Visiting gorgeous Ram Fortress on Danube, Serbia in 4K

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024
  • The picturesque medieval Ram Fortress was built in 1483 by order of Sultan Bayazit II - the grandfather of Suleiman the Magnificent. The legend originates from this period, according to which Sultan Bayazit II, visiting his soldiers, stopped to rest on a hill from which there was a beautiful view of the Danube and the opposite Hungarian side. Sitting like that on a mat - ihram (as the Turkish name for a prayer mat reads), he fell asleep. When he woke up, he felt reborn. Afterwards, he ordered a fortress to be built on the site of his ihram, which was named after the ihram.
    You must visit this goregous fortress, either during the day or at dusk. According to the National Geographic, this place has the most spectacular sunset on the Danube. And you just have to see it.
    Slikovita srednjovekovna Ramska tvrđava sagrađena je 1483. godine po nalogu sultana Bajazita II - dede Sulejmana Veličanstvenog. Iz ovog perioda potiče legenda, po kojoj je sultan Bajazit II, obilazeći svoje vojnike, zastao da se odmori na brežuljku sa koga se pružao lep pogled na Dunav i suprotnu ugarsku stranu. Sedeći tako na prostirci - ihramu (kako glasi turski naziv za prostirku za molitve), on je zaspao. Kada se probudio osećao se kao preporođen. Posle je naredio da se na mestu njegovog ihrama sagradi tvrđava, koja je po ihramu i dobila ime.
    Ovu prelepu tvrđavu obavezno morate posetiti, bilo po danu, bilo po sumraku. Prema tvrdnji Nacionalne Geografije na ovom mestu je najepši zalazak sunca na Dunav. I to jednostavno morate videti.
    Drone aerial photography and nature photography of Ram Fortress, Veliko Gradište, village Ram, nature, forest, hills and other landmarks.
    Dron fotografija, snimanje dronom iz vazduha Ramske tvrđave, Velikog Gradišta, sela Ram, prirode, šume, brda i drugih znamenitosti.
    Music: The Bazaar Canon Hanu Dixit

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