Minunat video ! Splendide imagini acompaniate de o muzica adecvata ! Mii de multumiri draga Costi pentru partajarea acestui deosebit video.Iti doresc sa ai o noua saptamana cu multe bucurii si succese ! Cordiale salutari de la Rodica*********************
Hi Costitravel, super video ! I'm Luca, a french journalist, working for a website called Jetlag (www.demotivateur.fr/jetlag). With the team, we would like to edit a short video about this amazing Li River, and we loved your video, some images are really cool ! I would like to know if I can use some parts of your video to create a short film/video about this strange statue and post it on our page and social network ? Of course, you will be credited on screen and tag on it. Cheers ! you cana lso check our Facebook pages here : facebook.com/demotivateur/ and here : facebook.com/Jetlagbydemotivateur/
Minunat video ! Splendide imagini acompaniate de o muzica adecvata ! Mii de multumiri draga Costi pentru partajarea acestui deosebit video.Iti doresc sa ai o noua saptamana cu multe bucurii si succese ! Cordiale salutari de la Rodica*********************
Minunate locuri , splendid video
beautiful video. what is the name of the song, it's lovely.
artist is Cantoma, song is Dragonflies
Hi Costitravel, super video ! I'm Luca, a french journalist, working for a website called Jetlag (www.demotivateur.fr/jetlag). With the team, we would like to edit a short video about this amazing Li River, and we loved your video, some images are really cool ! I would like to know if I can use some parts of your video to create a short film/video about this strange statue and post it on our page and social network ? Of course, you will be credited on screen and tag on it. Cheers ! you cana lso check our Facebook pages here : facebook.com/demotivateur/ and here : facebook.com/Jetlagbydemotivateur/