Nah man, nameless king is not so hard after ER and it's kinda sad. 10 tries with big bonker. I died more to the rotten tree 💀. P.S. the only bosses I died more times than the tree are DLC ones
it took 100+ attempts, for me to beat him the first time. Epic fight. Funny enough, when i went up against him on N+, i beat him on first try, sinds i had gotten so used to his moveset. A great figh indeed.
I honestly think it’s better to canonically not fight or kill some bosses. Crossbreed Priscilla and Nameless King are 2 of them. They had no problem with you. You’re the one who broke into their home and murdered them.
In retrospective, that goes for most bosses in this series, it's just that you don't have an option to avoid fighting them. It's a Souls tradition in that regard. Quelaag's protecting her sister, Sif is guarding her master's grave, Ceaseless Discharge is completely non-hostile unless provoked, Nito is just chilling in his tomb, Sinh and the Last Giant are just trying to survive, Yhorm and Lothric refuse to link the flame for justifiable reasons, Old Demon King and Demon Prince are the last living demons, Gael tries to retrieve the Dark Soul but goes insane in the process. The list goes on.
@@leithaziz2716Gael wanted to be killed in case he couldn't handle the Dark Soul. He was a hero. Gave life to a new world when no further life was possible in the current.
I remembered fighting him 30+ times at midnight until I decided to sleep coz I had classes the next day. I woke up earlier than usual so I decided to fight him again and it took me literally 2 tries to beat him. I guess sleeping/taking a break for some time works.
@@glorytoukraine5524 To add onto this, sleeping also makes your brain process all the info it gathered throughout the day, so in FromSoft games it helps your brain process the way a boss works, making it easier for the next time you try
It’s because your brain is digesting that knowledge and experience and it’s a lot easier sleeping on a tough boss fight and coming back the next day, I did that with demon of hatred and first tried him after hours of getting smoked the day before
My favorite thing about FromSoft is that they're not afraid to put things in their games that people will miss. Its what keeps us coming back for more.
@@couchwilly5575to me it's a sign they truly care about giving the best experience possible, because it rewards you for doing exactly what the game teaches you to do in the best way possible - to explore and pay attention to everything, leave no stone unturned. To those who find these areas naturally, their inquisitive and curious nature is rewarded with a ton of new content to engage with. I love it.
I have no idea how people figured out how to get to Archdragon peak, needing to get a gesture from a completely different area, going to another area, finding a specific spot, and then holding that gesture for 10 seconds. Its mind boggling what some people think of.
I don’t think it took until Nameless King to change Souls. I think that honor goes to Artorias. No single one-on-one boss fight before him was as aggressive and punishing as he was. That’s why I believe he was the turning point.
Manus can be a bit too much at times. Artorias was definitely more enjoyable but overall all the bosses in DLC are always better than the base game. And that has me wondering how From Soft is going to top the already brutal and hardest boss fights in all their games till date.
The crazy thing is the Nameless King became the difficulty standard going into the DLC for DS3. Ashes of Ariandel gave us arguably the hardest boss in DS3 in Sister Friede and Ringed City gave us insane bosses like Demon Prince, Slave Knight Gael and Darkeater Midir.
I have beaten dark souls 3 like 10 times with the sam character and a friend. I've beaten every boss multiple times. But dark eater midir.... I have only beaten once
@@michaelfiori6700 Tips: - dont summon - always attack the head - for his claw attacks, rolling isnt needed. Just sprint backwards. Sometimes he follows up with a straight fire breath, so roll sideways, run to him and punish - roll backwards twice when he uses his bite attacks, then go under his head to avoid his fire sweep. - his biting grab can be avoided by sprinting or rolling perfectly backwards - when his breathes fire downwards dont go for the tail. Wait infront of him, then hit him when he's finished. If he follows with a laser attack, go under his body and then hit him. - when he flies and does a flame sweep, go to his right. The sweep only hits his left side. - when he uses his berserk attacks, i found staying under his body for the first few seconds and running away before he slashes with his tail the best way to dodge it. In phase 2 he always does this twice before resting. - his homing darkness attack in phase 2 can be dodged by rolling sideways - his dark aoe attack doesnt have as much range as you think, so keep a medium distance between you and midir and hit him after he releases his aoe. - he ALWAYS leaps backwards before doing his instakill laser light show, so run towards him as fast as possible and go towards his left leg and stay there until he finishes. Use this time to buff and heal and dont attack the leg, just conserve stamina for his long resting phase after this attack. - if you hit his head the whole battle, at 30% HP he will stagger and open up for a riposte. This will usually kill him but incase it doesnt, dont get greedy and just find another opening to finish him off.
You can tell that Nameless King not only had a big impact on fans but on Fromsoft themselves. So many bosses in Elden Ring and Sekiro just feel like they were inspired by him.
@@bloodswan Elden RIng for sure, Sekiro? not so much. unless it's just the high damage out put but other than that it takes nothing from Nameless King.
@@Fahimlolkind of makes sense with Sekiro. It's a combat system about timing. So there are various deflect windows in the game, not just delayed ones. I never felt once that im fighting nameless in Sekiro
@@theArchive1OSince you never got your story I'll share one of my favorites, the one about Alva, the Wayfarer and Zullie the Witch. I've had to double check the information since it's been a long while since I've read the lore but here goes. Saint Serreta, a character we know essentially nothing about save for her being a saint, became deathly ill with a disease that we know had no known cure because a knight called Alva had to set off on a grand adventure to attempt to find anything that could save Serreta. As he traveled the lands the stories of his dedication to the saint reached Zullie the Witch, who in response decided to use all manner of deceit and trickery to ruin both his quest and his life. As they spent time together, however, Zullie grew to greatly care for Alva. From that day on she never left his side, a constant supporter of his. Due to her initial distractions, however, Alva failed in his mission and presumably Saint Serreta passed away. Alva relinquished his knighthood because of his failure, and we can assume this broke his spirit, as he was an honorable enough knight to have embarked on such a quest in the first place. Zullie the Witch, almost certainly in an attempt to redeem herself for her part in his failure, assured him in finding a new purpose in life, though we don't know what exactly that purpose was. From there the story skips many many years but we can assume Alva and Zullie had many adventures together. The last time we see Alva is after his death. We find his corpse in the Irithyll dungeon, right outside of Karla's cell. The leading theory being that Karla, dark magic witch in a pointed hat, is the daughter of Zullie and Alva. It would explain what Alva was doing there and how he ended up dying. Alva must have died while attempting to protect or even free his daughter from her imprisonment, Karla being his purpose would make sense. Zullie's curse is found in the Ringed City, though we're not given a reason for why she was there. Her gear says she was never loved, nor loved anyone, her entire life, so maybe she just grew tired of life with Alva. Either way, Alva invades when you get near her corpse with the title "Seeker of the Spurned" implying that he, or someone else, upset her to the point that she ran away from Alva and he had to track her back down. So, yeah, that's one of my favorite in game stories. It's one of the more straightforward ones but we only received a part of the story in DS2 and DS3 so it being pieced together is still cool.
Nameless king is one of the few bosses I respect in terms of lore. You can see in his environment that there's good about him. Arch dragon peak is one of the few well lit areas in the game with the enemies being more alive compared to other parts. It tells you that this man had a good heart. In contrast, just about every other area was a disaster, shown complete neglect by its local ruler.
Its so weird going back from elden ring, you get so used to bosses having 20 hit combos with no openings to punish, nameless king is so fair in comparison its actually wild.
Yes, the final boss of the Elden Ring DLC kind of looks like Nameless, but is like a 5x version of ferociousness and energy coming at you. It's like they thought what's one of the hardest boss sections in our games, and let's do that again, but make him come at you like a spider monkey.
Favorite part about the cutscene is you see the sword spear shake a little bit before striking, showing a little hesitancy or even sadness, unlike the callous disrespect of Smough's hit in DS1's scene.
I remember watching my cousin fight this dude for hours. Took all weekend. But holy shit when he beat it. I was so hype you’d think I did it. An absolutely flawlessly made boss fight. Insurmountable but achievable somehow. Insane look and insane lore
Many others will say it as well, but I believe it's inferred, especially from the cut scene, that the nameless king found a companion with a dragon and that was why he switched sides. You can tell from the head pat and the fact his hand and weapon tremble before he finishes off his friend to absorb his power to destroy you that he cares for this mighty beast.
Im pretty sure the item drops and the -emaciated deer- dragon form imply that "Ornstein" or someone like him, went to archdragon Peak and succesfully transformed into the stormdrake through the dragon meditation
Man, i love the Nameless king as a boss. i somehow killed him within 5 tries. yet when i do it now i am easily getting killed 15 times whenever i go back too Ds3. yet i never feel bad about being killed by him. truly a well made boss!
Abysswatchers took me 42 tries Nameless king took me 9 Truly a fantastic boss and i see it that i kinda understood well how to play the game by the time i reached the boss! Hes fun and fair.
There is no real punishment for dying in Nameless King fight as you don't even lose your souls. It's right near the switch which rings the bell. So we can try fighting him as many times as we want.
the funniest thing is that even tough nameless king probably took me so many trials, i always felt like i could still do it, but while fighting pontiff sulyvahn it took me even more time and i was completely hopeless and tought i could literally never do it lol
Nameless King is a boss that has gotten significantly easier as time for me as time goes on, but it's one that isn't completely reliant on its difficulty in order to remain a fun fight, which I think speaks of its quality. He's also a cool payoff for a lingering plot-thread that's been hinted at since the 1st game with Gwyn's firstborn. I could do without the chicken, but otherwise a fantastic encounter.
I struggled more against cinder than nameless king... Imo the timing of nameless king attacks is similar to Ludwig's 2nd phase and I had a lot of experience Vs Ludwig which helped me once I was up against NK
One of my favorites from DS3, I actually got to him before Soul of Cinder and took me well over 20 attempts to kill him. Amazing fight and after him, Soul of Cinder was a walk in the park.
@@panamike6178I actually killed him first try and was shocked, when my friends told me, that this boss is a beast. On my second playthrough with heavy weapon I died alot of times. The only ugly thing about this boss is phase one. Its just boring af and I never died to that
Remembering seeing all the top 10 videos of "hardest bosses in the world" in 2016 and nameless king being in all of them. Now imagine if someone like malenia was in ds 3 instead of nameless king the discourse would've been probably much different
@Manuel Lamanna most of the difficulty NK brings is from delayed animations and rollcatches in a game that doesnt use them, whereas they're completely normal for elden ring bosses.
ER was my first fromsoft game and when i moved to DS3 i had a rough time at first. However, nameless king instantly clicked and i was able to kill him in 5 tries. His moveset felt so familiar coming straight from Elden Ring. Easily my top 5 fav bosses.
Laerning the pattern of the Nameless King was one of the most satisfying experiences I've ever had in a video game. The first time around I beat him with a friend, but I redid him with a dex build solo and it was glorious.
I love how he talks about it like an ongoing mystery until he just throws in the detail about it being discovered and documented in a video on release day
i actually dont mind the first phase. just unlock the camera and hit the head and stay away and you can down the bird in like 30 seconds even with a broken straight sword
I remember getting to this boss when i did my playthrough earlier this year, my colleague wanted me to stream it to him on discord so right before i summoned the boss by ringing the bell i called him and streamed it. First try i died in phase 1, second try i got to phase 2 and third try i beat the boss. It was really simple, 3 hours later i was at Gael and this boss deserves his reputation. S tier boss, took me around 19 tries i think.
The first taste we ever got of Elden Ring's Shardbearers was The Nameless King. Give him an update on the looks department, put him in the game... trust me. There is a reason he came before Malenia.
I loss to nameless king so many times that I could not play for years and come back and beat him first try. His move set is permanently ingrained in my mind
No clue how long it took me to beat him but I remember how I beat him. I ended up turning off the music and putting in the ring that made your foot steps silent. I literally learned how to dodge his attacks from audio cues. He's one of my favorite fights in the soulsborn games #1 is still probably orphan though.
It took me 12 tried to do it. Since I played a lot of Bloodborne, I tackled DS3 in a much more aggressive style. His moveset is designed to punish hesitation and defensive play, so that's why in this fight I was aiming to be the aggressor at all times and it worked wonders for me.
He really doesn't punish defensive play as long as it's *good* defensive play. If you grab a shield with 100 phys and decent lightning his attacks barely tickle you.
@@pm_me_ur_gluons defensive play is more than a high stab shield. Hiding behind a shield is one type of defensive playstyle. The way he punished defensive play was delayed windup attacks with fast delivery, wide hitbox with roll catching potential.
One of the most fun bosses to fight and one of the few that i really dont want to beat because fighting them is so fun. His entrance with him descending down riding a goddamn dragon on a arena made out of clouds is truly unforgettable. Not even mentioning his fantastic OST
I probably started this fight over a 100 times and frequently left it alone to farm souls and level up. The most annoying thing after a couple dozen tries was how easy the first phase became, yet you still had to slog through it every time.
I overlevelled myself quite a bit when I ended up fighting Nameless King here, near max strength and faith with with dragonslayers greataxe, and this man still held his ground and kicked my rear to next century, I even had decent health as well, this boss is a true test of skill no matter how overleveled you are
I disagree ever so slightly. I recently beat him at level 145 (because I'm levelling for the DLC and sorta forgot about his fight temporarily while doing so) with an INT spellcasting build, and it wasn't all that challenging. He had a surprising amount of openings where he was susceptible to Soul Spear - which did quite alot of damage. On the other hand, Friede absolutely destroys me still because she completely nullifies an INT build as she's VERY good at dodging spells, and gives you far less openings to even throw spells to begin with. It really feels like From designed the DLC bosses to punish INT builds in particular, which is a real shame as it's halted my progress completely.
@@mattandrews2594The actual likely truth is that the DLC bosses are merely designed to be more agressive because it begets a more intense challenge, and INT builds suffering for it is just a side effect. That being said, the same applies to slower builds like ultra greatswords and it's still plenty playable, just more unforgiving.
@@markopusic8258 That's not really a fair comparison though, as a slow, tanky greatsword build is still going to be able to take tons of damage. Meanwhile my INT character will die to Friede in 2/3 hits, even at level 145.
@@mattandrews2594 I'm really curious as to what stats you're allocating to have such pitiful vigor that you'd die in 3 hits from Friede at sl145. I understand you need both attunement and intelligence to run a pure INT build, and I wouldn't be surprised if I could die in 3 hits from Friede at sl90, in fact it's probably something that occurred to me, but then again at sl90 most of my builds would die in maximum 4 hits to Friede anyway. And wielding heavy weapons doesn't equate being a tank either, it makes some level of sense to invest in health to trade blows, but glass canon players exist too, and trading blows isn't recommended anyway, health is mostly a safety measure against one shots. Really the only hindrance I could see for magic builds as opposed to other ones is your reliance on ashen estus which in turns reduces your amount of regular estus and thus your margin of error in a drawn out engagement, but that's a trade off that isn't specific to Friede nor any DLC boss.
It took me about a week to beat him, but I would only play 2-3 hours a day, the feeling of reward you get after you beat him for the first time was amazing...
what i love about the nameless king battle is that he isnt some gimmick boss. The first phase has really predictable moves and easy enough to get through. The second phase requires patience, he wont go ballistic like the dancer nor does he have major aoe like the pontiff but rather his attacks seem consistent, almost as if he has no weakness but its there. He's a boss that truly challenges you and he's a boss that makes you learn.
I still remember the first time I fought the nameless he’s one of my favorite fights. it took me 2 tries against him back in 2017 Same goes for Darkeater Midir it took me 3 tries God I love dark souls 3 and I still revisit the game from time to time to play those 2 bosses and I still remember their moves so perfectly I can’t wait to fight the nameless king in nightreign!
It's interesting how we evovle as players over time. The first time I fought Nameless, I spent a whole summer trying to kill him. Now, after over 300 hours in Elden Ring, I came back to DS3 and found a save file right before his fight that had been waiting for me for over a year. I beat him first try, barely getting hit. It's crazy how From games let you learn skills that you can use in their other titles.
The first time I fought the Nameless King I'm pretty sure was with a friend on my first character (which had a terrible build), and it took us at least two dozen tries working TOGETHER
It's not that crazy. Nightreign looks like the Xdefiant of FromSoftware games. Except in Nightreign it's the bosses that come together from previous games not the playable characters.
Surprisingly, the Nameless King didn't take me so long. It was probably like an hour or two. I used an ultra-greatsword, which was quite long. I don't recall its name, but it is this very famous and broad greatsword Asmongold used. Due to its length i was able to hit the Nameless King with the tip of it, while being slightly out of his range. I was lucky to do exactly that a couple of times during the fight, thus the King was soon done for.
I think I did it with the Astora Greatsword, which I had at +9. I'm almost 60, playing my first souls game and my first game using a controller. Let's just say it took me a lot of tries. I didn't count, but I'd say somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 over a little more than a week. The morning I killed him I got him down to one hit from death when I got greedy and he slapped me down. Then another where I got him down to around 10-15%. I had to do one more and played it safe at the very end, waiting for an opening, and went in for a last 1 or 2 hits. A long ordeal finally over. What an absolutely unforgettable encounter.
Nameless was perfectly designed, and he was a boss that moved in a way that i was comfortable with when fighting. I personally beat him on my 4th try and never really struggled with him (Even got that footage on my channel), though i can see why others have trouble with him because of his delays and that most people typically used weapons like Dark Sword and used a very spammy playstyle, and hid behind shields for the entire game, which is a one-way ticket to hell when up against Nameless.
I found him on my own. I remembered the gesture spot looking weird, and after beating Oceiros to see the gesture. I thought it looked like the same pose and probably related, but I gave it a bit because I remembered it was through the dungeon.
My friend got me into the Dark Souls franchise. It was like 2018 and he immediately just threw me into Dark Souls 3. Took me 40+ attempts with him helping, then I played through again solo, took about 80+. Still my favorite boss in the franchise, following behind is Gael. Hardest is gonna be Malenia though.
nameless king took me like 50+ attempts and I love him. he has such an iconic design being mysterious, royal and intimidating he truly looks like some god. His attacks hit hard but they are fair which makes the fight very satisfying to master. definitely one of the most iconic bosses in gaming
I’ve played DS3 since release. And I’ve use online tutorials few times. And when I tell you it took me almost 5 years to find Dark Eater Midir and Nameless King, I’m telling you two of the best gaming moments of my life. And Nameless king stands as such a beautiful and expression of contemporary modern rebellious nature. And his story along with the dragons of the souls series are both among the best in gaming history.
The first phase of this fight is a bit infuriating because of the camera. It´s almost better to fight unlocked here. The second phase is amazing! This is one of the souls bosses that I truly love to grind and learn in detail.
He is my favorite boss to fight in ds3 although he is too easy for me now but the flow state of the fight very addicting and engaging it never feels boring and after playing elden ring I think he is even more fun to fight somehow
NK is a boss that isn't reliant on being difficult in order to remain a fun fight. It has a nice rythm to it, the arena is cool, has a varied moveset which keeps the fight fresh. It's a boss that's good at making you immersed or enter a "flow state" so to say as there's not really any weird gimmicks or bloat to the fight that take you out of that "state". This is subtle, but his delayed attacks also don't look too unnatural, which keeps the fight from feeling artificial if that makes sense. I feel ER could have really benefitted from more fights like these, as Godrick and Mohg (to an extent) are the only ones who reached that potential without feeling overtuned or too bloated with unnecessary gimmicks (Mohg's Nihil and acid puddles, Morgott's minute long combo and unnatural looking delays, Placidusax's constant teleporting, Malenia's Waterfowl Dance etc.). DS3 in general handles this well with bosses, but I feel like NK and Champion Gundyr are particularly good at highlighting what's missing from ER's encounters. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that sometimes less is more, and a straightforward duel with NK is a blast.
@@leithaziz2716 I agree some elden ring bosses break the rhythm of their fight in a really bad way like as you mentioned waterfowl dance basically prevents the fight from having a flow state and pushes you stay away from malenia , and about placidusax I actually like the teleportation because it adds an actual to the fight because usually he just sits there not doing anything but screaming so the teleportation added some action that is until he stops and just flies away and come back with phase 1 state of not doing anything but screaming I actually don't mind bosses breaking the rhythm of the fight because it keeps the fight fresh like you Said with Nameless king and as long as it doesn't completely break the fight amd make the fight not engaging at all, mohg nihil does break the flow state of the fight so it can push it even further in the second phase, his fire on the ground is a little annoying but pushes you to stay close him and dodge his attacks up close instead of backing off so the fight flow state is as good as Nameless king in my opinion Another boss with a great flow state is Godfrey, his giant aoe stomp pushes you to stay close to him, hoarah does have move that break the rhythm of the fight but it is done right in my opinion, and personally he is my favorite boss in the game
@@leithaziz2716I don’t think elden ring fights are overtuned or bloated, the gimmicks you’re talking about really add to the fights and make them more complex/interesting than the dodging you do in DS3. They still have a rhythm but in a different way.
@@lordofcinder8884 waterfowl doesn’t force you to stay away, you can easily dodge it from mid range with light roll, or cancel the whole attack with a freezing pot. I think it’s good to have some attacks that require a bit more than just rolling at the right time , it make the fight much more interesting and satisfying when you successfully dodge/counter waterfowl.
just to clarify, Ornstain has been retconned in ds3, because in ds1 there is no doubt that he is the one who fights, this is because he drops his soul. in support of this there is also the story of smough who in ds3 is told as a knight but in ds1 he is only a cannibal who could never have been knighted by gwyn. then now I don't want to say bullshit but in an interview myazaki really said it's a retcon. good video btw
Blows my mind that people will sit here and say elden ring is an easy mode game, but at the same time will fight you to the death on this boss being crazy hard 💀
I find it so beautiful that in lore, the nameless king was wiped from history so he would be forgotten by the world and IRL he became so memorable that now he'll never be forgotten again
A week before my deployment (Navy) this game came out. My buddy and I started the game when we left, and decided to have a race to the end. He was playing a STR/STA build with heavy armor and a great sword. I went in naked as the day I was born and used twin sabers. I got to this boss before him, beat him on my second attempt, and then watched my buddy fail for three hours against this guy. He could eat the hits, but any attempt at aggression was met with a swift death. I ended up moving on and got stone-walled by the final fucking boss. It gave my buddy enough time to not only catch up to me, but he ended up beating me by about two hours. DS3 will always hold a special place in my heart.
On my first playthrough I struggled a lot with King of the Storm, but once I beat the first phase and got to Nameless, I first-timed it. Idk if it was luck back then, but I remember being really strong with my first main weapon, that being Vord's Hammer.
It's the only boss in all of Dark Souls that I had to summon help. For me, first phase was the most frustrating, I was just bad with the camera and wasn't getting to phase 2 as often as I wanted. So after too many attempts, I was just like, "I can probably spend more time beating head up against the wall until I get it, but I'm ready to move on". I don't regret it. Truly awesome fight
I remember I spent about 12hrs trying to beat him. Got him to 1 hit, then accidentally kicked trying to step up and he deleted me. Took another 8hrs to finally get him
First time playing this game I left the game for a whole year because of Nameless King. I will forever have a special connection to this boss. I was truly not ready.
I love how the general first reaction everyone has after the phase transition is "nameless king wait ive heard of this guy" swiftly followed by "WHAT THE FUKC WAS THAT"
My first playthrough was somewhere in the "few dozen" attempts, but to be fair, that was just this year, and I had the benefit of seeing all the videos and the tips/tricks from the community after I died the first 20 or so times. Getting the platinum on this one was much more difficult I felt as he needs to be beaten on NG++ to get that last ring. By that time, I was well above 50 attempts for the NG+ and NG++ cycles, and ended up resorting to just staying underneath the Drake and using pestilent mist initially, and then after some pyromancy action against NK himself, just kiting him around the arena and sniping with a bow for the last 10-15% of his health as I ran out of Estus.
I remember fighting this boss years ago. Such an amazing experience, FromSoft has always taught players to watch and methodically learn a boss before you throw the first strike. Surprisingly it only took me 6 attempts for this boss. But still quite possibly the best experience I had. Loved how the boss would punish panic rollers and panic healers.
Dark souls 3 was my introduction into fromsoft games. The nameless king was the most memorable things ive ever done in a game. I fought him for weeks. Ive never felt such a sweet release in my life when i beat him. after that i was sold on the series.
Namless king is such a great boss. Since dark souls 3 was my first souls game, I found him completely impossible. I think I had about 50 attempts or so and just gave up and moved onto bloodborne. I recently replayed dark souls 3 after finishing elden ring and beat him first try. I was quite shocked to be honest and still don't know how I did that. I realised his boss design was basically the basis of every elden ring boss and that's why it felt easier. The fight still holds up incredibly well in every aspect (and to be honest I the average boss quality in ds3 is better than elden ring bosses). Its one of the best arenas in the series and his moveset is so weighty and awesome that finally beating a seemingly impossible and powerful foe feels so rewarding. His entrance is amazing too and really gets you hyped for the fight.
My Nameless King moment was Dark Souls 2 Darklurker... Granted my build was probably trash, but learning how to fight without lock-on against two fireball spamming Darth Vaders in the dark was legitimately crazy. That was the boss that took me over 50 tries, and my brother beat it in 5.
Let me know if you guys liked this one! Had a lot of fun talking about my favorite boss from main game Dark Souls
Nah man, nameless king is not so hard after ER and it's kinda sad. 10 tries with big bonker. I died more to the rotten tree 💀.
P.S. the only bosses I died more times than the tree are DLC ones
You nailed it, Nameless King Is My Favorite Boss in Gaming History and Dark Souls 3 is my Favorite Video Game of All Time
the clips of random streamers shouting made this one hard to watch.. and suddenly very loud too.. dont like that
Nameless king destroyed me more than Midir and friede together.
it took 100+ attempts, for me to beat him the first time. Epic fight.
Funny enough, when i went up against him on N+, i beat him on first try, sinds i had gotten so used to his moveset. A great figh indeed.
You’re never gonna believe this
Just turn on the TV, it doesn't matter which channel.
got isekaied to the lands between
I honestly think it’s better to canonically not fight or kill some bosses. Crossbreed Priscilla and Nameless King are 2 of them. They had no problem with you. You’re the one who broke into their home and murdered them.
In retrospective, that goes for most bosses in this series, it's just that you don't have an option to avoid fighting them. It's a Souls tradition in that regard.
Quelaag's protecting her sister, Sif is guarding her master's grave, Ceaseless Discharge is completely non-hostile unless provoked, Nito is just chilling in his tomb, Sinh and the Last Giant are just trying to survive, Yhorm and Lothric refuse to link the flame for justifiable reasons, Old Demon King and Demon Prince are the last living demons, Gael tries to retrieve the Dark Soul but goes insane in the process. The list goes on.
@@leithaziz2716Gael wanted to be killed in case he couldn't handle the Dark Soul. He was a hero. Gave life to a new world when no further life was possible in the current.
Same with Friede
Literally 95% of FromSoftware bosses we all disturbed and murdered.
deprived moment
I remembered fighting him 30+ times at midnight until I decided to sleep coz I had classes the next day. I woke up earlier than usual so I decided to fight him again and it took me literally 2 tries to beat him. I guess sleeping/taking a break for some time works.
Sleeping on something really helps, not just in video games. You have the experience, but you're no longer frustrated and exhausted.
yooooo pretty much the same for me. fought him over and over again, then tried him randomly one morning and got him lol
@@glorytoukraine5524 To add onto this, sleeping also makes your brain process all the info it gathered throughout the day, so in FromSoft games it helps your brain process the way a boss works, making it easier for the next time you try
It’s because your brain is digesting that knowledge and experience and it’s a lot easier sleeping on a tough boss fight and coming back the next day, I did that with demon of hatred and first tried him after hours of getting smoked the day before
@@yeetsauce317 the same for me with some bosses, strange
My favorite thing about FromSoft is that they're not afraid to put things in their games that people will miss. Its what keeps us coming back for more.
Same. It blows my mind that they will hide some of their best areas and bosses
@@couchwilly5575to me it's a sign they truly care about giving the best experience possible, because it rewards you for doing exactly what the game teaches you to do in the best way possible - to explore and pay attention to everything, leave no stone unturned. To those who find these areas naturally, their inquisitive and curious nature is rewarded with a ton of new content to engage with. I love it.
similar philosophy shared by GGG, a developer of Path of Exile
I have no idea how people figured out how to get to Archdragon peak, needing to get a gesture from a completely different area, going to another area, finding a specific spot, and then holding that gesture for 10 seconds. Its mind boggling what some people think of.
@@bananagher7555 for me that would be runewords in Diablo2 - how people find it out
I don’t think it took until Nameless King to change Souls. I think that honor goes to Artorias. No single one-on-one boss fight before him was as aggressive and punishing as he was. That’s why I believe he was the turning point.
Yea, I literally could not beat him a while back, bought the trilogy recently and beat him first try!
Yes but nameless king 100% changed the formula, much like artorias.
Manus was also no joke, I think I struggled more with him than Artorias.
Manus > Artorias
Manus can be a bit too much at times. Artorias was definitely more enjoyable but overall all the bosses in DLC are always better than the base game. And that has me wondering how From Soft is going to top the already brutal and hardest boss fights in all their games till date.
The crazy thing is the Nameless King became the difficulty standard going into the DLC for DS3. Ashes of Ariandel gave us arguably the hardest boss in DS3 in Sister Friede and Ringed City gave us insane bosses like Demon Prince, Slave Knight Gael and Darkeater Midir.
Besides, nameless, Gael is one of my favorite fights so fast paced
I have beaten dark souls 3 like 10 times with the sam character and a friend. I've beaten every boss multiple times. But dark eater midir.... I have only beaten once
@@michaelfiori6700 Tips:
- dont summon
- always attack the head
- for his claw attacks, rolling isnt needed. Just sprint backwards. Sometimes he follows up with a straight fire breath, so roll sideways, run to him and punish
- roll backwards twice when he uses his bite attacks, then go under his head to avoid his fire sweep.
- his biting grab can be avoided by sprinting or rolling perfectly backwards
- when his breathes fire downwards dont go for the tail. Wait infront of him, then hit him when he's finished. If he follows with a laser attack, go under his body and then hit him.
- when he flies and does a flame sweep, go to his right. The sweep only hits his left side.
- when he uses his berserk attacks, i found staying under his body for the first few seconds and running away before he slashes with his tail the best way to dodge it. In phase 2 he always does this twice before resting.
- his homing darkness attack in phase 2 can be dodged by rolling sideways
- his dark aoe attack doesnt have as much range as you think, so keep a medium distance between you and midir and hit him after he releases his aoe.
- he ALWAYS leaps backwards before doing his instakill laser light show, so run towards him as fast as possible and go towards his left leg and stay there until he finishes. Use this time to buff and heal and dont attack the leg, just conserve stamina for his long resting phase after this attack.
- if you hit his head the whole battle, at 30% HP he will stagger and open up for a riposte. This will usually kill him but incase it doesnt, dont get greedy and just find another opening to finish him off.
I did not enjoy sister freida.
Gael is insane, but in the best way possible for a boss fight.
You can tell that Nameless King not only had a big impact on fans but on Fromsoft themselves. So many bosses in Elden Ring and Sekiro just feel like they were inspired by him.
Elden RIng for sure, Sekiro? not so much. unless it's just the high damage out put but other than that it takes nothing from Nameless King.
@@ghastlyanarchy1720delayed attacks
@@Fahimlolkind of makes sense with Sekiro. It's a combat system about timing. So there are various deflect windows in the game, not just delayed ones.
I never felt once that im fighting nameless in Sekiro
The way lore and bosses connect between the games through environmental story telling and item descriptions is absolutely beautiful
WhTs one of your fav stories?
@@theArchive1O for soulsborne or in general?
@@Kidkinsey soulsborne! I’ve only played ds2 and sekiro
@@theArchive1O definitely demon souls
The lore and atmosphere of that game is literally godlike
@@theArchive1OSince you never got your story I'll share one of my favorites, the one about Alva, the Wayfarer and Zullie the Witch. I've had to double check the information since it's been a long while since I've read the lore but here goes. Saint Serreta, a character we know essentially nothing about save for her being a saint, became deathly ill with a disease that we know had no known cure because a knight called Alva had to set off on a grand adventure to attempt to find anything that could save Serreta. As he traveled the lands the stories of his dedication to the saint reached Zullie the Witch, who in response decided to use all manner of deceit and trickery to ruin both his quest and his life. As they spent time together, however, Zullie grew to greatly care for Alva. From that day on she never left his side, a constant supporter of his. Due to her initial distractions, however, Alva failed in his mission and presumably Saint Serreta passed away. Alva relinquished his knighthood because of his failure, and we can assume this broke his spirit, as he was an honorable enough knight to have embarked on such a quest in the first place. Zullie the Witch, almost certainly in an attempt to redeem herself for her part in his failure, assured him in finding a new purpose in life, though we don't know what exactly that purpose was.
From there the story skips many many years but we can assume Alva and Zullie had many adventures together. The last time we see Alva is after his death. We find his corpse in the Irithyll dungeon, right outside of Karla's cell. The leading theory being that Karla, dark magic witch in a pointed hat, is the daughter of Zullie and Alva. It would explain what Alva was doing there and how he ended up dying. Alva must have died while attempting to protect or even free his daughter from her imprisonment, Karla being his purpose would make sense. Zullie's curse is found in the Ringed City, though we're not given a reason for why she was there. Her gear says she was never loved, nor loved anyone, her entire life, so maybe she just grew tired of life with Alva. Either way, Alva invades when you get near her corpse with the title "Seeker of the Spurned" implying that he, or someone else, upset her to the point that she ran away from Alva and he had to track her back down. So, yeah, that's one of my favorite in game stories. It's one of the more straightforward ones but we only received a part of the story in DS2 and DS3 so it being pieced together is still cool.
And years later…. He’s coming back in Elden Ring Nightreign
Nameless king is one of the few bosses I respect in terms of lore. You can see in his environment that there's good about him. Arch dragon peak is one of the few well lit areas in the game with the enemies being more alive compared to other parts. It tells you that this man had a good heart. In contrast, just about every other area was a disaster, shown complete neglect by its local ruler.
Too bad his boss is garbage
@@claustr0tv9 His first phase is tedious and annoying and his 2nd phase is an absolute joke.
@@GilbertTheGilbertGuyjudging by all your comments you just hate souls games cuz you suck
@@GilbertTheGilbertGuy Sounds as though someone has a bit of a skill issue.
Its so weird going back from elden ring, you get so used to bosses having 20 hit combos with no openings to punish, nameless king is so fair in comparison its actually wild.
dancing lion be dancing 😅😅
@@granityseis104 maliketh ;-;
Yes, the final boss of the Elden Ring DLC kind of looks like Nameless, but is like a 5x version of ferociousness and energy coming at you.
It's like they thought what's one of the hardest boss sections in our games, and let's do that again, but make him come at you like a spider monkey.
@@yittmashupsI shudder thinking about the next monstrosity Fromsoft is going to throw at us 😭
Favorite part about the cutscene is you see the sword spear shake a little bit before striking, showing a little hesitancy or even sadness, unlike the callous disrespect of Smough's hit in DS1's scene.
Ornstien hesitated before killing smough. Smough however…
That's why I always made a point of killing smough first
I remember watching my cousin fight this dude for hours. Took all weekend. But holy shit when he beat it. I was so hype you’d think I did it. An absolutely flawlessly made boss fight. Insurmountable but achievable somehow. Insane look and insane lore
Many others will say it as well, but I believe it's inferred, especially from the cut scene, that the nameless king found a companion with a dragon and that was why he switched sides. You can tell from the head pat and the fact his hand and weapon tremble before he finishes off his friend to absorb his power to destroy you that he cares for this mighty beast.
Im pretty sure the item drops and the -emaciated deer- dragon form imply that "Ornstein" or someone like him, went to archdragon Peak and succesfully transformed into the stormdrake through the dragon meditation
now he back, invading elden ring
Man, i love the Nameless king as a boss. i somehow killed him within 5 tries. yet when i do it now i am easily getting killed 15 times whenever i go back too Ds3. yet i never feel bad about being killed by him. truly a well made boss!
Meh... I cheese him everytime with Dorrhy's Gnawing and a good shied.
Man, I am jealous, it took me like 30 tries the first time. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every second of it, but still 😅
Only 5, that's pretty good.
Abysswatchers took me 42 tries
Nameless king took me 9
Truly a fantastic boss and i see it that i kinda understood well how to play the game by the time i reached the boss!
Hes fun and fair.
There is no real punishment for dying in Nameless King fight as you don't even lose your souls. It's right near the switch which rings the bell. So we can try fighting him as many times as we want.
the funniest thing is that even tough nameless king probably took me so many trials, i always felt like i could still do it, but while fighting pontiff sulyvahn it took me even more time and i was completely hopeless and tought i could literally never do it lol
His 2 blade and then 2 of him was very overwhelming.
Nameless King is a boss that has gotten significantly easier as time for me as time goes on, but it's one that isn't completely reliant on its difficulty in order to remain a fun fight, which I think speaks of its quality. He's also a cool payoff for a lingering plot-thread that's been hinted at since the 1st game with Gwyn's firstborn. I could do without the chicken, but otherwise a fantastic encounter.
Dragon fights have always been fun though, as long as your name isn’t Adula or Ekyzykes.
@@Stryfe52 adula is fun, considering you named ekyzykes, you mean borealis right ? Because that one absolutly stinks
He may have faded free the spotlight but he remains a formidable challenge even today.
I'm sad that ds3 doesn't have bonfire ascetic so I can keep fighting him over and over again
I struggled more against cinder than nameless king...
Imo the timing of nameless king attacks is similar to Ludwig's 2nd phase and I had a lot of experience Vs Ludwig which helped me once I was up against NK
DS3 was my second game in the series after Elden Ring, Nameless King took me 40 tries. Such a beautiful fight
Probably the most badass boss fight in the whole trilogy considering how much the final son of gwyn was hyped up
Changed everything so much, he's coming back
One of my favorites from DS3, I actually got to him before Soul of Cinder and took me well over 20 attempts to kill him. Amazing fight and after him, Soul of Cinder was a walk in the park.
I did nameless first too, and soul of cinder went down first try
20 attempts? You're a beast! Took me days to beat him.
@@panamike6178I actually killed him first try and was shocked, when my friends told me, that this boss is a beast.
On my second playthrough with heavy weapon I died alot of times.
The only ugly thing about this boss is phase one. Its just boring af and I never died to that
16:12 Nameless king. You will not be forgotten. Again….
Remembering seeing all the top 10 videos of "hardest bosses in the world" in 2016 and nameless king being in all of them.
Now imagine if someone like malenia was in ds 3 instead of nameless king the discourse would've been probably much different
Malenia wouldnt have been possible due to the mechanics
mfs would put him and O&S above shit like Mike Tyson, it was crazy
in my opinion nameless king is harder than malenia
@@manuellamanna8776 nameless king is all about timing, that's it.
@Manuel Lamanna most of the difficulty NK brings is from delayed animations and rollcatches in a game that doesnt use them, whereas they're completely normal for elden ring bosses.
ER was my first fromsoft game and when i moved to DS3 i had a rough time at first. However, nameless king instantly clicked and i was able to kill him in 5 tries. His moveset felt so familiar coming straight from Elden Ring. Easily my top 5 fav bosses.
Ds3 was my first i was so dumb i didn't know you could lock on to enemies 😂 that's my fault for buying it used and not looking up the controls.
Laerning the pattern of the Nameless King was one of the most satisfying experiences I've ever had in a video game. The first time around I beat him with a friend, but I redid him with a dex build solo and it was glorious.
I love how he talks about it like an ongoing mystery until he just throws in the detail about it being discovered and documented in a video on release day
The nameless king is an awesome boss both from an game play & lore perspective. Can't say the same about the FUCKING CHICKEN!
King of the Storms is NOT a fun camera moment
i actually dont mind the first phase. just unlock the camera and hit the head and stay away and you can down the bird in like 30 seconds even with a broken straight sword
just stay in front of it and go for the head, the camera is only a problem if you go past the head.
Thankfully, I was using a build where I could just spam black fireballs at its head.
I mean the lock on shits itself with the king of storm but unlocking your camera was the key to 1st phase.
I remember getting to this boss when i did my playthrough earlier this year, my colleague wanted me to stream it to him on discord so right before i summoned the boss by ringing the bell i called him and streamed it. First try i died in phase 1, second try i got to phase 2 and third try i beat the boss. It was really simple, 3 hours later i was at Gael and this boss deserves his reputation. S tier boss, took me around 19 tries i think.
The first taste we ever got of Elden Ring's Shardbearers was The Nameless King. Give him an update on the looks department, put him in the game... trust me. There is a reason he came before Malenia.
Delayed hits. Delayed swings... Godrick is that you.
You will NOT believe this
I f*cking *_know_* bro, I can't believe it either 😂
I loss to nameless king so many times that I could not play for years and come back and beat him first try. His move set is permanently ingrained in my mind
No clue how long it took me to beat him but I remember how I beat him. I ended up turning off the music and putting in the ring that made your foot steps silent. I literally learned how to dodge his attacks from audio cues.
He's one of my favorite fights in the soulsborn games #1 is still probably orphan though.
The nameless king has got to be one of if not the best boss fights in gaming history.
It took me 12 tried to do it. Since I played a lot of Bloodborne, I tackled DS3 in a much more aggressive style. His moveset is designed to punish hesitation and defensive play, so that's why in this fight I was aiming to be the aggressor at all times and it worked wonders for me.
He really doesn't punish defensive play as long as it's *good* defensive play. If you grab a shield with 100 phys and decent lightning his attacks barely tickle you.
@@pm_me_ur_gluons defensive play is more than a high stab shield. Hiding behind a shield is one type of defensive playstyle.
The way he punished defensive play was delayed windup attacks with fast delivery, wide hitbox with roll catching potential.
Why do I feel the urge to mikiri counter that thrust?
Sekiro PTSD
One of the most fun bosses to fight and one of the few that i really dont want to beat because fighting them is so fun. His entrance with him descending down riding a goddamn dragon on a arena made out of clouds is truly unforgettable. Not even mentioning his fantastic OST
I probably started this fight over a 100 times and frequently left it alone to farm souls and level up. The most annoying thing after a couple dozen tries was how easy the first phase became, yet you still had to slog through it every time.
Sunlight Blade in DS1 made it exceedingly obvious that the firstborn's exile only occured after Gwyn linked the fire. DS3 made it even more evident.
The camera was the true boss in this fight
I overlevelled myself quite a bit when I ended up fighting Nameless King here, near max strength and faith with with dragonslayers greataxe, and this man still held his ground and kicked my rear to next century, I even had decent health as well, this boss is a true test of skill no matter how overleveled you are
Agreed. He is a near perfectly designed boss fight for that very reason.
I disagree ever so slightly. I recently beat him at level 145 (because I'm levelling for the DLC and sorta forgot about his fight temporarily while doing so) with an INT spellcasting build, and it wasn't all that challenging. He had a surprising amount of openings where he was susceptible to Soul Spear - which did quite alot of damage.
On the other hand, Friede absolutely destroys me still because she completely nullifies an INT build as she's VERY good at dodging spells, and gives you far less openings to even throw spells to begin with. It really feels like From designed the DLC bosses to punish INT builds in particular, which is a real shame as it's halted my progress completely.
@@mattandrews2594The actual likely truth is that the DLC bosses are merely designed to be more agressive because it begets a more intense challenge, and INT builds suffering for it is just a side effect.
That being said, the same applies to slower builds like ultra greatswords and it's still plenty playable, just more unforgiving.
@@markopusic8258 That's not really a fair comparison though, as a slow, tanky greatsword build is still going to be able to take tons of damage. Meanwhile my INT character will die to Friede in 2/3 hits, even at level 145.
@@mattandrews2594 I'm really curious as to what stats you're allocating to have such pitiful vigor that you'd die in 3 hits from Friede at sl145. I understand you need both attunement and intelligence to run a pure INT build, and I wouldn't be surprised if I could die in 3 hits from Friede at sl90, in fact it's probably something that occurred to me, but then again at sl90 most of my builds would die in maximum 4 hits to Friede anyway.
And wielding heavy weapons doesn't equate being a tank either, it makes some level of sense to invest in health to trade blows, but glass canon players exist too, and trading blows isn't recommended anyway, health is mostly a safety measure against one shots.
Really the only hindrance I could see for magic builds as opposed to other ones is your reliance on ashen estus which in turns reduces your amount of regular estus and thus your margin of error in a drawn out engagement, but that's a trade off that isn't specific to Friede nor any DLC boss.
3:13 you're a REAL ONE. I hate that people think they can say they beat a boss when doing anything other than solo
It took me about a week to beat him, but I would only play 2-3 hours a day, the feeling of reward you get after you beat him for the first time was amazing...
what i love about the nameless king battle is that he isnt some gimmick boss. The first phase has really predictable moves and easy enough to get through. The second phase requires patience, he wont go ballistic like the dancer nor does he have major aoe like the pontiff but rather his attacks seem consistent, almost as if he has no weakness but its there. He's a boss that truly challenges you and he's a boss that makes you learn.
your editing in this is amazing great story telling clear and easy to understand your voice def gonna subscribe.
I love the fight. I think he is at the perfect level of difficulty
I think the fight is more annoying than difficult.
5 tries, a pickaxe, 40 lvls in strength, 60 levels for hp, and a dream
11:38 was my favorite rage quit moment. The amount of grunting he makes lines up with his in-game characters death.😂😂😂
the goat himself afrosenju
@@jotopioa I recognized the voice instantly lmao.... also when the hell is he gonna beat bloodborne
100% never@@gigabit6226
I still remember the first time I fought the nameless he’s one of my favorite fights. it took me 2 tries against him back in 2017
Same goes for Darkeater Midir it took me 3 tries
God I love dark souls 3 and I still revisit the game from time to time to play those 2 bosses and I still remember their moves so perfectly
I can’t wait to fight the nameless king in nightreign!
He’s in Elden ring now
@ yeh true
That’s why I said I’m excited to fight him in nightreign!
I'm the type of guy to summon my friends. Nameless King is one of the first bosses I insisted on beating solo. I love the fight so much.
It's interesting how we evovle as players over time. The first time I fought Nameless, I spent a whole summer trying to kill him. Now, after over 300 hours in Elden Ring, I came back to DS3 and found a save file right before his fight that had been waiting for me for over a year. I beat him first try, barely getting hit. It's crazy how From games let you learn skills that you can use in their other titles.
What a refreshing concept, let’s concentrate on making the best game possible and the money will take care of itself
I found this game in 2019 and Haven't stopped playing since
The first time I fought the Nameless King I'm pretty sure was with a friend on my first character (which had a terrible build), and it took us at least two dozen tries working TOGETHER
He’s back baby! It’s actually unbelievable he’s going to be in Elden Ring.
It's not that crazy. Nightreign looks like the Xdefiant of FromSoftware games. Except in Nightreign it's the bosses that come together from previous games not the playable characters.
Aged like wine
You're already my favorite D2 storyteller, now you have stories on my favorite game!? How did I not know about this 2nd channel wtf LOL.
Surprisingly, the Nameless King didn't take me so long. It was probably like an hour or two. I used an ultra-greatsword, which was quite long. I don't recall its name, but it is this very famous and broad greatsword Asmongold used. Due to its length i was able to hit the Nameless King with the tip of it, while being slightly out of his range. I was lucky to do exactly that a couple of times during the fight, thus the King was soon done for.
If it’s the same one he used in the clip in the video, that’s just the basic Greatsword
@@McGunpla It might have been, my memory from Back then is a bit fuzzy. Thanks for reminding me.
I think I did it with the Astora Greatsword, which I had at +9. I'm almost 60, playing my first souls game and my first game using a controller. Let's just say it took me a lot of tries. I didn't count, but I'd say somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 over a little more than a week. The morning I killed him I got him down to one hit from death when I got greedy and he slapped me down. Then another where I got him down to around 10-15%. I had to do one more and played it safe at the very end, waiting for an opening, and went in for a last 1 or 2 hits. A long ordeal finally over. What an absolutely unforgettable encounter.
Nameless was perfectly designed, and he was a boss that moved in a way that i was comfortable with when fighting.
I personally beat him on my 4th try and never really struggled with him (Even got that footage on my channel), though i can see why others have trouble with him because of his delays and that most people typically used weapons like Dark Sword and used a very spammy playstyle, and hid behind shields for the entire game, which is a one-way ticket to hell when up against Nameless.
I found him on my own. I remembered the gesture spot looking weird, and after beating Oceiros to see the gesture. I thought it looked like the same pose and probably related, but I gave it a bit because I remembered it was through the dungeon.
My friend got me into the Dark Souls franchise. It was like 2018 and he immediately just threw me into Dark Souls 3. Took me 40+ attempts with him helping, then I played through again solo, took about 80+. Still my favorite boss in the franchise, following behind is Gael. Hardest is gonna be Malenia though.
nameless king took me like 50+ attempts and I love him. he has such an iconic design being mysterious, royal and intimidating he truly looks like some god.
His attacks hit hard but they are fair which makes the fight very satisfying to master. definitely one of the most iconic bosses in gaming
Well he is the son of gwyn
Wish soul of cinder was harder he has the best moveset and the mods made him even more badass.
I freaking LOVE the Nameless King. Best boss in the series, besides Midir. Took me 50 tries on my first play through. Now I can beat it 1st try.
Meh. NK > Midir
@@handzofstone1152 I personally disagree, but feel free to keep your own opinions. I just don’t like the Nameless King’s first phase.
I’ve played DS3 since release. And I’ve use online tutorials few times. And when I tell you it took me almost 5 years to find Dark Eater Midir and Nameless King, I’m telling you two of the best gaming moments of my life. And Nameless king stands as such a beautiful and expression of contemporary modern rebellious nature. And his story along with the dragons of the souls series are both among the best in gaming history.
The first phase of this fight is a bit infuriating because of the camera. It´s almost better to fight unlocked here. The second phase is amazing! This is one of the souls bosses that I truly love to grind and learn in detail.
Fight is actually super easy with unlocked camera
I beat him yesterday and not gonna lie but It took me around 5 tires no sumos
The boss was not that challenging for me, but i cannot deny the sheer spectacle of having to fight him and his wyvern back to back
i stopped counting attempts with nameless king, i was at that roadblock for weeks. its only happened w ishin sword saint and malenia since then
He is my favorite boss to fight in ds3 although he is too easy for me now but the flow state of the fight very addicting and engaging it never feels boring and after playing elden ring I think he is even more fun to fight somehow
NK is a boss that isn't reliant on being difficult in order to remain a fun fight. It has a nice rythm to it, the arena is cool, has a varied moveset which keeps the fight fresh. It's a boss that's good at making you immersed or enter a "flow state" so to say as there's not really any weird gimmicks or bloat to the fight that take you out of that "state". This is subtle, but his delayed attacks also don't look too unnatural, which keeps the fight from feeling artificial if that makes sense.
I feel ER could have really benefitted from more fights like these, as Godrick and Mohg (to an extent) are the only ones who reached that potential without feeling overtuned or too bloated with unnecessary gimmicks (Mohg's Nihil and acid puddles, Morgott's minute long combo and unnatural looking delays, Placidusax's constant teleporting, Malenia's Waterfowl Dance etc.). DS3 in general handles this well with bosses, but I feel like NK and Champion Gundyr are particularly good at highlighting what's missing from ER's encounters. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that sometimes less is more, and a straightforward duel with NK is a blast.
@@leithaziz2716 I agree some elden ring bosses break the rhythm of their fight in a really bad way like as you mentioned waterfowl dance basically prevents the fight from having a flow state and pushes you stay away from malenia , and about placidusax I actually like the teleportation because it adds an actual to the fight because usually he just sits there not doing anything but screaming so the teleportation added some action that is until he stops and just flies away and come back with phase 1 state of not doing anything but screaming
I actually don't mind bosses breaking the rhythm of the fight because it keeps the fight fresh like you Said with Nameless king and as long as it doesn't completely break the fight amd make the fight not engaging at all, mohg nihil does break the flow state of the fight so it can push it even further in the second phase, his fire on the ground is a little annoying but pushes you to stay close him and dodge his attacks up close instead of backing off so the fight flow state is as good as Nameless king in my opinion
Another boss with a great flow state is Godfrey, his giant aoe stomp pushes you to stay close to him, hoarah does have move that break the rhythm of the fight but it is done right in my opinion, and personally he is my favorite boss in the game
@@leithaziz2716I don’t think elden ring fights are overtuned or bloated, the gimmicks you’re talking about really add to the fights and make them more complex/interesting than the dodging you do in DS3.
They still have a rhythm but in a different way.
@@lordofcinder8884 waterfowl doesn’t force you to stay away, you can easily dodge it from mid range with light roll, or cancel the whole attack with a freezing pot.
I think it’s good to have some attacks that require a bit more than just rolling at the right time , it make the fight much more interesting and satisfying when you successfully dodge/counter waterfowl.
just to clarify, Ornstain has been retconned in ds3, because in ds1 there is no doubt that he is the one who fights, this is because he drops his soul. in support of this there is also the story of smough who in ds3 is told as a knight but in ds1 he is only a cannibal who could never have been knighted by gwyn. then now I don't want to say bullshit but in an interview myazaki really said it's a retcon. good video btw
Smough wasn't a knight. He was the last to guard the Cathedral after Ornstein left. He was consumed by Aldritch.
Blows my mind that people will sit here and say elden ring is an easy mode game, but at the same time will fight you to the death on this boss being crazy hard 💀
8 years later he returned
High vigor, High vitality and nameless king is dust
I find it so beautiful that in lore, the nameless king was wiped from history so he would be forgotten by the world and IRL he became so memorable that now he'll never be forgotten again
A week before my deployment (Navy) this game came out. My buddy and I started the game when we left, and decided to have a race to the end.
He was playing a STR/STA build with heavy armor and a great sword. I went in naked as the day I was born and used twin sabers.
I got to this boss before him, beat him on my second attempt, and then watched my buddy fail for three hours against this guy. He could eat the hits, but any attempt at aggression was met with a swift death.
I ended up moving on and got stone-walled by the final fucking boss. It gave my buddy enough time to not only catch up to me, but he ended up beating me by about two hours.
DS3 will always hold a special place in my heart.
On my first playthrough I struggled a lot with King of the Storm, but once I beat the first phase and got to Nameless, I first-timed it. Idk if it was luck back then, but I remember being really strong with my first main weapon, that being Vord's Hammer.
It's the only boss in all of Dark Souls that I had to summon help. For me, first phase was the most frustrating, I was just bad with the camera and wasn't getting to phase 2 as often as I wanted. So after too many attempts, I was just like, "I can probably spend more time beating head up against the wall until I get it, but I'm ready to move on". I don't regret it. Truly awesome fight
No lie it’s been five years and I’ve just now beat this dude
I remember I spent about 12hrs trying to beat him. Got him to 1 hit, then accidentally kicked trying to step up and he deleted me. Took another 8hrs to finally get
Ah yes, the boss that changed elden ring forever
First time playing this game I left the game for a whole year because of Nameless King. I will forever have a special connection to this boss. I was truly not ready.
Last Boss I defeated in Ds3, Favourite Boss at the moment
Nameless King was the biggest wall that I've ever faced and he was the only one that gave me that awful feeling of "I'm never beating this boss"
I love how the general first reaction everyone has after the phase transition is "nameless king wait ive heard of this guy" swiftly followed by "WHAT THE FUKC WAS THAT"
My first playthrough was somewhere in the "few dozen" attempts, but to be fair, that was just this year, and I had the benefit of seeing all the videos and the tips/tricks from the community after I died the first 20 or so times. Getting the platinum on this one was much more difficult I felt as he needs to be beaten on NG++ to get that last ring. By that time, I was well above 50 attempts for the NG+ and NG++ cycles, and ended up resorting to just staying underneath the Drake and using pestilent mist initially, and then after some pyromancy action against NK himself, just kiting him around the arena and sniping with a bow for the last 10-15% of his health as I ran out of Estus.
I remember fighting this boss years ago. Such an amazing experience, FromSoft has always taught players to watch and methodically learn a boss before you throw the first strike. Surprisingly it only took me 6 attempts for this boss. But still quite possibly the best experience I had. Loved how the boss would punish panic rollers and panic healers.
9:40 the pure horror on his face
Dark souls 3 was my introduction into fromsoft games. The nameless king was the most memorable things ive ever done in a game. I fought him for weeks. Ive never felt such a sweet release in my life when i beat him. after that i was sold on the series.
Namless king is such a great boss. Since dark souls 3 was my first souls game, I found him completely impossible. I think I had about 50 attempts or so and just gave up and moved onto bloodborne. I recently replayed dark souls 3 after finishing elden ring and beat him first try. I was quite shocked to be honest and still don't know how I did that. I realised his boss design was basically the basis of every elden ring boss and that's why it felt easier. The fight still holds up incredibly well in every aspect (and to be honest I the average boss quality in ds3 is better than elden ring bosses). Its one of the best arenas in the series and his moveset is so weighty and awesome that finally beating a seemingly impossible and powerful foe feels so rewarding. His entrance is amazing too and really gets you hyped for the fight.
11:45 Wait... Isn't that Afro? (AfroSenju)
I can recognize his scream from anywhere
It's midir that took my soul from this planet ,he is the HARDEST souls boss
Artorias and Manus as a boss , was the beginning of it all . The moveset , the speed , the combos.
I thought nameless king was the hardest in DS3 until i met the DLC bosses lmfao😂
NK: “You are doing great. Dragon. Now do not ring that bell.”
Ashen One: (rings bell)
NK: “dude you were so close”
Nameless King is the goat bro had the whole gaming community on a chockhold for a year or so
On my first playthrough I stopped counting after about 40 attempts. But the satisfaction when he finally, FINALLY bit the dust was incredible!
My Nameless King moment was Dark Souls 2 Darklurker... Granted my build was probably trash, but learning how to fight without lock-on against two fireball spamming Darth Vaders in the dark was legitimately crazy. That was the boss that took me over 50 tries, and my brother beat it in 5.