I remember when I was a kid, following my Dad as he marched with his fellow veterans in the ANZAC day parades. They played this song. My heart would swell with pride. Nothing beats a marching pipe band.
Exactly. There seems to be a stereotype out their that bagpipes are horrible... Quite the contrary, really. I think they're beautiful instruments, and I would like to learn how to play them.
My great grandmother was Scottish and she told us about her history so i have so much respect for Scotland! I dream of one day going to visit Scotland and watching this Scottish march! Respect Scotland all the way from Belize!
How could you not tremble in fear Or take up arms if you heard saw & Felt that mass coming towards you?? ... A distant whisper on the wind slowly with each passing moment growing ever clearer ever louder until like a clarion call from Heaven itself was upon you?? My god it's good to be Scottish
GregoriousGregori9 im from lebanon but born and raised in germany. being raised in 2 different countries is a bit hard but funny too i have a lot interests in cultures, one of them is the scottish culture. your words sir are perfect :)i'm definitely going to scotland again and again have a nice day and may god bless you sir :D
mahdi salim you said you only was raised in Germany. So how have you been raised in two different countries? Also how are you from Lebanon if you actually was born and raised in Germany, which means youre from Germany. WTF?
The Drum Major calls out "Scotland the Brave and Rowan Tree, High Hand Scotland the Brave". High hand mean play the version of Scotland the Brave that uses the left, or high hand notes on the pipe chanter, and tuned to the low A note, as opposed to the low hand version usually played with brass or concert bands, and typically tuned to a B flat. He then yells out "By the Centre Quick March!" That means you are following the drum major in the middle and the cadence of his words is the beat.
Hi I'm from New Zealand with Scottish ancestry, my great grandfather was Canadian, from Waterdown Ontario. The pipes have always been in my family, but I never learned to play. Has anyone even seen the 1958 movie classic The Buccaneer staring Charlton Heston as General Jackson? One of my favourite scenes is when the British assemble, fix bayonets, the battalion is ordered to quick march & the pipes & drum play Heilan Laddie, Glendaruel Highlanders & The Corn Rigs. The pipes sounds in the distance getting louder as they get closer, sending shivers down the American soldiers spines.
I know one thing: if I was in a war and heard an army of people marching against me to this tune, I'd fucking desert! Or gain a lot more morale, if they were on my side.
garryej That moniker, ( ladies from hell ) actually gained momentum during WWI. Many of the highland units still operated in highland battle dress. ( many images available online ) In WWII, primarily as a result of the horrific losses of pipers in WWI, the British army banned piping on the front lines. A notable exception: Bill Millin, Normandy. ( short stories available on line as well, and a good read ) pipers front!
***** That depends on how far back you want to go. I joke that the first battles in this region began just about the time the ice sheet was retreating, the ice sheet of course having failed in it's advance against this hardy yet quarrelsome race. Paleolithic forts can be found throughout the countryside. Obvious evidence of fighting. Fighting was detailed in Roman accounts while they "vacationed" in the region. Hadrian finally said to hell with it and put up a wall to try and keep them up north where they belong. The clans fought continuously. Can't talk about Scottish battles without mentioning Robert the Bruce around the beginning of the 14th century. Fighting with other Scots for control of the throne and then wagging his middle finger to the south. The Jacobite uprisings in 1715 and 1745 ended in the battle of Culloden. A terrible loss on the part of my beloved ancestors. At least the ones that fought on that side. Some opted for the crown. Since then Scottish Regiments of the British Army have seen action on about every continent and in every conflict that Great Britain has opted to engage upon. as samples to start you on your reading you might check out: Scottish Castles and Fortifications or Fatal Rivalry. Good luck.
I was 18 in Australia and homesick, heard the pipes on the wind then my uncle remembered it was the Narre Warren higland games, we went up and OMG it was brilliant, pipe, drums, irn-bru . It was brilliant but really didnt help my homesickness. But whenever I hear the pipes, anywhere in the world, I feel home calling me.🏴
Fortunately, Scottish heritage lives on in many places beyond Scotland . We here in the supposedly United States of America, are privileged to have Scottish blood running through the veins of various local populations. This is a powerful display if I do say so myself.
By God, hearing this makes me proud to be Scottish. To be a Celt and march into battle with the sound of 100 pipes and drums at your back must have been the most incredible feeling. And terrifying to hear if you were their enemy. God bless the Scots!!!!!!
There is something very powerful in these kinds of devotions to ones country. The pride and love for ones history being showed by amassing seven hundred people to play and walk in unison. Im not scottish, by either birth or association, but that doesnt stop me from going teary eyed at this display. I would love to have actually been there! Take pride, you have earned it! Greetings from Sweden.
This is one of the first songs I found when I was a kid and my family was first able to afford internet. Still almost ten years later I'm able to find it.
This is so beautiful, it literally brings a tear to my eye. Scotland hang on to your heritage and your history and culture. You are the last to really use the old traditional ways and the beautiful Clans, Tartans, melodies, brogue and food. Everyone else is just melding together and it has no meaning or beauty. Alba an Àigh, Scotland Forever, Scotland the Brave...
Ive have always gotten pumped when I heard pipes and drums to the point of shaking. I can absolutely see why you would want this on the battlefield. I just found out I am of Scottish decent. Even had family die with the Cameron Highlanders. Now its all starting to make sense. There is no sound like it. Beautiful!
I am from America, and I am obsessed with learning different cultures. I am in love with the Scottish culture and the bag pipes. Love to you Scotland, from me in America!
Austin Frey And how much did you pay him? $200? $300? I would play it for free. It's the first song you learn as a piper, the little kids can play it. It's annoying and quite honestly insulting when someone asks you to play it. But it's a classic, and it's what people want, so fuck it.
Went to a school in Lawton Oklahoma that has that tune for their fight song. Dam near took state in football the first year that school was open. Scotland the brave is truly a fight song.
+Billy moo this song is energetic and because it I look forward to embracing my family's forgotten heritage and try to pick up the Scottish bagpipes.. it may be hard to find a worthy teacher And good set of pipes here in America but I won't stop because my heart is full of Scottish pride and passion!
WOW! ! ! ! For six years I've been listening to this. For two years I've been working on a night shift. And this video gives me unfortunate strength: Thanks from Upper-Frankonia, Bavaria
Thank you, Unfortunately, I will never have the chance to visit your festival in canada, or to travel to Scotland (my Dream). My budget is too low. But once a year, the Volksbund, the German war grave, is an event in bayreuth, Upper Frankonia in the north of Bavaria, and Military music from England, Wales and SCOTLAN are here. I wish you a wonderful year 2017 and many thanks for the reply. You make me strong, big and confident. Thank you for this clip
That was surelcih no funny comment from me !!!! Everyone thinks us well in germany. Do you work in canada 220 hours a month night shift? This music just inspires me to live my life just as it is! And the life here is certainly not funny !!!!!!
Must I say this is one of best massed pipes and drums I have ever seen! Nice to see that the Scottish heritage is still celebrated in other places apart from this side of the Atlantic.
What an awesome sight. Cant even imagine the electric in the air and to feel the music pound through your heart right to the very soul. Makes my chest puff out.
1. Sounds great and looks really cool 2. Next time do it in some city without any notification to anybody in adavance and see what happens next when 700 scots with bagpipes and drums march into the city center :D
i would bet if you marched one lone piper playing scotland the brave through hell even the devil would be shitting himself,and if you marched this many he and his army would run
oh lad, that be a kilt,a proud tartan of the clans, ye best learn the difference, scots dont handle such miscalling of thier tartan, specialy in glasgow
Wouter Van De Peppel As a Dutch you should know the city and district naming habits in North America. =) (Rotterdam, NY?) The original Calgary is in Scotland on the Isle of Mull. Why on Earth would the Canadians host the Highland Games?? :D:D Shafinaz Arshad It is Scotland. =)
raze83 Sorry to disappoint you buddy, but that is indeed Calgary, Alberta, Canada :) Most major Canadians cities host their own Highland Games every year!
you don't need to be a hero or a warrior to feel better when you listen to this ,it already gives you that feeling ,use what you have not for anyone else but for yourself always make a difference cuz we are all WARRIORS!!
What in God's name does anything have to do with Islam, which we can btw thank for the Renaissance, algebra and basically modern science? I am so tired of people being brainwahsed by neocons that I am about to have a stroke. Learn what Islam is before you flap your gums next time. They have these things called books nowadays, in which one can learn different things. Including real information about Islam rather than NATO war propaganda. It is one of the advantages of living now that Gutenberg has just reinvented movable type printing. You should check it out. That too you can thank Islam for btw. Islam sparked modern Europe. The Scottish have provided bagpipes, dresses for men, caber toss, bad football and haggis. And you talk about culture? You're a barbarian and a philistine!
Ignorant comment ...... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_inventions_and_discoveries www.telegraph.co.uk/books/authors/35-great-quotes-about-scotland-and-the-scots/35-great-quotes-about-scotland-and-the-scots32/ The Muslims may have had a culture to speak of 1000 years ago, but they stopped and went backward And you're slagging the Scots? The nation which developed modern medicine? Which developed radar and had physicists that were the inspiration for Einstein, a nation with more Nobel prize winners per head of population So, have a look through that Wiki, educate yourself on the Scots, ......a country which was developing modern culture while Muslims were cutting the clit off of young girls so they can't experience sexual pleasure. Truth is, while in Scotland they were developing the first flushing toilets, Muslims were still shitting in holes
Fishslap 33 ............if we read the quran we can learn Muhammed was a sexual predator,pedophile,rapist,slave owner,murderer,thief,warlord,dictator as well as being mentally ill..........now the good thing is all ive explained above was written in the quran and hadiths so Muhammad left evidence about himself in black and white........the only thing Islam sparked was the crusades......now get it right up yah. www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx
And if you think your insulting little list of none achievements are all that Scotland has provided to the world then you sir are a moron. I believe it was Winston Churchill who said that with exception of perhaps the ancient Greeks, no country of comparable size has had such an influence, nor given so much to the world as Scotland has
is this a different version than the normal Scotland the brave? Because I really like how it switches at the one minute mark, and I cannot find a studio recorded version like this one.
Hi, I am from Taiwan, and I've heard of this in Australia, I find it very beautiful, can anyone please tell me the name of the music or the song they were playing? Thanks.
@@briankane6547 "Highland Laddie" as well. My ancestors played "The Campbell's are Coming" and despite it being my family's tune I just can't compare it to "Highland Laddie" or "The Black Bear" in terms of listening enjoyment.
Glorious!! I wish I could have been there... It would be a dream come true for me to see something like this live. Thank you so much for posting this I love it. xx
That young man played with heart and with pride. This is what the heart and soul of pipe and drum cores is. And i too got a lumpp in my throat and a chill as well.
there is no better feeling in this world than being scottish.i cant even keep dry eyes when flower of scotland is playing or scotland the brave,but mainly cause am proud of what we stand for and believe in as a nation we are one
I remember when I was a kid, following my Dad as he marched with his fellow veterans in the ANZAC day parades. They played this song. My heart would swell with pride. Nothing beats a marching pipe band.
here in 2024 16 years later holy my dad is a bag piper and has been for ever it it crazy to see this many people doing this
I don't understand why some people find the bagpipes annoying/horrible. I quite like the sound.
Exactly. There seems to be a stereotype out their that bagpipes are horrible... Quite the contrary, really. I think they're beautiful instruments, and I would like to learn how to play them.
Armagon Armagon same
Soo Line sounds like me gopher me caught in me lawnmower😉😉
bagpipes are awesome but everybody hates them
I love them but can also understand why some people would hate them lol
Sends chills down my back. Powerful stuff. It's no wonder they used to have pipers play on the battlefield.
Get some you nazi mofos
Imagine standing on a battlefield, then hearing this coming from the other side of a hill...
I would shit my pants and run the other way as fast as i could
And THAT my friend is what actually happens when you steal a leprechauns Lucky Charms!
There is a reason they are called " Ladies From Hell " !
Its enough to gun shit a brick. The bagpipes shall let you know, break it off now, or we shall begin.
@Skyhawk Apodaca I would fight side by side with you regardless of our cultures !
My great grandmother was Scottish and she told us about her history so i have so much respect for Scotland! I dream of one day going to visit Scotland and watching this Scottish march! Respect Scotland all the way from Belize!
How could you not tremble in fear Or take up arms if you heard saw & Felt that mass coming towards you??
... A distant whisper on the wind slowly with each passing moment growing ever clearer ever louder until like a clarion call from Heaven itself was upon you??
My god it's good to be Scottish
GregoriousGregori9 im from lebanon but born and raised in germany.
being raised in 2 different countries is a bit hard but funny too i have a lot interests in cultures, one of them is the scottish culture.
your words sir are perfect :)i'm definitely going to scotland again and again have a nice day and may god bless you sir :D
GregoriousGregori9 good comment bro
mahdi salim you said you only was raised in Germany. So how have you been raised in two different countries? Also how are you from Lebanon if you actually was born and raised in Germany, which means youre from Germany. WTF?
mahdi salim So you are from Germany but you say sir? You know that the bless and sie thing is a american thing? Not a British/scottish...
I'm not from Germany.. I'm Canadian
The Drum Major calls out "Scotland the Brave and Rowan Tree, High Hand Scotland the Brave". High hand mean play the version of Scotland the Brave that uses the left, or high hand notes on the pipe chanter, and tuned to the low A note, as opposed to the low hand version usually played with brass or concert bands, and typically tuned to a B flat. He then yells out "By the Centre Quick March!" That means you are following the drum major in the middle and the cadence of his words is the beat.
Hi I'm from New Zealand with Scottish ancestry, my great grandfather was Canadian, from Waterdown Ontario. The pipes have always been in my family, but I never learned to play. Has anyone even seen the 1958 movie classic The Buccaneer staring Charlton Heston as General Jackson? One of my favourite scenes is when the British assemble, fix bayonets, the battalion is ordered to quick march & the pipes & drum play Heilan Laddie, Glendaruel Highlanders & The Corn Rigs. The pipes sounds in the distance getting louder as they get closer, sending shivers down the American soldiers spines.
We Americans can appreciate the pipes too. Thank you so much for sharing this. It gave me chills.
Amazing! Scotland is a beautiful country with friendly and honest people.
Nice greetings from Germany
Oh my Scotland , i love your music and your landscape ! you are in my heart forever . KISS
They will never! Take! Our bagpipes!
Soon the war with the Bag pipes will begin 😔
Wiener Fritzl I agree 100% we want our own land and country back time to unite hell will come home to fight with my brother's and sisters 😎
Hell I'm English and would fight for Scotland
@@matthewnaylor9735 elo old friend.. I am arab and i would fight for scotland too 😐
@George Job ❤️
Brings tears to my eyes every time I hear this played. Awesome! Thank You for sharing this.
I know one thing: if I was in a war and heard an army of people marching against me to this tune, I'd fucking desert!
Or gain a lot more morale, if they were on my side.
Otto Kylänlahti Scared their enemies more than once! During WW2 the Germans called them the "Wild Ladies from Hell"!
Heh, that's actually pretty funny. It's always nice when somebody gives an enemy a nickname that's both insulting but also respectful of their skills.
garryej That moniker, ( ladies from hell ) actually gained momentum during WWI. Many of the highland units still operated in highland battle dress. ( many images available online ) In WWII, primarily as a result of the horrific losses of pipers in WWI, the British army banned piping on the front lines. A notable exception: Bill Millin, Normandy. ( short stories available on line as well, and a good read )
pipers front!
mac nelson Oh that's why. Thanks for the info. I always wondered why they stopped. Do you happen to know any major battles Scotland faced?
***** That depends on how far back you want to go. I joke that the first battles in this region began just about the time the ice sheet was retreating, the ice sheet of course having failed in it's advance against this hardy yet quarrelsome race. Paleolithic forts can be found throughout the countryside. Obvious evidence of fighting. Fighting was detailed in Roman accounts while they "vacationed" in the region. Hadrian finally said to hell with it and put up a wall to try and keep them up north where they belong. The clans fought continuously. Can't talk about Scottish battles without mentioning Robert the Bruce around the beginning of the 14th century. Fighting with other Scots for control of the throne and then wagging his middle finger to the south. The Jacobite uprisings in 1715 and 1745 ended in the battle of Culloden. A terrible loss on the part of my beloved ancestors. At least the ones that fought on that side. Some opted for the crown. Since then Scottish Regiments of the British Army have seen action on about every continent and in every conflict that Great Britain has opted to engage upon. as samples to start you on your reading you might check out: Scottish Castles and Fortifications or Fatal Rivalry. Good luck.
I was 18 in Australia and homesick, heard the pipes on the wind then my uncle remembered it was the Narre Warren higland games, we went up and OMG it was brilliant, pipe, drums, irn-bru . It was brilliant but really didnt help my homesickness. But whenever I hear the pipes, anywhere in the world, I feel home calling me.🏴
Nothing chills the soul like the sound of Scottish pipes
Fortunately, Scottish heritage lives on in many places beyond Scotland . We here in the supposedly United States of America, are privileged to have Scottish blood running through the veins of various local populations. This is a powerful display if I do say so myself.
By God, hearing this makes me proud to be Scottish. To be a Celt and march into battle with the sound of 100 pipes and drums at your back must have been the most incredible feeling. And terrifying to hear if you were their enemy. God bless the Scots!!!!!!
This songs is a heritage of humanity
Respect from Algeria
The only thing that sounds better then someone playing the pipes in many people playing the pipes.
Many. Many pipes. Crank it up
you’re so right
So true
tears in my eyes, I LOVE THIS WITH A PASSION.....Beautiful Indeed.....
I'm not going to lie, everytime my band plays this set on parade I tear up while playing because it's not only so beautiful but so badass
There is something very powerful in these kinds of devotions to ones country. The pride and love for ones history being showed by amassing seven hundred people to play and walk in unison.
Im not scottish, by either birth or association, but that doesnt stop me from going teary eyed at this display. I would love to have actually been there!
Take pride, you have earned it!
Greetings from Sweden.
+Zipp4Everyone these are Canadian citizens. Fair play from Scotland
Just imagine marching into battle with this playing.... Chills
lol ikr
jesse black when we fight ISIS have 4 hercules fly over heard blaring this, instill fear into them when they hear this noise
Thanks, it's been a remarkable video for people feeling proud and energized, regardless of where they are from.
This is one of the first songs I found when I was a kid and my family was first able to afford internet. Still almost ten years later I'm able to find it.
I need to travel to Calgary from America sometime then and see this in person at least once in my life! God that would be so amazing!
I bet you can feel the ground rumbling. :P
George hanes you can lol makes for an even scarier expirence
George hanes you can :)
I’m a direct decedent of James VI, and hearing this makes my blood come alive! Alba Gu Brath!
Hey cuz! :)
@@cuckmasterkat7067 seriously? How cool!
@@stfjesusfreak yep! Small world 😊 more recently Robert The Bruce through his daughter Marjorie, any connection there too??
Steps and beats ahead ... Tradition, culture and home is something to remember ... and to praise and keep!
Absolutely fantastic!! I'm so proud to be Scottish. Lang may your lum reek :)
I Looooove it .. Woow .. I like this kind of song
i want to visit scotland :(
From Algeria ... Respect :)
This is so beautiful, it literally brings a tear to my eye. Scotland hang on to your heritage and your history and culture. You are the last to really use the old traditional ways and the beautiful Clans, Tartans, melodies, brogue and food. Everyone else is just melding together and it has no meaning or beauty.
Alba an Àigh, Scotland Forever, Scotland the Brave...
Ive have always gotten pumped when I heard pipes and drums to the point of shaking. I can absolutely see why you would want this on the battlefield. I just found out I am of Scottish decent. Even had family die with the Cameron Highlanders. Now its all starting to make sense. There is no sound like it. Beautiful!
MuckoMan Haha, my band is Cameron :D Cameron kilt, and Cameron glengarry! :D
They ARE a "War-Pipe", you can't play them AND sing. ;¬)
Andy Murray just won in Montreal tonight! We Scots just love Canada!
Shame he can't deliver consistently at Wimbledon
I am from America, and I am obsessed with learning different cultures. I am in love with the Scottish culture and the bag pipes. Love to you Scotland, from me in America!
+Chris Schierl thank you
+Chris Schierl Edinburgh Tattoo would be good foryou to watch, the pipes and drums.
+Susan Littlejohn. oh i will definitely watch that! thank you!
The bagpipe player at my grandmothers funeral played this song.
Austin Frey And how much did you pay him? $200? $300? I would play it for free. It's the first song you learn as a piper, the little kids can play it. It's annoying and quite honestly insulting when someone asks you to play it. But it's a classic, and it's what people want, so fuck it.
***** I don't know. My aunt paid him. He played 2 other songs at the burial and the folding of her flag.
respect from USA
That video was in USA, I'm pretty sure. I can tell because I think that's the Western American 4/4 Massed Bands Setting on Side Drum
Potato Dalek Calgary is in Canada....
MichaelGsTar132 Calgary is on Earth somewhere
Potato Dalek en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calgary
American ignorance. :c
Canadian mix of USA and UKness :(
Amazing sound! Greetings from Subotica, Serbia./ Üdvözlet Szabadkárol! ( HUN ) / Pozdrav iz Subotice. ( SER )
If I saw this coming after me with an Scottish Army I would immediately shit myself and run the other way!
Awesome music!!!
Went to a school in Lawton Oklahoma that has that tune for their fight song. Dam near took state in football the first year that school was open. Scotland the brave is truly a fight song.
Thank you lad respect from Scotland.
+Billy moo this song is energetic and because it I look forward to embracing my family's forgotten heritage and try to pick up the Scottish bagpipes.. it may be hard to find a worthy teacher And good set of pipes here in America but I won't stop because my heart is full of Scottish pride and passion!
WOW! ! ! !
For six years I've been listening to this.
For two years I've been working on a night shift.
And this video gives me unfortunate strength:
Thanks from Upper-Frankonia, Bavaria
Well that was a fun comment! Nice to hear from people like you. Thanks!
Thank you,
Unfortunately, I will never have the chance to visit your festival in canada, or to travel to Scotland (my Dream). My budget is too low.
once a year, the Volksbund, the German war grave, is an event in
bayreuth, Upper Frankonia in the north of Bavaria, and Military music from England, Wales and SCOTLAN are here.
I wish you a wonderful year 2017 and many thanks for the reply.
You make me strong, big and confident.
Thank you for this clip
That was surelcih no funny comment from me !!!!
Everyone thinks us well in germany. Do you work in canada 220 hours a month night shift?
This music just inspires me to live my life just as it is!
And the life here is certainly not funny !!!!!!
At 1:20, there’s a moment where the sound of the pipers overcomes the background of the drums, and it sounds amazing
Why am I watching this at 1 in the morning...
Cause ye love Scottish pipe bands Rocky.
They are as much Canadian as they are Scottish you know. ;P
no they ur nae they ur scottish and scottish only
ya I have to agree with memelord here they are Def not as much canadian 100% scottish that's not to say a non Scott cannot enjoy them
Must I say this is one of best massed pipes and drums I have ever seen! Nice to see that the Scottish heritage is still celebrated in other places apart from this side of the Atlantic.
why i'm cryin' by pipes sound - may be one of my lifes was there ... highland
This is giving me goosebumps so bad my skin is hurting.
What an awesome sight. Cant even imagine the electric in the air and to feel the music pound through your heart right to the very soul. Makes my chest puff out.
They may take our lives, but THEY WILL NEVER TAKE, OUR FREEDOM
1. Sounds great and looks really cool
2. Next time do it in some city without any notification to anybody in adavance and see what happens next when 700 scots with bagpipes and drums march into the city center :D
Heidelaffe: people would shit themselves!
It depends, Glasgow might cheer. Londoners on the other hand might get a little nervous, maybe even sweat a little.
Instructions unclear: started revolution
scot army in *turkey*?
*i knew it! they here to destroy our tulums*
Beautiful music, Miss you Dad, and the wonderful sounds you created, Rest in Peace mate, the sound of your pipes wil live forever.
Oh god i am getting chills!
I'm from Scotland, Hoping to move to Canada soon.
traitor!! ;)
JB007 lol
Maple leaf forever!
Daryl K S What part of Canada are you hoping to move to?
and i want to move to scotland...
There is nothing better than pipe bands live,!!!
Gave me the goosebumps
When it kicks off here in the UK I hope we hear these boys as we drive the foreign horde back to Saracen land
Its amazing to hear all these pipes and drums play!
i would bet if you marched one lone piper playing scotland the brave through hell even the devil would be shitting himself,and if you marched this many he and his army would run
haha yep...
i think if an army of pipers this size would scare off anyone haha
weeguy . And We Shall..
Plus an army 10 times their size behind them
weeguy correct my friend 👍
Ahh scotland
Whiskey, skirts, bagpipes and rain
my kinda land
'Skirts'? There are things called Kilts in Scotland, but Skirts aren't normally associated with Scotland
oh lad, that be a kilt,a proud tartan of the clans, ye best learn the difference, scots dont handle such miscalling of thier tartan, specialy in glasgow
"Devils in Kilts"?
It's only a skirt if ur wearing something under it. (Btw imma girl but im Scottish and my dad wears a kilt occasionally).
Scots have whisky .... no "e"
I have tear in my eyes watching this what a sight and sound amazing.
Scotish Hymne..GREAT and Beautyful
Scotland are the Brave Country
Try this - th-cam.com/video/-v7XSLY_jhc/w-d-xo.html
amazing how so many musicians can stay on key
It's not really possible to be off key on the pipes, provided they are tuned correctly before performing.
IncomitatusExcelsior so there is a possibility?
OKMRDX OK-nice. just like Lloyd Christmas would have said
or someone who knows about music and who's been in numerous bands and knows how to play instruments
That's like saying it's amazing how many pianos can stay on key - they're tuned.
Respect from Nepal! You guys make the entire human race proud!
Gets the blood going, brilliant!
And now i 'am imagining how the scotish army come over the hills
Wow I wish I was there..... amazing.... My father played the bagpipes in the Highlanders in world war II.....
Wow!! Such an amazing performance!! I would like to join them but I m just ordinary Malaysian girl who are not afford to go to Canada..
Canada emmmm thats scotland that ur watching
vVyohasakuraVv Well the last time I was in Calgary, it was still in Cananda..
yea my phone was bugging up and i ended up commenting the wrong video (also the explanation for the double post)
Wouter Van De Peppel As a Dutch you should know the city and district naming habits in North America. =) (Rotterdam, NY?) The original Calgary is in Scotland on the Isle of Mull. Why on Earth would the Canadians host the Highland Games?? :D:D
Shafinaz Arshad It is Scotland. =)
raze83 Sorry to disappoint you buddy, but that is indeed Calgary, Alberta, Canada :) Most major Canadians cities host their own Highland Games every year!
So beautiful
Christ.....one of the most emmotional sites/sounds I've ever witnessed. Got a big bloody lump in my throat!
Robin Topping 29th Sep 2018
I love Scotland... 👑
Damn. I love a good counter column. Don't you? Reminds me of the Texas A&M University band. Where's those Bloody English?
Aye ..so do i..🏴⚔🏴👍👍👍
you don't need to be a hero or a warrior to feel better when you listen to this ,it already gives you that feeling ,use what you have not for anyone else but for yourself always make a difference cuz we are all WARRIORS!!
this is culture, as long as people are still doing this, islam will always be seen as the dead end it is. this is beautiful.
What in God's name does anything have to do with Islam, which we can btw thank for the Renaissance, algebra and basically modern science? I am so tired of people being brainwahsed by neocons that I am about to have a stroke. Learn what Islam is before you flap your gums next time. They have these things called books nowadays, in which one can learn different things. Including real information about Islam rather than NATO war propaganda. It is one of the advantages of living now that Gutenberg has just reinvented movable type printing. You should check it out. That too you can thank Islam for btw.
Islam sparked modern Europe. The Scottish have provided bagpipes, dresses for men, caber toss, bad football and haggis. And you talk about culture? You're a barbarian and a philistine!
Ignorant comment ......
The Muslims may have had a culture to speak of 1000 years ago, but they stopped and went backward
And you're slagging the Scots? The nation which developed modern medicine? Which developed radar and had physicists that were the inspiration for Einstein, a nation with more Nobel prize winners per head of population
So, have a look through that Wiki, educate yourself on the Scots, ......a country which was developing modern culture while Muslims were cutting the clit off of young girls so they can't experience sexual pleasure.
Truth is, while in Scotland they were developing the first flushing toilets, Muslims were still shitting in holes
Fishslap 33 ............if we read the quran we can learn Muhammed was a sexual predator,pedophile,rapist,slave owner,murderer,thief,warlord,dictator as well as being mentally ill..........now the good thing is all ive explained above was written in the quran and hadiths so Muhammad left evidence about himself in black and white........the only thing Islam sparked was the crusades......now get it right up yah.
And if you think your insulting little list of none achievements are all that Scotland has provided to the world then you sir are a moron. I believe it was Winston Churchill who said that with exception of perhaps the ancient Greeks, no country of comparable size has had such an influence, nor given so much to the world as Scotland has
Imagine 100 soldiers with bagpipes and drums marching into London after conquering England in the time of glorious Medieval Europe
What daft grasp of history you have!
I remember Hearing the band play this when I was in the Army Cadets years ago, Loved Marching to it.
is this a different version than the normal Scotland the brave? Because I really like how it switches at the one minute mark, and I cannot find a studio recorded version like this one.
+Mike L These bands alternate between "Scotland the Brave" and "The Rowan Tree", a slower piece.
+Mike L Also, this is the "high hand" version of STB, a slight variation to the normal one and commonly used in massed bands or orchestral settings.
+Mike L , It's the regular Scotland the Brave, at the one minute mark, the just switched into a tune called Rowentry
+Mary Verdin Rowan tree
''The Rowan Tree''
It's a good thing I was not there. I would have been running behind them trying to detach the piece of toilet paper from the piper's shoe, lol.
A perfect way to RESPECT YOUR HISTORY! And this brings tears to Greek eyes.
I just love bag pipes. Im not sure why.
Because it's wonderful music👍😊
Hi, I am from Taiwan, and I've heard of this in Australia, I find it very beautiful, can anyone please tell me the name of the music or the song they were playing? Thanks.
"Scotland the Brave",followed by "The Rowan Tree"!
+gmaccruyff55 I watched again and I just noticed at the beginning, the names are yelled out.
Scotland is the best and I am from Scotland 👏🏻😀😀
+xXcodnaster123xX Loughlin go William Wallace!!
I get goose bumps every time I hear the pipes
The day the devil started praying
hahaha yeah !
This is a battle song
Mebbe, but y'can't whack "Black Bear".
"Highland Laddie" as well. My ancestors played "The Campbell's are Coming" and despite it being my family's tune I just can't compare it to "Highland Laddie" or "The Black Bear" in terms of listening enjoyment.
Glorious!! I wish I could have been there... It would be a dream come true for me to see something like this live. Thank you so much for posting this I love it. xx
Did anyone notice a black kid in a kilt.
I just got a lump in my throat. Beautiful music
Not the colour of your skin but the strength of your character. He did well.
I love bagpipe music
That young man played with heart and with pride. This is what the heart and soul of pipe and drum cores is. And i too got a lumpp in my throat and a chill as well.
Ryan Coke you're right and yeah he did...culture is so cool!
Jesus H fuck this makes me feel like marching to war.... i mean shit...
Indeed, give me a hardened sword and shield and I'll be off
give me a hardened sword and a smooth musket and i'll be firing bullets at all enemies
Give me a force field and a nuke
мisteг Rㅇьloχiдп Should we get you a time machine too? Cause none of that will help you today.
I'm from Calgary, Canada!
This is awesome!
That piper has toilet paper trailing from his Ghillies at 1:53! Haha!
***** The toilet paper stayed on through the entire march. It must have been Charmin! LOL
Brandi Prodanovic good quality toilet paper
0:14 Boys in Gym getting ready for Dodgeball
Absolutely Stunning, love from Cape Breton.
Thank you! Cheers!
America doesn't do this. Gotta love Europe
You don't know where Calgary is, do you?
Calgary is in Canada...
Does it matter? It's european heritage.
Oh, this is sad. Canada is America... it's NORTH AMERICA.... Please stop posting, as you've significantly lowered the Web IQ.
The U.S. is also called America. I hate it too, but when I don't say "America" as the U.S., a shitstorm usually starts.
What computer to run this game?
Commedore 64.
TheRussianEevee Damn this game is optimized.
Not gonna lie, this made cry!
It's just so beautiful!
I don't understand how Scotland could lose any War, you hear something like that coming towards you...
god bless the maple leafs
God Bless you brother !
there is no better feeling in this world than being scottish.i cant even keep dry eyes when flower of scotland is playing or scotland the brave,but mainly cause am proud of what we stand for and believe in as a nation we are one
If they sent a army of bagpipers against England back in the day, we would have been fucked. Great stuff.
They did, and we nearly were. ;¬)
pause at 0.24-.0.25 bottom right corner ;) anybody see it?
haha toilet paper xD
This one is personal favorite. Well done!
One guy has toilet paper on his shoe on the way back lol
lol how?
Actually it looks like he is wearing the traditional leg wrappings and one has come undone, it does look like toilet paper though.... :)
+Bill Weedman still funny