Very sturdy in comparison to other strollers that we had. I get a lot of compliments for it. My baby loves being in the bassinet, The stroller comfortable. I like the rain cover and the white net that comes with it. I use the rain cover just to cover the car seat when it rains. If your front wheels don't turn well, make sure you lubricate.
Very sturdy in comparison to other strollers that we had. I get a lot of compliments for it. My baby loves being in the bassinet, The stroller comfortable. I like the rain cover and the white net that comes with it. I use the rain cover just to cover the car seat when it rains. If your front wheels don't turn well, make sure you lubricate.
Does the nano duo have the car seat straps on the sides (similar to what’s on the nano single stroller)?
Can u fold the stroller wen the bassinet is attached?
Is it travel friendly? Can it fit into overhead in plane
It works well
Could you attach 2 Cosco Scenera convertible car seats on this stroller?
Does the seat it self recline all the way back ?
hi any idea if this fits into the tiny Vauxhall zafira boot when all 7 seats are up? thanks
Someone was getting rid of this so I grabbed it.
Is the bassinet included or do you have to buy it separately ?