Give Me This Mountain 2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ก.ค. 2016
  • You were created to be a difference maker; a world changer and a person of influence. However, many people have sadly
    abandoned their mission and settled for ‘wilderness living’ - just like the children of Israel. In Deuteronomy chapter 1, God had
    to wake them up and challenge them to “go in and possess the land”.
    Every society is defined by seven pillars of culture: Government, Economy, Education, Family, Religion, Arts, Sports; and Media
    and Entertainment. And each of these pillars mirrors the seven mountains which God commissioned Israel to take.
    In this series, Pastor Tayo expatiates on these seven pillars of culture; and demonstrates how the structure of our society is
    strongly established on these pillars. You will discover some historical and foundational stories that have shaped our society to
    date. You will be inspired by the role some bible figures played in shaping the culture of their day. And you will discover why, as
    a believer, you cannot afford to ignore this call to action today.

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