How to unlock TIER 3 LEGIONNAIRE SET!!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025
- Just a quick video to show you how to actually unlock the quest line to farm T3 7th legionnaire set on ANY Alliance toon. I had a hard time piecing the information together from WoW Head/Reddit so this shows exactly how i unlocked the quest line. Cheers
OMG! Thank you so much for making this. I've been wanting these shoulders for years, but as someone who doesn't pvp I had not idea how to even begin this process. Now at least I have a clue on where to start and hopefully get my armor pieces!
God damn, about time man, I've been farming the crap out of those battles and not getting any tier 3's. Finally, thank you SOOOO MUCH!!
this is one of the coolest sets in game and its WAY TOO HARD to farm
another great tip for anyone farming this, if you have the alliance allied race Kul Tirans unlocked you can farm this multiple times per day by making a trial character. once the character is made go to the quest board by the auction house and talk to the guard to get the quest to start BFA and continue that until you get to kul tiras and are able to choose what zone you want to quest in, pick a zone and then follow the steps in this video. you can do that as many times as you want and farm the heroic warfronts. all together it takes about 10 min to do!
trying to follow this, just got the quest from the guard in SW, do I follow this? it just makes me do the campaign quest, 25 mins in and I think Im doing something wrong because nothing is avaliable
@@RawBeTea did you ever manage to figure it out?
@@Peter-os7nk Yea, I did. I went and made a video on how to do it in under 5 mins. It was horde at the time but its the same for alliance.
It doesn't work. I tried to access the table to launch the quest and it's not letting my click normal mode.
And how to pass it with a lvl 15-20 character?
Dude you a straight up saint for this video thank you was wondering why the warfront quest wasn't popping up on my alliance toon
Appreciate it man, GL!
Wish Warfronts were up all the time after BFA. It was a long grind...
Goodluck to anyone trying to get this set. I got it on my warrior during BFA…took like 4 months to get
is this set available in dragonflight? not in the transmogrification section
Is it still that hard to loot even today ? If i understand correctly i can farm it by getting the equivalent on horde side if i am horde ?
I’m a new player and if I understood correctly basically have to complete the BFA campaign then I can go from there with all the steps you mentioned. I’m just hoping I can’t still get this cause man that so cool
Thank you so much, I needed to get the shoulders and belt and forgot how to get them
Also wanted to add, If you have a horde toon, whatever piece you aquire it will be referred also on the alliance side. Meaning you can farm these pieces every week.
appreciate it, i recently was looking into this exact same mog and how to farm it. AFAIK if you complete one or all of: Uniting the Isles, Tides of Vengeance, or Two Sides to Every Tale on one character then you can skip the rep farm and go straight to get your Heart of Azeroth immediately when you hit lvl 50. I've thought you could only get the mog pieces from the Heroic end-of-warfront cache or the Heroic quest cache, but from the video it sounded like you got the Lion Shoulders from Normal? That would be awesome because the hardest part about Heroic is trying to find 10 people with 40~ minutes to spare. edit: oh and I spoke with quite a few other collectors and many of them believe that the Horde and Alliance sets 'cross complete' where collecting one piece, say the Alliance Plate shoulders, would also gain the Horde Plate shoulders as well, they weren't sure if you needed the whole set to cross complete or if each individual piece cross completed separately.
Thats awesome, it sure is hard tracking down exactly how to get these sets huh? lol And i just leveled a horde toon and yes i did unlock the equivalent horde shoulders. Also you do unlock via normal warfronts but you get it from the weekly quest turn in. I could run warfronts before i had the quest but could only farm t1/2
I just leveled a fresh warrior to 50, did the heart of azeroth quest but still cant pick up the quest. Looks like i have to unlock world quests first wich for some reason havent unlocked yet for me.
@@larryfishermans I just did normal Darkshore warfront but I got a normal looking piece. I had the normal and HC quest in my log, any ideas why?
This was an awesome video that helped me get going in warfront. I made a video to show people how to do multiple warfronts through class trials. If the owner of this video wants to delete this comment, no problem. I just want to get as many people as possible doing warfronts so the groups arent so few and far in between. TY Larry!
I know guildies that have been trying to get those shoulders for years on multiple toons.....First week is incredible !
Good video. Exactly what I was looking for! Thx
If you have done it with one chracter then you need to do only BFA intro quests till you see the war table and the quest giver Ralston Karn. That's it gl.
I really really hope they make reputation and achievement account wide, and also give the option to start over
Just completed the honor bound set last week
I’ve been farming for those shoulders for a long time and unfortunately still havnt gotten them yet, I have everything tied 3 except those. I won’t stop trying until I do! But for the next time #FortheAlliance
took me almost a year to get them. Worth it.
thanks a lot for the vid! really needed this.
I really like the other piece of armor that goes with the shoulders. What are they called?
Thanks for the guide, it was exactly what I needed. Unfortunate how utterly tedious this is to unlock, like really? A rep grind too? Guess I'll have to stick with 1 character grinding it. So irritating.
yeah its kind of a pain lol Glad this seemed to help a lot of people
@@larryfishermansi have 2 plate characters + 7 trials i made today… so 9 in total … i did all the time hc warfront and today i farmed all pieces except hands…. So that’s it pretty much… will try to get hands tomorow
@@Zamishere014how did you find nine other people to queue for the war front that many times?
@@attinger117 i dont know if i got lucky… but whenever i was in boralus, literally whenever , ppl were around the table , and atleast 3 grps were on in grp finder… if u cant see any, make one urself im pretty sure ppl will join
This video has been such a big help to me. I’ve done the normal quest twice already and have the Tier 3 Legplates and just got the helmet (which reminds me a lot of The Mandalorian). I hope next time I can get the Lion Shoulderplates. I apologize if I wasn’t paying attention in the video, but can you still get them from the Normal quest? Thanks again for uploading this video
Yep the normal quest will give you one random piece, but it can be a duplicate which adds to the grind. GL!
@@larryfishermans Thanks again!
The tier 3 from quest can give you dublicate aswell. Right now im leveling a bunch of plate users up both alliance and horde. Still need chest, legs gloves for full set and got a bunch of dublicates
I just did another Warfront and I finally got the shoulderplates! Thanks again for your help!
I got it since bfa…but I’m so mad i don’t got the pvp elite one…missing shoulders and helm…the colors are much cooler then the normal one :(
Thank you! Gotta love how absolutely shit blizzard at organizing their content and you always need to do some deep internet searching for it.
thank you man helped so much :)
You can do on horde side to right ? Cuz im think apperance share
The horde has their own appearance set, and getting the quest should be roughly the same. To get the 7th legionnaire gear you do have to get the alliance chest though. Leveling is extremely fast right now if you need to!
Hey, I've completed all the steps etc. However I do not see this quest. When I click on the War table it says "You cannot join the battle until Alliance contributors reach 100%" (It is currently at 60%), when It reaches 100% does that mean that the 3 weeks are over and that I'll be able to join the battle?
So i kind of glazed over that. It goes back and forth between horde and alliance, not sure exactly how fast you can get it but somewhere in the 2-4 week range. Mine is actually up right now though for NA. Should be able to speed the process up doing the contribute quests
@@larryfishermans How do I do the contribute quests? All it says when I click on the war table is Battle for Stromgarde contribute (on the left) which I can't join yet, and Battle for darkshore Siege (on the right) Which I can join.
how do i start the Boralus quest line? i'm new
If you are new and leveling i would say google where to find chromie and activate chromie time for Battle for azeroth. That will start the Boralus stuff
Does it have to be Stromgarde? i could only do Darkshore right now
how often can you do the quest? i noticed i cant get it a second time after completetion but it will let me que the mission again. i got the cloak btw lol. so not lucky.
I believe once a week. It may be as long as every 3 weeks but i am not entirely sure
i have nobody on my docks, and the npc on the boat, halford wyrmbane, offers no quests. which quest do i need to follow to get to this point? where do i start?
Well It depends. Are you level 50? if so then you most likely need to start and obtain the heart of azeroth neck piece to interact with wyrmbane. I believe i show the guy that offers the quest in the video. Hope that helps! You may also need the reputation with the 3 factions
@@larryfishermans i got the heart of azeroth, got the kul tiran quest and i dont understand how to proceed. i still dont see anyone on the docks
Stupid question, can I farm this set on my Shaman ? I want it as a transmog for my warrior or DK . Thanks for the vid , i have
always thought this set was out of reach.
As far as im aware, you can only farm the set that the toon can equip. Mage for cloth, war/pal/dk for plate etc. I have learned that it unlocks the opposite faction appearance which is nice though
What mount is the hosre?
@@agro8978 fallen charger 👍 from the maw in shadowlands
I que for the warfront and wait 30+ Mins but nothing happens... is it just a dead part of the game now or?
Yeah its old annoying content so not many people in Q. i regularly wait 30-45 minutes for normal unfortunately
wait so i can fullfill the quest the the normal mode also?
i always tought i HAVE to do it in HC.
because HC is litterly impossible to que because no one play it anymore
you can do it once on normal if you have the quest that gives the cache
Can you get the shoulders with assaults?
I have like 3+ copies of every slot but no shoulder or head. I only wanted the shoulders and head lol
yo I did the quest that gives a cache on my paladin (alliance), and when I went to do it on my second paladin (horde) I didn't have the quest does that mean that this quest is for everyone ?
So if you want the quest from the horde side you will have to do the same steps but the horde version lol. Luckily if you just do it on alliance it unlocks both faction versions. Just will take longer
do you only need the normal quest or the tier 3 comes from heroic quest?
The normal quest will give the Tier 3 appearance
@@larryfishermans thanks im farming all the sets im just missing the leather 3 tier....but i did it before now almost no one is doing it
Did they make more easy to take it now in 10.1?
For whatever reason he doesnt have the quest for me, is this soloable at level 70?
is it normal to wait for 1:30h+ to get into a round ??
honestly yea, i would only queue during peak hours to get a sub-20 minute queue
@@larryfishermans could i ask when peak Hours are
@@oberon3126 So for my region/server there usually arent enough people queuing until after 10 or 11 AM. Afternoons when people are getting off work is usually the easiest time
Can you spam farm the normal warfront and get the teir 3 shoulders now? been reading that on some sites
You can spam normal for Tier 1 & 2 but not tier 3. Can only get tier 3 from the normal weekly quest or the heroic mode + quest.
Thanks you!!!!
Thanks mate
Is the trick with the trial characters still a thing?
On the blizzard account website for trial characters it says
"Class Trial characters will not unlock account-wide appearances until boosted"
This was updates like 7 month ago according to the website
Just wondering before i waste time trying this..
Yeah it works with trial characters
i reckon this is the same for horde?
From what i can gather yea, just do the equivalent for horde side. Which ever side you farm it on, it unlocks it on the opposite faction which is nice
No ones does warfronts anymore. Not possible solo :/
@@vidarkol yeah you gotta advertise in trade chat usually. The content is brain dead easy now just gotta get the players to start it
I'm level 70, I'm friendly with the three required factions, I have the Heart of Azeroth. Arathi Highlands mobs are level 50 and WQ appear. But I can't speak to anyone at the boat, more than one NPC that gives me a quest to slay 25 hordes, and where do I even find 25 hordes in BFA, looking for hours to get a noob out in the open with WM on, but can't make any progress. HELP!
How do you achieve 2000+ PVP rating in legion for season 3-4 when we are in dragonflight now I’ve been trying to figure this out. There’s a transmog I really want
You can't, you have to achieve that during that season when it is current. If you have marks of honor you should be able to buy it from the pvp vendor but im not sure if blizzard ever added the set. I've heard that in 10.1 these bfa sets will be getting attention for transmog farming
you dont need to follow the legendary quest?
Got everything except the damn headpiece
Does heroic only give teir 3? And must have the quest
Nope normal quest gives tier 3 as well, heroic just requires more people and is harder so i just do the one normal quest
I need this set
Can you solo this in dragon isles ??
I think now with 410+ there is potential but theres so much going on i think you need at least 2-3 people. I have heard they are making it easier in 10.1 but we'll see!
do i need to be level 50 at least? great video
The heart of azeroth quest does require level 50, and that quest was required before the weekly chest quest popped up for me
0:19 Nope, you got the full Tier 3 set. No Tier 2 in there. Except for the Wrists, but all three Tiers have the same Wrist.
Does anybody know how to get the gladiator version of this?
You should be able to buy it for marks of honor, however i don't think blizzard ever added them. Should've been available once shadowlands launched but pretty sure were never added
is this still relevant? i not see it in the "sets" tab
It does not have a set, but it is in game and obtainable. Search through shoulders "7th Legion" should pop up with all of the versions. Can do this with each gear appearance tab
Can we get It yet?
I did the three zones, i have the people in the back of the boat but no quest is showing up.
Do you have the item Heart of Azeroth? i think its in the vid but im almost positive you cant get the quest until after you have the heart of azeroth neck piece, and/or the reputation for the factions
@@larryfishermans same for me. got the heart and the rep from bfa. i did all the quests. last step was in stormwind and earned the archive "ready for war" but still no quests there...
informative vid
Glad i got the set in BFA 😜
ty for help
It's the same with the darkshore set i guess ?
Nevermind.. farming with trial characters works...
wormbrain heh heh
All I know is I watched this 3 times and I'm still confused
What's to be confused about? He's trying to be very specific about this.
1st - Be level 50 minimum.
2nd - Go to Buralus and do the introduction questlines for Zuldazar, Nazmir and Vol'dun.
3rd - Find the Earthen Guardian who is located on the higher level in Boralus.
4th - Get the quest for Magni Bronzebeard who's in Silithus so you can get the HEART OF AZEROTH, do that campaign quest line.
5th - You need FRIENDLY reputation level with Proudmoore Admiralty, Orders of Embers and Storm's Wake.
6th - Go behind the ship and look at the table if the wartable is active, BUT DO NOT JOIN.
7th - Go back to ship talk to Halford Wyrmbane and look for a quest "Kul'Tiras United" or "Uniting Kul'Tiras". ACCEPT THAT QUEST.
8th - Go behind the ship again, to that wartable and see if Ralston Karn has the quest; "Heroic Warfront: The Battle for Stromgarde". ACCEPT this quest.
9th - Now click on the wartable and you can choose 1 out of 2 warfronts. SIEGE Normal is what you can do yourself. The Heroic version is a RAID and you MUST be ten people do complete it.
10th - To your right there should be a portal and a female NPC, Yvera Dawnwing. She will be sending you to Arathi Highlands and after that is done. Come back to Boralus. And go back to the wartable BEHIND the ship.
Now as he mention more than once is that this quest comes up ONCE every week or ONCE every third week. So be sure to check yourself to be sure. And you MUST have the quest BEFORE you join the Siege to get the correct pieces.
Buddy I would suggest you post this response as a comment, so others have an easier time understanding what OP is saying. I had a hard time comprehending what he went on about as well, and the info you wrote is really helpful.
Isn't that the Elite appearance?
I've seen it referred to as Tier 3 or Elite. I use tier 3 because of how its broken down between the 3 different sets on wowhead, when researching how to unlock it
@@larryfishermans But I thought the Elite appearances weren't obtainable after that season is over?
@@SkeldZ06 That would be for PvP, another reason i refer to it as tier 3 lol. This is obtainable through PvE Arathi Warfronts
@@SkeldZ06 pvp elite is fairly different in color but that's all.
Elite pvp version is greyish, this one is golden
This is an absolutely miserable grind
lmao agreed. At least it doesnt take nearly as long as pre 10.0 to do the actual instance
@@larryfishermans true until you get a group that doesnt know how it works and doesn't listen. i was in one for over an hour today >.
Yeaaahhh Sooo like I want them but I'm not doing all this lol.. Dumb as fk really xD They aren't THAT cool lol..
Will Then shoulders ever drop thoooooooo 😡😡🤌🏼🤌🏼
If you have done it with one chracter then you need to do only BFA intro quests till you see the war table and the quest giver Ralston Karn. That's it gl.