this handcannon is farmable this week. That's why i waited to post this vid. Bonus AJ clips in the link (my b forgot to edit those in the main vid)
Yo ur gameplay is super🔥. 😂😂sticking guardians on the head with gpwdrgmble was funny. I couldn’t get a good role of that smg to save my life. Good on u. Got slide and timed payload on the judgement tho.
Hands down Judgement is my favorite Stasis HC. Headstone + Times Payload feels amazing in PVE. I only wish it had better reload speed to make it snappier. With Tactical it’s still at 63 and I use 1 stasis loader so beggars can’t be choosers I guess. Really hope they bring HC back into the Artifact with Act 3.
I dont know why they wont let us destroy smokebombs when we shoot them. It makes no sense that they activate when you do that. That nerf would help so much already.
im new to pvp why is adrenaline junkie so good for pvp? seems like it's pretty rare to proc that perk no? also i have a slideshot/vorpal roll is that ass for this build?
Magazine based 20% of the mag + 1 extra shot rounded down Since judgment is 9 base mag size it takes 3 shots to get the sever application Rose is base mag 11 so it would take 4 crit shots and your target is dead in 3
Im stuck to playing pc with a controller at the moment but looking at these opponents makes me want to buy a new xbox... Looks like you can actually use fun builds besides hard meta and not face unemployed absolute demons.
Every aspect of the game is now dominated by a subclass of powercrept rainbow vomit thats compromised entirely of recycled stuff and its sole purpose is to just do what other subclasses can do but better in every way, but hey at least the streamers said its cool and epic
this handcannon is farmable this week. That's why i waited to post this vid. Bonus AJ clips in the link (my b forgot to edit those in the main vid)
I love seeing someone play at a peak understanding of the systems of the game.
I do really like the way judgement sounds
I’m no longer upset I’m awake at damn near 5 am
My guy knows whats up
Same sleep is a poor substitute for caffeine
Thnx I felt like a creep being up all night nut now I know there are good people like yourselves up just like me
Cammy’s vids, commentary, gameplay are unmatched in my book, i still enjoy rewatching his old vids too!!, immaculate work cammy!!🌋🔥😎
Famous last words,” I don’t have a magnet yet so” took me out for a solid minute
Ngl, one of my most favorite stasis hand cannons. Got slideshot, opening, then another with vorpal, headstone for PvE
Goddamn that’s some sweet gameplay synergy. Makes me miss D2 PvP bad. Thanks for the vid amigo
Why don’t you play some PvP right now then ?
@ I’m binging baldurs gate right now so I don’t have enough time :( gotta finish honor mode to be free
Proph will always be peak. Some of my fav content in Destiny
"And Oh Camellia left the game ran out of membership"😂
This worked way better than I expected. Thank you
Judgement is such a chonker bro.
I've been doing the 2 taps with Exuviae instead and frenzy / Bakris, which is fun if your playstyle allows you to keep Frenzy up
Ah, I remember farming this, I was wondering what happened with it.
Woah. Funny seeing you here
Loving the fashion
Well, he did pull out off right away
Yo ur gameplay is super🔥. 😂😂sticking guardians on the head with gpwdrgmble was funny. I couldn’t get a good role of that smg to save my life. Good on u. Got slide and timed payload on the judgement tho.
Hands down Judgement is my favorite Stasis HC. Headstone + Times Payload feels amazing in PVE. I only wish it had better reload speed to make it snappier. With Tactical it’s still at 63 and I use 1 stasis loader so beggars can’t be choosers I guess. Really hope they bring HC back into the Artifact with Act 3.
Judgment my beloved
I have a slideshot/ adagio role (old version) that I’ve wanted to use for a Lunafaction build. 2 tap all resil in an emp rift with adagio active.
3:30 what does nostalgic means here?
I dont know why they wont let us destroy smokebombs when we shoot them. It makes no sense that they activate when you do that. That nerf would help so much already.
Man, I feel that single super surprise on console. I'm always questioning why the Titan im 1v1 decides to pop his super on a single guy instead of 3.
11:02 and 11:40 me peeking any angle in the current meta
is servitude kinda jank for anyone else? i feel like i see it proc and i just dont go invis, is it a ping thing?
So any 140 with adrenaline junkie will 2 tap?
Prismatic shader was made for Prismatic.
im new to pvp why is adrenaline junkie so good for pvp? seems like it's pretty rare to proc that perk no? also i have a slideshot/vorpal roll is that ass for this build?
24/7 Endless Vale
Dammit Cammy, I JUST got comfortable with warlock being op......ugh, guess Im going back to my hutner
Cammy, are you playing Hardware Supremacy at all?
You’re cold
Why doesn't rose proc sever but judgment does. They are both 140s. Makes no sense
It's off magazine size I believe? It's a little inconsistent on some weapons as far as I'm aware, but it's mostly smaller mag= easier sever.
@@gamez4lyfe187 oh OK that makes more sense than
Magazine based
20% of the mag + 1 extra shot rounded down
Since judgment is 9 base mag size it takes 3 shots to get the sever application
Rose is base mag 11 so it would take 4 crit shots and your target is dead in 3
hate to be that person but Judgment has one E
Im stuck to playing pc with a controller at the moment but looking at these opponents makes me want to buy a new xbox...
Looks like you can actually use fun builds besides hard meta and not face unemployed absolute demons.
Every aspect of the game is now dominated by a subclass of powercrept rainbow vomit thats compromised entirely of recycled stuff and its sole purpose is to just do what other subclasses can do but better in every way, but hey at least the streamers said its cool and epic
Typical Hunter shit