my uncle's parents were heavy drug users, and he was abused as a child. therefore, he was adopted. however he was addicted to all kinds of drugs, and all his friends have died from overdoses. furthermore, he would never be close to drugs when my brother and i were around. we once visited him for a week, and spent quality time with him, and at the end of the week, we asked if he wanted to come home with us for a 2 weeks, and he said yes. after those 2 weeks he asked my mom when he was going home, and my mom said 'never'. and that was it pretty much. he became a substitute teacher at our school, and he knew nobody in our country, so there was no way that he was going to get his hands on something. therefore, he became sober, and he hasn't touched a drug in 9 years. im so proud of him.
Make sure he addresses the underlying issues that got him to use in first place, because him not being able to get high is a good start, but you want him to be able to say no if the opportunity ever arises. Addiction is a daily battle for rest of your life. His battle is still not over.
"Do you know what a pilot's training is for? It's not to fly the plane on a beautiful sunny warm day. It's to fly it when engine #2 is on fire and you're losing hydrolics." So true. Being a professional/expert is about managing when things go wrong.
28 years of recovery, a Master's from Hazelden, another degree in counseling. I have no idea what works every time. But I do know that there are 1,000's of different was to get it done a day at a time. If Bob gets it done and folks around too, that is what matters.
Ego...look at me!!!!! Those who really serve so selflessly without letting anyone know about it. In Narcotics Anonymous we call it selfless service, or as my sponsor taught me RAK without Smack - random acts of kindness without talking about it. I have seen these BS dudes thousands of times..... They come and go all the time......
+Bigdawg 1 Again, what you think on how he should be or irrelevant. If people swear by him and say he helped them, that's all it matters. End of story.
As a generally alcohol-dependent person, I'd greatly appreciate organizations who excluded a god, or who were less based on dogma. Or even, who followed the more recent (recent being 5 years) of medical science, who showed that moderate drinking could be achieved, and that binge drinking was more likely following abstinence. Admittedly, not enough time to express my complaints. Aside from all that. Assuming abstinence, it's so difficult to find groups who value "non-believers" outside of the very major metropolitan areas (which do not exist in my state.) Perhaps people relate.
+79274333 He was "Rob Ford's Sobriety Coach....For 6 days? Six lousy days? Does that even count? If it was six weeks even that would be iffy but Ok, I could buy that.
Bob, based on what I just saw, you rock. There is no silver bullet, but at least Bob tries to adapt a program to the addict. There is no shame in addiction as long as you are actually trying to do something about it. ADD and Coke correlation is spot on.
As a recovering addict I wash I could have afforded a sober coach 5 years ago. I use to think that I had no idea people stayed sober and although I doubt I have the magic answer it’s good seeing people do good for others.
I hope you find that person or in most cases I've heard of or actually happened in my life is they find you.. just keep you're eyes and ears open always. I know this comment is years later than yours, I just really hope you had your chance friend.
I used to hate the fact that I kinda chose to get clean an sober in Fort Erie Canada at the Arid House, not that anything was wrong with the house,it was great an it worked for what you put into your time there, The drawback was that you had to attend an min of 5, 12step meetings a week, now this is a very small hick town an not many different people at the meetings, so you really got an insight into the so-called Old Timers or the ones you were supposed to look up to,,I won't get into how really messed up it is here , but it gave me time to really see how thses 12 step programs an listening to these people here I'm so glad I had enough of a mind left, not to get brain washed into trading my addiction of booze an drugs for meetings,,There is a life in being sober an ya don't have to live it in the rooms
Let's examine some of the negative effects of cocaine use: erosion of nasal passages: almost entirely the result of the clandestine nature of it's production and choice of cutting agents, i.e. Levamisole. depletion of personal finances: entirely related to cocaine's legal status; banning any substance has the immediate effect of increasing its value by at least tenfold. users are forced to resort to crime in order to be able to afford their addiction. banning anything creates a series of problems that in most cases have a more detrimental impact on communities than the substances themselves. For example, America spends or loses over $300,000,000,000 a year on the Drug War. It would literally cost tens times less to simply subsidize drug users habits. Not only that, but it would introduce virtually every addict in the country to a system which truly could be controlled. Heroin from a licensed pharmaceutical company is relatively safe as opposed to heroin from Afghanistan- there can be no doubt. I could go on and on. Only decriminalization will ever reduce usage statistics in any country on earth, and it doesn't matter what the penalties for drug use are- not even death dissuades people from getting high, heck, in some cases, it leads them right to it (heroin hot shots are a form of advertising). Want proof? Portugal legalized all drugs in 2001, they no longer have a major problem with illegal drugs.. Just having to explain these kinds of things to people leaves me hopeless for humanity.
Aggression? Nonsense. The only thing a cocaine user wants to do is more cocaine. So what? It's their life, not yours. If it's the societal financial cost that concerns you, then decriminalization is the answer. It would be tenfold cheaper to simply subsidize a cocaine addicts habit than it is to lock them up for years on end. You do realize this, don't you? The War on Drugs costs just this nation well over $300,000,000,000 a year. AND IT'S A FUTILE ENDEAVOR WHICH ONLY MAKES THE PROBLEM WORSE. That's what happens when you bust a drug dealer, at least 2 or 3 more take their place. The Drug War is directly responsible for the exponential growth of both users and dealers. Furthermore, no one is "glorifying" drug use. Please show me where I attempted to associate glitz and glamour with drug use. You wouldn't even have a job if it wasn't for the Drug War- you're biased from the gate.
Also, a rehab clinic is the complete opposite of the free world. Of course people are going to be aggressive in virtual prison while detoxing. Do you even have any experience with drug use and drug users in the real world? Furthermore: Psychology Today - Why Intelligent People Use More Drugs Esquire - Smarter People Stay Up Later, Do More Drugs and Have More Sex Big Think - Creative People Cheat, Smart People Do Drugs The Atlantic - Science Is Sure: Smart People Love Drugs TIME - Why Kids With High IQs Are More Likely to Take Drugs
I agree completely. Unfortunately, legalisation is likely too progressive for most people in most countries. While in the United States, we are supposed to seperate law from religious beliefs we still have people who are religious and/or rich making the laws. And with that being said, there would be less need for law enforcement and correctional officers/ prison guards to keep those gosh darn druggies and dealers off the street. We all know for every dealer who's busted there are others willing to replace them. The addicts sometimes do commit crimes out of the drive for money to obtain drugs... And unfortunately out of a drug induced frenzy. *Rarely* Legal drugs = People think it will make every one including their toddlers use them. Until society can actually see that this will continue regardless of the consequences : prison, becoming broke, or death, we can't move forward. The actual truth is human behavior has no rationality other than one person living as they chose. If they want to use drugs ... That's their choice. It shouldn't be illegal. But neither should prostitution. Sex and drugs are enjoyable.... And God forbid we enjoy our short existence on this planet. It's mostly the way our culture is. We deny ourselves a lot of happiness in many ways. And a majority rules theory obviously isn't working or we would all have this "holyier than thou" attitude and just be automatically perfect from birth to burial. But that's not how life really works out, at all. Also legalising and taxing would probably pay off national debt, fix our crappy roads, pay teachers better so they might effectively do their job with a better attitude, provide universal healthcare, provide free college education, and potentially provide more money for housing low/no income people. More money to the disabled/seniors on social security. We wouldn't want to help others too much. That would be way too much to ask from the U.S. Conservatives= What other people do with their own bodies bothers them. Sex and drugs are bad umkay. *note: while some say it hurts the families when they die from their addiction... No shit, all deaths are sucky... but we are all going to die one day, enjoy it while you can, and if you can't enjoy it sober then so what. Still going to die regardless.
@@MRTN13 You work in a rehab clinic, that means you're dealing with people who are detoxing. That's very different from dealing with people who are high. I should know, I was a heroin addict for 15 years. You come of as so sure of yourself, but why? What on earth makes you think you have everything figured out? Only plebeians glorify sobriety. You will never know the joys of chemical consumption. So what kind of corny stuff do you do for fun? Do you jump out of airplanes? How is that any different than injecting cocaine? How about extreme sports in which people are constantly injured? How is that any different from drug use? They are both selfish endeavors that seek to release chemicals into the brain as a result of risk. Perhaps you take life too fucking seriously? Guess what? No matter how serious you take it, YOU'RE STILL GONNA DIE. Not only that, but you won't be able to take any of the material possessions , of which you avoided drugs to be able to afford, with you. You don't seem to understand that you are here merely for the experience, and that no matter what it is you are doing, you are experiencing *something*. We are all perfectly human, doing perfectly human things, and there is absolutely, positively, no greater purpose for any of us.
Yes, I do. Send me a tester from overseas, the rocks I'm smoking in London, UK are kinda disappointing. The coke is too weak here in England. I want to buy some strong crack! Can you help?!
Fantastic guy, one of those really inspiring people. Someone who does not compromise in his work and gets the best out of people by focussing on the bad. But it would be fuking great seeing him and Anthony Bourdain discuss addiction and food.
Xtremly hard to cut powerful opiates without substitution like suboxone or methadone.If anyone can do without GL with that i dont think many ppl succed in the long run without those subs.
I'm not a psychologist, but I am taking some psychology courses in uni (again... not a psychologist!) The main theme of psychology that we study, is that psychology is theoretically diverse. There is no "one way" nor "the cure". The approach that we see in Alcoholics anonymous is a very systematic and theory based approach. It isn't that dangerous living isn't recognised as potentially effective in helping cure addiction, rather there is no way to do it on a widescale-systematic approach. But it is recognised that "living a little" has benefits in helping patients. Bob's approach is very hands on and unconventional. It most definitely does not meet the modern textbook approach to therapy. But it does use a lot of principals in an unconventional manner, much like they did in the 50s.
iv fault addiction since I was 14 41 now aut of that had 10 years clean n sober I fell off a couple years ago witch im so gutted but for the last week iv been clean n sober I hate this illness not wish it in any family for all aut there I wish u all well one day at a time! !!!
15:28 It's no big secret "Why they decided to put anonymous..." and maybe the SOS group ought to explore that as a subject instead of "birds and snakes". Out in the real world where you have to actually do your living, there is more judgement/misunderstanding about addiction than in the cozy acceptance of your SOS group. When you are "Anybody who wants to talk to me about recovery, I've got no problem with it.", you can be putting a target on your back for interactions and circumstances that put your recovery at risk. Also, when AA was just getting started, a very famous baseball player who was a member spoke in the media about his success staying sober with AA's program of recovery on the radio (Today it could be on the... uh, er... internet). When he eventually fell off the wagon, his failure to stay sober discouraged some from trying AA... whose lives could have been saved.
Very interesting and well made interview/documentary. More stuff like this from Vice where the main focus is on the subject they are covering and not the journalist.
I think they are missing the point of "higher power." When I went through AA and the 12 step program I was told that my higher power could be a doorknob lol. The principal behind it is understand that you cannot absolve yourself of alcoholism on your own and it takes something beyond yourself to cure alcoholism. Submitting to a higher power also brings humility and allows you to let go of uncontrollable life circumstances (like death, unfair adversity, etc.). Many people allow their ego to blind them from this and I absolutely sense this in this documentary. I'm not one to judge (because I've learned that my judgement onto others is a reflection of the harsh judgement I inflict upon myself) and AA is not for everyone. All I can say is that I am 5 months sober and could not have gotten to this point without the 12 step blueprint AA provided me.
Well said. Bob was an overpaid mouth piece. Fuck his life and addictions. Pay your dues and apologise for the blatant disregard for hard working tax payers.
Real freedom is being like this, then also being able to enjoy a drink without completely losing the ropes that invisibly keep our life on the somewhat useful path.
+Arminius Yes. They pesky marxists. Those. All of those engaged in a single unified activity, preying. Every single one of them (marxists). wiki/Generalization
How refreshing to hear about substance abuse treatment that is not a cult like AA. I look at AA as just another drug replacement. One of the best lines that I remember from Cheech and Chong is "I used to be messed up on drugs, now I'm messed up on the lord".
wow... crazy how easy it is to find out who Adam (Moryto) is... Google street view to find out in which building it was filmed (Ritz-Carlton), google "adam Ritz Carlton Toronto" and first page is a tweet from him in 2013 plus a matching instagram page (including his full address, Suite 4104) Long story short... Daddy is paying the bills, owned, still runs a big lumber company p.s: why the fuck is bob driving adam's Ferrari ?
speaking as a recovered heroin addict, this adam guy sounds like a real blowhard. the coach seems really cool though, wish i had someone like that in my life at the time. and i completely second the guy who said AA is bullshit. recovery is not a 12 step process, it's a 1 step process. step 1: cease consumption of narcotics. all the other 11 steps are just filler to get you sucked into the little cult of social codependency, almost as pathetic as drug addiction. i'm sure there'll be someone in the comments ready to tell me i didn't really give it my best shot, but you're wrong. all i needed to do was quit heroin and make my way through the maze of my own head, which is something nobody else could tell me how to do in the first place. and if you're an addict you can expect the same thing, nobody knows the language of your inner mind except you. nobody can translate it for you, you just have to stay consistent and keep moving through however many iterations of trial & error it takes. a coach is definitely useful for preventing errors, but that coach doesn't need to be a member of a quasireligious organization like AA or NA.
I can tell he would be a good at what he does because in the addiction world, in order for someone to get someone sober the person working with them has to take no BS and show tough love because addicts are some of the most manipulative and vindictive due to their disease. It takes a tough cookie to break their addiction!
my uncle's parents were heavy drug users, and he was abused as a child. therefore, he was adopted. however he was addicted to all kinds of drugs, and all his friends have died from overdoses. furthermore, he would never be close to drugs when my brother and i were around. we once visited him for a week, and spent quality time with him, and at the end of the week, we asked if he wanted to come home with us for a 2 weeks, and he said yes. after those 2 weeks he asked my mom when he was going home, and my mom said 'never'. and that was it pretty much. he became a substitute teacher at our school, and he knew nobody in our country, so there was no way that he was going to get his hands on something. therefore, he became sober, and he hasn't touched a drug in 9 years. im so proud of him.
saibot God bless his soul.
@@SuperYosief that's a great success
Make sure he addresses the underlying issues that got him to use in first place, because him not being able to get high is a good start, but you want him to be able to say no if the opportunity ever arises. Addiction is a daily battle for rest of your life. His battle is still not over.
As a child of an alcoholic I find this absolutely amazing. Very inspirational
R.I.P to the biggest OG Toronto's ever owned
The realest.
Who? Who is dead.
@@ATLTraveler rob ford
"Do you know what a pilot's training is for? It's not to fly the plane on a beautiful sunny warm day. It's to fly it when engine #2 is on fire and you're losing hydrolics." So true. Being a professional/expert is about managing when things go wrong.
28 years of recovery, a Master's from Hazelden, another degree in counseling. I have no idea what works every time. But I do know that there are 1,000's of different was to get it done a day at a time. If Bob gets it done and folks around too, that is what matters.
Great comment, on point post is my birthday.
What was you addicted to bergers?
Uh-Mazin. Hilarious.
my road to recovery was like j-walking the freeway with a blindfold. I made it and I've been maintaining it since 1999.
fi mo , you go girl , you should be proud of yourself
Hope you're still going strong, sis. My recovery felt the same 😁
Dam your pretty
Very inspirational. Never too late to turn things around. Great fucking guy.
turn on your bullshit detector
+Bigdawg 1 If people say he helped them, who the fuck are you and I too call it bullshit?
Ego...look at me!!!!! Those who really serve so selflessly without letting anyone know about it. In Narcotics Anonymous we call it selfless service, or as my sponsor taught me RAK without Smack - random acts of kindness without talking about it. I have seen these BS dudes thousands of times..... They come and go all the time......
+Bigdawg 1 Again, what you think on how he should be or irrelevant. If people swear by him and say he helped them, that's all it matters. End of story.
There were some that claimed that Charles Manson and Jim Jones helped them....period
Too bad Chris Farley isn't still alive he could definitely play Rob Ford in a movie.
***** Very true! They're like long lost brothers.
🎵They tried to get me to go to rehab but I said no, no, no! 🎵
Question is... do we need a Rob ford movie though?
I was gonna say this reminds me of Blacksheep so much.
Literal Vampire Potbellied Goblin great call!
What have I learned from this documentary? Dont go work at Joe Beef restaurant.
Best non-environmental/conflict documentary on Vice
A rarity these days...
+Nathan Dudani In that case it's is the best non-environmental/conflict documentary on Vice by default.
+Nathan Dudani Japan's suicide forest is pretty good too
u r a mormon
finally a good doc from vice
Rest in peace, another life claimed by cancer. I RESPECT him for fighting cancer the way he did.
all fucking good being sober when your filthy fucking rich!
+mozzmarket drink water instead of alcohol and you'll be a little bit richer!
+mozzmarket Its even harder to stay sober when you are what are you talking about
+mozzmarket 'm sober and middle class. It's better than fucked up and middle class.
As a generally alcohol-dependent person, I'd greatly appreciate organizations who excluded a god, or who were less based on dogma. Or even, who followed the more recent (recent being 5 years) of medical science, who showed that moderate drinking could be achieved, and that binge drinking was more likely following abstinence. Admittedly, not enough time to express my complaints.
Aside from all that. Assuming abstinence, it's so difficult to find groups who value "non-believers" outside of the very major metropolitan areas (which do not exist in my state.) Perhaps people relate.
You're a homosexual and you need to forgive. Let it go. Go your way. You do not need alcohol.
@@spacerothstein1381what is wrong with you
14:45 I didn't know Steve Jobs and Bill Murray had a love child
holy shit
Oh man. What a prime observation
+Phil Latio Danny Ainge, GM of the Boston Celtics, is a recovery coach, who knew?
+Phil Latio Stupid thing to say, Randy Quaid was clearly the main DNA provider here.
Nailed IT
Yep, "God didn't do it for me, I did!" is very powerful. And I think Bob charges based on his client's income to be honest.
DommY CS I totally just commented that! haha I love when he said that! #Realist
You are so very ignorant aha
As a suffering alcoholic, i loved this
Best Line: "I called him a fat Fuck & Mr. Mayor."
Oh I thought he said 'Mister mayo'. Lol.
Very well done piece. Much respect for those that do this kind of work.
Being Rob Ford's Sobriety Coach, would be like being Kirsty Ally`s diet coach.
+79274333 it would be like being Rob Ford's diet coach
+79274333 He was "Rob Ford's Sobriety Coach....For 6 days? Six lousy days? Does that even count? If it was six weeks even that would be iffy but Ok, I could buy that.
Wow. One of the best things I've ever seen from Vice.
Bob fucking rules!!! Everybody needs someone like him.
I'd love to go to this guys homegroup,he seems so real to me running some great recovery, salute.
This is such a beautiful documentary.
Interesting character - very charismatic (the coach)
I’m an addict and hate any kind of meeting I hate getting close to people
Bob, based on what I just saw, you rock. There is no silver bullet, but at least Bob tries to adapt a program to the addict. There is no shame in addiction as long as you are actually trying to do something about it. ADD and Coke correlation is spot on.
So much respect for this man.
As a recovering addict I wash I could have afforded a sober coach 5 years ago. I use to think that I had no idea people stayed sober and although I doubt I have the magic answer it’s good seeing people do good for others.
What an awesome guy. Wish I could go to his group. Seems so refreshing.
He is right, addiction is not a moral flaw but a disease. It is a real problem that needs treatment.
i need a guy like that in my life urgently...
Go to a NA meeting!
I hope you find that person or in most cases I've heard of or actually happened in my life is they find you.. just keep you're eyes and ears open always. I know this comment is years later than yours, I just really hope you had your chance friend.
Great video, time for a beer.
Pills. Hash. Opium. Sun's over the yardarm somewhere.
This would make a good movie
Thank you every one in this video. Vice you ROCCK
I used to hate the fact that I kinda chose to get clean an sober in Fort Erie Canada at the Arid House, not that anything was wrong with the house,it was great an it worked for what you put into your time there, The drawback was that you had to attend an min of 5, 12step meetings a week, now this is a very small hick town an not many different people at the meetings, so you really got an insight into the so-called Old Timers or the ones you were supposed to look up to,,I won't get into how really messed up it is here , but it gave me time to really see how thses 12 step programs an listening to these people here I'm so glad I had enough of a mind left, not to get brain washed into trading my addiction of booze an drugs for meetings,,There is a life in being sober an ya don't have to live it in the rooms
hope all is good for Rob and family , cancer is never fun over Christmas , all the best
Wow about time. Good job Vice!
What a legend this man is.
Let's examine some of the negative effects of cocaine use:
erosion of nasal passages: almost entirely the result of the clandestine nature of it's production and choice of cutting agents, i.e. Levamisole.
depletion of personal finances: entirely related to cocaine's legal status; banning any substance has the immediate effect of increasing its value by at least tenfold. users are forced to resort to crime in order to be able to afford their addiction. banning anything creates a series of problems that in most cases have a more detrimental impact on communities than the substances themselves.
For example, America spends or loses over $300,000,000,000 a year on the Drug War. It would literally cost tens times less to simply subsidize drug users habits. Not only that, but it would introduce virtually every addict in the country to a system which truly could be controlled. Heroin from a licensed pharmaceutical company is relatively safe as opposed to heroin from Afghanistan- there can be no doubt.
I could go on and on. Only decriminalization will ever reduce usage statistics in any country on earth, and it doesn't matter what the penalties for drug use are- not even death dissuades people from getting high, heck, in some cases, it leads them right to it (heroin hot shots are a form of advertising). Want proof? Portugal legalized all drugs in 2001, they no longer have a major problem with illegal drugs.. Just having to explain these kinds of things to people leaves me hopeless for humanity.
- Aggression
- Paranoia
- Addiction
I've worked in a rehab clinic. Only junkies glorify drugs.
Aggression? Nonsense. The only thing a cocaine user wants to do is more cocaine. So what? It's their life, not yours. If it's the societal financial cost that concerns you, then decriminalization is the answer. It would be tenfold cheaper to simply subsidize a cocaine addicts habit than it is to lock them up for years on end. You do realize this, don't you? The War on Drugs costs just this nation well over $300,000,000,000 a year.
That's what happens when you bust a drug dealer, at least 2 or 3 more take their place. The Drug War is directly responsible for the exponential growth of both users and dealers. Furthermore, no one is "glorifying" drug use. Please show me where I attempted to associate glitz and glamour with drug use.
You wouldn't even have a job if it wasn't for the Drug War- you're biased from the gate.
Also, a rehab clinic is the complete opposite of the free world. Of course people are going to be aggressive in virtual prison while detoxing. Do you even have any experience with drug use and drug users in the real world? Furthermore:
Psychology Today - Why Intelligent People Use More Drugs
Esquire - Smarter People Stay Up Later, Do More Drugs and Have More Sex
Big Think - Creative People Cheat, Smart People Do Drugs
The Atlantic - Science Is Sure: Smart People Love Drugs
TIME - Why Kids With High IQs Are More Likely to Take Drugs
I agree completely. Unfortunately, legalisation is likely too progressive for most people in most countries.
While in the United States, we are supposed to seperate law from religious beliefs we still have people who are religious and/or rich making the laws. And with that being said, there would be less need for law enforcement and correctional officers/ prison guards to keep those gosh darn druggies and dealers off the street. We all know for every dealer who's busted there are others willing to replace them. The addicts sometimes do commit crimes out of the drive for money to obtain drugs... And unfortunately out of a drug induced frenzy. *Rarely*
Legal drugs = People think it will make every one including their toddlers use them.
Until society can actually see that this will continue regardless of the consequences : prison, becoming broke, or death, we can't move forward.
The actual truth is human behavior has no rationality other than one person living as they chose. If they want to use drugs ... That's their choice. It shouldn't be illegal. But neither should prostitution.
Sex and drugs are enjoyable.... And God forbid we enjoy our short existence on this planet.
It's mostly the way our culture is. We deny ourselves a lot of happiness in many ways. And a majority rules theory obviously isn't working or we would all have this "holyier than thou" attitude and just be automatically perfect from birth to burial.
But that's not how life really works out, at all.
Also legalising and taxing would probably pay off national debt, fix our crappy roads, pay teachers better so they might effectively do their job with a better attitude, provide universal healthcare, provide free college education, and potentially provide more money for housing low/no income people. More money to the disabled/seniors on social security. We wouldn't want to help others too much. That would be way too much to ask from the U.S.
Conservatives= What other people do with their own bodies bothers them. Sex and drugs are bad umkay.
*note: while some say it hurts the families when they die from their addiction... No shit, all deaths are sucky... but we are all going to die one day, enjoy it while you can, and if you can't enjoy it sober then so what. Still going to die regardless.
@@MRTN13 You work in a rehab clinic, that means you're dealing with people who are detoxing. That's very different from dealing with people who are high. I should know, I was a heroin addict for 15 years.
You come of as so sure of yourself, but why? What on earth makes you think you have everything figured out?
Only plebeians glorify sobriety.
You will never know the joys of chemical consumption. So what kind of corny stuff do you do for fun? Do you jump out of airplanes? How is that any different than injecting cocaine? How about extreme sports in which people are constantly injured? How is that any different from drug use? They are both selfish endeavors that seek to release chemicals into the brain as a result of risk.
Perhaps you take life too fucking seriously? Guess what? No matter how serious you take it, YOU'RE STILL GONNA DIE. Not only that, but you won't be able to take any of the material possessions , of which you avoided drugs to be able to afford, with you.
You don't seem to understand that you are here merely for the experience, and that no matter what it is you are doing, you are experiencing *something*.
We are all perfectly human, doing perfectly human things, and there is absolutely, positively, no greater purpose for any of us.
this guy is phenomenal!
I hope Rob Ford knows what an inspiration he is to the average guy.
Hear Hear
Yes, I do. Send me a tester from overseas, the rocks I'm smoking in London, UK are kinda disappointing. The coke is too weak here in England. I want to buy some strong crack! Can you help?!
Fantastic guy, one of those really inspiring people. Someone who does not compromise in his work and gets the best out of people by focussing on the bad.
But it would be fuking great seeing him and Anthony Bourdain discuss addiction and food.
"God didnt do it for me, I did!" 😍😍😍. I love how there are educated and evolved-thinking individuals in this documentary. 💙
Xtremly hard to cut powerful opiates without substitution like suboxone or methadone.If anyone can do without GL with that i dont think many ppl succed in the long run without those subs.
Sadly but true. Im on methadone. Was a heroin addict for years. 3 years off and hopefully forever.
Bob Marier! How can he be reached ? Its important!
I'm not a psychologist, but I am taking some psychology courses in uni (again... not a psychologist!)
The main theme of psychology that we study, is that psychology is theoretically diverse. There is no "one way" nor "the cure". The approach that we see in Alcoholics anonymous is a very systematic and theory based approach. It isn't that dangerous living isn't recognised as potentially effective in helping cure addiction, rather there is no way to do it on a widescale-systematic approach. But it is recognised that "living a little" has benefits in helping patients.
Bob's approach is very hands on and unconventional. It most definitely does not meet the modern textbook approach to therapy. But it does use a lot of principals in an unconventional manner, much like they did in the 50s.
Bob looks way better now with his awesome hair than in his coke days. A lot like the German dude in Super Troopers.
i think he was swiss.
still a good comment
great documentary. inspirational as hell =) Thanks.
Dudes driving a hyundai, ain't that lucrative
Your coming back,
ADDICTION AND DEPRESSION are two biggest disease
iv fault addiction since I was 14 41 now aut of that had 10 years clean n sober I fell off a couple years ago witch im so gutted but for the last week iv been clean n sober I hate this illness not wish it in any family for all aut there I wish u all well one day at a time! !!!
thank you so much vice
15:28 It's no big secret "Why they decided to put anonymous..." and maybe the SOS group ought to explore that as a subject instead of "birds and snakes".
Out in the real world where you have to actually do your living, there is more judgement/misunderstanding about addiction than in the cozy acceptance of your SOS group. When you are "Anybody who wants to talk to me about recovery, I've got no problem with it.", you can be putting a target on your back for interactions and circumstances that put your recovery at risk.
Also, when AA was just getting started, a very famous baseball player who was a member spoke in the media about his success staying sober with AA's program of recovery on the radio (Today it could be on the... uh, er... internet). When he eventually fell off the wagon, his failure to stay sober discouraged some from trying AA... whose lives could have been saved.
great video vice
The sobriety pushing dude came into my restaurant and told me to watch this. lol.
Way to go! Very awesome. Thank you
Very interesting and well made interview/documentary. More stuff like this from Vice where the main focus is on the subject they are covering and not the journalist.
Amazing documentary.
my god, that opening line. it's beautiful.
I think they are missing the point of "higher power." When I went through AA and the 12 step program I was told that my higher power could be a doorknob lol. The principal behind it is understand that you cannot absolve yourself of alcoholism on your own and it takes something beyond yourself to cure alcoholism. Submitting to a higher power also brings humility and allows you to let go of uncontrollable life circumstances (like death, unfair adversity, etc.). Many people allow their ego to blind them from this and I absolutely sense this in this documentary. I'm not one to judge (because I've learned that my judgement onto others is a reflection of the harsh judgement I inflict upon myself) and AA is not for everyone. All I can say is that I am 5 months sober and could not have gotten to this point without the 12 step blueprint AA provided me.
great episode
Those meetings look lit
RIP Rockin' Rob Ford
hes amazing
Great Story, Really enjoyed it.
in your description, you wrote "Mayor of Toronto" . He is FORMER MAYOR of Toronto.
Well said. Bob was an overpaid mouth piece. Fuck his life and addictions. Pay your dues and apologise for the blatant disregard for hard working tax payers.
Recovering addicts are the best Characters you can possibly meet.
Real freedom is being like this, then also being able to enjoy a drink without completely losing the ropes that invisibly keep our life on the somewhat useful path.
man, what a tough job this guy had. rob ford was a professional
After spending 31 years in a 12 step program I'm wary at anyone who claims he knows the answers.
There are no subtitles, can you put them on please? Sometimes I don't know what the interviewer said.
Crack is whack. This guy is a Cheese burger away from a heart attack. Im a poet. Now you know it.
+Arminius Yes. They pesky marxists. Those. All of those engaged in a single unified activity, preying. Every single one of them (marxists).
also a psychic
who is the Adam guy in Toronto?
+SpiceBoy7UK23 I want to know badly as well
+Clare Atkinson Adam Moryto, wannabe actor, Daddy runs a big company
fantastic story. really eye opening. rob marier youre a good human being.
How refreshing to hear about substance abuse treatment that is not a cult like AA. I look at AA as just another drug replacement. One of the best lines that I remember from Cheech and Chong is "I used to be messed up on drugs, now I'm messed up on the lord".
wow... crazy how easy it is to find out who Adam (Moryto) is...
Google street view to find out in which building it was filmed (Ritz-Carlton), google "adam Ritz Carlton Toronto" and first page is a tweet from him in 2013 plus a matching instagram page (including his full address, Suite 4104)
Long story short... Daddy is paying the bills, owned, still runs a big lumber company
p.s: why the fuck is bob driving adam's Ferrari ?
Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are full of richkid douchebags like him pretending to be 'self-made'...
Wow this is a fucking great one guy's.. good job on this one.
This makes me rethink my drug use
Saucy Sofia , your too sexy for drug addiction ! stay clean and stay Saucy !!
Drugs don’t use winners
speaking as a recovered heroin addict, this adam guy sounds like a real blowhard. the coach seems really cool though, wish i had someone like that in my life at the time. and i completely second the guy who said AA is bullshit. recovery is not a 12 step process, it's a 1 step process. step 1: cease consumption of narcotics. all the other 11 steps are just filler to get you sucked into the little cult of social codependency, almost as pathetic as drug addiction. i'm sure there'll be someone in the comments ready to tell me i didn't really give it my best shot, but you're wrong. all i needed to do was quit heroin and make my way through the maze of my own head, which is something nobody else could tell me how to do in the first place. and if you're an addict you can expect the same thing, nobody knows the language of your inner mind except you. nobody can translate it for you, you just have to stay consistent and keep moving through however many iterations of trial & error it takes. a coach is definitely useful for preventing errors, but that coach doesn't need to be a member of a quasireligious organization like AA or NA.
Who is the guy in the Toronto super luxury condo?
RIP Rob Ford.
This dude is the real thing.
Anyone know who that client of bob is at 4:20?
Bless this guy
"fucking larry" lol i love that dog
This would be the dream job. Rewarding as hell.
I can tell he would be a good at what he does because in the addiction world, in order for someone to get someone sober the person working with them has to take no BS and show tough love because addicts are some of the most manipulative and vindictive due to their disease. It takes a tough cookie to break their addiction!
Why do all of the old men in Canada have Andy Warhol/Johnny Depp (Specifically Fantastic Beasts 2) haircuts?
This guy is great. "I mean I'd call him a fat fuck..or Mr Mayor, you know.." Lmao
This dude is straight up, NO BS kinda guy..
an honest inspiration
Adam the guy in his 20s is literally living like Wolf of Wall Street
I want to go Canada it seems so chill & crazy
As an American that moved from NYC to Toronto, can confirm Canada is absolutely more chill but in fact, wild. 10/10.
I love this, guy. I wish he was my mentor.
the most interesting people sit around that table, the outsiders are the most interesting unique people one can meet.
That shower scene he explained was exactly how heroin withdrawal is.
I knew Larry when I was younger and its fucking weird to see him in a vice documentary
He is the Saul Goodman of rehab.