Great talk - h/t Slush for sharing it (together with other content from the conference). What Steve Jurvetson is mentioning ("Playbook for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur", ca. min 17:00) can be found to some extent in "Bold" by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler. Especially how ISU (International Space University) came into existence over more than a decade is an inspiring example.
Great talk - h/t Slush for sharing it (together with other content from the conference). What Steve Jurvetson is mentioning ("Playbook for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur", ca. min 17:00) can be found to some extent in "Bold" by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler. Especially how ISU (International Space University) came into existence over more than a decade is an inspiring example.
Thinking above the ordinary.Nice!
Great discussion! So full of inspiring insights! They show the brighter side of the human spirit! :-)
The only one of those three speakers that can inspire me into an "abundant moonshot" is that lovely lady.
Couldn't have said that better myself
Listening to Naveen Jain hurts my throat.