Samatha 🙏🙏 Thank you Mahagathe Foundation for uploading such a valuable podcast video on dharma. I appreciate the efforts and dedication put into creating and sharing this content. It has helped me gain a deeper understanding and insight into the principles of dharma and how to apply them in my daily life. I am grateful for the guidance and resources provided by the foundation in my dharmic journey. Keep up the great work!
After one year iam watching now, these many days it was not reflecting on my TH-cam, i didnt know, now i realize god give us when we need, very soothing conversation you both had thanks will follow your videos
Thank you soo much akshatha garu, ure speech is soo soo soo excellent and it will be helpful to many of people like us can get their answers 😊 from many of the questions you answered here😊, thank you so much 🙏
The core essence of Dharma does not change with time, but its manifestation and the way it is practiced or interpreted can change to adapt to the conditions of the age, society, and individual circumstances. This distinction is crucial to understanding Dharma. Dharma’s Invariant Core: The fundamental principles of Dharma, such as truth (Satya), non-violence (Ahimsa), compassion (Karuna), and righteousness (Nyaya), remain universal and eternal. These principles are rooted in the nature of the cosmos and do not change, as they reflect the eternal order (Rta) that sustains life and creation. Dharma’s Contextual Expression: While the core remains constant, the way Dharma is practiced and expressed evolves based on: 1. Time Period (Yuga): In Satya Yuga, strict adherence to the truth might be universally feasible, while in Kali Yuga, Dharma emphasizes simplicity and adaptability, such as devotion and small acts of virtue. 2. Societal Norms: In ancient societies, Dharma for a warrior (Kshatriya) might include going to battle, but in a modern democratic society, it might mean upholding justice and peace through governance or negotiation. 3. Individual Roles and Duties (Svadharma): A householder’s Dharma differs from a renunciate’s Dharma, as each has distinct roles and responsibilities suited to their stage of life. 4. Changing Knowledge and Contexts: For instance, modern advancements in science and ethics might redefine how we apply the principle of non-violence in medicine or technology, adapting ancient wisdom to current contexts. Analogy: Think of Dharma like water: Its essence (to quench thirst and sustain life) never changes. Its form (liquid, vapor, ice) and application (drinking, cleaning, generating power) change depending on conditions. Scriptural Basis for Adaptability: 1. The Mahabharata states: > "Dharma is subtle and difficult to discern." This acknowledges that understanding and applying Dharma requires wisdom and contextual judgment. 2. The Manusmriti recognizes that societal laws and duties must evolve with time: > "Dharma is established based on the times and circumstances." Conclusion: Dharma itself (as the universal principle) does not change, but its interpretation and practice evolve with time, circumstances, and societal needs. This adaptability ensures that Dharma remains relevant across ages while staying rooted in eternal truth.
Jus love this podcast❤. Host has done an incredible job, asking right questions at the right time, she Knows what she is talking about. Humble and appreciative of the guest. And the guest on the other hand really made me breathe slow and when she told about it I was so amazed! I’m lucky to have found this podcast. Respect for both of you . All the best and God bless❤
Agree with most of it, great podcast. But one thing many Hindus misunderstand, like her, is that every religion is not same, ofcourse we might have some similar teachings, but there are fundamental differences in beliefs and concepts. Abrahamic religions are very exclusive and intolerant in that aspect and they think everyone except them are on "wrong path" and that it's their responsibility to "correct" others. Abrahamic view on Hinduism and similar faiths is very negative. It's just that Hindus in India are fed that "secular" bogus by the education system. Understand shatrubodh. We should be nice to everyone who respects us irrespective of their background, but being nice to people who are fundamentally against your core will be our foolishness.
Shamatha, It was an attempt to understand perspectives and learn from them! So keep a light heart while watching, because our mental frames are constantly evolving. This was one such attempt in that process. A big Shoutout to Mahagathe organisation, and the Dharma Bandhus who are behind these efforts!
There is a concept called Dharma or Rutam/Ritam. Ravana had not abducted Sita Mata just to revenge. He had done that because of sheer lust. Our Rishis said that Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya - are six enemies(arishd varga) within us which destroy us if we surrender to any one of them. Ravana surrendered to Kama. So he became a menace to the world. This nature of surrendering to any one of arishad varga is Adharma. Rama has controlled this six enemies within. That is why we say that `Ramo Vigrahavan Dharma' (Rama is the epitome of Dharma).
Despite knowing what is dharma, Yudhisthira asked Krishna what's Dharma? Krishna asked him to approach Bhishma for the answer. Bhishma answered it in one sentence " Son, whatever action you desire from others to act upon you, that is Dharma!" That single sentence has a deep interpretation .
धर्म का मूल स्वरूप हमेशा स्थायी और अटल रहता है, लेकिन समय, परिस्थितियों और समाज की आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार उसकी अभिव्यक्ति और आचरण बदलते रहते हैं। इसे समझने के लिए दो पहलुओं को देखना ज़रूरी है: धर्म का अपरिवर्तनीय तत्व (तत्व रूप में) धर्म के मूल सिद्धांत, जैसे सत्य (सत्य), अहिंसा (अहिंसा), करुणा (दया), और न्याय (न्याय), शाश्वत हैं। ये ब्रह्मांड के प्राकृतिक नियमों (ऋत) का हिस्सा हैं और सृष्टि को स्थिर बनाए रखने के लिए आवश्यक हैं। धर्म का आचरण में परिवर्तन (समय और संदर्भ के अनुसार) समय के साथ धर्म के अनुपालन और अभिव्यक्ति में परिवर्तन होता है: 1. युगों के अनुसार धर्म: सत्ययुग (कृतयुग): धर्म अपने पूर्ण स्वरूप में विद्यमान होता है। लोग स्वाभाविक रूप से सत्य और धर्म का पालन करते हैं। त्रेतायुग: धर्म तीन पायों पर खड़ा होता है। नैतिकता बनाए रखने के लिए नियमों और दिशानिर्देशों की आवश्यकता होती है। द्वापरयुग: धर्म दो पायों पर टिकता है। सही और गलत के बीच भ्रम बढ़ने लगता है। कलियुग: धर्म केवल एक पाय पर खड़ा होता है। साधारण से अच्छे कर्म, जैसे भक्ति और दया, भी महान माने जाते हैं। 2. व्यक्तिगत कर्तव्य (स्वधर्म): एक गृहस्थ का धर्म त्यागी से अलग होता है। हर व्यक्ति के जीवन की स्थिति, पेशा, और सामाजिक भूमिका के अनुसार धर्म को परिभाषित किया जाता है। 3. समाज और परिस्थितियाँ: प्राचीन समय में क्षत्रिय का धर्म युद्ध करना था, लेकिन आधुनिक युग में वही धर्म शांति और न्याय की स्थापना में परिलक्षित होता है। 4. ज्ञान और विकास: आधुनिक विज्ञान और तकनीक के अनुसार, अहिंसा और अन्य धर्म सिद्धांतों को नई परिस्थितियों में लागू किया जा सकता है। क्या धर्म बदलता है? धर्म को पानी के समान समझा जा सकता है: पानी का स्वभाव (प्यास बुझाना और जीवन बनाए रखना) कभी नहीं बदलता। लेकिन उसका रूप (तरल, भाप, बर्फ) और प्रयोग (पीने, सफाई, ऊर्जा उत्पादन) परिस्थितियों के अनुसार बदलता है। धर्म पर शास्त्रीय विचार: 1. महाभारत: > "धर्म सूक्ष्म है और इसे समझना कठिन है।" यह बताता है कि धर्म को हर बार समय और परिस्थितियों के अनुसार विवेक से लागू करना पड़ता है। 2. मनुस्मृति: > "धर्म समय और परिस्थितियों के आधार पर स्थापित होता है।" यह संकेत करता है कि समाज की परिस्थितियों के अनुसार धर्म में बदलाव स्वाभाविक है। निष्कर्ष: धर्म अपने तत्व रूप में अपरिवर्तनीय है। लेकिन उसका आचरण और अनुपालन समय, परिस्थिति, और समाज की जरूरतों के अनुसार बदलता रहता है। यह लचीलापन धर्म को हर युग और समाज में प्रासंगिक बनाए रखता है।
Dharma Sankata/Ethical dilemmas are not “huge stuff”. They are moral dilemmas that every single human being goes through. It’s not always about whether or not I go to a war and fight, it’s simply about your principles and morals. Questioning about implementing them under very simple circumstances is a dharma sankata. An example of that can be hiding something from your parents/friends. Dharma isn’t dynamic by any means! Dharma is a way of life! Dharma is not something that changes everyday! You changing your dharma everyday is a big question about your morals. You probably want to sound intelligent but don’t change what is not meant to be changed. Also it is “guru saakshath parabrahma” not guru saksath guru brahma.
inspired Take away: 1.I fear only for the consequences of the actions taken today 2.stop getting cheep dopamine get rich dopamine with meditation .. 3.Be a parent of your self ...if u will allow ur kids to do u can do...
00:50 dharma is a essence an entity... It’s not dynamic... It’s how people think it... property/dharma of a fire is same it is not different for people even any yuga... if circumstances differ... if place is differe... if parameters differ then dharma of the entity will differ...
It's really silly that no one in the comments didn't raised a single practical questions. See whenever she says i go to temples and i sit with purohit it's really a silly thing because how many of you think that it will happens with you. First of it won't happens with all or atleast most of you guys. It only happens with very very few people. What if a dalith goes to the temple every time and he asks the purohit about the temple, history or whatever. Atleast once that purohit questions about his caste. And now how many of you believe after knowing his caste does that purohit behaves same as before? What I feel mostly he won't be same as before. So slow down your praising and think practically first. I am not against any religion.
I think she read wrong Ramayana or didn’t read just talking based on hearsay. Never Ravana perspective is correct. His perspective is ego and lust . 8:00 but other answers are sensible. Good talk!
It would be great if the host take it slowly one by one with related tangential questions to extract a deep answers drawn from the guest, I felt this podcast went very fast with a very shallow statements into too many topics.
Akshhatha ✨🤌❤️ A strong urge to seek more and consume the superlative. Podcast could be 5 hours long and i still would watch every second of it.. 🤌❤️ very ENLIGHTENING ✨
All gurus are welfare organisations providing petty experiences to their followers. The Guru game is a profitable industry; try to make two million dollars any other way.” -U.G. Krishnamurti
Hindu and Muslim religion not same. The ideology of both is different. One is the creator of religion, while the other so-called religion, which was created in someone's dream, works to destroy everything. In Hinduism, a woman is mother, sister, daughter, wife in these forms, but in Muslim every relationship of a woman, mother, sister, daughter, aunty, she has sex with everyone. In Hindu, woman is considered as Goddess Lakshmi and in Muslim, she is a machine for giving birth to children. So tell me how did Hindu and Muslim become one?
All religions are not same. If so while abrahamic religions, in the name of `preaching', annihilated whole lot of races in Africa, America continents and why Hindu religion has not even thought about doing harm to `others'? Though sanatana Dharma is eternal and mother of all Dharmic thoughts, paths, it has not certainly gave birth to Semitic ideologies, and religions. There is no scope for semetiism in Sanatana Dharma. That is why all the religions stemmed from Sanatana Dharma are called Dharmic religions. And those which have originated in `other lands' are called Abrahamic or Adharmic religions. Half knowledge is dangerous.
Cheppukovadanike tappa follow ayyevallu evaru leru….dharma la gurinchi matladukovadam kantey better - talk and follow about helping to others and behaviour of human being and protecting about Girl education
Please explore right info about DHARMA. you are spreading false information about DHARMA. I commented one practical right point of dharmic life in this cannel while you are speaking that DHARMIC LIFE IS FUN.
Ok akka. I lost everything when you said the distance btw the sun and the moon was in Hanuman Chalisa. Gold and silver plates? Magnetic forces pulling? You knew nava grapahas? You knew Pancha loha? There is so much beyond which is being discovered every second. Why? Why this arrogance? Is it from ignorance? Does spirituality also teach arrogance? Maybe after all we are the same humans. At least science taught me to be humble. Maybe Dharma and Politics may blend together very well. But definitely not Dharma and science.
She is born and brought up in a lot of money. She got to read some books with the help of her family, she had that spiritual, philosophical environment at home which is making her speak like this. Anni half baked answers eh. She is immature and not originally enriched with this kind of knowledge. All these dumbos are praising her for nothing. People should try listening to real talks from the likes of Sai Deepak and all when it comes to DHARMA. Not this just-for-fun-serious-talk which is actually pretentious.
Another jaya Kishore. Easy means to get popularity. Be aware of spirituality it's best terminology to manipulate public. We do not have proof of how she lives. If she comes on camera with her lifestyle do not get caught up with her juicy talks. Be alert!
Samatha 🙏🙏
Thank you Mahagathe Foundation for uploading such a valuable podcast video on dharma. I appreciate the efforts and dedication put into creating and sharing this content. It has helped me gain a deeper understanding and insight into the principles of dharma and how to apply them in my daily life. I am grateful for the guidance and resources provided by the foundation in my dharmic journey. Keep up the great work!
Same feeling ❤
After one year iam watching now, these many days it was not reflecting on my TH-cam, i didnt know, now i realize god give us when we need, very soothing conversation you both had thanks will follow your videos
Thank you soo much akshatha garu, ure speech is soo soo soo excellent and it will be helpful to many of people like us can get their answers 😊 from many of the questions you answered here😊, thank you so much 🙏
The core essence of Dharma does not change with time, but its manifestation and the way it is practiced or interpreted can change to adapt to the conditions of the age, society, and individual circumstances. This distinction is crucial to understanding Dharma.
Dharma’s Invariant Core:
The fundamental principles of Dharma, such as truth (Satya), non-violence (Ahimsa), compassion (Karuna), and righteousness (Nyaya), remain universal and eternal. These principles are rooted in the nature of the cosmos and do not change, as they reflect the eternal order (Rta) that sustains life and creation.
Dharma’s Contextual Expression:
While the core remains constant, the way Dharma is practiced and expressed evolves based on:
1. Time Period (Yuga):
In Satya Yuga, strict adherence to the truth might be universally feasible, while in Kali Yuga, Dharma emphasizes simplicity and adaptability, such as devotion and small acts of virtue.
2. Societal Norms:
In ancient societies, Dharma for a warrior (Kshatriya) might include going to battle, but in a modern democratic society, it might mean upholding justice and peace through governance or negotiation.
3. Individual Roles and Duties (Svadharma):
A householder’s Dharma differs from a renunciate’s Dharma, as each has distinct roles and responsibilities suited to their stage of life.
4. Changing Knowledge and Contexts:
For instance, modern advancements in science and ethics might redefine how we apply the principle of non-violence in medicine or technology, adapting ancient wisdom to current contexts.
Think of Dharma like water:
Its essence (to quench thirst and sustain life) never changes.
Its form (liquid, vapor, ice) and application (drinking, cleaning, generating power) change depending on conditions.
Scriptural Basis for Adaptability:
1. The Mahabharata states:
> "Dharma is subtle and difficult to discern."
This acknowledges that understanding and applying Dharma requires wisdom and contextual judgment.
2. The Manusmriti recognizes that societal laws and duties must evolve with time:
> "Dharma is established based on the times and circumstances."
Dharma itself (as the universal principle) does not change, but its interpretation and practice evolve with time, circumstances, and societal needs. This adaptability ensures that Dharma remains relevant across ages while staying rooted in eternal truth.
Usefull insights👍
Jus love this podcast❤. Host has done an incredible job, asking right questions at the right time, she Knows what she is talking about. Humble and appreciative of the guest. And the guest on the other hand really made me breathe slow and when she told about it I was so amazed! I’m lucky to have found this podcast. Respect for both of you . All the best and God bless❤
Baga adigaru madam,baga chepparu Akshatha garu,relationships gurinchi ayethe peeks asala,tq for motivating me🎉,
Agree with most of it, great podcast. But one thing many Hindus misunderstand, like her, is that every religion is not same, ofcourse we might have some similar teachings, but there are fundamental differences in beliefs and concepts. Abrahamic religions are very exclusive and intolerant in that aspect and they think everyone except them are on "wrong path" and that it's their responsibility to "correct" others. Abrahamic view on Hinduism and similar faiths is very negative. It's just that Hindus in India are fed that "secular" bogus by the education system. Understand shatrubodh. We should be nice to everyone who respects us irrespective of their background, but being nice to people who are fundamentally against your core will be our foolishness.
At least someone here is wise enough to understand this, salute Mahaathma! 🙏🏻
Yes. All are not same
Shamatha, It was an attempt to understand perspectives and learn from them! So keep a light heart while watching, because our mental frames are constantly evolving. This was one such attempt in that process.
A big Shoutout to Mahagathe organisation, and the Dharma Bandhus who are behind these efforts!
Now a days everybody becomes philosophers...appreciate it.
28 minutes passed as 5 minutes , really wonderful session. happy to listen you
Wow. So happy to hear you all
That was great 👍 thanks Akshhahta
❤ F Bihar 🙏
Thank you Aksha garu.....Learned a lot from this 🙏🙏🙏samatha🕉🕉🕉
Lovely and beautiful podcast, thank you ❤❤
Very Nice Akshata liked the Confidence you answer
Very Insightful!!
Explanation is superb
Thank you so much 🙂
Great content
Liked Akshata's answer about Santana Dharma
A very productive session ❤️
Explanation is superb and answers Akshha love you
There is a concept called Dharma or Rutam/Ritam. Ravana had not abducted Sita Mata just to revenge. He had done that because of sheer lust. Our Rishis said that Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya - are six enemies(arishd varga) within us which destroy us if we surrender to any one of them. Ravana surrendered to Kama. So he became a menace to the world. This nature of surrendering to any one of arishad varga is Adharma. Rama has controlled this six enemies within. That is why we say that `Ramo Vigrahavan Dharma' (Rama is the epitome of Dharma).
Aum Mahagathe Sohum
Despite knowing what is dharma, Yudhisthira asked Krishna what's Dharma?
Krishna asked him to approach Bhishma for the answer.
Bhishma answered it in one sentence " Son, whatever action you desire from others to act upon you, that is Dharma!"
That single sentence has a deep interpretation .
Can you give me the reference
She’s Effulgent and erudite, 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Lovely video 💙💙
Thank you 🤗
धर्म का मूल स्वरूप हमेशा स्थायी और अटल रहता है, लेकिन समय, परिस्थितियों और समाज की आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार उसकी अभिव्यक्ति और आचरण बदलते रहते हैं। इसे समझने के लिए दो पहलुओं को देखना ज़रूरी है:
धर्म का अपरिवर्तनीय तत्व (तत्व रूप में)
धर्म के मूल सिद्धांत, जैसे सत्य (सत्य), अहिंसा (अहिंसा), करुणा (दया), और न्याय (न्याय), शाश्वत हैं। ये ब्रह्मांड के प्राकृतिक नियमों (ऋत) का हिस्सा हैं और सृष्टि को स्थिर बनाए रखने के लिए आवश्यक हैं।
धर्म का आचरण में परिवर्तन (समय और संदर्भ के अनुसार)
समय के साथ धर्म के अनुपालन और अभिव्यक्ति में परिवर्तन होता है:
1. युगों के अनुसार धर्म:
सत्ययुग (कृतयुग): धर्म अपने पूर्ण स्वरूप में विद्यमान होता है। लोग स्वाभाविक रूप से सत्य और धर्म का पालन करते हैं।
त्रेतायुग: धर्म तीन पायों पर खड़ा होता है। नैतिकता बनाए रखने के लिए नियमों और दिशानिर्देशों की आवश्यकता होती है।
द्वापरयुग: धर्म दो पायों पर टिकता है। सही और गलत के बीच भ्रम बढ़ने लगता है।
कलियुग: धर्म केवल एक पाय पर खड़ा होता है। साधारण से अच्छे कर्म, जैसे भक्ति और दया, भी महान माने जाते हैं।
2. व्यक्तिगत कर्तव्य (स्वधर्म):
एक गृहस्थ का धर्म त्यागी से अलग होता है।
हर व्यक्ति के जीवन की स्थिति, पेशा, और सामाजिक भूमिका के अनुसार धर्म को परिभाषित किया जाता है।
3. समाज और परिस्थितियाँ:
प्राचीन समय में क्षत्रिय का धर्म युद्ध करना था, लेकिन आधुनिक युग में वही धर्म शांति और न्याय की स्थापना में परिलक्षित होता है।
4. ज्ञान और विकास:
आधुनिक विज्ञान और तकनीक के अनुसार, अहिंसा और अन्य धर्म सिद्धांतों को नई परिस्थितियों में लागू किया जा सकता है।
क्या धर्म बदलता है?
धर्म को पानी के समान समझा जा सकता है:
पानी का स्वभाव (प्यास बुझाना और जीवन बनाए रखना) कभी नहीं बदलता।
लेकिन उसका रूप (तरल, भाप, बर्फ) और प्रयोग (पीने, सफाई, ऊर्जा उत्पादन) परिस्थितियों के अनुसार बदलता है।
धर्म पर शास्त्रीय विचार:
1. महाभारत:
> "धर्म सूक्ष्म है और इसे समझना कठिन है।"
यह बताता है कि धर्म को हर बार समय और परिस्थितियों के अनुसार विवेक से लागू करना पड़ता है।
2. मनुस्मृति:
> "धर्म समय और परिस्थितियों के आधार पर स्थापित होता है।"
यह संकेत करता है कि समाज की परिस्थितियों के अनुसार धर्म में बदलाव स्वाभाविक है।
धर्म अपने तत्व रूप में अपरिवर्तनीय है। लेकिन उसका आचरण और अनुपालन समय, परिस्थिति, और समाज की जरूरतों के अनुसार बदलता रहता है। यह लचीलापन धर्म को हर युग और समाज में प्रासंगिक बनाए रखता है।
Very nice
There is no narrative or perspective
Only two universal points.
Dharmam & Adharmam.
One question ❓ , how could you enlightened as eating nonveg, how it is possible?
Akshata you are like a empowered true Sanatani 🚩
Akshitha 😍😍😍😍
And waiting for next episodes
Dharma Sankata/Ethical dilemmas are not “huge stuff”. They are moral dilemmas that every single human being goes through. It’s not always about whether or not I go to a war and fight, it’s simply about your principles and morals. Questioning about implementing them under very simple circumstances is a dharma sankata. An example of that can be hiding something from your parents/friends. Dharma isn’t dynamic by any means! Dharma is a way of life! Dharma is not something that changes everyday! You changing your dharma everyday is a big question about your morals. You probably want to sound intelligent but don’t change what is not meant to be changed. Also it is “guru saakshath parabrahma” not guru saksath guru brahma.
Waiting from so long... For this session
Take away:
1.I fear only for the consequences of the actions taken today
2.stop getting cheep dopamine get rich dopamine with meditation ..
3.Be a parent of your self ...if u will allow ur kids to do u can do...
00:50 dharma is a essence an entity... It’s not dynamic... It’s how people think it... property/dharma of a fire is same it is not different for people even any yuga... if circumstances differ... if place is differe... if parameters differ then dharma of the entity will differ...
It's really silly that no one in the comments didn't raised a single practical questions. See whenever she says i go to temples and i sit with purohit it's really a silly thing because how many of you think that it will happens with you. First of it won't happens with all or atleast most of you guys. It only happens with very very few people. What if a dalith goes to the temple every time and he asks the purohit about the temple, history or whatever. Atleast once that purohit questions about his caste. And now how many of you believe after knowing his caste does that purohit behaves same as before? What I feel mostly he won't be same as before. So slow down your praising and think practically first. I am not against any religion.
Dear , before raising such concerns.. Please go to a temple and ask a purohit, then let us hear you again
Purohits ask only gotra, not cast.
Worthy to watch
I think she read wrong Ramayana or didn’t read just talking based on hearsay. Never Ravana perspective is correct. His perspective is ego and lust . 8:00 but other answers are sensible. Good talk!
That yellow dress girl is sooooooo cuuuuutttte.
Cutey Beauty. 😘🥰🥰😘😍😍😍
Waiting for next Episode😍
It would be great if the host take it slowly one by one with related tangential questions to extract a deep answers drawn from the guest, I felt this podcast went very fast with a very shallow statements into too many topics.
Akshatha she's a wonderful girl with a wise knowledge about our culture , make a another interview with her #dharma
Where is her wisdom? U might be occupied with her glances as wisdom
You look pretty
Akshatha telling great words 👏
Written by chanikya thought by draupadi, how did that happen
Akshhatha ✨🤌❤️ A strong urge to seek more and consume the superlative. Podcast could be 5 hours long and i still would watch every second of it.. 🤌❤️ very ENLIGHTENING ✨
Without Rebirth is Moksham exist ?
👍 👌
Nuv money gurinchi matladali ma......I follow gurinchi adugandi ....oka sari interview cheyandi
Plz in Telugu
Akshhatha.. True Sanatani..
Soul travels many bodies is rebirth. Assimilate bagavad Gita..
Eyes tho....confidenent ga cheptunna ani cheptuundhi dopamine ....cheep.......okok......
She is totally wrong and she's half knowledge person
Dharma not change
You have a doubt
I will proo it
I agree with you,what changes is not dharma
Dharma changes every second what doesn't change is satyam.
@@kaipasahithi3677 to respect you elders and parents is your dharma , has this changed
@@optimusprime4643 bro dharma also changes. it has 2 variants one is fixed type and another one is changing type..
There is no any theme and not understanding what she wants to say .
There is a point in every sentence you need to understand slowly ....she is gem she explained answer in her maturity of mind what anchor ask .....
@@Captain-Mind 🙌🙌
All gurus are welfare organisations providing petty experiences to their followers. The Guru game is a profitable industry; try to make two million dollars any other way.”
-U.G. Krishnamurti
Hindu and Muslim religion not same.
The ideology of both is different. One is the creator of religion, while the other so-called religion, which was created in someone's dream, works to destroy everything. In Hinduism, a woman is mother, sister, daughter, wife in these forms, but in Muslim every relationship of a woman, mother, sister, daughter, aunty, she has sex with everyone. In Hindu, woman is considered as Goddess Lakshmi and in Muslim, she is a machine for giving birth to children. So tell me how did Hindu and Muslim become one?
All religions are not same 👍 especially when you are talking about Islam
Yes bro
All religions are not same. If so while abrahamic religions, in the name of `preaching', annihilated whole lot of races in Africa, America continents and why Hindu religion has not even thought about doing harm to `others'? Though sanatana Dharma is eternal and mother of all Dharmic thoughts, paths, it has not certainly gave birth to Semitic ideologies, and religions. There is no scope for semetiism in Sanatana Dharma. That is why all the religions stemmed from Sanatana Dharma are called Dharmic religions. And those which have originated in `other lands' are called Abrahamic or Adharmic religions. Half knowledge is dangerous.
Cheppukovadanike tappa follow ayyevallu evaru leru….dharma la gurinchi matladukovadam kantey better - talk and follow about helping to others and behaviour of human being and protecting about Girl education
Unnaru bhayya.... Manam chudagalagaali 👍
True bossu
Please explore right info about DHARMA. you are spreading false information about DHARMA. I commented one practical right point of dharmic life in this cannel while you are speaking that DHARMIC LIFE IS FUN.
Ok akka. I lost everything when you said the distance btw the sun and the moon was in Hanuman Chalisa. Gold and silver plates? Magnetic forces pulling? You knew nava grapahas? You knew Pancha loha? There is so much beyond which is being discovered every second. Why? Why this arrogance? Is it from ignorance? Does spirituality also teach arrogance? Maybe after all we are the same humans. At least science taught me to be humble. Maybe Dharma and Politics may blend together very well. But definitely not Dharma and science.
Well said.
Below comments are better than her casual conversation 😂😂😂
Peddaga......reality ki sambandichi em ledu........thanu chadivina books ....parents cheppina mind set lo ne vundhi...I observe
She is born and brought up in a lot of money. She got to read some books with the help of her family, she had that spiritual, philosophical environment at home which is making her speak like this. Anni half baked answers eh. She is immature and not originally enriched with this kind of knowledge. All these dumbos are praising her for nothing. People should try listening to real talks from the likes of Sai Deepak and all when it comes to DHARMA. Not this just-for-fun-serious-talk which is actually pretentious.
She doesn't have life experience to speak 😂. But she is cute.
Useless comment i ever seen
shut up joker 🃏
Another jaya Kishore. Easy means to get popularity. Be aware of spirituality it's best terminology to manipulate public. We do not have proof of how she lives. If she comes on camera with her lifestyle do not get caught up with her juicy talks. Be alert!
Akshatha akka you give me allways motivation and your my inspiration love youuu soo muchi aksatha 💯🧿🥹❤️🩹