Quelle émotion. Voici l'Europe civile la plus avancée, des jeunes français chantent en galicien médiéval et en latin. Que dire, du jamais vu! Oui mes dames et messieurs, c'est ça l'Europe de civilisations avancées à laquelle nous devrions tous aspirer. Longue vie à notre culture de lumière!
Walking the Camino de Santiago I once stopped by an old monastery in time for vespers. Listening to the monks sing is something that will be with me always. As pilgrim, walking a 1000 years old way, l felt I was back in the middle ages as I listen the songs. One of the many wonderful experiences of The Way of St. James.
Merci pour cette belle et discrète performance qui a dû coûter beaucoup de préparation. Cela touche les racines de notre civilisation chrétienne européenne. Salutations d'Anvers, Belgique
@paseante sin rumbo fijo I have never thought of Spain as being culturally underrated. It is indeed rich in culture and history. Granted, for many in Los Estados Unidos, it may not have the cultural clout, let's say, of the UK, but it is a force to be reckoned with.
@paseante sin rumbo fijo Espagne est un mot de lieu. Dedans cette presqu' ille, il y a de differents pays, des royome, de comtés , etc. La Catalonia est un principoté composée de plusieurs comtés, formés dedans les royome-imperial Carolinge. Elle a opteni le royome d' Aragon, a crée le royome de Valence. Les territoires etaient organisés de faison confederée. Chaqu' un avait les lois propes.
@@a1977cantalozella Tu te trompes. L'Espagne est une réalité culturelle riche et diversifiée. C'est bien plus qu'un nom de lieu. Tous les royaumes médiévaux entretenaient des relations et des échanges culturels, des flux de personnes, des mariages, des métissages... Ils n'étaient pas séparés par des barrières comme on le voudrait. Et ils finiraient par former ce que nous connaissons comme l'Espagne de l'ère moderne et comme une nation espagnole du 19ème siècle.
@@a1977cantalozella You're wrong. Spain is a rich and diverse cultural reality. It is much more than a place name. All medieval kingdoms maintained cultural relations and exchanges, flows of people, marriages, miscegenation ... They were not separated by barriers as you would like. And they would end up forming what we know as Spain from the Modern Age and as a Spanish Nation from the 19th century.
And some "trumpist" polititians and people try to erase all Spanish contribution to the history of the USA. Don't allow this. It's in yours hands. The Spaniards in North America were not "monsters" who exterminated native Americans... (who exterminated them? Guess)
Wunderschön arrangiert, eine Musik die mich schon seit frühester Kindheit sehr angesprochen hat. Ich fühle mich so damit verbunden als wenn ich in der Zeit schon einmal gelebt habe.....besonders auch in Spanien.
Bitte lassen Sie sich nicht von der Irrlehre der Wiedergeburt / Reinkarnation täuschen. Sie fühlen sich damit verbunden, weil sie sich von der Heiligkeit Jesu angezogen fühlen.
Je découvre cette vidéo par un hasard providentiel ! Quelle merveille ! Grâce et pureté, vérité et beauté s'embrassent ! MERCI d'avoir gardé mémoire de ces trésors ! Dans notre siècle chaotique, ces musiciens et choristes nous apportent un air pur, angélique, un avant-goût des beautés paradisiaques dans lesquelles nous sommes tous appelés à baigner ! Dieu, que le Ciel sera beau, tout illuminé de ces cantiques divins ! Que Dieu vous bénisse pour ce merveilleux travail que vous avez assumé. Oui, soyez tous et toutes bénis ! Alleluia !
By chance I found this link, how beautiful to listen to over the years the "Cantigas a Santa Maria" by Alfonso XX "the wise", the parallel fifths, the circular canon, and how little by little the polyphony is being put together until reaching the period of early renaissance. How much medieval music contributed in the 20th century, both in rock music of the 70's, as in modern and contemporary academic composers, is even present in the "new age" music. This music will survive forever, and what relevance it has in our current times. Beautiful concert of ancient music.!BRAVO!
Esto es una reliquia que vivirá en la posteridad muchísimas gracias por subir este video, bellísimo, hermoso sin palabras, saludos de Lima Perú, un amante de la música europea con cultura
Las cantigas de Santa Maria fueron compuestas por Alfonso Decimo el Sabio, Rey de Castilla, escritas en el idioma Gallego, mas dulce al oido que el Castellano, y en aquella epoca, idioma romance mas culto de la peninsula Iberica. Ambos idiomas, absolutamente Españoles.
00:01:56 - O virgo splendens - latín 00:08:10 - Laudemus Virginem - latín 00:09:40 - Splendens ceptigera - latín 00:12:06 - Cantiga 302 : A Madre de Jhesu-Cristo - Galaico-portugués 00:17:04 - Cantiga 113 : Por razon tenuo d'obedecer 00:20:36 - Cantiga 52 : Mui gran Dereit e das bestias 00:22:44 - Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa - catalán 00:32:04 - Cuncti simus concanentes - latín 00:35:36 - Mariam, matrem virginem, attolite - latín 00:44:25 - Cantiga 57 : Mui grandes noit e dia - Galaico-portugués 00:48:44 - Los set gotxs - catalán 00:53:24 - Cantiga 48 : Tanto son da Groriosa 00:55:03 - Cantiga 311 : O que diz que servir ome 00:57:48 - Polorum Regina - latín 01:03:43 - Ad mortem festinamus - latín 01:10:40 - Stella splendens - latín
Indeed, hearing the "beginnings" of my mother tongue just hits different hahaha it must be something similar to you even if a little considering we are "cousings" lol Godbless from Central América
On the year 722 : there wasn't Portugal, nor Cataluña, nor even Spain , just the Mountain Kingdom of Asturias , and it's the Virgin who appears to king Don Pelayo, and Says : Fight and Resist! , and Indeed resisted !!! , To the overwhelming Power Muslim Invasion, from there on Castilla and Portugal were recovered, during that time Cataluña was praying to Allah on their knees and ass up , until at last they were freed from slavery, 400 years later by the Christian Armies. What á blow to their Pride! We should be _Forever_ grateful to Spain , never forget , because, otherwise, this music never would be possible .
The first part is about The Red Book of Montserrat (1399), written musical notations, adorned with elegant miniatures, at which finds the first choreographic notation, that was still very rudimentary, of what hom has news at the world. It includes a compilation of chants and dances of the pilgrims of varied provenances from langue d'Oc and catalan, translated to latin sometimes. Spain is beautiful country, but The Red Book of Montserrat isn't spanish.
I wish that the culture was kinder to animals. I really wish that they would permanently end bullfighting as well. The music and dance, though, are enchanting.
@@trenfutur As long as it is catalan, IT IS Spanish or French. Let's do Phylosophy. 17 regions in Spain, each different but united under Spain. You think you're so different or special that makes laugh to the rest of Spaniards. Middle ages Cataluña was part of Aragón. Then, that music is Aragonesa ... hahahaha
Cet enregistrement est une vraie merveille. La variété des voix, des sons des instruments, nous transportent littéralement. Un médicament pour l'âme à n'en pas douter. Merci pour ce partage.
Le choeur et la musique des anges... Absolument sublime. Bravo et merci aux Musiciens de Saint-Julien et à la Maîtrise de Radio France, qui ont su faire revivre cette merveilleuse et ancienne musique espagnole !
In preparation of my St James de Compostela walk I became involved in an accident and broke my Achilles tendons. It's been 2years ago and I am still recovering. This music blesses me, it gives me peace of mind and make me forget the pain I have in my right leg. The Lord Jesus is been graceful over me.
Это неописуемое ощущение. Ангельские голоса. Господи, благослови великими благословениями этих людей. Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу Радуйся Мария Благодатная, Господь с Тобой. Ты самая Благословенная из всех женщин, когда-либо живших на этой Земле, и Благословен Сын Твой, Иисус Христос, Сын Отца Небесного.
I can feel pure spiritual energy coming forth. It's rejuvenating my soul and purifying my thoughts. Making me think about how the genuine Christian life was back in the monasteries in the mountains in Spain around 14th century. I hope humanity will return to this and wake up from all the materialism and marxism that is ruling our world these days.
@@judeirwin2222 What makes people turn away from God? I believe it is the strong pursuit of material things and this is exactly what marxism is teaching people, that we should fulfiill our desires and create materialistic utopia on earth where we can almost bathe in all material comfort, thus we loose the desire to search God.
@@Soundofmusic777 Capitalism without selfishness is just a normal trade. The greedy mindset that people developed comes from marxism. Listen to this: You can have capitalism based on moral principles, it would actually work quite well BUT you can absolutely not have marxism/socialism/communism based on moral principles it would cease to be marxism/communism immediately.
@@marcus2488 Marxism without selfishness also creates normal trade, we always have markets, they are how we live ..... Marxism is based on moral principles, read Marx to find out, though be bored. In fact, both ideas are based on principles. BTW I'd like to see capitalism in practice based on those principles alone, likewise marxism, alas human beings intervene, such a nuisance. If you think capitalism in practice hasn't tempted people away from your God, suggest you haven't been to specsavers...
Oh Europe, we are putting right our wrongs but we should also remember the best of what we've been and teach it to our children. Blessings from Ireland.
Absolutely wonderful. Spanish medieval music with the medieval instruments and human voices. Sacred music, sacred thoughts and actions within the composer, artist and listener. Deo gratias!
@@perrymanso6841 the king alfonso x himself , yes, the same king who composed and compiled las cantigas wrote too the famous book " estoria de España", history of spain, and in this way, with ñ. So, of course, spain did exist since the year 587 and the king recaredo. And Cataluña has been always spain, just a bunch of small counties always under the command of the king of aragón .
Best performance of Le Livre Vermeil I have ever seen! Beautiful voices and musicians. This is the third time I am listening to this beautiful perfomance! And not the last time...
I concur with the comments extolling this most gorgeous music. For believers it leads directly to the heart of God. For nonbelievers maybe it allows them/us to gain consolation for the woes of this sometimes heartless world and to contemplate: maybe I was wrong. Maybe, just maybe there is...
Christmas 2019. It's sacred and it's music. I'm listening to this as I decorate my tree. My dog is looking at me like I'm a fool for dancing but she'll soon join. This is incredible. Thank you for posting.
So beautiful. As a church musician for many years, I've always enjoyed medieval music, but not like this. The music and and the musicians are wonderful. I cannot describe the pleasure I've got from listening to this music.
Apparently according to the person who compiled the music from El Llibre Vermell de Montserrat he did so so that the pilgrims who went to Montserrat had pious and proper music that they could dance to and sing for entertainment, that is why despite all of the "religiousness" of these songs they are still quite upbeat and happy sounding!
@@c.revirada Hispania y antes i-spn-ya, el origen del término tiene más de 3000 años, y tú dices que no existe. Hispania and before I-spn-ya, the origin of the term is more than 3000 years old, and you say that it does not exist.
@@qatorze Aunque la palabra Hispania es correcto que tiene raíces fenicias y romanas (así se refieren a la península ibérica), ningún rey de la península usa el termino Rey de España hasta Felipe V, finales S. XVII principios S.XVIII. Y no será hasta las cortes de Cádiz de 1812 que se creará el concepto de España como estado nación moderno. Así que el compañero tiene razón cuando dice que existían distintos reinos y que España es un estado moderno.
Stella Splendens Stella splendens in monte ut solis radium miraculis serrato exaudi populum concurrunt universi gaudentes populi divites et egeni grandes et parvolis ipsum ingredientur ut cernunt occuli et inde reventuntur hic ave Maria lyricstranslate.com/de/stella-splendens-bright-star.html
this type of a concert certainly fits well within the walls of an ancient church building.. not those rock concerts and performances often held in holy shrines... thumbs up, hands down and hats off to you guys... may the Lord be praised... make Christendom great again!!!
It's amazing to me that music this old hasn't been lost. That we still have these treasures is such a great blessing. Thank you for making this available for us to hear.
Many of these songs were taught to us by the Nuns at Saint Ann School, Beaumont, TX, some 70 years ago. I still remember many of the words in English and Latin. The music is as spritual now as then. Most thankful I have found this on TH-cam.
I always think back to the beautiful and holy songs of my childhood Catholic church in Port Arthur. Never been to another place in the USA that matched it.
I sought. I found, thanks to you for uploading this. Simply beautiful, uplifting, transcendent. This might be the best thing I’ve ever seen on TH-cam. Christ is King.
This is why I feel European and love Europe from Ireland to Iceland to Portugal all the way to Greece and Turkey and back through Russia to Finland. We are brothers and sisters through music. With love from the Netherlands 💚
Jo soc de Montsserrat...i aquesta és la interpretació mes extraordinària que he sentit mai del Llibre Vermell de Montsserrat,.... moltíssimes gràcies !!!
Agree, although there is violent killing in these modern times specially war, but I believe the majority of pain the world feels now is mentally which is slow painful break down thru one's life, but it's this emotion or frequency also that connects all of us together just like the dark ages only it was violent massacres of Innocents untill the villagers began to hold there ground. That's how I feel when I hear these beautiful tones like I feel connected to everyone like me, instantly calm and feel in powerd to go into a meaningful war against evil along with people I might not know but consider them my brothers and sisters to reclaim our humanity for future generations. Idk just how I feel. Lol
El mundo medieval español fue brutal y violento con sus luchas entre musulmanes, judíos y cristianos. No hay que idealizar a partir de una música fabulosa. Nunca hubo mucha paz en este mundo.
This specutacular performance is effulgent Spain itself , and beyond description , immeasurable , unfathomable , and full of admiration and emotion , and comfortable to the ear and the mind .
I had the rare privilege of being in a chapel like this, sitting meditating on my life, and wondering about my future after a difficult ending to marriage... it was totally quite not a pin dropping would go unnoticed... when out of the air these beautiful voices began singing, without instruments... it took me a few minutes to realize I was not going crazy (which at the time was an option) and the sound was coming from a choir loft... the choir did a 1 hour rehearsal of the Christmas Lessons... as I said, all without instruments, and I the only audience... a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt rejuvenated, and able to go on living... suicide was also an option... some will say it was God's interceding in my life... as a non-believer, I just thank who provided the singers and the circumstances that conspired for us to be in the same time and place...
Some kind of spiritual epiphany brought on by a series of wonderful coincidences,and all of them "man made". Great story,I have been in similar circumstances,but my love of music of all kinds got me through,good luck and live happy.
I hope your burdens have been lifted. Regardless of unbelief, never be afraid to call out to the God of Creation. He will hear you and come to you in a way you can understand. Blessings on you!
Cuando quiero dormir me pongo este video exactamente en el minuto 35:00 cuando suena la flauta y no duró ni 2 minutos q me duermo. Tanta paz me da que es increíble
Si así se escucha la música y cantos en la iglesia única y verdadera de Jesucristo adorando a DIOS,como será en el cielo que infinidad de angeles siempre están adorando a DIOS,es realmente bellísimo..saludos desde Irapuato,Guanajuato,México.
I'm often amazed at the ethereal sophistication of mediaeval and renaissance music, considering the rough (and sometimes brutal) simplicity of life at the time. This was a top-notch performance. The lady conducting seems a really nice person, and the choir respond accordingly with their best.
The middle age is a long period of 1000 years. Not all of it was a underdevelopped time. Think about the intelligence and extreme sophistication of gothic architecture (in both technic and artistic points of views), we had to wait the 19th century to see such innovation.
Sublime, sobrecogedor, un llamado al alma, poético, me emociona tan bellas melodías y voces, sin pirotecnia musical , allí esta música de ancestros perdidos en la historia que amaban la vida tanto como a Dios. Gracias por este regalo maravilloso!!!!
On my second holiday in Spain, I first heard about the choir. Now I want to live. About the performance: Very old songs, but surprisingly modern sound.
quelle belle musique quand on pense quelle a pres de dix siecles quand sera t-il de lamusique moderne dans mille ans quelle profondeur l'ame s'eleve quelle spiritualite que d'emotions grace à DIEU nous avons des passionnes pour faire revivre ces belles pages de notre histoire notre patrimoine temoin d'un passe revolu bravo
Esto es de lo mas bonito que he escuchado en tiempos. Música y armonías sencillas, donde la percusión sigue a la melodía y no al revés como se hace ahora. Sublime.
Je suis très émue par cette musique et par les commentaires qu'elle suscite...à notre époque. Elle a un côté sauvage ou méditatif à d'autres moments. Je me sens reliée aux générations qui nous ont précédés et à leur ferveur. Merci !
This magnificent piece of musical wonder was recorded on my birthday 😀. My ancestors are also from Spain and as a result my family is catholic. I will show them this video as I am sure they will greatly enjoy it.
The faces and voices of God's angels. This is so astonishingly beautiful that I continue to share it with as many people as I possibly can. Oh, Dear God, in this time of darkness and the culture of death, please deliver us from the grasp of Satan and lead all souls to discover Your incredible creation through the blessings of this beautiful offering. Amen.
If this music were written 2 months ago it wouldn't diminish it's magnificence. The fact that it's 500 + years old is just an added bonus. Wonderful performance!!
My friend, the Red Book of Monserrat is a compilation made at the end of the XIV century. Some of its compositions are older since the style was no longer in use at that time (i.e. different lyrics for different voices). Then, the Cantigas de Santa Maria collection was issued by Alfonso X el Sabio (the Wise) in the second half of the XIII century, 750 years ago...
From Australia - recently enjoyed Jordi Saville alongside other wonderful musicians. Both voices and instrumentalists are mesmerising to watch, their absolute heaven to listen so. Thank you for sharing. I will share with lovers of this genre of music 👏🏻🙏🏼
It always perks my interest to see how several instrument forms travel, and become popular ,in various cultures. What a lovely collection of music, talented musicians, and an obvious love for perpetuating the best music of the past. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing with those of us who vicariously join you from the corners of the world.
God speaks to us, gently and lovingly, though music like this. He invites us always into his home and into his loving embrace. Inspiring music and beautifully played and sung by talented musicians. Blessings from Florida!
Quelle émotion. Voici l'Europe civile la plus avancée, des jeunes français chantent en galicien médiéval et en latin. Que dire, du jamais vu! Oui mes dames et messieurs, c'est ça l'Europe de civilisations avancées à laquelle nous devrions tous aspirer. Longue vie à notre culture de lumière!
Magnifique; Merci pour cette présentation, tout ce travail, tous ces talents. merci pour ce partage.
in these times, is this lovely sacred music from Medieval Spain just the right music for so many people.
Three years later, I wonder if these singers and musicians know how much hope and beauty they continue to offer this fraught world of ours.
Walking the Camino de Santiago I once stopped by an old monastery in time for vespers. Listening to the monks sing is something that will be with me always. As pilgrim, walking a 1000 years old way, l felt I was back in the middle ages as I listen the songs. One of the many wonderful experiences of The Way of St. James.
I am from León...I am sure you remember its cathedral if you got to see it...I live in the USA
@@amparoalvarez9001 YES!!! and I looking forward to do the Camino again in September 2021!
@@crcanassr By 2021 all would have probably subsided and travel restrictions will have been lifted...Enjoy your Buen Camino
The old monastery in time for vespres sing a catalonia songs.
Cantigas of Santa María are Castilian Songs written from the King Alfonso X el sabio (The wise) who was king of Castile and Leon.
Merci pour cette belle et discrète performance qui a dû coûter beaucoup de préparation. Cela touche les racines de notre civilisation chrétienne européenne. Salutations d'Anvers, Belgique
What a beautiful performance of music, music much needed for our time. Thank you Spain. Thank you France. Thank you the Christian musical tradition.
@paseante sin rumbo fijo I have never thought of Spain as being culturally underrated. It is indeed rich in culture and history. Granted, for many in Los Estados Unidos, it may not have the cultural clout, let's say, of the UK, but it is a force to be reckoned with.
@paseante sin rumbo fijo Espagne est un mot de lieu. Dedans cette presqu' ille, il y a de differents pays, des royome, de comtés , etc. La Catalonia est un principoté composée de plusieurs comtés, formés dedans les royome-imperial Carolinge. Elle a opteni le royome d' Aragon, a crée le royome de Valence. Les territoires etaient organisés de faison confederée. Chaqu' un avait les lois propes.
@@a1977cantalozella Tu te trompes. L'Espagne est une réalité culturelle riche et diversifiée. C'est bien plus qu'un nom de lieu. Tous les royaumes médiévaux entretenaient des relations et des échanges culturels, des flux de personnes, des mariages, des métissages... Ils n'étaient pas séparés par des barrières comme on le voudrait. Et ils finiraient par former ce que nous connaissons comme l'Espagne de l'ère moderne et comme une nation espagnole du 19ème siècle.
@@a1977cantalozella You're wrong. Spain is a rich and diverse cultural reality. It is much more than a place name. All medieval kingdoms maintained cultural relations and exchanges, flows of people, marriages, miscegenation ... They were not separated by barriers as you would like. And they would end up forming what we know as Spain from the Modern Age and as a Spanish Nation from the 19th century.
Beautiful! From Texas, where Spain 🇪🇸 held the territory and the missions are still here built by the Indigenous natives and the monks.
San Antonio Texas?
@@abrahanrodriguez9003 , yes
I am from San Antonio. You hit the history of SA right on the mark.
@@abrahanrodriguez9003 This song are reader is gallega lenguage and a catalan language.
And some "trumpist" polititians and people try to erase all Spanish contribution to the history of the USA. Don't allow this. It's in yours hands. The Spaniards in North America were not "monsters" who exterminated native Americans... (who exterminated them? Guess)
Almost unworldly beautiful music superbly performed...truly healing in these times of stress and turmoil....Thank you.
Wunderschön arrangiert, eine Musik die mich schon seit frühester Kindheit sehr angesprochen hat. Ich fühle mich so damit verbunden als wenn ich in der Zeit schon einmal gelebt habe.....besonders auch in Spanien.
Bitte lassen Sie sich nicht von der Irrlehre der Wiedergeburt / Reinkarnation täuschen. Sie fühlen sich damit verbunden, weil sie sich von der Heiligkeit Jesu angezogen fühlen.
An oasis of beauty in a world gone mad. Thank you!
Je découvre cette vidéo par un hasard providentiel ! Quelle merveille ! Grâce et pureté, vérité et beauté s'embrassent ! MERCI d'avoir gardé mémoire de ces trésors ! Dans notre siècle chaotique, ces musiciens et choristes nous apportent un air pur, angélique, un avant-goût des beautés paradisiaques dans lesquelles nous sommes tous appelés à baigner ! Dieu, que le Ciel sera beau, tout illuminé de ces cantiques divins ! Que Dieu vous bénisse pour ce merveilleux travail que vous avez assumé. Oui, soyez tous et toutes bénis ! Alleluia !
By chance I found this link, how beautiful to listen to over the years the "Cantigas a Santa Maria" by Alfonso XX "the wise", the parallel fifths, the circular canon, and how little by little the polyphony is being put together until reaching the period of early renaissance.
How much medieval music contributed in the 20th century, both in rock music of the 70's, as in modern and contemporary academic composers, is even present in the "new age" music. This music will survive forever, and what relevance it has in our current times. Beautiful concert of ancient music.!BRAVO!
Alfonso X; 10th
By God, there still is BEAUTY in the world!!! BRAVO!!!!! BRAVOOOOOO!!!
Esto es una reliquia que vivirá en la posteridad muchísimas gracias por subir este video, bellísimo, hermoso sin palabras, saludos de Lima Perú, un amante de la música europea con cultura
Las cantigas de Santa Maria fueron compuestas por Alfonso Decimo el Sabio, Rey de Castilla, escritas en el idioma Gallego, mas dulce al oido que el Castellano, y en aquella epoca, idioma romance mas culto de la peninsula Iberica. Ambos idiomas, absolutamente Españoles.
00:01:56 - O virgo splendens - latín
00:08:10 - Laudemus Virginem - latín
00:09:40 - Splendens ceptigera - latín
00:12:06 - Cantiga 302 : A Madre de Jhesu-Cristo - Galaico-portugués
00:17:04 - Cantiga 113 : Por razon tenuo d'obedecer
00:20:36 - Cantiga 52 : Mui gran Dereit e das bestias
00:22:44 - Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa - catalán
00:32:04 - Cuncti simus concanentes - latín
00:35:36 - Mariam, matrem virginem, attolite - latín
00:44:25 - Cantiga 57 : Mui grandes noit e dia - Galaico-portugués
00:48:44 - Los set gotxs - catalán
00:53:24 - Cantiga 48 : Tanto son da Groriosa
00:55:03 - Cantiga 311 : O que diz que servir ome
00:57:48 - Polorum Regina - latín
01:03:43 - Ad mortem festinamus - latín
01:10:40 - Stella splendens - latín
"Lord, what did you leave behind before being One and Many at the same time? Grant me the honor of reminding you again"
Alfonso X of Castille
Omg someone else who knows AXOC too!!
Watching from Philippines I felt like travel back to medieval time , early christian song is so angelic , such a beauty .. Godbless
Indeed, hearing the "beginnings" of my mother tongue just hits different hahaha it must be something similar to you even if a little considering we are "cousings" lol
Godbless from Central América
On the year 722 : there wasn't Portugal, nor Cataluña, nor even Spain , just the Mountain Kingdom of Asturias , and it's the Virgin who appears to king Don Pelayo, and Says : Fight and Resist! , and Indeed resisted !!! , To the overwhelming Power Muslim Invasion, from there on Castilla and Portugal were recovered, during that time Cataluña was praying to Allah on their knees and ass up , until at last they were freed from slavery, 400 years later by the Christian Armies.
What á blow to their Pride! We should be _Forever_ grateful to Spain , never forget , because, otherwise, this music never would be possible .
Spain is such a beautiful country, culture, and people...Many blessings from America. †
The first part is about The Red Book of Montserrat (1399), written musical notations, adorned with elegant miniatures, at which finds the first choreographic notation, that was still very rudimentary, of what hom has news at the world. It includes a compilation of chants and dances of the pilgrims of varied provenances from langue d'Oc and catalan, translated to latin sometimes.
Spain is beautiful country, but The Red Book of Montserrat isn't spanish.
Las cantigas de Santa Maria, un segle abans, son escrites en galego. Spain es només castellano o español?...
I wish that the culture was kinder to animals. I really wish that they would permanently end bullfighting as well. The music and dance, though, are enchanting.
Pero ha sido destruiído por la mentira, en forma de leyenda negra
@@trenfutur As long as it is catalan, IT IS Spanish or French. Let's do Phylosophy. 17 regions in Spain, each different but united under Spain. You think you're so different or special that makes laugh to the rest of Spaniards. Middle ages Cataluña was part of Aragón. Then, that music is Aragonesa ... hahahaha
God bless Spain. God bless France. God bless all countries, free and sovereign.
Mother of God, help us
Increible impresionante, bellisimo, gracias !!!!❤
Cet enregistrement est une vraie merveille. La variété des voix, des sons des instruments, nous transportent littéralement. Un médicament pour l'âme à n'en pas douter. Merci pour ce partage.
Tres beaux. , Beautiful., Bellísimo. Spain is Great.
Bellissimo. 👏
Le choeur et la musique des anges... Absolument sublime. Bravo et merci aux Musiciens de Saint-Julien et à la Maîtrise de Radio France, qui ont su faire revivre cette merveilleuse et ancienne musique espagnole !
Que viva la fé Cristiana para siempre.
La verdadera Fe, es el preámbulo a la felicidad eterna.
In preparation of my St James de Compostela walk I became involved in an accident and broke my Achilles tendons. It's been 2years ago and I am still recovering. This music blesses me, it gives me peace of mind and make me forget the pain I have in my right leg. The Lord Jesus is been graceful over me.
Espero que te repongas de tu tendon de Aquiles y puedas pronto continuar tu peregrinacion hacia Santiago de Compostela. Buen camino.
Spain Christian Medieval is very magic ..
One of the greatest show of youtube definitly.....Amen. OneLove Thank you x1000
Это неописуемое ощущение. Ангельские голоса. Господи, благослови великими благословениями этих людей.
Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу
Радуйся Мария Благодатная, Господь с Тобой.
Ты самая Благословенная из всех женщин, когда-либо живших на этой Земле, и Благословен Сын Твой, Иисус Христос, Сын Отца Небесного.
I can feel pure spiritual energy coming forth. It's rejuvenating my soul and purifying my thoughts. Making me think about how the genuine Christian life was back in the monasteries in the mountains in Spain around 14th century. I hope humanity will return to this and wake up from all the materialism and marxism that is ruling our world these days.
Marxism is extremely rare in our world. Where did you get the idea it “rules”?
@@judeirwin2222 What makes people turn away from God? I believe it is the strong pursuit of material things and this is exactly what marxism is teaching people, that we should fulfiill our desires and create materialistic utopia on earth where we can almost bathe in all material comfort, thus we loose the desire to search God.
It’s not Marxism that rules, but it’s opposite - capitalism.
@@Soundofmusic777 Capitalism without selfishness is just a normal trade. The greedy mindset that people developed comes from marxism. Listen to this: You can have capitalism based on moral principles, it would actually work quite well BUT you can absolutely not have marxism/socialism/communism based on moral principles it would cease to be marxism/communism immediately.
@@marcus2488 Marxism without selfishness also creates normal trade, we always have markets, they are how we live ..... Marxism is based on moral principles, read Marx to find out, though be bored. In fact, both ideas are based on principles. BTW I'd like to see capitalism in practice based on those principles alone, likewise marxism, alas human beings intervene, such a nuisance. If you think capitalism in practice hasn't tempted people away from your God, suggest you haven't been to specsavers...
Esta música es maravillosa. Gracias por traerla a estos tiempos.Susana.Córdoba.Argentina
Very talented, very accomplished, very worthwhile. May our culture soar to new heights and may this music renew our souls.
Prayers for Spain. May the healing power of music be with all its people on this Good Friday 2020
Oh Europe, we are putting right our wrongs but we should also remember the best of what we've been and teach it to our children. Blessings from Ireland.
Absolutely wonderful. Spanish medieval music with the medieval instruments and human voices. Sacred music, sacred thoughts and actions within the composer, artist and listener. Deo gratias!
To be precise, this is not Spanish medieval but Catalan medieval music, from before Spain existed.
@@perrymanso6841 the Cantigas are not Catalan
@@mrchivanegra the "Llibre vermell de Montserrat" is not Catalan? WTF?
@@perrymanso6841 Cataluña pertenecía al Reino de Aragón, era un Condado, por lo tanto es música aragonesa
@@perrymanso6841 the king alfonso x himself , yes, the same king who composed and compiled las cantigas wrote too the famous book " estoria de España", history of spain, and in this way, with ñ. So, of course, spain did exist since the year 587 and the king recaredo. And Cataluña has been always spain, just a bunch of small counties always under the command of the king of aragón .
Best performance of Le Livre Vermeil I have ever seen! Beautiful voices and musicians. This is the third time I am listening to this beautiful perfomance! And not the last time...
I concur with the comments extolling this most gorgeous music. For believers it leads directly to the heart of God. For nonbelievers maybe it allows them/us to gain consolation for the woes of this sometimes heartless world and to contemplate: maybe I was wrong. Maybe, just maybe there is...
Christmas 2019. It's sacred and it's music. I'm listening to this as I decorate my tree. My dog is looking at me like I'm a fool for dancing but she'll soon join. This is incredible. Thank you for posting.
I listen often, the cantiga a Maria is A1
Dogs often look at us like we're fools. I've learned to ignore them. :-)
have a great X- MAS.
have a great X- MAS.
@@fabrisse7469 lol
Absolute perfection
If it weren't for people like this we would have no past. Bravo to all of them. They connect us with our heritage.
Eh? We would have a past, with or without them. They help to reconnect us with a part of that past, and with our inner emotions.
@@judeirwin2222 thank you Dr. Pedant for your contribution. This performance really is all about YOU and your big brain.
Yes with Iberian heritage, i thank I have Portuguese, Spaniard and Basque blood too! THis feels good
@@neilwhitaker6284 Well done ! Hello de France, Elne.
Indeed. Covered in American commercial dreck without these. Even when I was a boy the music was so much better. But this, this is timeless.
Concierto grandioso. Una delicia escuchar y observar a los intérpretes, la música y las canciones. Una delicia!
Avec cette merveilleuse prestation je ne me sens plus seul à Noël. mercci youtube.
merci beaucoup pour cette belle musique, les chants des anges, Continuez de chanter pour toujours, cela fait du bien a nos ames. Dieu vous benisse !
So beautiful. As a church musician for many years, I've always enjoyed medieval music, but not like this. The music and and the musicians are wonderful. I cannot describe the pleasure I've got from listening to this music.
Apparently according to the person who compiled the music from El Llibre Vermell de Montserrat he did so so that the pilgrims who went to Montserrat had pious and proper music that they could dance to and sing for entertainment, that is why despite all of the "religiousness" of these songs they are still quite upbeat and happy sounding!
If I’m not mistaken, Spain produced some of the first contrapuntal chant. So beautiful.
En esa época no existía España, sino otros reinos. España es un estado moderno y un concepto tardío.
Hispania y antes i-spn-ya, el origen del término tiene más de 3000 años, y tú dices que no existe.
Hispania and before I-spn-ya, the origin of the term is more than 3000 years old, and you say that it does not exist.
@@c.revirada HAHAHAHAHAHA. Alfonso X en el siglo 13 escribe Historia de España, ignorante
@@qatorze Aunque la palabra Hispania es correcto que tiene raíces fenicias y romanas (así se refieren a la península ibérica), ningún rey de la península usa el termino Rey de España hasta Felipe V, finales S. XVII principios S.XVIII. Y no será hasta las cortes de Cádiz de 1812 que se creará el concepto de España como estado nación moderno. Así que el compañero tiene razón cuando dice que existían distintos reinos y que España es un estado moderno.
Quelle merveille ! Merci à tous, à chacun pour votre interprétation magistrale et tellement vivante, vibrante. Gratitude.
God bless these beautiful young people.
I cannot stop listening to this! Beautiful beautiful beautiful!
sirasy I
I could listen to the encore on endless loop. I might even get inspired to fight the Moors!
Me sucede lo mismo
Stella Splendens
Stella splendens in monte
ut solis radium
miraculis serrato
exaudi populum
concurrunt universi
gaudentes populi
divites et egeni
grandes et parvolis
ipsum ingredientur
ut cernunt occuli
et inde reventuntur
hic ave Maria
this type of a concert certainly fits well within the walls of an ancient church building.. not those rock concerts and performances often held in holy shrines... thumbs up, hands down and hats off to you guys... may the Lord be praised... make Christendom great again!!!
Bellas alabanzas del Medioevo, verdaderas joyas, dignas de oír. Llevan a meditar .
Bellísima música y mejor interpretación ♥ Saludos desde Chile
It's amazing to me that music this old hasn't been lost. That we still have these treasures is such a great blessing. Thank you for making this available for us to hear.
Exactly! It's like time travel, truly wonderful. I love the music of ages past.
It was kept by the monks in Montserrat's abbey (Catalonia)
The scores were gathering dust in libraries. They were discovered by musicology in the 60s.
Oraciones a España de Católicos Indonesios. Magnifica musica! 🙏🇮🇩 🇪🇸⛪️✝️🎶
Many of these songs were taught to us by the Nuns at Saint Ann School, Beaumont, TX, some 70 years ago. I still remember many of the words in English and Latin. The music is as spritual now as then. Most thankful I have found this on TH-cam.
Hello from dun laoghaire
Mike, what a sensational experience at your school!
Fantastic catholic musicl
Greatings from São José dos Campos, São Paulo State, Brazil.
Beautiful CHANTS are still part of TRIDENTINE MASS in SSPX Catholic Churches, usually in LATIN
I always think back to the beautiful and holy songs of my childhood Catholic church in Port Arthur. Never been to another place in the USA that matched it.
Ojalá esta música no desaparezca y se publique más, por lo sublime y espiritual
Mon Dieu, que c'est beau ! C'est un chant céleste.
There are no human words to describe the beauty one's soul feels.....
one could SING
There is one. The one that represents the reasons why, the motus and to whom these gifts were composed and sung:
You should try hymn of the cherubim
There’s always one annoying piece leftover.
I am not so sure..
Saludos desde Irapuato,Guanajuato,MEXICO,un pedacito del cielo y cantos y música celestial,bellísimo .
This is beyond magical and blessed! I feel like I could cry; What a gift this concert is, and the echo is beyond words. Magnifique et Paradisiaque!!
I sought. I found, thanks to you for uploading this. Simply beautiful, uplifting, transcendent. This might be the best thing I’ve ever seen on TH-cam. Christ is King.
This is why I feel European and love Europe from Ireland to Iceland to Portugal all the way to Greece and Turkey and back through Russia to Finland. We are brothers and sisters through music.
With love from the Netherlands 💚
@Nim Boo listen to the music and open your heart 💓
@Nim Boo majority of western turks are turkified greeks.
@@hennavanopstal1979 bible is against mix race
@@peche184 we are all mixed already
We are all born naked the same way and we will all die the same way
Nothing more, nothing less.
@@hennavanopstal1979 white people is not mixed. Thats why only white countries are being flooded with migrants, interracial propaganda etc.
Absolutely gorgeous! So grateful to have found this. I would buy a recording of this performance!
Just so gorgeous. Image in joy of being in that choir.
Jo soc de Montsserrat...i aquesta és la interpretació mes extraordinària que he sentit mai del Llibre Vermell de Montsserrat,.... moltíssimes gràcies !!!
I was at my worst, but this beautiful music helped me get through difficult times. Thank you.
I am ubsolutly speechless, beyond words to describe, pure & uplifing.
Listening to this music I am overcome with a feeling of calm and peace. How brutal and shallow the modern world is in comparison.
Agree, although there is violent killing in these modern times specially war, but I believe the majority of pain the world feels now is mentally which is slow painful break down thru one's life, but it's this emotion or frequency also that connects all of us together just like the dark ages only it was violent massacres of Innocents untill the villagers began to hold there ground. That's how I feel when I hear these beautiful tones like I feel connected to everyone like me, instantly calm and feel in powerd to go into a meaningful war against evil along with people I might not know but consider them my brothers and sisters to reclaim our humanity for future generations. Idk just how I feel. Lol
El mundo medieval español fue brutal y violento con sus luchas entre musulmanes, judíos y cristianos. No hay que idealizar a partir de una música fabulosa. Nunca hubo
mucha paz en este mundo.
😂 And the Medieval world wasn't brutal?
@@carmelo3599 Yes, you are absolutely right, idealizing that world would be a mistake
El legado más grande de Europa a la humanidad es la música clásica y sobre manera la música sacra.
Dès les premières voix , j'ai ressenti une paix infinie, encore tangible malgré le silence.
Muy hermosos cantos a la Virgen María.
Excelent !
From México City.
This specutacular performance is effulgent Spain itself , and beyond description , immeasurable , unfathomable , and full of admiration and emotion , and comfortable to the ear and the mind .
I had the rare privilege of being in a chapel like this, sitting meditating on my life, and wondering about my future after a difficult ending to marriage... it was totally quite not a pin dropping would go unnoticed... when out of the air these beautiful voices began singing, without instruments... it took me a few minutes to realize I was not going crazy (which at the time was an option) and the sound was coming from a choir loft... the choir did a 1 hour rehearsal of the Christmas Lessons... as I said, all without instruments, and I the only audience... a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt rejuvenated, and able to go on living... suicide was also an option... some will say it was God's interceding in my life... as a non-believer, I just thank who provided the singers and the circumstances that conspired for us to be in the same time and place...
Thank you for sharing. Deeply moved...
Wonderful! Hope you are doing OK :)
Some kind of spiritual epiphany brought on by a series of wonderful coincidences,and all of them "man made". Great story,I have been in similar circumstances,but my love of music of all kinds got me through,good luck and live happy.
You are a believer of beauty love and life ...wishing you the best life offers.
I hope your burdens have been lifted. Regardless of unbelief, never be afraid to call out to the God of Creation. He will hear you and come to you in a way you can understand. Blessings on you!
I can listen to this music for hours on end. Peaceful, sacred. Gorgeous.
Llibre Vermell de Montserrat never ceases to brighten the mind, and quiet the soul.
Stunning performance and atmosphere.
May God bless you all. Beautiful heavenly music
This is Amazing. Vive la France, El Viva L”Espagna
Cuando quiero dormir me pongo este video exactamente en el minuto 35:00 cuando suena la flauta y no duró ni 2 minutos q me duermo. Tanta paz me da que es increíble
Le "llibre vermell de Montserrat" est un recueil merveilleusement envoûtant. L'interprétation est à la hauteur.
Si así se escucha la música y cantos en la iglesia única y verdadera de Jesucristo adorando a DIOS,como será en el cielo que infinidad de angeles siempre están adorando a DIOS,es realmente bellísimo..saludos desde Irapuato,Guanajuato,México.
Sos creyente?
Seguramente sera de una lasitud tremenda, al menos que algunos mariachios esten por alli de vez en cuando, para mayor riqueza del programa. No?
I'm often amazed at the ethereal sophistication of mediaeval and renaissance music, considering the rough (and sometimes brutal) simplicity of life at the time. This was a top-notch performance. The lady conducting seems a really nice person, and the choir respond accordingly with their best.
The middle age is a long period of 1000 years. Not all of it was a underdevelopped time. Think about the intelligence and extreme sophistication of gothic architecture (in both technic and artistic points of views), we had to wait the 19th century to see such innovation.
Sublime, sobrecogedor, un llamado al alma, poético, me emociona tan bellas melodías y voces, sin pirotecnia musical , allí esta música de ancestros perdidos en la historia que amaban la vida tanto como a Dios. Gracias por este regalo maravilloso!!!!
On my second holiday in Spain, I first heard about the choir. Now I want to live. About the performance: Very old songs, but surprisingly modern sound.
Beautiful sound - musicians and singers. Love from England
Meraviglioso. Esecuzione impeccabile, musiche stupende. Complimenti davvero!
quelle belle musique quand on pense quelle a pres de dix siecles quand sera t-il de lamusique moderne dans mille ans quelle profondeur l'ame s'eleve quelle spiritualite que d'emotions grace à DIEU nous avons des passionnes pour faire revivre ces belles pages de notre histoire notre patrimoine temoin d'un passe revolu bravo
Esto es de lo mas bonito que he escuchado en tiempos. Música y armonías sencillas, donde la percusión sigue a la melodía y no al revés como se hace ahora. Sublime.
Je suis très émue par cette musique et par les commentaires qu'elle suscite...à notre époque.
Elle a un côté sauvage ou méditatif à d'autres moments.
Je me sens reliée aux générations qui nous ont précédés et à leur ferveur.
Merci !
Absolutamente hermoso en todo el esplendor de la palabra.
This magnificent piece of musical wonder was recorded on my birthday 😀. My ancestors are also from Spain and as a result my family is catholic. I will show them this video as I am sure they will greatly enjoy it.
Hermosa, linda, maravillosa música, maravillosos todos. Bless you from mexico
The faces and voices of God's angels. This is so astonishingly beautiful that I continue to share it with as many people as I possibly can. Oh, Dear God, in this time of darkness and the culture of death, please deliver us from the grasp of Satan and lead all souls to discover Your incredible creation through the blessings of this beautiful offering. Amen.
If this music were written 2 months ago it wouldn't diminish it's magnificence. The fact that it's 500 + years old is just an added bonus. Wonderful performance!!
My friend, the Red Book of Monserrat is a compilation made at the end of the XIV century. Some of its compositions are older since the style was no longer in use at that time (i.e. different lyrics for different voices). Then, the Cantigas de Santa Maria collection was issued by Alfonso X el Sabio (the Wise) in the second half of the XIII century, 750 years ago...
From Australia - recently enjoyed Jordi Saville alongside other wonderful musicians. Both voices and instrumentalists are mesmerising to watch, their absolute heaven to listen so. Thank you for sharing. I will share with lovers of this genre of music 👏🏻🙏🏼
Jordi SavALL ?
Quelle réussite que ce concert, tout y est... Merci pour ce moment de grâce et de bonheur
I would love to attend this type of live concert magnificence
What fantastic young talent. Absolutely beautiful music.
It always perks my interest to see how several instrument forms travel, and become popular ,in various cultures.
What a lovely collection of music, talented musicians, and an obvious love for perpetuating the best music of the past. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing with those of us who vicariously join you from the corners of the world.
God speaks to us, gently and lovingly, though music like this. He invites us always into his home and into his loving embrace. Inspiring music and beautifully played and sung by talented musicians. Blessings from Florida!
Quando sento questi brani mi sembra di essere in paradiso! L'effetto è questo, d i essere in una liturgia celestialmente divina! BRAVISSIMI!!!
Superbe concert de musique envoutante et psalmodique. Un vrai plaisir pour les oreilles. Merci a tous ces interprètes pour ce moment de grâce.