WOW, I had same supernatural encounter (vision) were they waist length dreads? Acts 2:17 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:”
Please black people all over the earth please let us support every black channel on social media who bring the truth of true Yeshua in Media ,May God bless you in what you do in jesus name name
Also let us investigate more thoroughly that the spelling of his name as you have put. It comes from Babylon when the Hebrews went into Babylon they came out speaking Aramaic and that’s how it’s spelled in Arabic. But in Hebrew, it is spelt “Yahushua just like Our Heavenly Father for the father‘s name is in the son’s name. Yahuha is Our Heavenly Father and Yahushua is Our beloved Messiah!
Jesus did not have hair like James Brown. He had hair like the pure wool. Revelation 1:14😊. The Ancient Of Days God the Father have hair like the pure wool Daniel 7:9.
Try to read the so called bible and understand what they addede in Jesus is not coming back. Jesus was not born of vigirn.This is blasphemy. Later J is not older than 500 years. And the name of Akobi never changed to 3 idols that form the word Israel . There was a from South Africa which the Europeans killed, as always. The seed of Cain are good at killing. I know you will want to ague with me, but please do your research, and find out the truth. Just ask yourself, why now that they have started bringing up the black Jesus? Pray to everlasting FATHER if you believe THE MOST HIGH and you will get the truth.
I was about 8 when I first heard that Jesus was black but everyone said he was crazy. I’ve known all my life but I had to find out for myself and I could read KJV but thought how could it be so different from NKJV. With internet easy to research for truth and the truth I found. We’ve been lied to all our lives, everyone on Earth.
Yes, all pictures and paintings hanging up in Churches are pictures of Cesare Borgia, we have the internet people please Google research and study thyself approved. ##TheMostHigh's Son has been #BLACK and I can't wait until our people finally wake up and realize who we are, come together, and realize our #TRUEPOWER as the chosen children 🙌🏾
The One that had an incestuous affair with his sister & a convicted pedophile. They would rather Jesus to look like a morally & sexually depraved White Man than a Holy Black Man…
It's very sad, once Yah open your eyes, then you see how much you have been lied to about many things in this world even still to this day. Yah is not done bringing many things to the surface, it will be hard for many to except what Yah reveals to is. Let's love Yah as he loves us and love Yah's laws, statute's and commands and endure to the end!
The lies go on and on. Even those that read John still will celebrate xmas. John was told not to follow the heathens who brought in a tree and adorned it with silver and gold, sound familiar?
Somehow I think the skin matters. Mainly because they used black people skin color to enslave them when Jesus skin was the same color. Means they enslaved him to. Wonder what will be his reactive when he returns given not much has changed.
I'm an 80 year old white man and I believe Jesus was black it says in the book of Psalms that he had hair like wool and and was not all that good-looking however he could be painting with polka dots as far as I'm concerned he paid my sin debt I love him
It is not what if he is black, it is not a hidden secret, the Bible tells us that his hands and his feet are like burn bronze and his hair is like the wool , he is very dark skin with wooly negro hair period
This is true.. Christ was not African..He was a black Jew/Tribe of Judah.. However Christ lineage did have African roots because many black Hebrew men had children with Hamite/African women.. Including Joseph.. Ephraim and Mannasseh..
@@dorothycrawley1392African Americans who were stolen during the transatlantic slave trade are also members of the tribe of Judah like Yeshua, Hebrew Israelites, described in the Bible as negroes.
@@dorothycrawley1392the bloodline is of the father so if a black Hebrew has a child will a Hamite woman that child becomes a Hebrew child. because of the bloodline of the father.
Jeremiah 16:19: "O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit".
Why? Why??? He rose from the dead and decended into Heaven. He is alive ... look into the Heavens and you shall find him where he sits on the right side of his father. Turn away from those old books...he is aluve for he has risen ...he is free....❤❤❤❤
Faith is good. Facts are better. 📚✨ Understanding the history behind Yeshua's life and ministry strengthens, not weakens, your belief. 🙏🏿🌟 #TruthAndFaith #BlackJesus
Song of Songs 1:5-6 KJV 5. I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. 6 Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: ....
The letter J was not invented until the middle of the 15th Century Everything that exist with a Jay related to Israelites did not exist, Yeshuah was an Israelite that came as he stated "Matthew 15:24 “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Which means his Family and Tribes
All who waiting on the Eurpoean..white. false blue eye jesus .Not Coming back...).our true Creator of the Universe the most High will gather up his Choosen.people and take us home. To the promise land .with.him. the garden.of Eden.. which is the New Heaven.and New Earth
That right there tells you he wasn't white, they beat him, he drags a large cross to his death and they nail him on the cross he dragged that tells people he was not white 😢
Exactly my beloved sister this is the truth that He is black becuase He was been persecutaed and been hated by many people and even been betrayed and been killed why becuase He was preaching the truth word of God ,so if men or women preach the truth will be hated and persecuted and put in prison
@@ipyanamwanyongo4169The new world order being formulated right now, that they intend to put in place by 2030, where you will be killed indeed for your belief.❤❤❤❤
Matthew 24:30kjv. All tribes of the Earth MOURN when they see Christ descending from the clouds... Why are they mourning with sadness instead of rejoicing with Glee???😢😢😢😢 They see someone they didn't expect😮😮😮 🔥🔥🔥🔥
It matters because, a collective Lie was initiated out of EVIL. This is spoken on as if Man is God, stll committing the same EVIL & Expecting different results. What is this called? Anyone?
Why are you painting the face of Christ with long straight hair? And I see some pictures of Him having a big Afro. Did the Bible describe Him with long straight hair or Afro when He was on this earth? You need to do your diligence research in every Book in the Holy Bible and the missing: “Apocrypha’s!” May God Almighty be a light to you all in your diligence research. If there is no description of Christ while He was on this earth, then, use the description in the last Book of the Bible where St. John the Divine describes Christ in the Book of Revelation, His hair was wooly and white as snow and His eyes like unto a flame of fire, and His feet are like fine brass🙏🏾😇. AMEN🙏🏾!
AI is doing the "painting" and the narrative, and AI doesn't know everything. About halfway in, I was Jesus with His hands spread with 3 fingers and a thumb on each hand.
Read Obadiah; there is no salvation, nor repentance for those who changed the image and accepted the image of so-called jesus; these actions are blasphemous.
In the Bible is not a religion it's definitely a God how to be on track and be home with the father,an the son 💯🕵️ it was never called Christianity yes man made 💯🕵️The way, was what it was called, the reason Christianity doesn't work because it's a bloodline, predominantly this is about the children of Israel the Israelites 💯🕵️ who is supposed to be a holy people 💯for God💯🙏🕵️
Why would you even call The Messiah, black. He wasn't and isn't the color black but he was a dark skin man when he walked this Earth. And people are not white either, red, pink but not white...
@@americamama51 we Africans are people of many shades of brown from light brown to very dark brown almost looking like black, but we were never black ,that was given to us by the red man who called himself white 🇯🇲.
African is a nation. The people who's been born there are name by there tribes. Those like me and many that call they self black, but really we are not black. I have many international in me. Now I am a Child of the Mosy High Yehovah.
What know, no matter what they said, let them! Remember what he said everything's in the dark gonna come out in the light, God knows everything well.❤❤❤ 😊😊😊
Those days in South Africa we were not allowed to talk such truths or to talk about any story about Jesus but only to prayi. .You will be put in prison.Maybe it could be possible that they wouldnt like us to go so far till to this colour problem.Jesus was black and born in Bethelhem in Jerusalem.
I told my Mother at the age of 11/12 that Jesus was Black and I explained to her, why. She tried to explain to me, differently. I told her. “Yep, Jesus is Black.” 🙌🏽
Hello People , I’m African. What ever color they mentioned. It don’t matter, our creator needs as to be human. Respect each other, love each other, obey his rules and repent , don’t judge. After that we will show love to almighty Jesus Christ. Please let’s repent ❤
@@timothyblack7476Jesus is returning soon. There is little time to fight what colour He was or is. Concentrate on repairing your souls. Knowing His colour will take you no where. Take it simply The Son of God is your image,you, me and them. I as a black person I am concentrating on His teaching rather than his colour. Going to heaven is not knowing His colour but following His teaching with a clean soul.
I remember when missionaries came to my grandparents village. They told the villagers not to read the book of revelation. And if they do, they will die. We all believe that as kids growing up.
Shocking, I know. The name "Jesus" is a later adaptation. The original name, Yeshua, provides crucial insight into the historical and linguistic context of his time.
His is called son of David, David son Solomon in songs of Solomon says I am black but I am comely , revelation 1 described him as feet like brass, eyes like fire, hair like unto fine wool, only black as woolly hair
❤1The color don,t matter to me it what he did oo the cross that matter. He die far our sin . I love him no matterwhat color he is .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤God bless .
The letter J wasn't even in the Alphabet during this Lying time. J didn't come along until later. This White "Jesus" true name is Caesar Borgia. Look it up and you won't look at this dude the same way.
The question is, why now as it used to be hidden all these years since the birth of Jesus Christ? What race the true Israelites, the Hebrews and Juda who are now called the Jews were? 🫨🤔🧐
There are simple people wicked people of all color color don't make no difference it's the way you love and treat your brothers and sisters in the world Jesus was an example of how to treat people and you say with love love covers a multitude of sins some people have to learn what love is and the Bible can teach everything you need to know
Love is essential. How can we truly embody Jesus' teachings of love if we continue to perpetuate a historically inaccurate and culturally biased image of him that has been used to justify oppression? #BlackJesus
I think this picture should change for our younger generation so that the know how important their are than what is shown in to their eyes and this will slowly heal the wooden of all African people this should not stop here more information should be provided ❤
Acts 13:1 (KJV) Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. The Apostle were Black Niger means black. Esau is the white man.
One question my brother's and sisters why African still today performance witchcraft and Cast Vudu spells on others, and denial of the Mighty lord Jesus Christ but accepting Allah and Witchcraft.,Africa come together the world needs you to show us the truth and repent and prepare for the Return of our Heavenly father, GOD IS GOOD
Por isso que Deus transformou uma parte negra em outros povos brancos em Torre de Babel...o povo Africano só fazia coisas detestáveis aos olhos de Deus...por isso que uma parte negra se transformaram em brancos para ocuparem as suas terras e maltratar toda geração Africana...nos dias de hoje ainda continuam fazendo coisas detestáveis aos olhos de Deus como...adorar outros Deuses...macumbaria...feitiçaria etc etc etc...África foi amaldiçoada pelo criador...os africanos e seus decentes pagaram e estão pagando pelo pecado de seus ancestrais.
🎉❤🎉 well i thank God for confirmation 17 yrs ago i fast and pray almost made the 40 days and had many vision 2 of which i first saw a step under the house so this was on my mind and so i looked and saw the step then i prayed why u show me this lord i prayer again i was really praying non stop day and night lord why am i in this world whats my purpose here in this life why focus on this life that must come to an end lord make urself known to me i want to know u i want to see u let me live for u so when i die i will be with u I then saw these people black as black they look Afrícian real Africian later í was told real Africian people used to live there many yrs ago and they were really black I guess God show me ,black Jesus
Àmer'🇺🇲 🌹Good Morning & Good Night images and quotes 🌹Everyday🏙️🌃I will praise you n extol your name📛for ever♾️n ever♾️. Great👍🏽 is the LORD an most worthy👐🏽of praise🙌🏽,; his greatness👍🏽no ⭕ne can fathom. Hallelujah🗣️! Amen🛐!~ Psalm 145:2-3 ~ ✨🔥💒🔥⛪🔥🕌🔥🛕🔥✨
Yahushua is Black. After, I prayed to Yahushua to show himself to me because I didn't want to be fooled by the antichrist he came to me in a dream. He had a short afro, and his skin was Berly. He wore a long garment, the color bronze with a gold v-neck. After the dream, I asked Yahushua, "How does your mother look?" Yahushua showed me his mother. She was a black woman who wore a. dark blue garment, and her head was covered. I now prayed to the true Messiah Yahushua. I wish for God to wake up everyone because we are living in the end-times.
This is old news for me. I was raised in a black family and went to a black 16:45 church ⛪️ and was taught that Jesus and Mary were black Jews or Jewish.
Less make something else clear. The Messiah's name wasnt Jesus. His Birth Name was Yah'Shua. (Yah-Savior). The so called greek name doent mean that at all. The greek name referres to Zues the Greek god. In fact translation mean hail to Zues. The transliteration of Jesus in english refers to the Sow. An unclean creature. How is a savior who is supoose to be a holy clean sacrifice for sin have a name referring to an unclean creature. Some is lying. This is Constantines god. Not ours. Yah'shua is the real savior of the world. Not this false image created!
Eric jokes continue in your belief leave the rest to their beliefs. Remember what He said, the wicked and the liars will be destroyed. Look around and observe what is going on around in the world❤❤❤
Jesus was my savior when he was supposed to be white and he still my savior now that he is now supposed to be black ❤❤😇😇😇😇 ALL I CAN SAY IS LORD YOUR PEOPLE NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW IN THESE HATEFUL TIMES😢😢😢
What is relevant is teaching the truth, and not what we want taught. As the world calls God, He states that human thoughts, are not His thoughts. If many would stop trying to control others minds, we all will be okay. When we accept God, it will be one gospel, His and we can accept that, or not.
Revelations 1:14-15 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
Bethlehem is spelled Beth’ le’ ham, meaning “House of Ham”, it was called that because it was originally a village located in the middle of Ethiopia, the most ancient map of the area shows it! It’s not hard to learn what color he was, simply look at his ancestry, they come from Ham, Ham’s lineage was from Hebron, Hebron was father of the Hebrews, he was also related to Anak of the Ananaki, whom mated with Black Africa women and produced many giant black races, one was the nephilim…. Learn to fully understand what you’re reading before you make a video for TH-cam.
I had a dream I saw Jesus he was black with dreads
@@MillTikkit okay tell us more sir
WOW, I had same supernatural encounter (vision) were they waist length dreads? Acts 2:17
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:”
Putin and the pope as well as South African Prez musk said the same!
@MillTikkit ! That's incredible! I'd love to hear more about your dream
I ain't going lie I had the same dream Jesus was black with dreads
Please black people all over the earth please let us support every black channel on social media who bring the truth of true Yeshua in Media ,May God bless you in what you do in jesus name name
Together, we can illuminate the truth and build a stronger, more informed community. May God bless you and all who seek truth. 🙌🏾 #BlackCommunity
Exposing the Father of lies, of the synagogue of Satan !
Im working me bud love ❤ im on joour side rebuke pope.
Get our sisstha black jesus back
Also let us investigate more thoroughly that the spelling of his name as you have put. It comes from Babylon when the Hebrews went into Babylon they came out speaking Aramaic and that’s how it’s spelled in Arabic. But in Hebrew, it is spelt “Yahushua just like Our Heavenly Father for the father‘s name is in the son’s name. Yahuha is Our Heavenly Father and Yahushua is Our beloved Messiah!
I knew Jesus was Black as a little girl. Never asked his name. I felt his vibe. He was so protective and humorous.💖💖💕💕
That's a beautiful and powerful experience! Thank you for sharing 💕💕
Jesus did not have hair like James Brown. He had hair like the pure wool. Revelation 1:14😊. The Ancient Of Days God the Father have hair like the pure wool Daniel 7:9.
Very humorous ❤
Wake up! Adam, the first man, was also black. There was no white soil in Africa! Surprise, Surprise!
Adam ? Is that Hebrew for RED ?
Time to rewrite the narrative ✍🏿📖✨
God made man from the earth. Hmm
So true Adam was made from black dirt and not white dirt black dirt is the best dirt rich soil
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah!!
Africa is waking up. Jesus, Black Jesus is coming back.
Try to read the so called bible and understand what they addede in Jesus is not coming back. Jesus was not born of vigirn.This is blasphemy. Later J is not older than 500 years. And the name of Akobi never changed to 3 idols that form the word Israel . There was a from South Africa which the Europeans killed, as always. The seed of Cain are good at killing. I know you will want to ague with me, but please do your research, and find out the truth. Just ask yourself, why now that they have started bringing up the black Jesus? Pray to everlasting FATHER if you believe THE MOST HIGH and you will get the truth.
truth and justice are rising
I was about 8 when I first heard that Jesus was black but everyone said he was crazy. I’ve known all my life but I had to find out for myself and I could read KJV but thought how could it be so different from NKJV. With internet easy to research for truth and the truth I found. We’ve been lied to all our lives, everyone on Earth.
Your journey is an inspiration! ✨ The truth is out there. Keep seeking. Keep sharing. 🙏🏿 #TruthWins
For those people who claim they are white and know the true color of the Messiah and do not speak of His true color, silence is complicity.
Truth demands action. Silence is not an option. 🗣️ #Truth #Jesus
for those who think jeezus was a black rasta: no he wasnt, have you ever been in near east?
Black is beautiful
Black is gorgeous
@@MutaDylan yes black is very beautiful to behold
Yes black is beautifully but so is white they are all god children
Black is powerful @MutaDylan
Yes, all pictures and paintings hanging up in Churches are pictures of Cesare Borgia, we have the internet people please Google research and study thyself approved. ##TheMostHigh's Son has been #BLACK and I can't wait until our people finally wake up and realize who we are, come together, and realize our #TRUEPOWER as the chosen children 🙌🏾
The One that had an incestuous affair with his sister & a convicted pedophile.
They would rather Jesus to look like a morally & sexually depraved White Man than a Holy Black Man…
I know Jesus is black read the Bible the old king James version I read the whole Bible back in 1965 I been with God every since I Love the Lolrd
Amen 🙏
It's very sad, once Yah open your eyes, then you see how much you have been lied to about many things in this world even still to this day. Yah is not done bringing many things to the surface, it will be hard for many to except what Yah reveals to is. Let's love Yah as he loves us and love Yah's laws, statute's and commands and endure to the end!
@@newm1nd776 Satan DECEIVED the whole world.
There is more to come out because they turned the maps upside down to fool us because south Africa is Israel, white man changed it
Yes! The truth will out. Thank you for sharing this important perspective.
The lies go on and on. Even those that read John still will celebrate xmas. John was told not to follow the heathens who brought in a tree and adorned it with silver and gold, sound familiar?
That's why I haven't celebrated it in 9 years
Yerimah spoke those words. In the 10th chapter.
38 years for me. A real eye opener.
Yahawah and YAHAwashi
His head and his hair was Woolley.
Black jews is the treu one
Do black Jews believe Jesus is Lord and Savior and the only way to salvation? What bible do Black Jews follow?
Somehow I think the skin matters. Mainly because they used black people skin color to enslave them when Jesus skin was the same color. Means they enslaved him to. Wonder what will be his reactive when he returns given not much has changed.
@IsaacDorsey, As they hung the slaves on the tree, so did they to YESHUA/Jesus.
I've been saying this and have recognized this for over a decade now. Thanks for showing the world the truth.
Please embrace the truth. He did not give us a spirit of fear. May the most high bless you in your quest in the name of Yahushua.
I'm an 80 year old white man and I believe Jesus was black it says in the book of Psalms that he had hair like wool and and was not all that good-looking however he could be painting with polka dots as far as I'm concerned he paid my sin debt I love him
So black people aren't good looking according to you
He's black and beautiful!!
It is not what if he is black, it is not a hidden secret, the Bible tells us that his hands and his feet are like burn bronze and his hair is like the wool , he is very dark skin with wooly negro hair period
He was arabaic he spoke arabaic hebrew.
Yeshuah is the Lion of the 12 Tribes from the line of Judah! He isn’t African but Hebrew! A black Hebrew!
This is true.. Christ was not African..He was a black Jew/Tribe of Judah.. However Christ lineage did have African roots because many black Hebrew men had children with Hamite/African women.. Including Joseph.. Ephraim and Mannasseh..
@@dorothycrawley1392African Americans who were stolen during the transatlantic slave trade are also members of the tribe of Judah like Yeshua, Hebrew Israelites, described in the Bible as negroes.
Messiah Was Never African & there was never a middle East also The true Yasherela people were not Jewish No ish😂😂
@@dorothycrawley1392the bloodline is of the father so if a black Hebrew has a child will a Hamite woman that child becomes a Hebrew child. because of the bloodline of the father.
Where do we find lions, only in Africa, and he was called "the lion of Juda"@@dorothycrawley1392
Whenever people say it doesn’t matter about the color, that just means they will not except him being anything other than white,
Jeremiah 16:19: "O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit".
Powerful verse. We've inherited lies; let's seek the truth.
The time for truth and justice is NOW
Your support means a lot. 🙏🏿✨ God bless you too! ❤🙌🏿
Keep shining and spreading the truth! 🌟💪🏿 #Faith #Hope ❤.❤.❤.
12 Tribes worldwide. Get the book maccabees ..,
I am currently reading book 2.
Why? Why??? He rose from the dead and decended into Heaven. He is alive ... look into the Heavens and you shall find him where he sits on the right side of his father. Turn away from those old books...he is aluve for he has risen ...he is free....❤❤❤❤
Lives within yr Temple..not in sky
He ascended into heaven
Faith is good. Facts are better. 📚✨ Understanding the history behind Yeshua's life and ministry strengthens, not weakens, your belief. 🙏🏿🌟 #TruthAndFaith #BlackJesus
Song of Songs 1:5-6 KJV
5. I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
6 Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: ....
The letter J was not invented until the middle of the 15th Century Everything that exist with a Jay related to Israelites did not exist, Yeshuah was an Israelite that came as he stated "Matthew 15:24
“But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Which means his Family and Tribes
You're right, the letter J is a relatively recent addition to the alphabet.
The letter "U" was not invented until the 16th century derived from "v". Its Yahawah and Yahawashi
European Catholics...SMH
Liars. Everything they say about us is them!
All who waiting on the Eurpoean..white. false blue eye jesus .Not Coming back...).our true Creator of the Universe the most High will gather up his Choosen.people and take us home. To the promise land .with.him. the garden.of Eden.. which is the New Heaven.and New Earth
The awakening and gathering has already started.
I really listen to this video with an open mind. And thought if, Yesau was a pale skin human. Why did the European want to kill him.
That right there tells you he wasn't white, they beat him, he drags a large cross to his death and they nail him on the cross he dragged that tells people he was not white 😢
Exactly my thoughts too
Exactly my beloved sister this is the truth that He is black becuase He was been persecutaed and been hated by many people and even been betrayed and been killed why becuase He was preaching the truth word of God ,so if men or women preach the truth will be hated and persecuted and put in prison
@@ipyanamwanyongo4169The new world order being formulated right now, that they intend to put in place by 2030, where you will be killed indeed for your belief.❤❤❤❤
He had become too powerful in their eyes and that was a threat to their perceived authority and power.
Matthew 24:30kjv.
All tribes of the Earth MOURN when they see Christ descending from the clouds... Why are they mourning with sadness instead of rejoicing with Glee???😢😢😢😢
They see someone they didn't expect😮😮😮 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Mmmm they will all bow down ❤
@@busisiwemangethe6290 Matthew 24 30kjv doesn't say they'll bow down, it says they are MOURNING!!
I love Jesus and then I believe him
YES!! 🙌🏾 Exactly! The historical evidence strongly supports this.
It matters because, a collective Lie was initiated out of EVIL. This is spoken on as if Man is God, stll committing the same EVIL & Expecting different results. What is this called? Anyone?
Was Never The Messiah Name.. No J in The Palio Hebrew Language..
Jesus is European.
The Truth Is What It Is 😂😂
Yes, the name was chosen by those trying to hide the truth.
The truth is now known.Jesus was black.
I really need to get this book.
Why are you painting the face of Christ with long straight hair? And I see some pictures of Him having a big Afro. Did the Bible describe Him with long straight hair or Afro when He was on this earth? You need to do your diligence research in every Book in the Holy Bible and the missing:
“Apocrypha’s!” May God Almighty be a light to you all in your diligence research. If there is no description of Christ while He was on this earth, then, use the description in the last Book of the Bible where St. John the Divine describes Christ in the Book of Revelation, His hair was wooly and white as snow and His eyes like unto a flame of fire, and His feet are like fine brass🙏🏾😇. AMEN🙏🏾!
The description of my Lord and Savior YeshuaJesus in Isaiah 53:1-12 Is worth reading.
AI is doing the "painting" and the narrative, and AI doesn't know everything. About halfway in, I was Jesus with His hands spread with 3 fingers and a thumb on each hand.
Anyway God Almighty never diffentiated by colour but by Tribes
The truth always come up."believe whatever black or white we❤ Jesus".he is and always gonna be a great man, with good deed.
Grindfact i believe every thing you say is the truth amen📜✝️🙏
Read Obadiah; there is no salvation, nor repentance for those who changed the image and accepted the image of so-called jesus; these actions are blasphemous.
They will see
New subscribe here from Philippines 🇵🇭 ❤️🔥🙏
In the Bible is not a religion it's definitely a God how to be on track and be home with the father,an the son 💯🕵️ it was never called Christianity yes man made 💯🕵️The way, was what it was called, the reason Christianity doesn't work because it's a bloodline, predominantly this is about the children of Israel the Israelites 💯🕵️ who is supposed to be a holy people 💯for God💯🙏🕵️
Why would you even call The Messiah, black. He wasn't and isn't the color black but he was a dark skin man when he walked this Earth. And people are not white either, red, pink but not white...
@@americamama51 we Africans are people of many shades of brown from light brown to very dark brown almost looking like black, but we were never black ,that was given to us by the red man who called himself white 🇯🇲.
Color separation is conquister ideologies to satisfy them.
African is a nation. The people who's been born there are name by there tribes. Those like me and many that call they self black, but really we are not black. I have many international in me. Now I am a Child of the Mosy High Yehovah.
Elon musk just announced that Jesus was black and he had the proof 🎉
Putin announced it 1st and showed the proof. Russia is the Only nation that did not participate in the Slave Trade. The Ashkenazi Jews knew the truth…
What know, no matter what they said, let them! Remember what he said everything's in the dark gonna come out in the light, God knows everything well.❤❤❤ 😊😊😊
Those days in South Africa we were not allowed to talk such truths or to talk about any story about Jesus but only to prayi. .You will be put in prison.Maybe it could be possible that they wouldnt like us to go so far till to this colour problem.Jesus was black and born in Bethelhem in Jerusalem.
I told my Mother at the age of 11/12 that Jesus was Black and I explained to her, why. She tried to explain to me, differently. I told her. “Yep, Jesus is Black.” 🙌🏽
Hello People , I’m African. What ever color they mentioned. It don’t matter, our creator needs as to be human. Respect each other, love each other, obey his rules and repent , don’t judge. After that we will show love to almighty Jesus Christ. Please let’s repent ❤
Color doesn't matter? Wrong. The whitewashed image of Jesus has been a tool of oppression. #Truth #History #Jesus
isn't it better to know the truth of who Jesus really is knowing only the truth can set us free in the eyes of God who is more than life itself amen
@@timothyblack7476Jesus is returning soon. There is little time to fight what colour He was or is. Concentrate on repairing your souls. Knowing His colour will take you no where. Take it simply The Son of God is your image,you, me and them. I as a black person I am concentrating on His teaching rather than his colour. Going to heaven is not knowing His colour but following His teaching with a clean soul.
I hear you but we need to speak the truth,If th 🎉e colar did not matter then why show him as white? Its matter
I remember when missionaries came to my grandparents village. They told the villagers not to read the book of revelation. And if they do, they will die. We all believe that as kids growing up.
How do you change the Mesia s name .
Acts 5 veres 30 : “The God of our fathers raised up Yahusha, whom you had killed, by hanging Him on a tree.” KJV
Yes! The original name is significant.
Neither is His name Jesus either!!
Shocking, I know. The name "Jesus" is a later adaptation. The original name, Yeshua, provides crucial insight into the historical and linguistic context of his time.
Ask him for yourself and wait for your surprise
He didn't have long hair,and blue eyes, he had skin of bronze, hair as lambs wool. 😇😇😇
His is called son of David, David son Solomon in songs of Solomon says I am black but I am comely , revelation 1 described him as feet like brass, eyes like fire, hair like unto fine wool, only black as woolly hair
❤1The color don,t matter to me it what he did oo the cross that matter. He die far our sin . I love him no matterwhat color he is .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤God bless .
Regardless of colours skins it doesn't matter we Trust have Faith in Jesus Name. Amen.
Dr Henrik Clarke made this known in his book on the history of the black people
The letter J wasn't even in the Alphabet during this Lying time. J didn't come along until later. This White "Jesus" true name is Caesar Borgia. Look it up and you won't look at this dude the same way.
The question is, why now as it used to be hidden all these years since the birth of Jesus Christ? What race the true Israelites, the Hebrews and Juda who are now called the Jews were? 🫨🤔🧐
There are simple people wicked people of all color color don't make no difference it's the way you love and treat your brothers and sisters in the world Jesus was an example of how to treat people and you say with love love covers a multitude of sins some people have to learn what love is and the Bible can teach everything you need to know
Love is essential. How can we truly embody Jesus' teachings of love if we continue to perpetuate a historically inaccurate and culturally biased image of him that has been used to justify oppression? #BlackJesus
I think this picture should change for our younger generation so that the know how important their are than what is shown in to their eyes and this will slowly heal the wooden of all African people this should not stop here more information should be provided ❤
They did it with a paintbrush 🖌️🤚🏽
Praise the LORD and GOD Bless All 🙏🏾😇 Happy and Safe Holidays 🎄🎉✨
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too! God bless! 🙏🏾
#LoveForALL #BlackJesus
These programs are the main reason tik tak is being band in some countries
God said let us make man In our image.
Why Africa is rich in natural treasures? They have Diamonds, Gold etc. ?
Me and my brother always asked each other why Jesus is white back then in the 90's as if we knew that Jesus was black so is the father God
Think about it ! god was sentence to death because he was black just like the blacks here now.
I always hear black is beautiful ,thank Yashua.
Acts 13:1 (KJV) Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
The Apostle were Black Niger means black. Esau is the white man.
One question my brother's and sisters why African still today performance witchcraft and Cast Vudu spells on others, and denial of the Mighty lord Jesus Christ but accepting Allah and Witchcraft.,Africa come together the world needs you to show us the truth and repent and prepare for the Return of our Heavenly father, GOD IS GOOD
Por isso que Deus transformou uma parte negra em outros povos brancos em Torre de Babel...o povo Africano só fazia coisas detestáveis aos olhos de Deus...por isso que uma parte negra se transformaram em brancos para ocuparem as suas terras e maltratar toda geração Africana...nos dias de hoje ainda continuam fazendo coisas detestáveis aos olhos de Deus como...adorar outros Deuses...macumbaria...feitiçaria etc etc etc...África foi amaldiçoada pelo criador...os africanos e seus decentes pagaram e estão pagando pelo pecado de seus ancestrais.
There are a time when everything will come out, born again or when Jesus returns, he comes Hart in Africa
Yes,he is black and the truth needs to come out
🎉❤🎉 well i thank God for confirmation 17 yrs ago i fast and pray almost made the 40 days and had many vision 2 of which i first saw a step under the house so this was on my mind and so i looked and saw the step then i prayed why u show me this lord i prayer again i was really praying non stop day and night lord why am i in this world whats my purpose here in this life why focus on this life that must come to an end lord make urself known to me i want to know u i want to see u let me live for u so when i die i will be with u I then saw these people black as black they look Afrícian real Africian later í was told real Africian people used to live there many yrs ago and they were really black
I guess God show me ,black Jesus
Àmer'🇺🇲 🌹Good Morning & Good Night images and quotes 🌹Everyday🏙️🌃I will praise you n extol your name📛for ever♾️n ever♾️. Great👍🏽 is the LORD an most worthy👐🏽of praise🙌🏽,; his greatness👍🏽no ⭕ne can fathom. Hallelujah🗣️! Amen🛐!~ Psalm 145:2-3 ~
Yahushua is Black. After, I prayed to Yahushua to show himself to me because I didn't want to be fooled by the antichrist he came to me in a dream. He had a short afro, and his skin was Berly. He wore a long garment, the color bronze with a gold v-neck. After the dream, I asked Yahushua, "How does your mother look?" Yahushua showed me his mother. She was a black woman who wore a. dark blue garment, and her head was covered. I now prayed to the true Messiah Yahushua. I wish for God to wake up everyone because we are living in the end-times.
This is old news for me. I was raised in a black family and went to a black 16:45 church ⛪️ and was taught that Jesus and Mary were black Jews or Jewish.
Amen 🙏
Some people are going to have a hard time serving a black Jesus, and would rather follow false doctrine and risk their eternal destiny.
Less make something else clear. The Messiah's name wasnt Jesus. His Birth Name was Yah'Shua. (Yah-Savior). The so called greek name doent mean that at all. The greek name referres to Zues the Greek god. In fact translation mean hail to Zues. The transliteration of Jesus in english refers to the Sow. An unclean creature. How is a savior who is supoose to be a holy clean sacrifice for sin have a name referring to an unclean creature. Some is lying. This is Constantines god. Not ours.
Yah'shua is the real savior of the world. Not this false image created!
Eric jokes continue in your belief leave the rest to their beliefs. Remember what He said, the wicked and the liars will be destroyed. Look around and observe what is going on around in the world❤❤❤
The Jesus showed here has wavy long hair not woolly hair. How come?
Jesus was my savior when he was supposed to be white and he still my savior now that he is now supposed to be black ❤❤😇😇😇😇 ALL I CAN SAY IS LORD YOUR PEOPLE NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW IN THESE HATEFUL TIMES😢😢😢
What is relevant is teaching the truth, and not what we want taught. As the world calls God, He states that human thoughts, are not His thoughts. If many would stop trying to control others minds, we all will be okay. When we accept God, it will be one gospel, His and we can accept that, or not.
Thank you sir
Revelations 1:14-15 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
Bethlehem is spelled Beth’ le’ ham, meaning “House of Ham”, it was called that because it was originally a village located in the middle of Ethiopia, the most ancient map of the area shows it! It’s not hard to learn what color he was, simply look at his ancestry, they come from Ham, Ham’s lineage was from Hebron, Hebron was father of the Hebrews, he was also related to Anak of the Ananaki, whom mated with Black Africa women and produced many giant black races, one was the nephilim…. Learn to fully understand what you’re reading before you make a video for TH-cam.