What's The Scariest TRUE Story You've Been Told? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 52

  • @notyumeko1705
    @notyumeko1705 5 ปีที่แล้ว +105

    This has nothing to do with the video but I got an ad for Burger King tacos and all I have to say is those tacos look nothing like they do irl

  • @Dreese941
    @Dreese941 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I have a freaky story myself.
    It was when I was living with my parents still and I was about 19 at the time and my parents went out of town for that week for a vacation I had work and school and could not go with them and it allowed me to take care of our cat with out them having to worry about him.
    Anyway, one night I was in my room on the second floor playing on my computer and I had already locked up the house and set the alarm system and the house has a motion sensor for down stairs and for the windows which were all locked up the cat is a inside/outside cat and not unusual for him to stay outside for the night. My computer desk that I was sitting at was in direct view of the landing for the stairs so I could see anything that came up the stairs very easily but I had all the lights turned off in the house except the glow from my monitor. I caught movement out the corner of my eye and looked to see what I thought was my cat flicking his tail and slowly walking to me and I went back to do what ever I was messing with on my PC. Then I felt him rubbing up against my legs for a minute or two and I never bothered to look down because he does this quite often. And seen him walk out my room again out the corner of my eye and vanish down the stairs. The motion sensor is set up to where he won't trip it based of his size.
    About 20min go bye and I hear a meowing and couldn't tell where it was coming from. So I figured he got himself locked in a room accidentally and wanted out. So I disarm the alarm system and start walking around the house listing to him meow. Then I went to the back door and opened it up and immediately got chills that went up and down my spine when I looked down and there he was. Mind you we only have the one cat and there is no possible way he could have gotten out because I double checked again to made sure I didn't leave a window or a door open for him to get out. To this day idk what that was that I thought was my cat but I know for sure it wasn't him.

    • @laexploradora8449
      @laexploradora8449 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Derick Reese oh boy you must be scared for life

  • @hyper.lethal
    @hyper.lethal 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    The worst kind of nightmares are the REALLY realistic ones. I had one where in it, I woke up, and I had a normal day in the dream, (swim team, going back to the pool, going on a walk somtimes) but my mom and dad died. So my sister moved in and I went to bed. Then I woke up for REAL and went downstairs and started crying. Then my mom came down.

  • @InternetinaNutshellChannel
    @InternetinaNutshellChannel 5 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    The government always watching you text.

  • @raphythemighty2613
    @raphythemighty2613 5 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    Wait what? The dude ran past him in the hall but when he got to the room it was the same dude? So what the guy saw his ghost? Cmaaaan bruh

    • @Bruh-ty5ql
      @Bruh-ty5ql 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I was rereading it over and over until it finally clicked and blew my mind.

    • @imbeingheldhostagebythefbi5
      @imbeingheldhostagebythefbi5 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I read really fast and i tought you wrote "Rude red rapist".

    • @Chipswitch22
      @Chipswitch22 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah it's one of those BS fake stories

  • @jacob3571
    @jacob3571 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Glad to watch this before bed

  • @kristab4858
    @kristab4858 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When I was younger I saw someone walk out of my bathroom and into the kitchen, but we I looked in the kitchen they weren’t there. I thought it was a dream, until my aunt told me a story a few years later about how she has saw the exact same thing.

  • @cloudiilemonade1763
    @cloudiilemonade1763 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Ive got one.
    In the 7th grade all us 7th graders went to a camp called “Woodman Point” its known for being a very haunted place with the old hospital being the most haunted. (back in the 1910’s or so it used to be a place where the immigrants from england, if sick, would stay there. Many of them died due to illness though.) The girls and boys were seperated into three cabins, two large girl groups into two different cabins and one large boy group in small rooms. (Some boys had to stay in a cabin close to the hospital) There were four in each cabin (girls), but for some rooms it would be about six or eight. My friends and i stayed in room 5 in a cabin called “spinifex”. The other girl cabin was called “Grevillia”. Apparently the Grevillia cabin was another most haunted of the buildings, so the teachers told the girls staying in there that the Spinifex cabin was the most haunted. Anyways, nothing much happened while I was there so I’ll just skip to the unnerving part. People had been spreading rumours that over 200 bodies were buried underground at the camp site, me, being extremely terrified, tried to brush it off as just a rumour. My friend’s close friend, (who had stayed there a year before us) told me and my friend at a sleepover we had, that in one of the rooms the wooden floor boards had gotten loose, so when the girls walked into their room to get their towels and swimsuits, out of curiosity they pulled the floor board up. ( the next part i’m not so sure is true but my friend’s close friend swore to god she saw it.) She claimed to have seen a body bag with decayed hands sticking out, they screamed and called the teachers in which the teachers apparently did nothing and put the floor board back, ordering the girls to go sleep in another room. That story honestly scares me to this day, and every night I stress about the fact I had stayed at that campsite, with possible body bags underneath the floor ( keep in mind the floor did sound hollow) for two whole nights.

  • @chopstick1308
    @chopstick1308 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Am I strange to always watch this stuff at like midnight before I go to bed?

  • @mrraven7445
    @mrraven7445 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    One time when I was 8 I used to share a room with my younger Aunt and I woke up early to feeling something crawl on me. All around the top
    I saw hundreds of rats just crawling over everything my bed my aunt ect. I just froze there sitting down waiting for them to notice me and eat me. Slowly over time they faded away into obscurity until they were gone. The scariest part was realizing I might be having hallucinations which I now realize I used to get a lot of A’s a kid.

  • @michellezavala1355
    @michellezavala1355 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    When the person says, You son of a B, my bed is next to the window 😬,....I laughed so hard 😂

  • @evermoreonline3537
    @evermoreonline3537 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Chicken Soup for the Pre-teen Soul in a nut shell.

  • @lenahehe565
    @lenahehe565 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    After my grandma died and everyone was visiting her dead body like mere minutes after she died
    I felt her put her hand on my aunts shoulder and I felt her with me when she died I felt her so much that I felt the sudden urge to say I love you and I did and later when I saw her my aunt was crying and saying “Mom Mom please come back Mom” and I could feel that my grandma was happier even though she was gone

  • @NEMOfishZ92
    @NEMOfishZ92 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    When it comes to shit like this I always take the word "true" with a pinch of salt

  • @walrus7platypus
    @walrus7platypus 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My parents, my uncle and a friend of theirs have a shared UFO story that (I think) happened in like the early 90s. They were all going to pick up their friend (we’ll call him Riley) and then go to a party. The three of them get out of the car to switch seats/go inside to get Riley. For some reason they all were looking up. They then saw this little blue thing streak across the sky, stop dead for like 10 seconds, turn green, and then go off in a different direction. Riley then eloquently came running out of his house like “DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT SH*T??”
    My parents+uncle are pretty convinced it was a UFO. That thing was too small, fast, silent, and high up to be anything like any technology that existed at the time. (And it’s not like they lived anywhere near a desert government testing facility.)

  • @ultrameh1872
    @ultrameh1872 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    How would she know she saw something horrible if she didn’t see it

  • @basketballfreak610
    @basketballfreak610 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Im going to start this out with i have always been somewhat sensitive to the paranormal. When I was younger my family and I moved into a new house . On the first day I started having nightmares about a women chasing me and two kids I've never seen before down a hall and shooting me in my room. I would have nightmares almost every night for a year, sometimes I would wake up and see childrens foot prints going up my wall and i would also see a tall shadow figure in the hall (7ish feet) until my grandpa saged the house for me. After that the nightmares and the shadow figures stopped. One night about 3 months later I was sleeping on the couch and started having a nightmare, but this one was different. It showed a man laying face down in a coffin and all of his finger were broken and mangled. Even though he was laying face down i could still regognise the man. I woke my grandpa up and told him about the dream. He told me that when a person is laying face down in a coffin it means someone will due and the im not supposed to know who it is yet. I told him i knew who it was, it was my uncle. He dismissed me and told me not to worry about it and go back to sleep. This was at 4 AM. Exactly a week later we got a call saying that my Uncle had been killed in a car accident earlier that morning at around 3:45. My grandpa just looked at me and walked away. We've never talked about it.

  • @lesliemolnar4004
    @lesliemolnar4004 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the guy who saved my life got into a car accident shortly after he saved me. what happened was that he was driving home and someone tried to race him, but he didnt bother he just wanted to get home, so this guy lost control and my friend got involved, flipped and broke a rib.

  • @saif0_
    @saif0_ 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I also get GoSaBomPs about it

  • @itzmerucha
    @itzmerucha 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had an Aztec Whistling ad, RIGHT before the tiny blond girl story.

  • @mr.allclass1442
    @mr.allclass1442 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    8:25 im four stories up and im next to 2 windows

  • @wawaelias8842
    @wawaelias8842 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I bought a dozen of doughnuts well within 5 minutes they were gone with me not touching a single doughnut , well it turns out I just ate them way to fast and didn’t remember..

  • @mad69madison
    @mad69madison 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I've witnessed the same thing as the muh story. Not me but I lived with a girl who's grandfather had a photo of him an that thing was found everywhere in the house. I had found it between the water & dryer the first time I noticed. We moved to a new place an the photograph would disappear and then reappear in weird spaces.

  • @hollie6691
    @hollie6691 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    That if MT. Yellowstone errupted we're all doomed.

  • @spacetoastjam7656
    @spacetoastjam7656 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well looks like my chance to tell a spoopy story
    Back in 2017 my parents and I would do these food markets in local villages, tables and chairs would be set and there were at least five different stalls that would serve different types of food, but everyone had to earn their keep in order to sell at these markets, this would be done either by setting up the tables and chairs or cleaning up once everyone starts to go home, my parents and I opted to clean up after the market since we could set up earlier and start selling our food as quickly as possible, one time late at night while everyone was starting to go, home , I was setting the chairs up in a pile so it could be picked up later on, next to my pile there were these two chairs that I was ignoring since it was only a short distance from the pile i had already made, once all the chairs that were far from the pile were dealt I turned to deal with the 2 last chairs, I grabbed 1 turned put the chair on the pile turned again to get the second chair and out of nowhere this hippie looking guy is slumped on the chair staring right at me, the rest of the lights in the village have gone off since they’re on timer, so only the market is well lit up, meaning that this guy came from the darkness out of nowhere, and I definitely didn’t hear his footsteps nor see any light to guide his way, meaning that this guy either has night vision eyes or is a ghost, now alcohol is served at these markets so I first naturally assume that he’s sh!tfaced, I politely asked him to get out of his chair, so I could continue cleaning instead he decided to scream at me like a primate, swing his arms and stomp his feet until he eventually got up, humped a parked van and once disappeared back into the darkness, at first I thought that he was on drugs that nobody ever saw him , which is the scary part since I was surrounded by people yet I was the only one who noticed him even when he was screaming and causing a scene everybody acted natural as if he wasn’t there, I even asked around at other food stalls and even they didn’t see him ,still think about him from time to time, i used to not believe in the super natural thinking that it was all a series of coincidences but now I don’t know what to think since that man changed everything about the way I evaluate the unknown.

  • @dr.doeboy2735
    @dr.doeboy2735 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They put it on the high shelf bc the dead mom probably wasn't tall and couldn't reach it

  • @omarhyde3339
    @omarhyde3339 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My grandmother had a dream where a white face told her 33341 and she got up and wrote it on a napkin. We don’t know what those numbers are. Any theories?

    • @Nocturnal_Mee
      @Nocturnal_Mee 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      333 in numerology is an “angel number”. It signifies making a hard decision.
      41 means hope and affirmation.

  • @quackingmad946
    @quackingmad946 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    8:25 there’s a window nest to my bed with a fucking roof next to it

  • @notificationnation
    @notificationnation 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    5:02 LMAO

  • @retrobro4040
    @retrobro4040 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Once at about 10pm when I was taking out the trash I looked up to see what I thought was a star. I realised that it was moving. It was not a plane because this thing was moving incredibly fast.

    • @faes9226
      @faes9226 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Retro Bro it might have been the iss

  • @wolvetica
    @wolvetica 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I reckon I should tell this one.
    I was out camping with my youth group during the summer (australia, so it’s kinda hard to find a good camping spot)
    Once we got there, girls and guys split off, and we set up the tents, its pretty late for night 1, so after eating I get my stuff together and so on.
    Second night comes by, I go down to the tents from the girl camp (bout 500 or so meters away, and to our small cooking campfire, Stoke it up and let it burn a bit, at this point my mate comes back from his small break, and right as I’m about to turn to him, chains on metal clan not 3 meters away from me, course, the camp fire was low at this point, so I stared into the dark and pulled my pocket knife out, then turn to my friend and ask if he heard that too, and he did.
    Which brings me back to the owners of the land, they didn’t want people in the shrub-land, which is fair but it was only a meter past the fence line.
    And we were in the shrub.

  • @peterbordon91
    @peterbordon91 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    if a guy comes in my house and try to kill my cats. He’s fucking dead.

  • @benrees848
    @benrees848 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    That dads gone

  • @damian9303
    @damian9303 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Why is the thumbnail Bird Box?

  • @leifystudios8779
    @leifystudios8779 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    First story sounds like harry potter and the order of the phoenix

  • @roxy5659
    @roxy5659 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The story of Lizzie Borden that killed her parents with an axe
    *and I’m related to her*

    • @DD-d6d3
      @DD-d6d3 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      She was acquitted

  • @Anna-tc6rz
    @Anna-tc6rz 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Idc who you are.... you hurt my doggos and u die. I dont care how long I have to wait. Your life is mine.

  • @unknowntogod5603
    @unknowntogod5603 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @CaptainBuggyTheClown
    @CaptainBuggyTheClown 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not scary, just a bunch of stupid anecdotal stories.

  • @Chipswitch22
    @Chipswitch22 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Too many of these are fake and lame

  • @MrPoop-if3cs
    @MrPoop-if3cs 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @andreas.222
    @andreas.222 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Jeffrey Dahmer´s murders

  • @Kendicklame-ar
    @Kendicklame-ar 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Third to comment