero. The climate is warming, in winter in Poland in my lifetime it has never been more than 25-30 degrees below zero. Now it is rarely -15.
Warm greetngs
Bzdury opowiadasz ze nigdy w Polsce nie było niżej niż -30 stopni
@@jasko6913 W 1940 roku było -41. Nie wiem czy zauważyłeś, ale jest coraz cieplej, nie tylko w Polsce i już nie ma takich temperatur?
@@rupert2019 Nie zmienia to jednak faktu że bzdury wypisujesz i wprowadzasz ludzi w błąd
Raptem 25 lat temu (około) pamiętam mrozy -33, -34, ale to rzadkość naprawdę.
45:15 bison living just next-door to humans and even visiting their premises, and none have a problem with each other. Wow.
Thank you for beautifully capturing one of the many beautiful sights in my country.
Very Nice ❤❤Thanks!
Bialowieza means White Tower - like the one in Minas Tirith in Gondor (: there was an option once to see bisons and other good creatures on the life stream straight from forest
Exactly, "BiałoWieża" is "White Tower" in Polish :-)
I love Poland and I love living here.
Thank you ❤️
this is a wonderful nature documentary - and the narration is perfect - beloved Poland-
One of the best nature films I've ever seen. I hope you are going to do more movies about Polish nature. Thank you so much!
هاي هاد الفيلم شامل من كل نواحي تغيرات الطقس بين تلج ومطر وبرد نهر الصحو وتنوع بلحيوانات والطيور مثير للدهشة والتأمل والإعجاب بأن واحد ابتسام تعلقت بهذة النوعية فهي تضيف لشخصية الخيرة والثقافة والمعرفة وتعلمنا التامل بلحياة ملحوظ كل الحيوانات شكلا اكابر شبعانة وسبحان عظمة الخالق انتم لكم بصمة ايها العظماء حظا سعيد وشكرا. ❤❤❤❤
Poland ❤. 🎉
Great work... Highly appreciates your effort...👍👍
I'd kill to know the music at the start of video
also love the video, it really shows how pretty Poland's nature is
Superb videography 👍
Beautiful, great job.
Thank you for watching! :)
God bless Poland 🇵🇱
Tego bardzo potrzebujemy przy zarzadzenjacych idiotow z Brukseli kturzy zniszcza przyrode polska swymi zarzadzeniami utrzymywana i pielegnowana przez polskich specialistow kturzy konczyli uczelnie w dziedzinie przyrody i ekologi pozdrawiam
what a beautiful movie!!!! congrats for its authors!
Ale ładny film ❤ dziękuję ☺️
Such a beautiful documentary 😍 watching with my family with subtitles in Spanish that I generated for free from Immersive translate app
Oh, how cool! Thank you so much :)
Poland is the best:)
Upon watching it for the 2nd time, the following thought flashed through my mind; were it not for this informative & transcendent film, I couldn't gain new & better insights as regards life of those animals on such a corner of Europe, let alone their existence there as I reside in the state of California. It gives us a glimpse of the harsh reality of nature's perpetual cycle of life & survival. Incidentally, so strikingly stupendous & engrossing that it offers me the impression it seems to go beyond the bounds of possibility that any others comparable to this one could possibly arise again for its quality & the sublime ( perhaps comparable only to that by BBC of the UK & PBS of the USA? ), or am I the only one sentient or perceiving it so? Hence, I'll bestow my heartfelt gratitude upon all the staff concerned in the success of creation.,,,,(12/22/24)
🌲Bardzo piękne zdjęcia, niezwykłe. Z bliska pokazują życie naszych sympatycznych braci. Dziękuję Amerykanom za wynalezienie internetu, inaczej bym tych wszystkich cudów przyrody nie zobaczyła.🌳
Taka właśnie jest nasza polska
Pure beauty
Zdrowie Rzeczypospolitej! ❤
Thank you! :)
Prawda jest taka, że natura w Polsce ma się dobrze, coraz więcej wilków, coraz więcej żubrów, coraz więcej łosi.Ostatnio nawet widziałem klempę w mojej okolicy, mieszkam tutaj już 15 lat, często chodzę po lesie, ale łosia widziałem tu tylko raz.Martwiąca jest tylko populacja lisa, negatywnie wpływająca na zające w środowisku.
Co do populacji lisa to chyba zależy od regionu.
Od jakiegoś czasu zauważam zwiększającą się populację zająca. Chyba myśliwy przetrzebili lisy po prostu
Dodam, że pojawiło się u nas też sporo inwazyjnych szakali migrujących z południa Europy, które często myli się z lisami. Ja osobiście widziałem jednego na półwyspie helskim.
@@arturhashmi6281 Nie wspominając o jenotach i szopach.Niestety dużo jest w Polsce gatunków inwazyjnych.Norka amerykańska, żółw czerwonolicy, a za niedługo przyjdzie pewnie wiewiórka szara.
Szakale to już były widziane pod Gorzowem @@arturhashmi6281
U mnie w Oleśnicy pod Wrocławiem, od paru lat pojawiły się bobry i sobie karczują drzewa :D
thanks a lot, great job
Nice video!
Łosie za oknem
Pozdrowienia z pod Osowca Twierdzy
7:50 I have lived in Poland since birth, which is nearly 40 years, and I have never heard anyone say anything like that.
Rzadko używane, ale słyszałem kilkakrotnie: "Wszystko jest trudne, zanim stanie się łatwe" Goethe.
Przecież mówi się "wszystko jest trudne, nim stanie się proste", bardzo częste powiedzenie. Może mieszkałeś w tej puszczy 😅
@@polishhussarmapping258 Czy możesz podać przykład kogoś kto kompromituje się używaniem tak głupiego powiedzenia? HAHA
@@arekspevack Nigdy się nie spotkałem, ani w życiu ani w mediach, dosłownie nigdy.
Może znacie jeszcze jakieś inne popularne, przesiąknięte treścią i mądrością porzekadła. Na przykład: W dzień jest jasno a w nocy ciemno. Albo, Lewy but na lewą nogę, prawy but na prawą nogę.
Amazing. What cameras were used?
Please add polish subtitles and spread it to polish viewers
Why? Everyone speaks eng
Pozdrawiam z POLSKI 😊
Bisons in Poland are doing really well... To such an extent that their population is growing by a dozen or so percent each year..... They are already in many forests, not only in Białowieża... Some time ago one even reached Germany... Where of course... how else... it was immediately shot and then eaten at a festival. Germany is such a "progressive" country.
Super film 👍👍
Super Polskę trzeba kochać szanować co mamy
Muy guapo tú canal 😊😊
Rząd nakazał wycinkę lasu ponieważ drzewostan byl niszczony przez plagę szkodników. Gdyby nie wycinka 50% Białowieży by już nie było albo i wiecej. Zresztą wycinką nie był objęty dziwiczy drzewostan tylko ten na obrzeżach (to nasadzony przez czlowieka las)
W Niemczech żubry niszczą lasy i zagrażają ludziom dlatego są do likwidacji.
@joeblack2326 Oni mają we krwi strzelanie do wszystkiego co z Polski.
Tak. Drzewa absolutnie sobie nie radzą bez ludzi. Dobrze, że ludzie je wymyślili i o nie dbają. Tylko twarda ludzka ręka sprawia, że ten las zostaje naturalny. Bo gdyby nie ludzie, to jak ten las mógłby być naturalny? To przecież dzięki dobrym ludziom jest dziewiczy. Zgadzam się na 1000%, szkodniki nie są częścią przyrody. Robaki do piachu.
@user-pf7nl7xx4n Hahaha a kto te drzewa sądził jak nie ludzie kpiarzu. Gdyby wyrosły naturalnie i las kształtował się przez tysiące lat nie było by takiej monokultury i zagrożenia przez szkodniki. Wsadź sobie 100 tyś hektarów kasztanowca zobaczysz jak będzie pięknie rósł. Drzewa by sobie tak poradziły jak te w górach coraz większa pustynia suchych kikutów. Ale za jakieś setki lat będzie tam samoistnie piękny las. Usiądź sobie i poczekaj.
Wiadomo, ze natura sobie bez czlowieka nie poradzi. Chyba szkole lesnicza konczyles.
save the planet 😢
Bardzo fajne 👍😊
Żubry w Polsce mają się naprawdę dobrze... Do tego stopnia, że ich populacja rośnie o kilkanaście procent każdego roku..... Są już w wielu lasach, nie tylko Białowieży... Jakiś czas temu jeden dotarł nawet do Niemiec... Gdzie oczywiście... jakże by inaczej... został natychmiast zastrzelony..
Last wilderness in Poland? There are deep forests 40mins by bike from nearly everywhere in Poland
Well, almost all of the forests in europe today aren't truly wild, but were planted.
These are old growth habitats, not a lot of these left anymore. Yes, there are "forests" nearly everywhere, but not every forest will have this wealth of biodiversity. Biebrza, Bialowieza, and a few parts of Wigry for example, these are some of the last untouched spoils of wilderness in Poland. Sure you can ride your bike out to a pine plantation pretty much anywhere, but you won't see wolves, wisent, or lynx there.
wrong, forest was almost lost because of european rules
Kocham bober
Several lies in this film.
The bison were saved by Poles.
The road construction does not threaten the national park.
Why does every film have to have lies about Poland?
he didn't even call the beaver a bober, I was expecting something better after the near perfect "Białowieża"
Kibicowaliśmy naszemu Żubrowi - szedł na zachód. Za Odrą - Niemcy go odstrzelili i zrobili z niego kiełbaski. Tyle w temacie europejskiej ochrony
[3:37] What does the location of Białowieża Park has to do with Berlin?! Such a pointless and brainless comment ruined the video.
Well, it's quite simple. Under current TuSSK regime our real capital is located in Berlin, not Warsaw. 😡
Łoś poprostu łoś
With it's decision EU Commission destroyed hundreds of hectares of Bialovieza forests which have fallen the victim to infestation of voracious insects. Bialovieza trees are dying as a result. Thank you EU for that.
The felling was of a healthy forest that was going to China, the local authoritarian PiS government, under the pretext of a bark beetle plague, cut down a healthy forest for profit, even trees protected by law that were over 100 cm in diameter, and even those that had bark beetles, were debarked on the spot with machines and the bark beetles remained in the forest. they didn't save anything this way. The EU saved the Białowieża Forest from being cut down by corrupt PiS politicians.
That's weird. The video is about Poland, but the cover shows a moose instead of a beaver....
If you want bobr k***a here:
Polish nature is beautiful and should be protected, but the economy should also be developed. The Germans want to block navigation on the Oder, so I suggest they create a floodplain somewhere in Magdeburg.
It only stay that long because the oligarchs didn’t get their dirty hands on it! But I think the are getting to close to I .
Apperently those trees where supposed to be cut because of an infestation, there've been a lot of badly planted forests in Poland while in communism which made them weak to diseases and types of insects. The EU loves to gain face with actions like these in international media, so of course they stopped this needed action. Łał.
Those „bisons” mentioned are wisents not bisons. 1:41
K sera sera whatever will be will be the future it's not ours to see k sera seraa ❤❤❤
Polska DLA polakow
ziemia dla ziemniaków
A żubr to nie polak? 🧐🤜🤛
@@bohomazdesign725 takich ziemniaków jak ty
Hello 👋
Co powie😊 Tusk poco nam przyroda i piękne otoczenie. Fur doiczland? 😮
Bober 🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫
Poland has beavers? Interesting.
yeah good🎉🎉
Przestańcie reklamować naszą Ojczyznę, nie potrzeba
Dokładnie, a potem się dziwią że się tałatajstwo z całego świata zjeżdża. Jest cisza i spokój to szanujmy to.
Ci sono anche gli F35
W Polsce 2014 jest tylko 1800 żubrów 😢
It's not an untouched wilderness. It's a forest heavily exploited by PGL Lasy Państwowe, a crypto-corpo poorly controlled by the state, commercially exploiting Polish woods for timber and firewood. The protected part is very small and heavily contended. Now it is also threatened by intense military investment on the Belorussian border, which, though possibly necessary for national safety, means that animal migration routes have all been cut and the army can do practically whatever they like at the very heart of the forest. The place is certainly unique but it needs much more effective protection, especially from logging.
Beside that this document is full of knowledge, I have one qustion, why those collors of 'bisons' ('żubry' in polish) and beaver theets are so brightfull ? Now beavers looks like sick or zoombie XD