0:00 always forever- cults 3:41 lovers rock- tv girl 7:08 good looking- suki Waterhouse 10:41 dark red- Steve lacy 13:30 space song- beach house 18:44 sweet- CAS (it got cut short for some reason) 23:18 Kingston- Faye Webster
we broke up recently and this was my own choice because my goal in this relationship was to cure her depression (let her find friends and a person that she will be happy with, not with me tho). i did it, she found many good supportive friends and a bf that has money and can support her at any time. however, now i feel empty and i knew that this was gonna happen but i didnt think that it will be that difficult. i'd say that we became opposite sides of ourselves. from being a happy 17 yo teen i turned into a depressive piece of crap but she's finally happy and thats probably the only thing that makes me happy right now and im proud of myself. even though we dont talk anymore i can sometimes look in her eyes or at her beautiful hair and just feel better. i hope she will continue to be the brightest star in my life and not worry about me (my bad if my grammar is bad though cause i feel like it is 😭) also i really hope that yall can find your love for life, have a good day
reading this made me feel emotional. i'm sure she's very thankful for what you've done for her to get her to where she is now. you'll find happiness soon too.
You just got friendzoned. Sorry BOZO have a good life knowing you are not good enough for her and for any single girl you meet because you think you are something special while you are just a pshycopath. You think You can cure people while you are inexperienced at any thing related to psychology. Be better. Have a nice day
@@BuhoneroCosplays era para estar criando o próximo app revolucionário ou uma fórmula química para salva parte da humanidade na próxima pandemia das 999 prováveis, mas não. Esta á 4 meses superando a Juliana. Você não era nerd?
She has me head over heels for her. We met last year. We are only 15 and her dad said she can't date boys. Like 17 days ago her dad went through her phone, and found me and blocked me on everything. I love her so much, like more then I can say, I feel completely empty of emotions, i've cried so much I can't anymore, and it really hurts, I thought of suicide but never did it, all i've done was cry in my bed all day, and hate myself. Cried so much i have to throw up. I haven't told anyone abt this, I've made 2 alts to text her, No response. I have texted her a dozen times. I hope I can text her again. Please pray for me yall.
hope you’re doing alright, a month has passed but the pain could still remain. hopefully the two of you can work around it, the dad seems like a loser.
Never in my life has a playlist appeared in a less appropriate moment. I thought I was going somewhere and, when my chance came, I got rejected for reasons that cannot be changed.
there is this girl that I met not so long ago. She makes me feel crazy things and all this songs just remind me of her. I think after all this time, Im actually falling in love
I am a 21 yr old dude never had a girlfriend and still a virgin. I'm not cooked looking or weird or anything I just never really looked for that kind of relationship. But this playlist makes me feel new things Idk how but I feel like now I realized I have been missing on a lot or am I really late? I want to feel loved maybe that's it, a different kind of love.
I don't speak English so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, and yes I'm using the translator to write, but I could understand your comment. Dude, I understand you, I'm 20 years old and I've never dated, but the advice I can give you is don't compare yourself to others, each thing has its time, you say that you feel like you've lost a lot of things, so what can you do to change? Take risks, try something new if you're afraid go with fear! You'll never know if you don't try, right? Love, it's relative, start with self-love, self-care and then move forward, as you say "baby steps" (Americans, sorry if that's not your case :D) love is in the little things, you just have to learn to observe and this applies to relationships, whether they're platonic or not. I don't know if my comment will help you, but I did what I could, good luck on your journey and it will work out!
@@IaneSaSalu Lately I have been living through the words "comparison is the thief of joy". I guess I will never be happy if I keep comparing myself to other people. I have been trying to improve myself by taking "baby steps" and achieving realistic and sustainable goals by going to the gym and reading everyday consistently as a form of self-love because what the heck how can I love others when I cant even love myself right? Thank you from the bottom of my heart actually for giving effort and taking the time and commenting, this indeed helped me realize a couple of things. Your comment is very well said even from a translator. English is not my first language and have been living in the US for only a year. And likewise, I wish you all the best on your journey and may you prosper.
@@vro7537 I'm so glad my comment helped you, and what I said is the purest truth. How can we love others if we can't love ourselves? I talked to myself weeks ago about this and that's it. You start to realize that things are flowing. Oh, you're not from the USA, oh my gosh, sorry for this and I'm glad the translator didn't trick me. Unfortunately, there's no way to translate it exactly the way we want, but understanding comes. Thank you for your words. I hope everyone finds love in some way or in something, and don't forget that if you can, you can! Have a great day, man.
Hey man I get it, 23 year old dude here. I try to not let it get me down, and just remember I'll meet her one day. I will meet her under the shade of love, and together we will live under the sun.
I loved her so much for so long, but I know that its time to move on. She can't be the person to fill that void, but god she was who I really wanted it to be.
всегда вспоминаю прошлое под олвейс форевер и мечтаю о будущем. вдруг что-то бы изменилось не встреть я людей, разбивших мое сердце, или как будет круто, как я буду отлично себя чувствовать, когда наконец заведу собаку мечты..да просто начну жить для себя! я ... уже не совершаю своих прошлых ошибок. не пишу определенному человеку из прошлого и не чекаю ее страницу, потому что это причиняет мне боль. но сейчас я снова начинаю чувствовать себя опустошенно, это очень плохо. я не хочу бояться,что то что я чувствовала ранее может вернуться. я боюсь что я снова буду это чувствовать именно в этот момент, когда я вроде бы начала новую жизнь, без своего прошлого, а именно с собой настоящей и будущей. сколько у меня бло мыслей измениться к чертям, в лучшую сторону для себя, но сколько попыток обрубалось неудачами в виде простой деградации или слез. я ведь обычная девушка, обычный подросток, который хочет быть счастливым. вся жизнь на перекосяк. с самого детства не задалось. как бы я не пыталась думать и вспоминать лучшие моменты из жизни, черная полоса заполонила будто бы все. но я хочу верить что я все та же добрая и хорошая девочка, которая желает всему миру добра и любви, хочет завести собаку и чтобы все любили ее и меня. однажды мне сказали доброта меня погубит. видимо так и случилось с той самой девушкой из прошлого. она меня погубила. я была радостной, отдавала всю себя ей, но..очевидно, зря я буду пытаться стать лучшей версией для себя и возможно оставить след в мире, да хотя бы в виде изменений в собственной семье...может. моя судьба стать первой, кто повернет нашу дорогу семьи на уровень выше среднего.гораздо выше. на самом деле, я даже буду первой во всем роде, тко получитвысшее образование. я собираюсь в универ. пока не определилась со специальностью. заканчиваю колледж на туризм. думала это сейчас активное направление в мире, все путешествуют, как минимум покупают билеты для этого.. так что...но сейчас я уже сомневаюсь
Читая ваш комментарий немного увидела в нем себя. На самом деле то,что вы чувствуйте это нормально, у всех нас бывают периоды упадка духа, все мы чувствуем себя опустошенными и уставшими. Желание помочь своим близким, желание изменить свою жизнь к лучшему - это прекрасно. Но чтобы кому-то действительно помочь, вам нужно сначала самой встать на ноги.Не тратьте себя на людей, которые этого не стоят, оставьте прошлое в прошлом. Извлеките из него урок и как бы не было тяжело не возвращайтесь. Вкладывайтесь в себя как в человека, развивайтесь и познавайте мир. Череде неудач все равно наступит конец, не упускайте момент создавать прекрасные воспоминания, будь вы одна или совместно с кем-то. Найдите то, что помогает вам снять стресс какое-нибудь хобби, например. Радуйтесь мелочам, ведь моложе, чем сейчас вы никогда уже не будете. Молодость - действительно наша лучшая пора. Поэтому не тратьте её на сожаления. Я верю, что упорство, стремление к лучшему, смелость смотреть трудностям в лицо, закаляют нас и дают свои плоды. Ни в коем случае не сдавайтесь и идите к своим целям, я уверена, у вас все получится!
Честно я тебя прекрасно понимаю, и я очень надеюсь что по итогу ты будешь счастлива и всё в твоей жизни будет хорошо, так как добрые люди этого заслуживают) И правда не стоит тратить свою жизнь на людей которые тебя не ценят и которые плохо к тебе относятся, главное поверить в себя и перестать сомневаться!! И туризм-это очень круто я считаю, сама бы хотела пойти в эту сферу
Dios mío, no sé si llorar o sonreír Toda esta playlist me llevo de vuelta con personas a quienes hace mucho no veo ni veré nunca más Es triste y a la vez hermoso, su recuerdo sigue vivo en mi, eso es amor Ojalá y yo de vez en cuando también esté entre los recuerdos de esos "Viejos amores"
I miss him. Gotta thank God it ended well, and on good terms Still "friends" "Friends" with a lot of memories, gathered and kept deep in a secluded drawer within our subconscious
Dear Mikayla, In the quiet of the classroom, I steal glances, my pen dances across the paper, but my thoughts are of you, Mikayla, the sun-kissed girl who paints rainbows, I am but a humble poet, weaving verses in your honor. Your laughter is my morning hymn, A melody that lingers in the dew-kissed air, I watch as you unravel textbooks, curiosity in your eyes, and suddenly, equations become metaphors for love. When you speak, the world holds its breath, your words, like delicate petals, unfurl, And I, a humble gardener, tend to each syllable, Watering them with longing, hoping they bloom into forever. Mikayla, your name is etched in the margins of my heart, A whispered secret shared only with the moon, I imagine our fingers brushing, accidental and deliberate, as if fate itself conspires to entwine our destinies. The seasons change, but my devotion remains unwavering, I am the ink on your notebook, the warmth in your coffee cup, and when you smile, Mikayla, the universe leans in, as if it knows that love is written in the constellations. So let me be your poet, your silent admirer, I’ll pen sonnets on the back of geometry worksheets, and when the bell tolls, signaling the end of class, know that my heart lingers. ```` *In the quiet of our classroom’s embrace, I’ll linger, Mikayla, in your sun-kissed grace, for every stolen glance, every whispered sigh, is etched in the constellations of our shy sky. So let the bell toll, signaling our parting ways, yet know, my love, in these ink-stained days, I’ll remain your poet, your silent admirer, In Mikayla’s orbit, forever and higher.* Forever love, Raejan.
As a self proclaimed poet, I WISH I could write like you do @rxejan This is absolutely stunning, I’m literally grinning from ear to ear reading this. Mikayla’s a lucky girl.
Luke, baby I love you, and i will always keep loving you. you helped me so much when I was going through a rough patch. Tho you lied to me sm times, i knew deep down you loved me. you have loved me like no one else could. even though we could not make it in this life, ik you are a great, gentle and a kind man, and you, my sweetheart, deserve everything. be happy wherever you are, and just know that i love you and will always adore you, my darling boy 💕 yours till death s~
Everyone goes through it, don't worry that you will get out of this mood, with time and keeping your head as busy as possible. We are human, we have to adapt to situations and feelings.
We'll never be together. I know. Some people make you what you are, and maybe you make them who they are. But fate has it destined that you part... and part so violently so. I've never been the one who leaves. I've never been that person who thinks its too 'costly' to stick around. But the consequence of being there for everyone... is that you have to watch them all go away. One day I will too. But I don't regret any of it. I really don't. There's a letter, that maybe one day, before I go, or after I go... it'll be sent. I just wish that in death, I may be understood as who I was. For all I know, I'm just an idiot wandering the cold barrens of this Earth. I can't make sense to anyone. And that's for the better. But I've turned so cold, so very done with myself... that I sometimes fail to recognize myself... of how broken a person can be. Yet I know, this isn't even the worst of what is yet to come. This playlist is an ever-present symphony that plays in my mind. Some songs in it, I'd like to have dedicated someday... But I guess my luck ran out far too long ago for that to ever happen. Much love from me, folks. May you all find all the truths you seek, and ultimately, may you find peace and success.
Such beautiful words should not be forgotten, so know that you are not the only fool wandering around... I'm sure that someday I will find my truths just as you found yours. It's amazing how some songs, verses, and sounds can make someone feel something so strong and deep within themselves. Well, see you around someday, and if you didn't understand my text, I apologize, I'm using Google translator, because I'm from Brazil
Heya,@@Cassi._. I can understand everything you felt after reading my lowly words, and all that you said is very beautiful too. May your struggles end and may you discover light that shines brighter than anything else.
Мы проводили каждый вечер вместе. Наверное он был первым за долгое время с кем мне было так просто много говорить. Это продлилось не так долго, но он хотел приехать в мой город. Мы строили планы как будем выпивать в моих любимых барах. Но ему пришла повестка. И стало так пусто. Даже не столь пугает та мысль потерять ту связь которая была между нами, а возможность того что мы никогда больше не сможем поговорить. Столько хороших людей из своей жизни за последнее время я проводила на утренний поезд с пониманием что я могу их больше никогда не увидеть. Просто оставлю это здесь. Тяжело верить что это закончится в ближайшее время, но что ещё остаётся? Легче не станет.
damn literalmente mi playlist en 2021 cuando mi vida dio un giro 360 y ya nada volvió a ser igual xd , que cagado tener que desahogarse en un comentario pero ya que.
antes de conocer esta serie pensé que la voz al inicio del video era parte de la musica; tiene bonita voz. posdata: Quiero ver la serie pero no encuentro donde verla
0:00 always forever- cults
3:41 lovers rock- tv girl
7:08 good looking- suki Waterhouse
10:41 dark red- Steve lacy
13:30 space song- beach house
18:44 sweet- CAS (it got cut short for some reason)
23:18 Kingston- Faye Webster
thank you bro you are a hero
was it to hard to do this for the guy who uploaded it?
where did you get the photo
u should pin this tho
cass sid foreva
Her returning in the last season, without him, wounded my heart fr
I thought that was young james charles 😭
There's a secluded, unique and hidden place inside me where I keep the first two seasons of Skins.
Is that what the thumbnail is from
@@jdm1671 yes, it's from the first two seasons of the tv show Skins, and the characters are Sid and Cassie.
same, i can never forget gen 1 of skins
Really good piece of teen writing for the early 2000's, dunno what else I would have related to in high school
You and a lot of us
we broke up recently and this was my own choice because my goal in this relationship was to cure her depression (let her find friends and a person that she will be happy with, not with me tho). i did it, she found many good supportive friends and a bf that has money and can support her at any time. however, now i feel empty and i knew that this was gonna happen but i didnt think that it will be that difficult. i'd say that we became opposite sides of ourselves. from being a happy 17 yo teen i turned into a depressive piece of crap but she's finally happy and thats probably the only thing that makes me happy right now and im proud of myself. even though we dont talk anymore i can sometimes look in her eyes or at her beautiful hair and just feel better. i hope she will continue to be the brightest star in my life and not worry about me (my bad if my grammar is bad though cause i feel like it is 😭)
also i really hope that yall can find your love for life, have a good day
reading this made me feel emotional. i'm sure she's very thankful for what you've done for her to get her to where she is now. you'll find happiness soon too.
You just got friendzoned. Sorry BOZO have a good life knowing you are not good enough for her and for any single girl you meet because you think you are something special while you are just a pshycopath. You think You can cure people while you are inexperienced at any thing related to psychology. Be better. Have a nice day
can i ask if you have ever been depressed before your relationship with her?
I feel you so much...
gracias temach
por salverme de convertirme en este pobre hombre
omgggg it's so tumblr era coded i loveeee it, still feelin' like a tumblr girl ten years later, making my heart melts🥰
This is how i felt when i meet him, now we're strangers
lost in a sea full of sighs
So, give me one chance...
@marceloalvesmoura3753 gado gadeiro
i dont want this playlist to ever end
I have it on Spotify! just follow the link on my channel page and go to the playlists called “and I love her”
thank you sm! i was just about to remake it so i can have it there. thanks a lot and have a great new yearrr ☆@@skewlplaylists
very 2017-2018 coded, brings me back to a state of bliss
I miss her i miss her i miss her
real (sort of)
Thank god i'm gettin over her
@@BuhoneroCosplays era para estar criando o próximo app revolucionário ou uma fórmula química para salva parte da humanidade na próxima pandemia das 999 prováveis, mas não. Esta á 4 meses superando a Juliana. Você não era nerd?
Now we're strangers with a lot of memories
She has me head over heels for her. We met last year. We are only 15 and her dad said she can't date boys. Like 17 days ago her dad went through her phone, and found me and blocked me on everything. I love her so much, like more then I can say, I feel completely empty of emotions, i've cried so much I can't anymore, and it really hurts, I thought of suicide but never did it, all i've done was cry in my bed all day, and hate myself. Cried so much i have to throw up. I haven't told anyone abt this, I've made 2 alts to text her, No response. I have texted her a dozen times. I hope I can text her again. Please pray for me yall.
hope you’re doing alright, a month has passed but the pain could still remain. hopefully the two of you can work around it, the dad seems like a loser.
trust me man you will look back at it and genuinely laugh whether your with her our not by then
maybe reach the dad. a man 2 man talk
i need to sleep but the songs keep being so good😭😭
This is so relatable 😭
love the playlist, but i can't think of anyone when i listen to these songs. lucky are those that have found someone to love
this video gives me the same feeling that i felt the first time i watched skins
there is no her in my life but I'll love her
Can we agree how relatable this photo feels?
Never in my life has a playlist appeared in a less appropriate moment. I thought I was going somewhere and, when my chance came, I got rejected for reasons that cannot be changed.
this playlist is so real. 😍😍😍😍😍😍
This playlist is perfect.
This playlist be kickin 😫💔
she's my everything and she will ever be my everything
Heart break, once again. How great.
time to turn your sigma mode on 😈😈😈😈
@@egg-qm8cv ?
it will be alright bro ..long way to go
there is this girl that I met not so long ago. She makes me feel crazy things and all this songs just remind me of her. I think after all this time, Im actually falling in love
no, you don't
@@djordjestankovic5857 jlos
@@djordjestankovic5857 maybe he is
nope ur delusional
Maybe you are falling in love
i love this-
i spy with my little eye bill kaulitz
@@tinaredlangsam SAME
why did this have to be in my recommendations just when valentines day is close
I am a 21 yr old dude never had a girlfriend and still a virgin. I'm not cooked looking or weird or anything I just never really looked for that kind of relationship. But this playlist makes me feel new things Idk how but I feel like now I realized I have been missing on a lot or am I really late? I want to feel loved maybe that's it, a different kind of love.
I don't speak English so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, and yes I'm using the translator to write, but I could understand your comment. Dude, I understand you, I'm 20 years old and I've never dated, but the advice I can give you is don't compare yourself to others, each thing has its time, you say that you feel like you've lost a lot of things, so what can you do to change? Take risks, try something new if you're afraid go with fear! You'll never know if you don't try, right? Love, it's relative, start with self-love, self-care and then move forward, as you say "baby steps" (Americans, sorry if that's not your case :D) love is in the little things, you just have to learn to observe and this applies to relationships, whether they're platonic or not. I don't know if my comment will help you, but I did what I could, good luck on your journey and it will work out!
@@IaneSaSalu Lately I have been living through the words "comparison is the thief of joy". I guess I will never be happy if I keep comparing myself to other people. I have been trying to improve myself by taking "baby steps" and achieving realistic and sustainable goals by going to the gym and reading everyday consistently as a form of self-love because what the heck how can I love others when I cant even love myself right? Thank you from the bottom of my heart actually for giving effort and taking the time and commenting, this indeed helped me realize a couple of things. Your comment is very well said even from a translator. English is not my first language and have been living in the US for only a year. And likewise, I wish you all the best on your journey and may you prosper.
@@vro7537 I'm so glad my comment helped you, and what I said is the purest truth. How can we love others if we can't love ourselves? I talked to myself weeks ago about this and that's it. You start to realize that things are flowing. Oh, you're not from the USA, oh my gosh, sorry for this and I'm glad the translator didn't trick me. Unfortunately, there's no way to translate it exactly the way we want, but understanding comes. Thank you for your words. I hope everyone finds love in some way or in something, and don't forget that if you can, you can! Have a great day, man.
Hey man I get it, 23 year old dude here. I try to not let it get me down, and just remember I'll meet her one day. I will meet her under the shade of love, and together we will live under the sun.
I’m the same, I’m 18 though, but I hope I don’t have to wait that long. but if I do, then I’ll love and appreciate them more. so win win for them
the way she looks at him is so cute
May a woman, or a man, or an entity, look like you that way again.
@@Forit26 i would love for scp-096 to look at me that way ☺️☺️🙈💕
@@PoopiePantZ1234 dude´s pretty scary, but if that´s your wish, may it come true
mesmo depois de tudo, da parte dos 2, os personagens tinha uma química forte, sempre gostei muito dos 2 juntos...
é um filme, serie?
@@tiagowzzzz Serie, Skins - (Primeira Geração) Primeira e segunda temporada. Até onde eu sei, só tem na netflix.
it feels so deep, damn
I loved her so much for so long, but I know that its time to move on. She can't be the person to fill that void, but god she was who I really wanted it to be.
всегда вспоминаю прошлое под олвейс форевер и мечтаю о будущем. вдруг что-то бы изменилось не встреть я людей, разбивших мое сердце, или как будет круто, как я буду отлично себя чувствовать, когда наконец заведу собаку мечты..да просто начну жить для себя! я ... уже не совершаю своих прошлых ошибок. не пишу определенному человеку из прошлого и не чекаю ее страницу, потому что это причиняет мне боль. но сейчас я снова начинаю чувствовать себя опустошенно, это очень плохо. я не хочу бояться,что то что я чувствовала ранее может вернуться. я боюсь что я снова буду это чувствовать именно в этот момент, когда я вроде бы начала новую жизнь, без своего прошлого, а именно с собой настоящей и будущей. сколько у меня бло мыслей измениться к чертям, в лучшую сторону для себя, но сколько попыток обрубалось неудачами в виде простой деградации или слез.
я ведь обычная девушка, обычный подросток, который хочет быть счастливым. вся жизнь на перекосяк. с самого детства не задалось. как бы я не пыталась думать и вспоминать лучшие моменты из жизни, черная полоса заполонила будто бы все. но я хочу верить что я все та же добрая и хорошая девочка, которая желает всему миру добра и любви, хочет завести собаку и чтобы все любили ее и меня. однажды мне сказали доброта меня погубит. видимо так и случилось с той самой девушкой из прошлого. она меня погубила. я была радостной, отдавала всю себя ей, но..очевидно, зря
я буду пытаться стать лучшей версией для себя и возможно оставить след в мире, да хотя бы в виде изменений в собственной семье...может. моя судьба стать первой, кто повернет нашу дорогу семьи на уровень выше среднего.гораздо выше. на самом деле, я даже буду первой во всем роде, тко получитвысшее образование. я собираюсь в универ. пока не определилась со специальностью. заканчиваю колледж на туризм. думала это сейчас активное направление в мире, все путешествуют, как минимум покупают билеты для этого.. так что...но сейчас я уже сомневаюсь
Читая ваш комментарий немного увидела в нем себя.
На самом деле то,что вы чувствуйте это нормально, у всех нас бывают периоды упадка духа, все мы чувствуем себя опустошенными и уставшими.
Желание помочь своим близким, желание изменить свою жизнь к лучшему - это прекрасно. Но чтобы кому-то действительно помочь, вам нужно сначала самой встать на ноги.Не тратьте себя на людей, которые этого не стоят, оставьте прошлое в прошлом. Извлеките из него урок и как бы не было тяжело не возвращайтесь.
Вкладывайтесь в себя как в человека, развивайтесь и познавайте мир. Череде неудач все равно наступит конец, не упускайте момент создавать прекрасные воспоминания, будь вы одна или совместно с кем-то. Найдите то, что помогает вам снять стресс какое-нибудь хобби, например.
Радуйтесь мелочам, ведь моложе, чем сейчас вы никогда уже не будете. Молодость - действительно наша лучшая пора. Поэтому не тратьте её на сожаления. Я верю, что упорство, стремление к лучшему, смелость смотреть трудностям в лицо, закаляют нас и дают свои плоды.
Ни в коем случае не сдавайтесь и идите к своим целям, я уверена, у вас все получится!
@@katyperrybloo вы прекрасный человек, благодарю за такое внимательную поддержку 🥺💌
@@katyperrybloo и раз вы тоже на этом плейлисте, надеюсь у вас все идёт в гору!
Этот мир придуман не нами, этот мир придуман не мной. Но я знаю всё ещё будет. Так иди же ты с поднятой головой💞
Честно я тебя прекрасно понимаю, и я очень надеюсь что по итогу ты будешь счастлива и всё в твоей жизни будет хорошо, так как добрые люди этого заслуживают)
И правда не стоит тратить свою жизнь на людей которые тебя не ценят и которые плохо к тебе относятся, главное поверить в себя и перестать сомневаться!! И туризм-это очень круто я считаю, сама бы хотела пойти в эту сферу
Dios mío, no sé si llorar o sonreír
Toda esta playlist me llevo de vuelta con personas a quienes hace mucho no veo ni veré nunca más
Es triste y a la vez hermoso, su recuerdo sigue vivo en mi, eso es amor
Ojalá y yo de vez en cuando también esté entre los recuerdos de esos "Viejos amores"
She's beautiful
Que buena Playlist, TH-cam me la recomendó. ✌️
Woah I haven’t thought about these two in a long time…
Who are they?
@@LordVader1094 characters “Sid” and “Cass” from a British TV series called Skins. First aired in 2007.
same. fuck.
Obrigada por criar essa playlist 💖💖
I miss him.
Gotta thank God it ended well, and on good terms
Still "friends"
"Friends" with a lot of memories, gathered and kept deep in a secluded drawer within our subconscious
Dear Mikayla,
In the quiet of the classroom, I steal glances, my pen dances across the paper, but my thoughts are of you, Mikayla, the sun-kissed girl who paints rainbows, I am but a humble poet, weaving verses in your honor.
Your laughter is my morning hymn, A melody that lingers in the dew-kissed air, I watch as you unravel textbooks, curiosity in your eyes, and suddenly, equations become metaphors for love.
When you speak, the world holds its breath, your words, like delicate petals, unfurl, And I, a humble gardener, tend to each syllable, Watering them with longing, hoping they bloom into forever.
Mikayla, your name is etched in the margins of my heart, A whispered secret shared only with the moon, I imagine our fingers brushing, accidental and deliberate, as if fate itself conspires to entwine our destinies.
The seasons change, but my devotion remains unwavering, I am the ink on your notebook, the warmth in your coffee cup, and when you smile, Mikayla, the universe leans in, as if it knows that love is written in the constellations.
So let me be your poet, your silent admirer, I’ll pen sonnets on the back of geometry worksheets, and when the bell tolls, signaling the end of class, know that my heart lingers.
*In the quiet of our classroom’s embrace, I’ll linger, Mikayla, in your sun-kissed grace, for every stolen glance, every whispered sigh, is etched in the constellations of our shy sky. So let the bell toll, signaling our parting ways, yet know, my love, in these ink-stained days, I’ll remain your poet, your silent admirer, In Mikayla’s orbit, forever and higher.*
Forever love, Raejan.
oh. my. god. thats beautiful
As a self proclaimed poet, I WISH I could write like you do @rxejan
This is absolutely stunning, I’m literally grinning from ear to ear reading this.
Mikayla’s a lucky girl.
cries literal shakespear writing hope she notice
No supero este hermoso playlist ✮
Cool playlist!
Luke, baby I love you, and i will always keep loving you. you helped me so much when I was going through a rough patch. Tho you lied to me sm times, i knew deep down you loved me. you have loved me like no one else could. even though we could not make it in this life, ik you are a great, gentle and a kind man, and you, my sweetheart, deserve everything. be happy wherever you are, and just know that i love you and will always adore you, my darling boy 💕
yours till death
I love him as much as you love her
2 years since we broke up and I still miss her sometimes…
sid here looks like james charles when he was younger
Miss 2017~2018
I have a girlfriend. Yay🎉
lovely! that's adorable ❤❤
Это так мило, люби её всей своей душой
Ура ты - NPC
Wow! So lovely
i've never had a relationship before, but i hope if i do its as magical as this playlist
Mais uma para minha playlist ♡ thanks
los veo en todos lados gente, ya queme :V
pense que el unico xdd
Thank you Gustavo for this playlist, I love you my good looking boy❤
Best playlist...
mis temas todos juntoooos y mas wow ♥ que hermosa playlist , Gracias por todoo
Queremos mas temas como estos T_T 💔
She left me, i dont think i can keep going on whithout her anymore
Everyone goes through it, don't worry that you will get out of this mood, with time and keeping your head as busy as possible. We are human, we have to adapt to situations and feelings.
So perfect
Anvi, I still miss you. You were the best thing that happened to me. It hurts you're not here anymore but I'm glad you were here before. ❤
the perfect playlist 💝🚬
cassie e sid na capa e nos áudios
always forever- cults me enamore
We'll never be together. I know. Some people make you what you are, and maybe you make them who they are. But fate has it destined that you part... and part so violently so. I've never been the one who leaves. I've never been that person who thinks its too 'costly' to stick around. But the consequence of being there for everyone... is that you have to watch them all go away. One day I will too. But I don't regret any of it. I really don't. There's a letter, that maybe one day, before I go, or after I go... it'll be sent. I just wish that in death, I may be understood as who I was.
For all I know, I'm just an idiot wandering the cold barrens of this Earth. I can't make sense to anyone. And that's for the better. But I've turned so cold, so very done with myself... that I sometimes fail to recognize myself... of how broken a person can be. Yet I know, this isn't even the worst of what is yet to come.
This playlist is an ever-present symphony that plays in my mind. Some songs in it, I'd like to have dedicated someday... But I guess my luck ran out far too long ago for that to ever happen.
Much love from me, folks. May you all find all the truths you seek, and ultimately, may you find peace and success.
Such beautiful words should not be forgotten, so know that you are not the only fool wandering around... I'm sure that someday I will find my truths just as you found yours. It's amazing how some songs, verses, and sounds can make someone feel something so strong and deep within themselves. Well, see you around someday, and if you didn't understand my text, I apologize, I'm using Google translator, because I'm from Brazil
I can understand everything you felt after reading my lowly words, and all that you said is very beautiful too.
May your struggles end and may you discover light that shines brighter than anything else.
Dear friend, don't be a pussy. Top G mentality must happend to you. GOod luck
i aint reading all that
I love her so much
OMG the Harry Potter girl, Luna, so innocent, so cute, so beautiful
They look alike but they are not the same person. Luna is portraited by Evanna Lynch and Cassie is portraited by Hannah Murray.
wtf? thats Hannah Murray
stupid ahh
Cass I just to have a huge crush on her, skins 🤘
i love my girlfriend
Amo esta playlist ❤
i miss this era
Cassie merecia mais ❤️🩹
im so cooked i miss her so much
Literally thought I would know every song, but then the last one appeared
she's so pretty and smart and funny :( if only she knew how much i adore her
Confess your feelings to her. Don't be a pussy
i love her i love her i love her 😿💗
uhhh heartbrake again time to turn on my sigma ghost phonk 😈😈😈
bro literally the tiktok music in 2022 xDD (Journey to the past)
confort playlist atm
whats this photo from?
Looks like its from the TV show ‘skins’ not 100% sure
Good playlist
que hermoso como lo mira, dioss
Мы проводили каждый вечер вместе. Наверное он был первым за долгое время с кем мне было так просто много говорить. Это продлилось не так долго, но он хотел приехать в мой город. Мы строили планы как будем выпивать в моих любимых барах. Но ему пришла повестка. И стало так пусто. Даже не столь пугает та мысль потерять ту связь которая была между нами, а возможность того что мы никогда больше не сможем поговорить. Столько хороших людей из своей жизни за последнее время я проводила на утренний поезд с пониманием что я могу их больше никогда не увидеть. Просто оставлю это здесь. Тяжело верить что это закончится в ближайшее время, но что ещё остаётся? Легче не станет.
Daarick y Sylvee :v
ya quemaste mano :v
2020/22 i'm srry, I miss
Such a missed opportunity to put Michelle by the Beatles, the lyrics Cassie is literally quoting😭
love this playlist
I love her
you so good taste music
I love Emily - alex
@@skewlplaylists i had someone named emily in my life and I miss her
She doesn't feel the same.
casi is my favorite person
Why did this playlist showed up rn omg
Perfeito mano
i miss her i miss her i miss her...
uhhh i cant belive it time to go sigma mode now sigmastic datebayo!!😈😈😈
Hermosa playlist
Now what youtube? youre making me sad all over again 😢 well yeah, i miss and i love her...
hello i'm going to watch Skins for the first time rn
as you should
so envy to u
Shaylynn + Juan 4ever❤️❤️❤️💍
damn literalmente mi playlist en 2021 cuando mi vida dio un giro 360 y ya nada volvió a ser igual xd , que cagado tener que desahogarse en un comentario pero ya que.
Please God, let her be the one.
antes de conocer esta serie pensé que la voz al inicio del video era parte de la musica; tiene bonita voz.
posdata: Quiero ver la serie pero no encuentro donde verla
adoro esa serie
@@VRAM0543g Skins(england)
@@VRAM0543g skins
@@fisermc2692 skins serie uk
i love skins
I was just about to post this exact comment. I felt like I was a part of their lives. I didn't want it to end.
im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry how do I talk to a girl and win her love and affection she broke my heart