Correction: At 2:33 I mention that saplings were sold at the general store in Doraemon Story of Seasons. That's incorrect. I confused it with the general store in Pioneers of Olive Town that does carry saplings. Doraemon Story of Seasons doesn't have the ability to plant trees, so it's a new feature in the upcoming game. This one slipped by me despite going back and forth between both games to double-check the information I was relaying on this video. My apologies.
Correction: At 2:33 I mention that saplings were sold at the general store in Doraemon Story of Seasons. That's incorrect. I confused it with the general store in Pioneers of Olive Town that does carry saplings. Doraemon Story of Seasons doesn't have the ability to plant trees, so it's a new feature in the upcoming game.
This one slipped by me despite going back and forth between both games to double-check the information I was relaying on this video. My apologies.
Getting helpers early on is very OP. When they say the game will be less grinding hopefully they make upgrade use less mats too
You can less help by not invite AI to go along with you perhaps.
I’m sold!
can anyone explain to me, why does the pink penguin join the grup?
Can u rename the any of the livestock?
Does anyone know how to get canned seasons? Who do I trade with?
How to get hopter? Find lost ship canopus make a cloud garden ?
They're both locked behind story/character progression.
where is canned season in doreamon story of seasons friend of the kingdom
I have a question about this game. Is there an ending to the story? Or does it just keep going. I can’t seem to find object of story
The story has an ending, but you can continue playing through the years carrying everything you accumulated over the course of your play through.
How to get anywhere door?
Do you need to water grass seed?
yes Sorry nobody got to your question sooner.