  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • U saradnji sa bivsim pripadnicima specijalnih jedinica otvaramo prijave za kandidate!
    Specijalne jedinice nisu samo pojedinci koji se hrabro suprotstavljaju neprijatelju, već su timovi koji savršeno funkcionišu zajedno kao borbena mašina.
    🎖️Kako postati specijalac?
    To je proces koji počinje u glavi, a telo je samo jedan deo jednačine.
    Otkrijte kako izgleda intenzivna vojna obuka komandosa, vođena iskusnim bivšim pripadnicima srpskih specijalnih jedinica i francuske Legije stranaca.
    Sa decenijama iskustva širom sveta, ovi stručnjaci će vam prikazati selekcioni proces za pridruživanje elitnim jedinicama.
    *Prvi termin obuke:
    xx.xx.xxxx godine od 08:00 časova.
    Lokacija: Beograd*
    Za više informacija, kontaktirajte nas putem DM-a ili na telefon: +381 60 3200 988
    #specijalneJedinice #vojnaObuka #borba #timskiRad #vojnaobuka #specijalneoperacije #borilackevestine #timskaobuka #militarizam #taktika #specijalnajedinica #kurs #obuka #borbenaobuka
    Special forces are not just individuals who bravely confront the enemy, but teams that function perfectly together as a combat machine.
    🎖️How to become a special forces operator?
    It's a process that starts in the mind, with the body being just one part of the equation.
    Discover what an intensive commando military training looks like, led by experienced former members of the Serbian special forces and the French Foreign Legion.
    With decades of experience worldwide, these experts will show you the selection process to join elite units.
    First training session:
    xx.xx.xxxx at 08:00.
    Location: Belgrade
    For more information, contact us via DM or phone: +381 60 3200 988
    #specialForces #militaryTraining #combat #teamwork #militaryTraining #specialOperations #martialArts #teamTraining #militarism #tactics #specialUnit #course #training #combatTraining

ความคิดเห็น • 1

  • @themer333
    @themer333 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Браво људи, то треба!