Very nice. This car has indeed the very last iteration of the NA V12, the AM29. Very special. But yours is missing the chrome V12 badge mounted below the side markers. The "Satin Black" tailpipes are Zircotec coated. You haven't found the trunk pull handle because it's been removed in this model, but it's the same as other AstonMartins so you can easily put it back on. The ZF8 8 speed is indeed very smooth. At startup, the vacuum pump pulls the exhaust valves open because the Shadow Edition is fitted with all the optional sport bits like valved exhaust and valved intake airbox The AMi III , one of the few cars with Apple CarPlay / Android Auto that actually works great Very nice walk around of the car. Thanks for this!
Beautiful beautiful car, my dream car, I will buy it one day.
Very nice. This car has indeed the very last iteration of the NA V12, the AM29. Very special. But yours is missing the chrome V12 badge mounted below the side markers.
The "Satin Black" tailpipes are Zircotec coated.
You haven't found the trunk pull handle because it's been removed in this model, but it's the same as other AstonMartins so you can easily put it back on.
The ZF8 8 speed is indeed very smooth.
At startup, the vacuum pump pulls the exhaust valves open because the Shadow Edition is fitted with all the optional sport bits like valved exhaust and valved intake airbox
The AMi III , one of the few cars with Apple CarPlay / Android Auto that actually works great
Very nice walk around of the car. Thanks for this!
Rapide S. No matter if touchtronic 2 or 3. Still the most beautiful 4-seater - no doubt.