0:05 Police chase. 1:58 Criminals light up a police car on the freeway after that it crashes. 2:03 A gang of police cars speed at the criminal. 2:38 The police get close to the criminal's vehicle 2:50 The police try to pit maneuver the criminal but they miss 3:00 Police crash into the back of the criminal's car and they go dizzy but they manage to escape. 3:05 Police try and keep up with the criminal. 3:55 The criminals get pit maneuvered at 110 MPH after that the car flips upside down. 3:59-6:00 Criminals escape out of the car and run. 6:03 Criminals get arrested.
@@Omura6083 I was feeling thirsty and went to get some water, there were like what, 30 people in black clothing and they were all scared, like come on, is not like I am a zombie or anything
if pvz1 boss had phases Phase 1: spawns normal zombies, coneheads, screen doors, newspapers, footballs (all-star), jack boxes and pole vaulters attacks: drops bungees, releases ice/fireballs, stomps close plants Phase 2: spawns coneheads, bucketheads, newspapers, footballs, pole vaulters, ladders, catapults and gargs attacks: same as phase 1 Phase 3: spawns coneheads, bucketheads, footballs, pogos, ladders, catapults, zombonis and gargs attacks: now also throws RV
Yeah, which on the first he only puts zombies of the day, on the second starts with night, third starts stealing plants and putting pool zombies, fourth starts putting Fog zombies and crush your plants with trucks, and fifth starts putting the zombies of the roof and stomping your plants... Or I think that's how it was
World idea: World War Z World gimmick: Some "hills" that require you to plant lobbed plants to fire over as peas and other such projectiles won't. Plants: Pineapple (A cheaper version of the cherry bomb, but sits like a squash until zombie gets close, then it ignites it's leaves and detonates) Gatling pea (Do I need to explain why this would fit this worlds aesthetic?) Melon Mortar (Can fire powerful melon projectiles across the lawn regardless of where it is placed, takes a while to fire between shots, and cannot attack zombies directly on top of it) Breadcade (A wall-nut styled "plant" that serves like the infi-nuts plant food effect, requires a lot of sun though.) Zombies: Foot Soldier Zombie (Fires basic paint ball shots at the plants directly in front of it) Pvt, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant Zombie (Serves as the common, conehead, buckethead, etc zombies) Zombie Captain (Promotes Pvt zombies and co to a higher status and such much like the king zombie from Dark ages) Riot Shield Zombie (Blocks frontal based projectiles, and cannot be pierced through) Artillery Zombie crew (Serves as a backline zombie that lobs rocks at your plants) Sniper Zombie (Blackline zombie that shoots your plants from afar) Commando Zombie (Enhances fellow zombies to be more efficient) Tank Gargantuar (Slower than other guargantuars, but much more durable, shoots multiple imps from it's canon, cannot be stunlocked with a crushing animation as it will roll over any plant in it's way) Zomboss' High-class Warship (Straight up a battleship with missiles, paintball rounds, all the good stuff) Endless zone: Dead mans land Minigame: Unknown atm
While braniac maniac was an overall better song, this song works a lot better with the instruments. That isnt to say that the song itself isnt giving braniac maniac a run for its money. this song really emphesises the chaos of the zomboss fights. truly incredible.
The music director had a blast with that second phase theme
I did too because of how good it is
0:00 Intro
0:05 Phase 1
1:58 Phase 2
3:55 Phase 3
6:03 Victory
Thank you
@@Breadster07 No problem.
hi beakinsable
The intro is based on the world. It can be arena themed as the same song plays when you open the arena
0:05 Police chase.
1:58 Criminals light up a police car on the freeway after that it crashes.
2:03 A gang of police cars speed at the criminal.
2:38 The police get close to the criminal's vehicle
2:50 The police try to pit maneuver the criminal but they miss
3:00 Police crash into the back of the criminal's car and they go dizzy but they manage to escape.
3:05 Police try and keep up with the criminal.
3:55 The criminals get pit maneuvered at 110 MPH after that the car flips upside down.
3:59-6:00 Criminals escape out of the car and run.
6:03 Criminals get arrested.
Need for speed mosw wanted ❤
You basically described police pursuits here in Los Angeles.
@@yanderekobeni911 lol
3:56 best part of the song no cap
Game basicly just says,
Fuck it here's a ton of dopamine
That is when the game starts spamming like Gargantuars everywhere
2:25 simply hits harder than that truck that left me with mental disorders and unable to move
How are you typing
truck? you mean RV?
@@Omura6083 I was feeling thirsty and went to get some water, there were like what, 30 people in black clothing and they were all scared, like come on, is not like I am a zombie or anything
Why does zomboss always have the best theme, in both games
2:14 me encanto
Phase 2 hits HARD
1:57 when the dr zomboss get a half damage
I really hate that moment 😑
when the dr zomboss get a half damage
This is indeed when the dr zomboss get half damage
Not to be that guy, but *two-thirds
In boss fights the intros are different but the music is same
0:20 i like this part
This music really makes you think you are fighting a massive Machine
This Theme could work for Dr. Doofenshmirtz
He even sounds lile zomboss.
someone needs to make a edit of doof fighting agent p with this music and over time changes to phase 2 and eventually 3
I like very much is OST (I am bad speak english)
I like very much is your comment
( I am actually good at speaking English )
@@user74359 OK lemme correct it :I like this ost very much. Your welcome
You don’t need to speak good English to appreciate plants vs zombies lol
lpmdr que temazo
if pvz1 boss had phases
Phase 1: spawns normal zombies, coneheads, screen doors, newspapers, footballs (all-star), jack boxes and pole vaulters
attacks: drops bungees, releases ice/fireballs, stomps close plants
Phase 2: spawns coneheads, bucketheads, newspapers, footballs, pole vaulters, ladders, catapults and gargs
attacks: same as phase 1
Phase 3: spawns coneheads, bucketheads, footballs, pogos, ladders, catapults, zombonis and gargs
attacks: now also throws RV
It did have phases, though.
Yeah, which on the first he only puts zombies of the day, on the second starts with night, third starts stealing plants and putting pool zombies, fourth starts putting Fog zombies and crush your plants with trucks, and fifth starts putting the zombies of the roof and stomping your plants... Or I think that's how it was
2:40 mi parte fav
I just realised they put Piano Zombie's song in Phase three.
Absolutely Fire
4:20 zombis ultra resistentes y pocas plantas 💀🚬
4:53 minha parte favorita ❤
4:57 Sounds Like Madness Combined With Crimsong...
Fnf reference?
@@francorubenmalespinmatamor2066 bruh its madness combat not fnf
@@bigmanimation shower
@@francorubenmalespinmatamor2066 Fnf didn't even exist when the theme was made
@@mr.business2922 what?
Yeah music from the Golden
Is perfect
00:00 intro
00:05 phase 1
1:58 phase 2
3:55. Phase 3
music underrated
World idea: World War Z
World gimmick: Some "hills" that require you to plant lobbed plants to fire over as peas and other such projectiles won't.
Plants: Pineapple (A cheaper version of the cherry bomb, but sits like a squash until zombie gets close, then it ignites it's leaves and detonates)
Gatling pea (Do I need to explain why this would fit this worlds aesthetic?)
Melon Mortar (Can fire powerful melon projectiles across the lawn regardless of where it is placed, takes a while to fire between shots, and cannot attack zombies directly on top of it)
Breadcade (A wall-nut styled "plant" that serves like the infi-nuts plant food effect, requires a lot of sun though.)
Zombies: Foot Soldier Zombie (Fires basic paint ball shots at the plants directly in front of it)
Pvt, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant Zombie (Serves as the common, conehead, buckethead, etc zombies)
Zombie Captain (Promotes Pvt zombies and co to a higher status and such much like the king zombie from Dark ages)
Riot Shield Zombie (Blocks frontal based projectiles, and cannot be pierced through)
Artillery Zombie crew (Serves as a backline zombie that lobs rocks at your plants)
Sniper Zombie (Blackline zombie that shoots your plants from afar)
Commando Zombie (Enhances fellow zombies to be more efficient)
Tank Gargantuar (Slower than other guargantuars, but much more durable, shoots multiple imps from it's canon, cannot be stunlocked with a crushing animation as it will roll over any plant in it's way)
Zomboss' High-class Warship (Straight up a battleship with missiles, paintball rounds, all the good stuff)
Endless zone: Dead mans land
Minigame: Unknown atm
Also Arena theme
Es verdad
0:05 is the best
While braniac maniac was an overall better song, this song works a lot better with the instruments. That isnt to say that the song itself isnt giving braniac maniac a run for its money. this song really emphesises the chaos of the zomboss fights. truly incredible.
when you againts the damn psycho professor😅
5:00 is the best
I like the music!❤
Cabron que buen temazo
three's a company
Thats just the arena theme
Mi parte favorita
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