bantu jawa bang, ini game berat di procesor, kebetulan procesor ane sama kayak di video cuma gapake vga dan hasilnya sama aja framedrop pas saya cek gpu kepake setengahnya dan cpunya 100% pas match itu yg bikin framedrop
Ya emang rata" game kompe kayak gini yg udah pernah aku test makan cpu full semua kayak apex,valo cpu full load kalau pakai i3 mungkin cocoknya pakai i5 sampai i7 kalau generasi lama mungkin
Thank for sharing result it so rare to see game optimize for low end hardware these day. I use hdd as well and there have no stutter at so problem is not from there. Game use around 3.8 gb vram on low setting that may be the cost and may be cpu.
Yes you're welcome. if for the lack of vram can be overcome by using the share of ram for recommendations using high ram, for example 16gb. For speed share ram is not as fast as the vram of the built-in gpu
Suspek saya frame drop keras karena vramnya kurang 🧐
Cpu nya juga kepentok 100% gpunya ga sampai 100
bantu jawa bang, ini game berat di procesor, kebetulan procesor ane sama kayak di video cuma gapake vga dan hasilnya sama aja framedrop pas saya cek gpu kepake setengahnya dan cpunya 100% pas match itu yg bikin framedrop
Ya emang rata" game kompe kayak gini yg udah pernah aku test makan cpu full semua kayak apex,valo cpu full load kalau pakai i3 mungkin cocoknya pakai i5 sampai i7 kalau generasi lama mungkin
Thank for sharing result it so rare to see game optimize for low end hardware these day.
I use hdd as well and there have no stutter at so problem is not from there.
Game use around 3.8 gb vram on low setting that may be the cost and may be cpu.
Yes you're welcome. if for the lack of vram can be overcome by using the share of ram for recommendations using high ram, for example 16gb. For speed share ram is not as fast as the vram of the built-in gpu
coba pake cpu i5 gen 6, pake vga yang sama, gimana hasilnya bang?
Waduh ga bisa ga punya mobo gen 6 - 7 gen 4 beda lga sama gen 6 - gen 7
avg fps nya sih bagus. Tapi dari output recordingnya yg dikit-dikit ngefreeze, mana nih yg harus dipercaya? Dari pov mu bagus-bagus aja kah bang?
Btw, request "Neverness to Everness" bang. Kuat ga ya..
Dari pov lancar hasil record yg ga bagus ketika full load cpu nya hasilnya patah" kalau cpu usage nya kecil hasil videonya bagus
Emang udah rilis kah neverness to everness
@@sahruleko Belum sih, setauku skrg mereka lagi CBT.
Oke kalau udah rilis aku cobain
punya gw pake i3 10105f tapi gt730 nya masih yg gddr3 njir, aman kah
Beda performa untuk yg gddr3 sama yg gddr5
@@sahruleko ini game berat di cpu apa gpu bang
Untuk sekalas i3 gen 4 termasuk berat full terus untuk cpu nya gpunya yg ga sampai mentok
Kalau sekelas i3 gen 10 masih aman aja sih 4 core 8 thread kalo ga salah i3 gen 4 cuman 2 core 4 thread
bang coba test beamng drive😁
Oke siap download dulu nanti
Ramnya dua keping kah?
Jelas 2 keping DDR3 gaada yg 16gb singel channel.kalau ram ECC punya server ada yg singel 16gb ddr3
@sahruleko ehh iyaa juga ya 🤣 baru inget 😭