Assetto Corsa Competizione - Career Mode Part 21 Season 2 24h Spa-Francorchamps | Porsche 991

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 29

  • @nakazonegamestreaming896
    @nakazonegamestreaming896 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It´s 2024 and I am having a blast with both LFM and Career mode. Dude I was watching and before even starting decided to come here and say you are the man!!! 4 hours of Spa is no joke, I usually like 1 hour races but 4 you gotta be the master!!!! Congrats! I am gonna watch this slowly everytime I have time to spare.

  • @SimRacerGT
    @SimRacerGT  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks everyone for watching! If you enjoyed the video please give it a Like it really helps the channel and if you want to see more please Subscribe. Thank You!

    • @adriapinyolbarrios6941
      @adriapinyolbarrios6941 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi! I'm doing this race and I have a doubt. I spend about 25-30L of fuel per 15min stint so could I fill up the fuel tank and then just pit without changing tyres, refuelling or changing the driver until I run out of fuel to save the 30s stop? The tyres seem to last several stints without any problems. Thanks for the video!

  • @Konstantine_Ars
    @Konstantine_Ars 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello! Nice race, man! You really good on this track, I love it! Can you explain to me, please, where (or haw) did you create this pilots for the stint?
    I`m novic in this game, and I can`t find where is this option

  • @adampurcell2785
    @adampurcell2785 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome video. This on pc or console?

  • @antonpaco
    @antonpaco 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hope you can answer my question. When I set up career and the game ask for drivers name, do I have to take names from game list or I can choose any name I want? Thanks mate.

    • @SimRacerGT
      @SimRacerGT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @antonello santini You can choose any name you want.

    • @antonpaco
      @antonpaco 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SimRacerGT thanks

    • @nakazonegamestreaming896
      @nakazonegamestreaming896 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@antonpacoMy race partners are James Hunt and Niki Lauda.

  • @thomys_06
    @thomys_06 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Cool what is the race setting the time speed the hour when you start?

    • @SimRacerGT
      @SimRacerGT  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Thomas 06 Thanks! The race start was at 5pm and the time multiplier was x6.

    • @thomys_06
      @thomys_06 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ok thx

  • @hiortintexasracing
    @hiortintexasracing 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is it really realistic with a 15 minute stint ?
    I just started this race today (not doing the whole race, I save after an hour and start from there)
    Another thing I think is broken is the bonus for takeovers. I never see that.
    Thanks for posting this video.

    • @SimRacerGT
      @SimRacerGT  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Hiortintexas Racing No 15 minutes stints are not realistic they are really short especially for a 4 hour race at Spa. The stints should have been 30-45 minutes. The AI are also broken in this race, they kept pitting every 10 minutes so I was able to lap them easily. As for the bonus for takeovers your correct they do seem to be broken. The bonus and medal system in the game never seemed to work correctly for me since I started my career. I found the custom Championship Mode way better than the Career Mode it gives you a lot more option on race settings.

  • @michaeldavis2531
    @michaeldavis2531 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey! Could you help me out? I'm doing this race in career mode (4-hour shortened race just like you). I'm using the Emil Fry Jaguar GT3, instead of the Porsche 911 GT3. I'm about 2 hours into the race (halfway), and I get a left front tire puncture/blowout. Do you know why this could be happening, or do you have any ideas or suggestions as to why this could be happening? I'm driving clean and staying on the track as best as I can. I'm not cutting corners. My tire pressures and temperatures are pretty good. Maybe it's because my tire pressure is too low, or maybe it's because I'm not changing my tires often or frequent enough at each pitstop after each stint. Should I be changing my tires and tire set at each pit stop? After each 15 minute stint? Maybe that's why I got a tire puncture, because I'm going too long on one stint using the same set of tires.
    Any advice? Please help.
    Edit: I've worked it out now. I was getting a left front tire puncture because I wasn't changing my tire sets, my bad. But now my game keeps annoyingly and frustratingly freezing and crashes after the 2.5-hour mark in the race (meaning I still have 1.5 hours to go), and boots me back to the home screen (I'm on Xbox Series S by the way). It's very frustrating, and now I can't complete the race. I have submitted this bug/glitch to the Assetto Corsa developers (Kunos Studios/505 Games), so they need to get their act together and fix this issue pronto, it's so annoying, and I lose all my hard-earned progress. I won't do this career mode endurance race again until the fix the game freeze and crash bug.

    • @SimRacerGT
      @SimRacerGT  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hey! Happy to hear you got your tire issue fixed. I'm playing on PC so sorry I cant be of any help with the game crashing, I had some weird bugs and glitches with career mode as well on PC. You should try the Championship Mode if you haven't already I found it a lot better. I've stopped playing single player now and only play online unless I'm practicing for a race. Check out low fuel motorsports they have some great online racing.

  • @youngprincemike
    @youngprincemike 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They took the Barcelona race out of my career mode😢

    • @youngprincemike
      @youngprincemike 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      But my Spa race is 8 hrs long..

  • @kristaps2010
    @kristaps2010 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I just did ACC carer SPA24h. Raced for 3.5 hrs and my game crashed with blue screen error. It crashes on multiplayer, never thought it will crash offline! Will have to race again! This is my issue: Game ACC will crash every time when ACC seaching online race servers. Also ACC crashes every time I try to join multiplayer Quick join for second time. My ACC will also crash when I try to change or edit multiplayer car. It shows blue screen error code CE-34878-0. To play multiplayer I have only one chance to join Quick join. I have to restart game every time I go out of Quick join random server to only join Quick join random server again. Multiplayer CP races runs well no issues. I did full PS4 initialization, deleted game, did all updates, also installed game on external SSD. No luck, problem stays. Now game is back on internal original hardrive. I have 300 friends. Can you advise solution not deleting friends.

    • @michaeldavis2531
      @michaeldavis2531 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh my gosh man, I've had the exact same issue as you... Errr... Except this happening for me on Xbox Series S. For me, the game crashes 2.5 hours into the 4-hour race. It is so frustrating and infuriating, and I lose all my progress. It's happened twice for me already, and I know it'll happen again. I've sent a complaint through to the ACC developers (Kunos Studios/505 Games), so hopefully, they rectify and resolve this bug/glitch immediately. It really ruins that gaming experience in my opinion. I love the game, but they need to fix these problems honestly!
      See my comment on this video posted further above, it's so annoying.

    • @kristaps2010
      @kristaps2010 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@michaeldavis2531 I am waiting for ACC next gen update on 24th February. After that will try SPA24hrs again. I kind of enjoyed it and now I’m a better driver !

    • @michaeldavis2531
      @michaeldavis2531 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kristaps2010 Yeah, I think I'll do the same as you man and wait until February 24, and hopefully by then, they've fixed these bugs and glitches and other issues. I think the game might be freezing and crashing because it's not optimized for next-gen console yet, and I'm on Xbox Series S. I was really enjoying the race too, until my game frozen and then crashed, twice, on me. But overall, I do like the game, just a few issues which need to be amended and rectified.

    • @kristaps2010
      @kristaps2010 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@michaeldavis2531 I had a look in Argos UK you can get xbox S for £249 in stock. Next gen console with next gen ACC will be bargain best Sim experience. I’m surprised so affordable.

  • @atiff88pkhalid10
    @atiff88pkhalid10 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wny no medal at end of the race?

    • @SimRacerGT
      @SimRacerGT  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Atiff88p Khalid Honestly I don't know, but I think the medal system in the game is broken.

  • @kristaps2010
    @kristaps2010 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My career Spa24h race crashed third time in pits after 3hr race. I will finish spa24 on next gen console. Update: After finishing race did you get a trophy, apwhat trophy and is it end of career? My game crashed twice in carer 24h Spa. First time it crashed before 30th Sept update after driving 3.5hrs. Second time it crashed after update at the end of 24h Spa after finishing when I wanted to save Highlights. I wish I would not try to save but just clicked continue... It did not save my race and did not give me trophy. It still will crash occasionally when saving highlights. But it was a good race - I took my time, changed brakes, had a bad crash, had stop and go penalty. On Last lap I came out of pits less than a second behind position 1. Unfortunately in carer IA is too slow, at some point I had 2 lap advantage, but because of extra pits it came down to 1 second at the exit of pits. I literally coming on the track and nb2 IA passed me with speed. That was great feeling. Because of speed difference I overtake it in next 30 seconds, unfortunately there was no fight at all. OTHER issue I don’t understand - it never gave me any track medal or extra points after finishing, before it crashed...

    • @SimRacerGT
      @SimRacerGT  4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @kris Hey, I'm playing on PC so there are no trophies. I don't know why your having so many issues with the game crashing, you should check out the Kunos forum you might be able to get some help there. Championship Mode is a lot better than Career Mode in this game, try a custom championship you can set up all the races how you like. I've had some great races in Championship Mode. Hope this helps!

    • @kristaps2010
      @kristaps2010 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sim Racer GT I play on PS4 they are still updating issues. Thanks for good advice, never tried championship, thought it’s not worth.

    • @michaeldavis2531
      @michaeldavis2531 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh my gosh man, I've had the exact same issue as you... Errr... Except this happening for me on Xbox Series S. For me, the game freezes, and then crashes, 2.5 hours into the 4-hour race (so I have 1.5 hours left to go), and boots me back to the Xbox home screen. It is so frustrating and infuriating, and I lose all my game progress. It's happened twice for me already, and I know it'll happen again. I've sent a complaint through to the ACC developers (Kunos Studios/505 Games), so hopefully, they rectify and resolve this bug/glitch immediately. It really ruins that gaming experience in my opinion. I love the game, but they need to fix these problems honestly!
      See my comment on this video posted further above, it's so annoying.