Hi Kaarel, thanks for great introduction of pgwatch. I was wondering, can Pgwatch help me to find out / list long-time running queries that happened in my PSQL ? thanks !
@MuhammadFahreza there are some dashboards for this, e.g. "Stat statements Top". You can check it out on our demo site: demo.pgwatch.com/d/stat-statements-top/stat-statements-top
Hi Kaarel, thanks for great introduction of pgwatch. I was wondering, can Pgwatch help me to find out / list long-time running queries that happened in my PSQL ?
thanks !
@MuhammadFahreza there are some dashboards for this, e.g. "Stat statements Top". You can check it out on our demo site: demo.pgwatch.com/d/stat-statements-top/stat-statements-top