I am now studying psychology at university yet I have been watching your videos since I was in middle school. Thank you for everything Doc and Fermilab!
Dr. Lincoln, I’m so proud of being from the Chicago area. I’ve lived out west in both CO & CA for close to 50 years. One thing on my bucket list is to visit Fermi Lab. The work you and your colleagues do there is so admirable. Even with the shutdown of the Tevatron, Fermi Lab continues to be on the leading edge of particle/quantum physics. So looking forward to both the DUNE and Muon G-2 experiments’ data and interpretations!
It's great to have you back again Dr. Don. I love your videos. I wish it didn't take so long to get DUNE up and running, but great science is worth waiting for.
WAIT! so does energy always spawn matter and anti matter together? or is it one or the other? can Matter neutrinos change into anti matter neutrinos like they change from Ve, Vu, Vt? do antimatter neutrinos have 3 types too? and do they also change between them? how do we create neutrinos in the lab! and how do we focus them into a particle beam? if they only respond to the weak nuclear force how can we confine them and direct their motion? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!! [EDIT:yeah i just watched the video again and you answered my question on anti neutronos changing their type 3:08]
Don, another excellent explanation - Reason #4 for D.U.N.E. - keeping Fermilab from becoming another DuPage housing development. Visited Fermilab on several occasions (in-laws live up IL-38 in Wheaton). Place is both a major science research facility - and a really cool art installation. I remember when Brookhaven's Muon g-2 storage ring was trucked in - made the news all across the area.
Dr D, So it looks like neutrino rest mo is in the 10e-38 kg range or lower. SNO facility in 2002 or so found that neutrinos change types in transit implies positive m. 2015 Nobel for those 2 obs by SNO. Is the DUNE eqpt expected to get a good mo value? Also if mo differs for e, mu and t types which change at hi v, then is there not an E cons problem, since E^2=p^2*c^2+mo^2*c^4?
Is it possible to tell how far a activated energy, as a electric emission will travel without being on the opposite side? The difference between a dry cell electric reach to a phone wire's reach while holding about the same energy level, so on, for thinking improvement in the future studies.
I have a question about the four powers (electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear power, weak power How did these four powerful forces separate from each other after the creation of the universe? Is that weak nuclear force separated from that electromagnetic force?
We have seen that with high energy the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force combine to what is called the electroweak force. And when the energy lowers the forces split again. It is therefore quite reasonable to draw the conclusion that this is what happened in nature too.
I'm really buried in neutrinos and excited about this experiment because finding out about neutrino oscillations was very exciting to me and the excitement never ends if you never want to be bored study subatomic particle physics
Another great video, Don. Don Lincoln also did a 24 lecture video course on The Theory of Everything, offered by The Teaching Company. [I was not requested to cite this course.] The course is basic and suitable for a first year university non-physics major. My daughter watched the video course and now understands a lot more particle physics. Several decades ago, William Fowler (CalTech Nobel laureate) was visiting a class I was taking. He loved joking about the solar neutrino problem (now solved), and that perhaps the solution was that our sun had died (because the neutrinos pass through the sun more freely than the photons, to over-simplify the matter - no pun intended). So, the diminished solar neutrinos detected could mean the sun died and within the next couple hundred thousand years (possibly much sooner!), we'd experience this terrible fate. He loved joking, and this seemed amongst his favorite jokes.
The vacuum collapse of the universe is a much more serious and possibly imminent threat. We don’t know how to predict when it will happen and we can’t see it coming even when it gets underway. I suggest panic now while we have the chance.
@@stardust4001 Hello "Star Dust", I presume you are referring to the Theory of Everything course that I cited in my comment. The 24 lecture course is commercially available through The Teaching Company. The course goes on sale periodically for considerable discount. Do not buy the course for full price unless you don't mind spending an extra couple hundred dollars. [I was not asked to cite this course.] You may alternatively watch the many FermiLab videos on TH-cam for free.
What if, there's more than one Big Bang? Like, instead of one inciting incident, there have been an infinite number in an infinite space? So, for example, part of what we're unable to detect, but clearly has an effect, is the result of things like proton decay from previous explosions?
How do you make, store (contain), transport, & then launch anti-neutrinos from your device? What do you call your device that (launches/shoots/fires?) the neutrinos.
You can't create a neutrino beam with a current technology, it's a poor choice of words. It's more like a cone, once the "beam" reaches the South Dakota is about 2 miles wide. And it is created by accelerating protons, slamming them into a barrier, directing what's created through a magnetic field and into another barrier with a slit. And then once again thought a magnet and into a barrier with no slits. Hope that helps.
Hello from Bosnia i would love to know how you detect neutrinos when they dont interact with matter? Also i would love to know how you plan to differ neutrinos from star from neutrinos you send from your lab?
The key for the Detection of neutrinos is the structure of the underground Detector, that is actually a huge Time Projection Chamber TPC, filled with about 17K tons of liquid argon at -186 °C. Inside each TPC, DUNE will have 3 or 4,there are many Detection Systems, designed to detect specific particles or Photons. All the weakly signals will be digitized and transmitted to the surface. Neutrinos will interact because of the conditions of the LiAr, including a high electric field applied to the gas by a high voltage power supply, thousands Volts. We can distinguish between neutrino beams and external neutrinos, by using discrimination techniques and taking advantage of the Detectors calibration. This is not the ideal space to explain that deeply, I Just can say DUNE is a very complex and hard project, really a challenge and it is a privilege for me can be part of this collaboration and put my part in DUNE
The far detector current design is for four modules of instrumented liquid argon with a fiducial volume of 10 kilotons each. The first two modules are expected to be complete in 2024, with the beam operational in 2026. The final module is planned to be operational in 2027
What do you mean by align? The neutrinos are (I believe) emitted in all directions, some of them will end up in the detector, which can tell that they came from the lab based on the direction whence they arrived. Nothing has to be aligned. But if it had to, it would just be a matter of simple GPS calculations.
I was really excited with the neutrino oscillations, however I was not able to determine the. Of distance and I think it was 135 that the oscillations were occurring but I think that the oscillations occur inversely proportional opposite, of the neutrinos the neutrinos
direction is not so clear, but the neutrinos from LBNF will have a different energy and a precise timing, so they can be distinguished from the solar/reactors ones.
The LHC cost 4.75 billion to build, and has an annual budget of about 1 billion. Of that, just over 23 million is electricity, and computing time costs 286 million a year.
Fermilab is in Batavia, Illinois, about 45 miles west of Chicago. Dune is a great sci-fi story-- read at least the 1st book if you have time and are so inclined. Great animation cat to jaguar to tiger! Anti-matter neutrinos-- sounds like fantasy (to me).
Does the weak nuclear force cause neutrino oscillation?
5 ปีที่แล้ว +2
yes, but our theories can't explai why. All flavour changes are described by the standard model, which does not accurately predicts neutrino interactions and behaviour, so we are making experiments to adjust it or scrap it away
@, sounds like the weak force plays a very important role in exotic particle physics. The weak force is weak to us because normal matter depends more on electromagnetism and on very small scales, the strong force.
@, the strong and weak nuclear forces are very different from gravity and electromagnetism in that they don't operate over long distances. The weak and strong nuclear forces are purely quantum in nature in that they are just energy transfers.
@, the strong force is so strong that exerting the energy required to overcome its pull on an individual quark leads to the creation of virtual quarks in the form of quark/anti-quark pairs. Trying to pull a quark out of a baryon leads to the creation of a meson. This phenomenon makes it meaningless to speak of the strong force acting at a distance since it just leads to the creation of new particles that interact with the strong force.
@ Neutrinos do feel gravitation as well (like everything; moreover it was confirmed they also have rest mass); it was just left aside here. While about the picture of force, this is only macroscopically valid. At particle scale all apparently-or-not continuous interactions are described by series of individual "kicks", even the rotation of an electron about a nucleus, continuously exchanging virtual photons. And this is not only for atomic level, same "kick theory" applies to the cathodic tube TV set. Is not that long-range EM and short-range weak or strong have different boson exchange picture. They have different properties, but the "force" concept does not exist anymore, is just a symbol to name a field. Welcome to the Quantum Field Theory.
The Fermi neutrinos should harmlessly pass right through the groundhog, exactly the way the Sun's approximately 65 billion neutrinos pass through each square centimeter of you every second. They are called 'ghost particles' for a reason. The surprising thing is that they can even detect any of the sent neutrinos in ND.
If the beam interacted with a ground hog, it would've interacted with the miles of ground before and it would be useless. The reason they can build it underground is that the neutrinos don't interact with anything on their way.
a key to dark matter or no time for energy exchange short version Energy exchange limit or limit for two point to interact. it is a bit hard to write down this thought for me. if two points have relative speed more then speed of light, they not able to interact. but they can interact through the third point. (exactly like dark matter) long version For a long time trying to communicate with physics to clarify my theory. with all and all main point here. -dark matter in our galaxy, (most likely particles emitted by central black hole) is particles that moving faster than light. (most likely you do not "belive" in this) if i assume it is correct, then big amount of hydrogen on edge of galaxy, is where this "dark matter particles" decay after losing speed. (decay like new particles from hadron collider) -parts of dark matter alredy found, but we do not about it. (perseption(particles from hadron collider)) -particles found with hadron collider behave like a dark matter after loosing speed. -most likely there is a energy exchange speed limit in betwen two points (not sound speed), most likely it is a speed of light. (that about why we do not see dark matter, but see it interction with other(slower for it/faster for us) particles) -particles from hadron collider will be stable if placed in faster then light speed. whant to tell more, I hope this is enough to contact me. the key is a energy exchange speed limit (i want my Nobel for showing you dark matter) Best regards, Dynin A.I.
Say, I live in south Dakota this is not new news to me, haven't we been using Homestake mine for physics for quite a while now? Shooting neutrinos - sounds like the new Wild West!
1.5 billion USD for the DUNE experiment. Basic science is necessary but maybe let's build a functioning thorium reactor first. Because we really need it.
CERN and Fermilab alway have these giant detectors made. Huge cost and long lead times. Just wondering if technology in 100 years would it be able to do the same experiments with detectors that are much smaller and less pricey or no tech will never be able to change the reasons for the scope of the devices?
The LHC is big because it means you can put more magnets on the loop to accelerate the particles to higher speeds. You could conceivably achieve the same energies using stronger magnets, but building big is more efficient. Fermilab's detectors are big because the neutron beam scatters a lot. If they ´figure out a way to emit a tighter beam, the detector could be smaller, but again, compared to the costs of building everything in the first place, it's probably most efficient to make it big to improve detection.
After what we have seen even without the justification and running through the data we cleared it our senses had indicated something to us that moves totally outside the field the four basic forces
So does that mean the major accelerator that defined Fermilab is now history? And CERN, did it not have its main results already? Is CERN close to being fizzled out? Considering that cosmic rays can have dramatically more energy than these man made accelerators, would it not seem sensible to design detectors that can observe the cosmic ray impacts more usefully?
About CERN: they are upgrading the LHC right now and they will be back in business in 2021 with a 2.5 times brighter beam, which entails a 13 TeV to 14 TeV shift. Only a few percent of the total data they expect to collect using the LHC has been collected to date. They can't direct cosmic rays to collide and then capture the debris in LHC type detectors to see what happens. They need a collider machine. cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/0*gRNySWA86_MM3gyw.jpg
Why is argon especially helpful for noting the existence of neutrinos? I also read that in an experiment in kentucky I believe, it is similarly being used to prove the existence of dark matter?
Argon is a noble gas, which means it is not electronegative (equals a high scintillation light yield from nuclear recoils) and doesn't react chemically with the detector components, it is heavy enough to block incoming particles, plus it is abundant and cheap (~1% of air). Heavier stable noble gases like krypton and xenon could be used but at greater cost. For technical reasons the liquid argon used is not pure argon.
They accelerate protons, smash them into graphite, focus the resulting particles with magnets, and those particles decay into neutrinos or antineutrinos depending on the charge of the magnet
When I saw the fundamental formulas of the sun didn't match the neutrinos that were received in the detector my mind searched, but I didn't contemplate the oscillation but I knew something was happening, and I didn't have all the information at the time but the neutrino oscillation, confirms all formula with the son which had to be checked
And the data has been recorded by the center of European nuclear research during a subatomic particle physics experiment remember in a lot of cases the detector is only designed to pick up the particles that we set up detectors to detect but the significance in the power of the sensors now we were able to detect something that came outside
And the most important thing I have to say is that there's no such thing as nothing, there's no such thing as area of space that is not something even the nothing is something
Glad i found out Fermilab's channel and Dr Don months back. Easily the best vids out there. Keep 'em coming! :)
I am now studying psychology at university yet I have been watching your videos since I was in middle school. Thank you for everything Doc and Fermilab!
Dr. Lincoln, I’m so proud of being from the Chicago area. I’ve lived out west in both CO & CA for close to 50 years. One thing on my bucket list is to visit Fermi Lab. The work you and your colleagues do there is so admirable. Even with the shutdown of the Tevatron, Fermi Lab continues to be on the leading edge of particle/quantum physics. So looking forward to both the DUNE and Muon G-2 experiments’ data and interpretations!
It's great to have you back again Dr. Don. I love your videos. I wish it didn't take so long to get DUNE up and running, but great science is worth waiting for.
Yaaaay!!! New Fermilab video!!! Thank you Doc! Happy 2019!
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite Particle Physicist on the Citadel!
Shepard with Thu'um ... we're not worthy.
Glad to see there are some Mass Effect fans who are Physics nerds as well 🙃 (just like me).
@1Energine1 Hell yeah!
Missing you mentioning the large worms crawling around the detector , that are sometimes being ridden by the vicious local natives.
Thanks for all you do, Dr. Lincoln and the makers of these vids
Thank you Don for these knowledge which you provide to us in the best possible fashion.
Thank you for taking the time. Animations really helped too 😊
Happy 2019, hopefully many new videos to come, maybe even some findings!
The penetration power of the neutrino is something that, I never anticipated that there was such a device
WAIT! so does energy always spawn matter and anti matter together? or is it one or the other? can Matter neutrinos change into anti matter neutrinos like they change from Ve, Vu, Vt? do antimatter neutrinos have 3 types too? and do they also change between them? how do we create neutrinos in the lab! and how do we focus them into a particle beam? if they only respond to the weak nuclear force how can we confine them and direct their motion? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!! [EDIT:yeah i just watched the video again and you answered my question on anti neutronos changing their type 3:08]
Best questions!
Don, another excellent explanation - Reason #4 for D.U.N.E. - keeping Fermilab from becoming another DuPage housing development. Visited Fermilab on several occasions (in-laws live up IL-38 in Wheaton). Place is both a major science research facility - and a really cool art installation. I remember when Brookhaven's Muon g-2 storage ring was trucked in - made the news all across the area.
Great video, as always. How many oscillations is a nutrino expected to have in a distance of 800 miles though?
the neutrinos must flow!
:D th-cam.com/video/jA-BRjujUF4/w-d-xo.html
@@megavide0 It was a reference to the book "Dune"
Shit, I just tokkd the same joke :(
The dune experiment is spicy
+Thomas Chow The spice must flow! I demand it!
After reading the title, spice was the first thing that came to mind.
Dr D, So it looks like neutrino rest mo is in the 10e-38 kg range or lower. SNO facility in 2002 or so found that neutrinos change types in transit implies positive m. 2015 Nobel for those 2 obs by SNO. Is the DUNE eqpt expected to get a good mo value? Also if mo differs for e, mu and t types which change at hi v, then is there not an E cons problem, since E^2=p^2*c^2+mo^2*c^4?
Very Nice, Dr. Don.
Dr. Don is so freaking cool!
I know right ???? I bet he is savage when grading students though
The timing aspect of it will give us a precise measurement of how much this isolation occurs between these particles and direction
Is Dune being excavated or are the caverns already there? Natural or leftover from something else? How big, a mile deep?
Dr. Lincoln, I'm here about that quantum gravity report that was due last September - any updates on that?:)
Great video: Fascinating! Thank You!
Is it possible to tell how far a activated energy, as a electric emission will travel without being on the opposite side?
The difference between a dry cell electric reach to a phone wire's reach while holding about the same energy level, so on, for thinking improvement in the future studies.
I have a question about the four powers (electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear power, weak power
How did these four powerful forces separate from each other after the creation of the universe?
Is that weak nuclear force separated from that electromagnetic force?
When after the creation pressure and temperature drop, the fundamental forces seperate one by one. (In theory)
We have seen that with high energy the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force combine to what is called the electroweak force. And when the energy lowers the forces split again. It is therefore quite reasonable to draw the conclusion that this is what happened in nature too.
I hope they oscillate without rhythm. Otherwise, they might attract a worm.
I hope these new neutrino observations are highly scrutinized and not travelling faster than light again. That was both horrifying and embarrassing.
You mean without
There's a black hole at fermilab, you can see it in the intro. He's making all these videos as he approaches the event horizon.
Nice !
But...if they oscillate without rhythm, we'll never learn! (Movement for Christopher Walken dance in ProtoDune)
How about a video on what a point particle is.
That's my question what is the frequency of the oscillation, in proportion to the direction of the beam?
Could the quantum entangled to the antimatter equal of each partical it becomes? In order to explain the amount of antmatter?
antmatter is creeping particals in dirt holes (like black but braun)
And the discrepancy between the mass it fascinates me to this day even with my basic fundamental understanding
What is the music lol at the beginning and the end of the video?
Rev up your engines for Dr. Don!
I'm really buried in neutrinos and excited about this experiment because finding out about neutrino oscillations was very exciting to me and the excitement never ends if you never want to be bored study subatomic particle physics
Another great video, Don. Don Lincoln also did a 24 lecture video course on The Theory of Everything, offered by The Teaching Company. [I was not requested to cite this course.] The course is basic and suitable for a first year university non-physics major. My daughter watched the video course and now understands a lot more particle physics. Several decades ago, William Fowler (CalTech Nobel laureate) was visiting a class I was taking. He loved joking about the solar neutrino problem (now solved), and that perhaps the solution was that our sun had died (because the neutrinos pass through the sun more freely than the photons, to over-simplify the matter - no pun intended). So, the diminished solar neutrinos detected could mean the sun died and within the next couple hundred thousand years (possibly much sooner!), we'd experience this terrible fate. He loved joking, and this seemed amongst his favorite jokes.
The vacuum collapse of the universe is a much more serious and possibly imminent threat. We don’t know how to predict when it will happen and we can’t see it coming even when it gets underway. I suggest panic now while we have the chance.
Link to the documentary please...thnx
@@stardust4001 Hello "Star Dust",
I presume you are referring to the Theory of Everything course that I cited in my comment. The 24 lecture course is commercially available through The Teaching Company. The course goes on sale periodically for considerable discount. Do not buy the course for full price unless you don't mind spending an extra couple hundred dollars. [I was not asked to cite this course.] You may alternatively watch the many FermiLab videos on TH-cam for free.
Is the dune experiment is still being built ? Please inform us , so that we could know what will happen
Yes they are
The tie type which seems to be the most massive with an incredible surprise to me looking at the minimum of mass of the other Tai particles
DUNE could mean Deep Underground Nucleon-decay Experiment...
DUNdE just doesn’t ring a bell.
i realize I am kinda randomly asking but do anybody know a good website to watch newly released series online?
@Carlos Hamza flixportal :P
@Jax Samir Thanks, I signed up and it seems like they got a lot of movies there =) I really appreciate it!
@Carlos Hamza Happy to help :)
What if, there's more than one Big Bang? Like, instead of one inciting incident, there have been an infinite number in an infinite space? So, for example, part of what we're unable to detect, but clearly has an effect, is the result of things like proton decay from previous explosions?
What is the music that you use at the beginning and ending of the video ?
Does Kamyokande measure anything coming from Fukushima ?
How does DUNE compare to the NOvA far detector?
How do you make, store (contain), transport, & then launch anti-neutrinos from your device? What do you call your device that (launches/shoots/fires?) the neutrinos.
they aren't stored in any way. The are produced in a way that they leave the site of production in the desired direction.
Dr Don could you do a 10 min talk on CP symmetry violation? Or maybe 12 min if that's a hard assignment
can proton and antiproton form a 'nucleus'? I'm guessing only insignificant amount of time.
Most interesting and informative.
How do you generate anti-neutrinos? Did I miss that part?
Very interesting video. Many thanks.
I'm curious, how do you make a neutrino beam?
@John Patriot eagle freedom boner
Nice : p
Lavish it with praise
May be from radio active decay
You can't create a neutrino beam with a current technology, it's a poor choice of words. It's more like a cone, once the "beam" reaches the South Dakota is about 2 miles wide. And it is created by accelerating protons, slamming them into a barrier, directing what's created through a magnetic field and into another barrier with a slit. And then once again thought a magnet and into a barrier with no slits. Hope that helps.
Yup. That helps. Thank you :D
Hello from Bosnia i would love to know how you detect neutrinos when they dont interact with matter? Also i would love to know how you plan to differ neutrinos from star from neutrinos you send from your lab?
The key for the Detection of neutrinos is the structure of the underground Detector, that is actually a huge Time Projection Chamber TPC, filled with about 17K tons of liquid argon at -186 °C. Inside each TPC, DUNE will have 3 or 4,there are many Detection Systems, designed to detect specific particles or Photons. All the weakly signals will be digitized and transmitted to the surface. Neutrinos will interact because of the conditions of the LiAr, including a high electric field applied to the gas by a high voltage power supply, thousands Volts. We can distinguish between neutrino beams and external neutrinos, by using discrimination techniques and taking advantage of the Detectors calibration. This is not the ideal space to explain that deeply, I Just can say DUNE is a very complex and hard project, really a challenge and it is a privilege for me can be part of this collaboration and put my part in DUNE
@@jfcf24 thank you for good and understandable reply i am just curious biologist willing to learn so answer fullfiled my curiosity :)
Excavation on a cavern for DUNE reported complete today 1 Feb 24.
The far detector current design is for four modules of instrumented liquid argon with a fiducial volume of 10 kilotons each. The first two modules are expected to be complete in 2024, with the beam operational in 2026. The final module is planned to be operational in 2027
Wonderful video
I actually know James Norris, he’s speaking in this next week on DUNE. He’s a good dude.
How in the world do you align the two locations that far away underground?
@John Patriot eagle freedom boner
Well hot damn! That tells me all I need to know!
Where do I get my cut? ;~}
What do you mean by align? The neutrinos are (I believe) emitted in all directions, some of them will end up in the detector, which can tell that they came from the lab based on the direction whence they arrived. Nothing has to be aligned. But if it had to, it would just be a matter of simple GPS calculations.
It also casually disproves flat-earth due to angle of beam and depth of sensors.
I was really excited with the neutrino oscillations, however I was not able to determine the. Of distance and I think it was 135 that the oscillations were occurring but I think that the oscillations occur inversely proportional opposite, of the neutrinos the neutrinos
and how is it that neutrino oscillation conserves energy while taus are much heavier than electrons? i find it very peculiar
how can we be sure that neutrino reactions under the ocean/in the earth's core aren't detectable?
Oh snap, it's Dr. Don 'The T-Shirt' Lincoln!
What an awesome experiment.
Is anyone named Paul involved?
Very informative, thanks!
How do you differentiate between neutrinos fired from your source and those coming from the sun?
Most likely the angle of the debris field after the collision in the detector.
The direction.
direction is not so clear, but the neutrinos from LBNF will have a different energy and a precise timing, so they can be distinguished from the solar/reactors ones.
I like this man.
How about a little more about how the neutrinos are being made and how many per second? And a little more about the mechanics of their detection?
You can read the public TDR (Technical Design Report) of DUNE, search them in arXiv. You can also check LBNF
again, it is the legend.
I love Fermi lab
1:55 - I love how the sun is just beaming neutrons in that animation. :)
What do you think creates the most expense in science, the experiments or the data analysis after?
The LHC cost 4.75 billion to build, and has an annual budget of about 1 billion.
Of that, just over 23 million is electricity, and computing time costs 286 million a year.
does it have anything to do with the weirding way ?
If neutrinos hardly interact with normal matter, I am very curious to know how we focus them into a beam.
We don't focus neutrinos, we focus particles which decay into neutrinos, the rest is done by momentum conservation.
I wish you were my teacher at school Dr. Don.
You wish that Dr. Don were not Dr. Don but your teacher at school? ;P
Fermilab is in Batavia, Illinois, about 45 miles west of Chicago. Dune is a great sci-fi story-- read at least the 1st book if you have time and are so inclined. Great animation cat to jaguar to tiger! Anti-matter neutrinos-- sounds like fantasy (to me).
Researchers: DUNE will be operational by mid 2020
Coronavirus: Hold my saarlac
Great video!
Does the weak nuclear force cause neutrino oscillation?
yes, but our theories can't explai why. All flavour changes are described by the standard model, which does not accurately predicts neutrino interactions and behaviour, so we are making experiments to adjust it or scrap it away
@, sounds like the weak force plays a very important role in exotic particle physics.
The weak force is weak to us because normal matter depends more on electromagnetism and on very small scales, the strong force.
@, the strong and weak nuclear forces are very different from gravity and electromagnetism in that they don't operate over long distances.
The weak and strong nuclear forces are purely quantum in nature in that they are just energy transfers.
@, the strong force is so strong that exerting the energy required to overcome its pull on an individual quark leads to the creation of virtual quarks in the form of quark/anti-quark pairs. Trying to pull a quark out of a baryon leads to the creation of a meson.
This phenomenon makes it meaningless to speak of the strong force acting at a distance since it just leads to the creation of new particles that interact with the strong force.
@ Neutrinos do feel gravitation as well (like everything; moreover it was confirmed they also have rest mass); it was just left aside here. While about the picture of force, this is only macroscopically valid. At particle scale all apparently-or-not continuous interactions are described by series of individual "kicks", even the rotation of an electron about a nucleus, continuously exchanging virtual photons. And this is not only for atomic level, same "kick theory" applies to the cathodic tube TV set. Is not that long-range EM and short-range weak or strong have different boson exchange picture. They have different properties, but the "force" concept does not exist anymore, is just a symbol to name a field. Welcome to the Quantum Field Theory.
This guy is very smart. I learned a few stuff from him. Still am, thanks to TH-cam.
This is amazing, thank you
Nice overview. Hate to be the groundhog in his borough in the path of the beam heading to ND.
The Fermi neutrinos should harmlessly pass right through the groundhog, exactly the way the Sun's approximately 65 billion neutrinos pass through each square centimeter of you every second. They are called 'ghost particles' for a reason. The surprising thing is that they can even detect any of the sent neutrinos in ND.
If the beam interacted with a ground hog, it would've interacted with the miles of ground before and it would be useless. The reason they can build it underground is that the neutrinos don't interact with anything on their way.
a key to dark matter or no time for energy exchange
short version
Energy exchange limit or limit for two point to interact.
it is a bit hard to write down this thought for me.
if two points have relative speed more then speed of light, they not able to interact.
but they can interact through the third point. (exactly like dark matter)
long version
For a long time trying to communicate with physics to clarify my theory.
with all and all main point here.
-dark matter in our galaxy, (most likely particles emitted by central black hole)
is particles that moving faster than light. (most likely you do not "belive" in this)
if i assume it is correct, then big amount of hydrogen on edge of galaxy, is where this "dark matter particles" decay after losing speed. (decay like new particles from hadron collider)
-parts of dark matter alredy found, but we do not about it. (perseption(particles from hadron collider))
-particles found with hadron collider behave like a dark matter after loosing speed.
-most likely there is a energy exchange speed limit in betwen two points (not sound speed),
most likely it is a speed of light. (that about why we do not see dark matter, but see it interction with other(slower for it/faster for us) particles)
-particles from hadron collider will be stable if placed in faster then light speed.
whant to tell more, I hope this is enough to contact me.
the key is a energy exchange speed limit
(i want my Nobel for showing you dark matter)
Best regards,
Dynin A.I.
I'm excited about our ability to generate neutrinos and direct them
1987a supernova
Can you foresee making something like DUNE smaller and putting it on a space telescope to measure supernova?
Say, I live in south Dakota this is not new news to me, haven't we been using Homestake mine for physics for quite a while now? Shooting neutrinos - sounds like the new Wild West!
1.5 billion USD for the DUNE experiment.
Basic science is necessary but maybe let's build a functioning thorium reactor first. Because we really need it.
Why don't you take your whining to another more appropriate science forum. This is not the place for it.
Once Dune is online, will the detectors, locally & remote, be seeing many more neutrinos than they would from existing sources such as the sun?
The neutrinos from LBNF will have a different energy and a precise timing, so they can be distinguished from the solar ones.
CERN and Fermilab alway have these giant detectors made. Huge cost and long lead times. Just wondering if technology in 100 years would it be able to do the same experiments with detectors that are much smaller and less pricey or no tech will never be able to change the reasons for the scope of the devices?
The LHC is big because it means you can put more magnets on the loop to accelerate the particles to higher speeds. You could conceivably achieve the same energies using stronger magnets, but building big is more efficient. Fermilab's detectors are big because the neutron beam scatters a lot. If they ´figure out a way to emit a tighter beam, the detector could be smaller, but again, compared to the costs of building everything in the first place, it's probably most efficient to make it big to improve detection.
I trust you’re going to make another video explaining the DUNE data, when it becomes available? ;-)
And when data will be available and analysed, you will hear about it from many sources !
After what we have seen even without the justification and running through the data we cleared it our senses had indicated something to us that moves totally outside the field the four basic forces
Was that a pun on Neutrino chirality? You know, when he said he was a trifle deaf in his left ear?
Holy shit nice catch . Are you a physicist or just extremely smart ?
So does that mean the major accelerator that defined Fermilab is now history? And CERN, did it not have its main results already? Is CERN close to being fizzled out? Considering that cosmic rays can have dramatically more energy than these man made accelerators, would it not seem sensible to design detectors that can observe the cosmic ray impacts more usefully?
About CERN: they are upgrading the LHC right now and they will be back in business in 2021 with a 2.5 times brighter beam, which entails a 13 TeV to 14 TeV shift. Only a few percent of the total data they expect to collect using the LHC has been collected to date. They can't direct cosmic rays to collide and then capture the debris in LHC type detectors to see what happens. They need a collider machine.
Why is argon especially helpful for noting the existence of neutrinos? I also read that in an experiment in kentucky I believe, it is similarly being used to prove the existence of dark matter?
Argon is a noble gas, which means it is not electronegative (equals a high scintillation light yield from nuclear recoils) and doesn't react chemically with the detector components, it is heavy enough to block incoming particles, plus it is abundant and cheap (~1% of air). Heavier stable noble gases like krypton and xenon could be used but at greater cost. For technical reasons the liquid argon used is not pure argon.
You've left out how you create that neutrino beam and focus it, Señor Don!
They accelerate protons, smash them into graphite, focus the resulting particles with magnets, and those particles decay into neutrinos or antineutrinos depending on the charge of the magnet
The last super nova we've seen in the milky way was 400 years ago. Surely we're due another one.
@ScienceNinjaDude Yeah I know, but I really want to see one before I croak. I can hope.
That's not how probability works
@@maxmccormick3376 Did you just comment that without reading the other replies? Sloppy man. I mean there were only two of them.
When I saw the fundamental formulas of the sun didn't match the neutrinos that were received in the detector my mind searched, but I didn't contemplate the oscillation but I knew something was happening, and I didn't have all the information at the time but the neutrino oscillation, confirms all formula with the son which had to be checked
"Buried in Neutrino data before you know it."
He made a funny.
Where did the antimatter go? I dune know.
And the data has been recorded by the center of European nuclear research during a subatomic particle physics experiment remember in a lot of cases the detector is only designed to pick up the particles that we set up detectors to detect but the significance in the power of the sensors now we were able to detect something that came outside
There's no only four basic forces it's impossible
And the most important thing I have to say is that there's no such thing as nothing, there's no such thing as area of space that is not something even the nothing is something
Woohoo new Fermi lab
Wait, so the DUNE experiment is the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment Experiment? Why is it double experimental? WHAT DOES IT MEAN???