MCF RADIO Morning Sermon BY Pastor Tom Mugerwa 21-July-2023

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
    💌God gave out the whole universe with the gift of everlasting or eternal life
    💌So as Christians, we should always value what God gave us and that is salvation with everlasting life
    💌No one has ever gone to heaven except the one who came from heaven that is Jesus Christ
    💌So everyone who believes and look onto Him can have eternal life
    💌Because God loved us to the extent of giving out His only son Jesus for us to be saved and never to perish but have eternal life
    💌Whoever believes Him is not condemed but whoever doesn't,is condemed already
    💌We should look therfore forward to this eternal life as being forever and ever
    💌Jesus came to do God's will which is to never loose none of us but raise us up to the last day
    💌God exists forever and ever because He is aSpirit
    💌We should always believe in Jesus Christ such that we may have eternal life
    💌We are Spirits like God and Spirits always live forever
    💌So it's us to decide whether to live forever or die forever
    💌 Our way to get eternal life is through Jesus Christ and its what brought Him on earth
    💌Therefore eve after death,we are going to be raised again to life if we die when Holy
    💌It's this confidence of eternal life through Christ Jesus that we get to be given whatever we ask for from God
    💌In order to get this eternal life, we have to become obedient before God to all His commands and voice so as to never perish without being snatched out of God's hand
    💌If we decide to be in eternal life,everything of us is going to be always in God's hands
    💌We shouldnt let our heart be troubled but rather should trust in God through Jesus Christ
    💌Jesus is the way that enables us to see God because He is the way,truth and life
    💌Satan will always have no foothold on our lives when we are in eternal life with God
    💌We should hold our eternal life through being contented with what we have ( away from from spirit of Mamona)
    💌But if we have what to eat or drink, let's be contented with that
    💌Because always seeking wealth or money leads us into temptations that later trap us into harmful desires and total destruction
    💌And love of money is always the root cause of all evil kinds
    💌 But rather we should pursue righteousness and Holiness so as to hold our eternal life
    💌Seek first for God's kingdom so as to enter God's kingdom which is filled with eternal life for other things we desire are going to be additiona
    Blessings we get after acquiring eternal life
    🎀God is going to save us through out the tough tribulations
    🎀Enable us to enter heaven
    🎀Able to fight the devil and all evil powers and overcome
    🎀God is going to wipe all our tears
    🎀 God is going to dress us with favour and take away all scorned contempt
    🎀All chains of captivities are going to be broken down
    🎀 God hears our prayers
    🎀We become children of God
    🫐God's grace is the only thing that can enable us to become what we wish or desire
    🫐For our God is so much gracious and mercifull to everyone
    🫐He is always gracious to us because He knows that the devil always powl to devour us
    🫐There are two terms, grace and mercy which our God has both towards our lives but they are different
    👉 Grace is a practical phenominal of doing an act out of feeling the mercy (after being filled with mercy)
    🫐And this is what our God is ,He has got both mercy and grace towards our lives;
    🫐 Which we must embrace too
    🫐Biblically we see when Jesus had compassion and mercy upon people when He healed them from their dideases
    🫐And because of God's great love for us, who is rich in mercy,
    🫐Made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressionsit is by grace that even we have been saved.
    🫐God's grace is therefore huge that doesn't fail or can't us for it is able beyond we may think
    🫐So if we turn to the Lord our God in seeking Him whole heartedly;
    🫐 Forsake away from our wicked ways and unrighteous thoughts
    🫐The Lord our God will have mercy on us and freely pardon.
    Importance/benefits of God's grace in our lives
    🎁Grace quickens in life
    🎁Empowers us to do beyond our ability
    🎁Enriches us
    🎁It heals us from diseases(Healing grace)
    🎁Glorifies God's Name in our lives
    🎁It delivers us from bondages(deliverance graces)
    🎁It enables us to endure(Enduraing grace)
    🎁Enables us to do God's will
    🎁Enables us to Serve God persistantly (Serving grace)
    🎁Enables is to walk in righteousness and Holiness (bearing the fruits of Holy Spirit)
    📖Psalms 103:1
    📖John 6:38-70
    📖John 3:13
    📖Genesis 1:26
    📖Genesis 2:8
    📖Genesis 3:22
    📖Revealation 2:7
    📖Luke 12:16
    📖Mark 10:23
    📖1st Timothy 6:17
    📖1st John 4:4
    📖1st John 3:2-22
    📖Exodus 34:5
    📖Mathew 20:30
    📖Ephesians 2:4
    📖Isaiyah 55:6
    📖1st Corithians 15:9
    📖1st Peter 5:5
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