Before you go any further, prise the unit apart and tighten that nut. The case snaps together - you won't break anything prising it apart with a small screwdriver. Do make sure that the USB plug can fully penetrate the USB socket. I had to file down the case slightly to ensure that the plug would penetrate, which could be your problem too.
Xtrons dab+ Stick just compatible with Xtrons android radio. XTRONS DAB+ USB 2.0 Digital DAB+ Radio Tuner Receiver Stick NUR für die XTRONS Android Auto-Stereoanlagen
@@gerdkisslinger3740 >Its their DAB aerial .And they are sorting it out and this causes them to lose sales .I would have purchased one .But luckily read about the issues
I wasn't expecting the villain from mission impossible 5 to be giving tutorials! 😂
I can't understand why they dont just have it built in. I'm looking to buy one for my t5.1 but still unsure
Delete one app, it will not work when 2 dab apps are present, and probably you broke the antenna sma connector, so need to resolder and tighten up
It's a USB DAB+ dongle not a DAB-Z dongle for a start and that loose nut should tighten to the dongle not be used as a lock nut for hte aerial.
I thought the red usb connector is only for MirrorLink? Try the regular USB connectors.
Before you go any further, prise the unit apart and tighten that nut. The case snaps together - you won't break anything prising it apart with a small screwdriver. Do make sure that the USB plug can fully penetrate the USB socket. I had to file down the case slightly to ensure that the plug would penetrate, which could be your problem too.
Did you solve the problem?
Been messing around with mine for a month their an absolute nightmare. Wish I'd never bothered.
So this doesnt work on the Xtron?? I almost just wanted to order one!
Works fine on my Xtron, likely to have severed a wire with that loose connector,
There's different xtrons dab sticks for different head units
Xtrons dab+ Stick just compatible with Xtrons android radio.
XTRONS DAB+ USB 2.0 Digital DAB+ Radio Tuner Receiver Stick NUR für die XTRONS Android Auto-Stereoanlagen
You need a good earth on the Ariel
LOL comme c'est triste 😥
Hi, I have it installed in the United States and it doesn't work for me.
hello that works here in the united states I have it installed and it does not work in any way
ID10T error
Deleat app and load another from play store
HUGE problem with XTRONS and DAB. They need to get their shit sorted very quickly otherwise the UK importer will see a huge drop in sales
hi. i have the same problem. what is the solution?
@@gerdkisslinger3740 >Its their DAB aerial .And they are sorting it out and this causes them to lose sales .I would have purchased one .But luckily read about the issues
My xtron was focked from day one !! Avoid them at all costs total crap
works usa