I enjoy listening to those christian Hymns. I'm an algerian who believes in the Oneness of mankind and respects all Faiths and all people who seek the Divine with a pure heart. I wish that you can pray for Jesus freely in such a hard society, sadly we don't live in an open and respectful environment, although it is the message of Islam as well to pray for the Divine with all and consider all humans as brothers and sisters.
Hi, since you're algerian would you please help me to know how to convert specialy i'm algerian too and it's quiet hard to be a christian in Algeria and my biggest fear that my family would diswon me so what should i do now?
That’s why they want us to go to war so ppl can sin. Why do you think brother they killed so many. Who gave the orders for Ataturk to kill the Christian the mason Jews. We love our Turkish brothers 💪🇬🇷✝️
آميين الرب يحفظ المسيحيين الأرثوذكس في جميع أصقاع الأرض . أنا مسيحي أرثوذكسي من سوريا اسمي بطرس أقيم حاليا في موسكو. دخلت بفضل الرب و نعمته الدين الأرثوذكسي منذ شهر فبراير لهذا العام 2023 . كنت مسلما لكنني عندما كنت صغيرا أشعر أن قلبي متعلق بالمسيحية و أحبها و بقيت عليها إلى أن دخلتها هذا العام . المسيحية دين السلام و القوة و الصحة و الرحمة و النور عندما دخلتها شعرت بالراحة و سعة الصدر . سأبقى مسيحيا حتى أموت لقد كنت أرى الرب يسوعا في منامي و عرفت أنه يريدني و ذهبت فورا إلى إحدى الكنائس الروسية الأرثوذكسية في موسكو وتحدثت مع القداس بالروسية و دخلت المسيحية . لقد سكنت في موسكو 12يناير عام 2021 . تحياتي للإخوة جميعا أريد منكم التهاني و المباركات .
i am a orthodox from pakistan inget baptized in may in a russian orthodox church i am still hiding my faith in front of my family and its very hard to practise my religion but i want to tell a message to everyone who is in this situation god is with u always if u chosse to be an christian than ur life will get harder that a fact but we need to pay a price to get eternal life so be patient and pray and u r not alone ❤
I'm from Russia. I recently converted to Orthodoxy I'm Orthodox. When I had nightmares, I turned it on and my soul calmed down. Thank you. These are the best chants. I'm glad that there are Christian brothers all over the Earth 🤍🙏🏻🇷🇺☦️
These chants are there to restore our belief in savety, justice and love. They help to quench our wounds to heal them and to protect us from evil or evil persons.
Do you also think , as a ex Muslim .. how can the Muslims be so blind and say that Muhammad was the best human that ever ever lived on this earth ?? Especially when you know about Jesus Christ ??
@@DorchadasAgusSolas if you were a real muslim you will know that muslims love and respect all the messengers of Allah Aissa Mussa Ibrahim عليهم السلام جميعا … all of them as we love and respect Muhamed عليه الصلاة و السلام and they are all perfect and important
من يكرّس حياته بالكامل للمسيح يجد الخلاص، فبالتخلي عن كل ما لديه، ينال كل ما وعد به. إن السير في خطواته يعني احتضان التضحية والنعمة معاً، حيث نفقد ذواتنا في محبته لنولد من جديد في حياته الأبدية. عندما نعطيه كل شيء، لا نفرغ بل نمتلئ، ولا نضيع بل نخلص.☦️☦️☦️☦️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
As a representative of the first Christian country in the world 🇦🇲✝️ (and a Christian myself) I am more than full of joy and happiness that people from other "religions" finally find our true God Jesus in their lives! May God Bless You!
@@reimaphilip8568 I’m an Indian Catholic from Kerala so I listen to Catholic chants/songs in my language 👍🏽 I saw these beautiful orthodox chants on TikTok and decided to listen to them
I am an Orthodox Christian from Serbia and I have found peace in my religion, I am happy that I chose the right path. May our God Jesus Christ protect us! Amen.🇷🇸☦️
@@abosaad451 لم تعرفوا ابدا الحب الالهي الحقيقي لذلك تعيشون اكتئاب لان الاله الاسلام لا يحبكم و لا يقدر الانسان و المرأة، مثال ياأيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن ذلك أدنى أن يعرفن فلا يؤذين وكان الله غفورا رحيما (الاحزابء 59) ونفهم من التفسير أن ازواج الرسول وبناته ونساء المؤمنين هن اللائي يجب احترامهن، اما ان كانت عابرة سبيل لا يعرفها احد، أو من نساء وبناة اليهود والنصارى، فإن التعرض لها والاعتداء عليها مباح! هل حقا هذا كلام الاله الحب و الحق؟ كراهية ضد المراة الغير مسلمة و الحكم عليها فقط لانها غير مسلمة علمًا ان اغلبهم اشرف من المسلمات فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِي الْمَضَاجِعِ وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ .."النساء 34 تبيح ضرب النساء وتدعمها مجموعة من الأحاديث النبوية ؛ففي حديث مروي عن عمر بن الخطاب قال رسول الله:( لَا يُسْأَلُ الرَّجُلُ فِيمَا ضَرَبَ امْرَأَتَهُ ) وفي حديث آخر قال رسول الله"علقوا السوط حيث يراه أهل البيت فإنه أدب لهم " 3 "وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تُقْسِطُوا فِي الْيَتَامَىٰ-;---;-- فَانْكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُمْ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَىٰ-;---;-- وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ ۖ-;---;-- فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ ۚ-;---;-- ذَٰ-;---;--لِكَ أَدْنَىٰ-;---;-- أَلَّا تَعُولُوا" الآية تقول بأن للرجل الحق أن ينكح أربع نساء دون الحديث عن ملك اليمين أو بمعنى "زنا حلال" لكن المرأة لا ينكحها إلا رجل واحد كما أنها ستكون محرومة من النكاح في الجنة بينما الرجل سينكح الحور العين غير ان المراة ليس لها دور في الاسلام لكن في اليهودية و المسيحية هناك نبيات قادوا الامم لكن الاله الحقيقي في الكتاب المقدس يقول: أَيُّهَا الرِّجَالُ، أَحِبُّوا نِسَاءَكُمْ كَمَا أَحَبَّ الْمَسِيحُ أَيْضًا الْكَنِيسَةَ" (رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل أفسس 5: 25) يَجِبُ عَلَى الرِّجَالِ أَنْ يُحِبُّوا نِسَاءَهُمْ كَأَجْسَادِهِمْ. مَنْ يُحِبُّ امْرَأَتَهُ يُحِبُّ نَفْسَهُ" (رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل أفسس 5: 28 يَتْرُكُ الرَّجُلُ أَبَاهُ وَأُمَّهُ وَيَلْتَصِقُ بِامْرَأَتِهِ وَيَكُونَانِ جَسَدًا وَاحِدًا" (سفر التكوين 2: 24؛ إنجيل متى 19: 5؛ إنجيل مرقس 10: 7؛ رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل أفسس 5: 31) أكد العهد الجديد على المساواة التامة بين الرجل والمرأة في الواجبات والحقوق، مثلا: "3 لِيُوفِ الرَّجُلُ الْمَرْأَةَ حَقَّهَا الْوَاجِبَ وَكَذَلِكَ الْمَرْأَةُ أَيْضاً الرَّجُلَ. 4 لَيْسَ لِلْمَرْأَةِ تَسَلُّطٌ عَلَى جَسَدِهَا بَلْ لِلرَّجُلِ وَكَذَلِكَ الرَّجُلُ أَيْضاً لَيْسَ لَهُ تَسَلُّطٌ عَلَى جَسَدِهِ بَلْ لِلْمَرْأَةِ. 5 لاَ يَسْلِبْ أَحَدُكُمُ الآخَرَ إِلاَّ أَنْ يَكُونَ عَلَى مُوافَقَةٍ إِلَى حِينٍ لِكَيْ تَتَفَرَّغُوا لِلصَّوْمِ وَالصَّلاَةِ ثُمَّ تَجْتَمِعُوا أَيْضاً مَعاً لِكَيْ لاَ يُجَرِّبَكُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ لِسَبَبِ عَدَمِ نَزَاهَتِكُمْ." 1 كورنثوس 7. نرى من خلال الآيات السابقة، كل حق وجد للرجل، مساوي تمامًا للمرأة (عدد 3). وأي مطلب يُطلب من الرجال، نفسه يطلب من النساء؛ فالالتزام فيه إنصاف وتساوي بين الاثنين انصح الجميع لقراءة الكتاب المقدس و البحث عن المسيحية، لان الرب قريب صلوا ليفتح الرب اعينكم قبل فوات الاون و قارنوا من الاله الحقيقي الله الذي من محمد ام الرب اله الحق يسوع المسيح. ليس من الخطأ البحث، فعلى البشر البحث للاقتناع فما فائدة الولادة في دين و انت لا تفهم شيء منه.
I was a Hindu at first then lost faith in God and become an Atheist for more than 2 years but converted or rather made my body a temple for the holy spirit to reside.. Amen to that☦️✝️🙏❤️
Syrian orthodox here, these type of chants help me sleep and help me with my struggles. God bless all my catholic and orthodox brothers and sisters.☦️🇸🇾
Siunausta ja hyvää kesää! Ite konservatiivinen luterilainen, mut ortodoksisuus tuntuu "aidommalta". Toki kirkkokunnalla ei oo väliä kuhan uskoo Jeesukseen herranamme.✝️💪☦️
I'm a young Christian in my teens, I don't claim to be any branch but I do serve the Most High I know for sure. I love these orthodox chants because they help kill my flesh and the desire to listen to secular music. I pray for all my brothers and sisters that watch this and I pray that God guides everyone during their journey with Him Amen 🙏✝
God bless you brother. Many teens nowadays turn away from God in order to seem “cool” or “rebellious”. It’s good to know that there are still some well-educated, intelligent young people out there.
Only these 🇷🇺🇷🇸🇺🇦🇧🇾🇬🇪🇬🇷🇷🇴🇲🇪🇲🇩🇲🇰🇧🇬🇨🇾 are Orthodox Christians my friend. Those Oriental churches who call themselves Orthodox but don't accept all 7 of Ecumenical Councils are heretics.
Yo I’m Lebanese Orthodox and I want to show my gratitude to France being a bastion of Christianity in Europe ever since the Muslims came knocking in Iberia God bless ☦️
when this video released about one year ago, i was comparing between two sides christian and islamic one and i was an ex muslim with mental health issues and depression all time now i accepted jesus and got only a few steps left to baptize and trust me, since that moment i start living
As a swedish convert i am truly blessed by the Lord to have listen to such a great song, my life in such a secular country feels like a real struggle as none of my family is christian and none of my friends are "real" christians only lukewarm, atheist or muslim. I pray that they will all come to the Most High and that they soon will worship Him like I do, thank you Lord for bringing me to you, I owe you everything, Amen☦
I’m a Proud Orthodox from Ethiopia 🇪🇹, I am in love with this , everytime i hear it all i see is a bright light and just want to leave this evil world🥹…..እግዚአብሄር ኢትዮጵያውያን እና ልጆቹን ይባርክ ....አሜን!!!
rabĩyũ habãnī ạản̊ ạủḥibãka bikulĩyãtī
1 - rabĩyuⁿ̃ lā tuʿ̊diminãy kẖaẙraẗaⁿ min̊ smāyỉk wamin̊ ạl̊ạảraḍi
2̱ - rabĩyã sayĩdī naj̊nī mina ạl̊ʿadẖābi ạl̊ạ̉badīĩ
3 - rabĩyã ạgẖfrly kẖaṭīyảtay qaẘluⁿ ạảẘ fiʿ̊laⁿạ ạảẘ biạldẖĩh̊ni -
rabĩyuⁿ̃ ạản̊qadẖanī mina ạl̊jah̊li waman̊ ạlḍãjari wālnĩs̊yāni
- rabĩyã naj̊nī min̊ kulũ taj̊ribaẗiⁿ watakẖayũli maʿa kulũ ạ̹h̊māliⁿ wahaj̊rāni
- rabĩyã yā muʿayãnī ạảnir̊ fī ạl̊qal̊bi ại̹dẖ̊ qad̊ ạảẓ̊lama mina ạlsẖãh̊wāti wāl̊ậtẖāmi
7̱ - kāi̹n̊sāni ạ̹n̊y kẖāṭīỉ lakinã rabĩyã ạir̊ḥaminãy kā̹lahi 8̱ - ạảʿan̊ naf̊sīĩ ʿin̊da ạlḍĩʿ̊fi kaẙ yum̊jida fī ạis̊mika
- rabãy yasūʿu ạảʿaṭãnī ậkẖiraẗu maraḍīãẗu
1̱0̱ - ạ̹n̊y lam̊ ạảṣ̊naʿ̊ kẖaẙraⁿạ lakinã ạản̊ta tar̊ạảfu biạl̊ại̹n̊sāni 1̱1̱ - rabĩyuⁿ̃ ạảmaṭaruⁿ fī ṣaḥ̊rāʾi qal̊bīĩ naʿamaẗiⁿ waraḥ̊maẗiⁿ kanadīĩ ại̹dẖ̊ yar̊wī ạl̊ạảraḍu 1̱2̱ - min̊ smāyỉk ạ̹lahay ạidẖãkaranī ạ̹n̊y kẖāṭīủ mālīũ ại̹lãạ ʿẓy̰m raḥimat̊ka
1̱3̱ - rabĩyã ạiq̊balinãy ʿab̊daẗa tāyỉbaẗa walā tuh̊milinãy makẖ̊zīãẗa 14 - lā tad̊kẖulinãy fī ạltãjāribi bal̊ naj̊nī mina ạlsẖĩrĩyri 1̱5̱ - ạim̊niḥinãy dẖih̊naⁿạ ṣāliḥaⁿạ wāij̊ʿal̊ ạảf̊kārīã ḥus̊naẗiⁿ
16 - dumwʿaẗa ḥāraẗi ạuʿ̊ṭunī ạij̊ʿalinãy ʿab̊daⁿạ kẖāsẖiʿaẗaⁿ 1̱7̱ - ḥarãra ʿaq̊līuⁿ̃ min̊ ạảf̊kārīĩ ạl̊ʿāṭilaẗi wataṣawũrātī ạij̊ʿal̊hā daẘmaẗa ṣāliḥaẗa 1̱8̱ - rabĩyã ạảʿaṭãnī ạitĩḍāʿaẗuⁿ fī ạl̊ḥayāẗi wāi̹rādaẗi ṣal̊baẗiⁿ wahabãnī ṭāʿaẗuⁿ
1̱9̱ - rabĩyã ạảʿaṭãnī wadāʿaẗuⁿ waṣab̊rā watamahũlā
2̱0̱ - ạigẖ̊ris̊ fī rby̰ dẖḵr ạlṣãạliḥāti ynmw bikẖaẘfika
2̱1̱ - ạim̊niḥinãy ạản̊ ạủḥibãka min̊ kulũ qal̊bīũ ạảʿ̊ḍudika 2̱2̱ - ạiḥ̊faẓinãy min̊ kulũ ạl̊ậlāami waman̊ ạlsẖãrĩ wạlạ̉sẖrạr
2̱3̱ - kamā tā̊̉muru wakamā taʿalãma falitakaniⁿ̃ masẖīyảtika linaf̊sīĩ mur̊sẖidaẗi
2̱6̱ - kamā tā̊̉muru wakamā taʿalãma falãtukunã y̰ā rubã msẖỷytk walā ại̹rādatuy
@@TriggerStand lyrics
What language is that?
@@TheLordIsMyShepherd75 Arabic
@@TheLordIsMyShepherd75 Arabic
مُسلم سابق والان تنورت في حُب يسوع باركوا الي 🦋✝️
مبروك ❤❤
هللوا للرب 🙏❤
i am Algerian christian please pray for us 🇩🇿☦️🙏🏼
OUR GOD bless you and protect you ❤❤🙏🙏
Please share 🙏
Courage ma soeur
I enjoy listening to those christian Hymns. I'm an algerian who believes in the Oneness of mankind and respects all Faiths and all people who seek the Divine with a pure heart. I wish that you can pray for Jesus freely in such a hard society, sadly we don't live in an open and respectful environment, although it is the message of Islam as well to pray for the Divine with all and consider all humans as brothers and sisters.
Hi, since you're algerian would you please help me to know how to convert specialy i'm algerian too and it's quiet hard to be a christian in Algeria and my biggest fear that my family would diswon me so what should i do now?
Je vais prier pour toi ce soir tu seras dans ma prière ! Que les algeriens trouvent Jesus christ Amin amen 🙏
My family are Muslims and I found my peace in Christianity. Amen 🙏🏼❤
GOD bless you ❤❤🙏🙏
I admire your bravery. Respect, benovelence and love are the way.
This makes me want to cry. You’re so welcome 😢😊
Amen. Stay like that❤
To all those who converted to Christianity, I wish to tell you all that you are deeply loved and I hope you shall never feel alone ever again.
Thanks :D
@@OrthodoxTurk I love you dearly.
@@gerula7456I hope to meet you in the great Christian cathedral Hagia Sofia in Constantinople
Amen! ❤
I quit hinduism but i am Orthodox Christian now ☦️ but i love this
Same brother
God Loves you, God bless you. You made the right choice.
An Ex muslim who converted , i found my peace , glory to jesus christ!☦❤🙏
Halleluia 🙏❤❤❤
This makes me want to cry. You’re so welcome 😢😊if you have any questions we are here
Can you talk about your journey?
God our Lord Jesus Christ bless you my brother
Amazing my brother ❤
I was atheist but now i believe on Jesus Christ as my lord and i am free , because Jesus Christ broke my all chain and God bless you all ❤️ ✝️☦️🙌
Halleluia 🙏🙏❤❤
may god bless you amen🙏❤️🩹
our brother ☦☦✝✝
You are in best hands my brother ❤
Bless you 🙏🏽🙏🏽
I am a Turkish and Converted Orthodox Christianity ❤Hallelujah!!!☦️🕯️🙏🕯️🙏☦️♥️🕯️🙏☦️✋♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Halleluia 🙏🙏❤❤
God bless you my brother
That’s why they want us to go to war so ppl can sin. Why do you think brother they killed so many. Who gave the orders for Ataturk to kill the Christian the mason Jews. We love our Turkish brothers 💪🇬🇷✝️
I am half turkish, but I have greek and italian in there so I converted to the greek orthodox way
i am kurd and i converted to christianity thank god i found my peace in christianity ☦️❤️🙏 🥺
I am also Kurdish and I found true faith in Christianity ❤️🙏✝️
Welcome to our family! May God Bless you and yours! Amen
God bless u brother 🙏🏾❤
God bless you brother
as a Turkish former atheist. I convert to Christianity. ✝️ Hallelujah.
Ave Christus Rex
Halleluia ❤❤🙏
Please share ❤
Hallelujah abi🙏🏼✝️
God bless you ❤️✝️🇹🇷
آميين الرب يحفظ المسيحيين الأرثوذكس في جميع أصقاع الأرض .
أنا مسيحي أرثوذكسي من سوريا اسمي بطرس أقيم حاليا في موسكو.
دخلت بفضل الرب و نعمته الدين الأرثوذكسي منذ شهر فبراير لهذا العام 2023 . كنت مسلما لكنني عندما كنت صغيرا أشعر أن قلبي متعلق بالمسيحية و أحبها و بقيت عليها إلى أن دخلتها هذا العام . المسيحية دين السلام و القوة و الصحة و الرحمة و النور
عندما دخلتها شعرت بالراحة و سعة الصدر . سأبقى مسيحيا حتى أموت
لقد كنت أرى الرب يسوعا في منامي و عرفت أنه يريدني و ذهبت فورا إلى إحدى الكنائس الروسية الأرثوذكسية في موسكو وتحدثت مع القداس بالروسية و دخلت المسيحية . لقد سكنت في موسكو 12يناير عام 2021 . تحياتي للإخوة جميعا أريد منكم التهاني و المباركات .
شكرا لك فليكافئك الرب بالخير و البركات.
Welcome Brother ☦️♥️
الف مبروك يا أخي ، الرب يحفظك من كل شر و مرض و خوف. آمين
I'm a Moroccan converted to Christianity, I found my peace and love in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
يا رب امنحني أن أحبك من كل قلبي
آمين 🙏❤🙏❤
الرجاء النشر
I’m a kurd who’s converted and I always felt fascinated by Christianity…Hallelujah!☦️🙏🏻✝️
Halleluia 🙏🙏❤❤
I have many Kurdish friends and I love you guys, great people! I will pray for you my brother in Christ. May God bless you all, halleluia
Praise God.
Im a kurdisch Christian to
Jesus Loves you and I do too
My family was Muslim, very religious.First I turned to Christ than with Christs help we made them think about joining Christianity❤️
Amen may you succeed on making them join Christianity for it has peace and the right path to take✝️☦️❤️
i am a orthodox from pakistan inget baptized in may in a russian orthodox church i am still hiding my faith in front of my family and its very hard to practise my religion but i want to tell a message to everyone who is in this situation god is with u always if u chosse to be an christian than ur life will get harder that a fact but we need to pay a price to get eternal life so be patient and pray and u r not alone ❤
May GOD prtotect you 🙏🙏❤❤
God bless you
Amen, the Lord preserve you
Do you have a tg account?I am a orthodox christian(Russian church) from China, having a same problem same yours
Me too 😢@@starspristine
I was a Muslim now I am orthodox ☦️❤️
Please share ❤❤🙏🙏
@@byzantinechants-EAM I will for Jesus
Wow 🤩. We are very very happy you’re here. You’re very loved and Jesus loves you. Have a lovely day/night
@@ziyadnawaf8054how did you do it please I’m also Muslim but want to convert
@@luanagjakija3377May the Lord Jesus bless you, may I ask what is your country brother?
I'm from Russia. I recently converted to Orthodoxy I'm Orthodox. When I had nightmares, I turned it on and my soul calmed down. Thank you. These are the best chants. I'm glad that there are Christian brothers all over the Earth 🤍🙏🏻🇷🇺☦️
Thanks GOD 🙏🙏❤❤
So glad that you calm down listening to it ❤❤❤
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless your life
Please share 🙏🙏❤❤❤
These chants are there to restore our belief in savety, justice and love. They help to quench our wounds to heal them and to protect us from evil or evil persons.
May Lord Jesus Christ bless you✝️☦️🙏🏻
المجد للآب والابن والروح القدس الثالوث القدوس الى الابد امين ❤✝️
I'm an algerian who converted to Christianity and it really makes feel safe may christ bless us ✝️ hallaleujah
I'm also an Algerian who's interested in converting to Christianity
@@malori6371 I love that for you! If you ever have any questions I’m open to help answer to the best of my knowledge 😊♥️
@@malori6371 Nice to hear! God bless you and your loved ones 🙏❤️☝️☦️
امين احبك ياربي يسوع الى الابد .....من السعودية الى بقية العالم نور الرب الاله يلوح في ارجاء الارض
انت/ي سعودي/ة الاصل ؟🥹💕
سعودي مسيحي !!
انا رومي من روم سوريا ☦️
من ارض فلسطين…..من الأرض التي مشا فيها ربنا يسوع المسيح …عينك ع فلسطين ولبنان واحفظ يا رب شعبك في أراضيك
مسلم سابق إلى نور الرب يسوع المسيح وجدت الحقيقة وفي شيء بداخلي تبدل من إلى ، أجمل فيديو رايته وأفضل قناة ربنا يبارك خدمتكم ☦️
مبارك خلاصك بالرب يسوع و شكرا لمحبتك 🙏🙏❤❤
Do you also think , as a ex Muslim .. how can the Muslims be so blind and say that Muhammad was the best human that ever ever lived on this earth ?? Especially when you know about Jesus Christ ??
But .. this is beautiful to hear of you .. i had the same as an ex Muslim
. My Heart just changed
.. love love and peace ..
@@DorchadasAgusSolas if you were a real muslim you will know that muslims love and respect all the messengers of Allah Aissa Mussa Ibrahim عليهم السلام جميعا … all of them as we love and respect Muhamed عليه الصلاة و السلام and they are all perfect and important
God help those Palestinian christians in Gaza who are struggling in this tragic moments 🙏🕊☦
May God help all the christians in Middle east that are persecuted by muslim and hebrew tyrannies for almost 2000 years
God help everyone, not just the Christian’s in Gaza and Israel
مرتدة من ظلام الاسلام و عابرة الي نور الرب يسوع المسيح ❤✝️
هللويا 🙏❤
My parents are Muslim I am a Christian, thank God ☦️
Are you turkish ?
fi fi how can you do it!!??
I'm Persian former muslim and former atheist.
I'm a Christian. Praise the LORD ❤
Please share 🙏🌹🌹
Did you go from Muslim to atheist and then Christian
@@matheusalmqvist6420it’s a common pattern in Iran
woah we had the same journey ❤❤ I am from Somalia though
I'm a turk and I converted too I feel so loved since I'm a christ. God bless you all ❤
hayirlisi be kardesim
God bless you ❤️✝️🇹🇷
Çok tebrik ederim...Jesus bless u ❣️☦️
ملحد ودائما اسمع تراتيل فعلا جميلة تحيا للاخوة المسيح المسالمين 🥰
كل الاحترام لشخصك 🙏🙏
Egyptian, who was muslim and converted for jesus, and i found christ the truth. Amen
Alleluia ❤❤❤
ليباركك الرب يسوع! تحية من أخيكم في المسيح في البرازيل
Praise God for your salvation Child of God!🙏🏽Jesus Is King.✝️
I was a muslim now I am Christian, praise the lord.❤
Alleluia 😊❤❤
How many rakaat in a wudu
Аминь Брат мой!
@@izzemyrrezarozlianno6912 None, Wudu is when you clean yourself up before prayer, even I know that as a Christian
@@izzemyrrezarozlianno6912Do you mean woodoo? Because it is what Islam looks like
Indian Eastern Orthodox Christian, i love listening to this chant 🙏☦️
You are the most welcome ❤❤
I hope you can share as much as you can 🙏🙏❤❤
American Christian here, peace and blessings to my brothers and sisters in Christ all over this world. Amen
You are the most welcome ❤❤❤
Please share 🙏
I am a proud Orthodox Christian! Thank God! 🇧🇦🇧🇦☦
Please share ❤
انا مسلم و احب الترانيم المسيحية خصوصا الأرثوذكس كل الحب لكم يأخواني واخواتي الاعزاء ❤
شكرا 🙏🙏❤❤
From Islam to Christianity Im happy I'm blessed I'm new I'm whole
Alleluia 🙏❤
Please share
Im 🇬🇷 Christian Orthodox and i love this hymn!!!☦️
Greetings to you all in Greece 🙏🙏❤❤
مسلم سابق عابر الى نور المسيح ربي و مخلصي يهوه ☦️🙏🏻.
هللويا ❤❤❤
As a Palestinian orthodox this one hit hard I loved it ❤
God bless you
God bless you and your fam . - Your Syrian orthodox bro.
I'm Greek Orthodox Christian, God bless you my Arab brother. In the peace of Christ ☦️🇬🇷☦️!
God bless you
i am romanian orthodox but these chants in Arabic sound so nice! God bless you!!!
Pace frate
Pace frate
من يكرّس حياته بالكامل للمسيح يجد الخلاص، فبالتخلي عن كل ما لديه، ينال كل ما وعد به. إن السير في خطواته يعني احتضان التضحية والنعمة معاً، حيث نفقد ذواتنا في محبته لنولد من جديد في حياته الأبدية. عندما نعطيه كل شيء، لا نفرغ بل نمتلئ، ولا نضيع بل نخلص.☦️☦️☦️☦️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
آمين !!!! 🙏🙏🙏
الرجاء النشر
I am Albanian Catholic and I love this chant🙏🏻✝️🇦🇱
te rujt zoti shqipe
I am turkish but i never really believed in god but finally i found jesus❤️
So happy for you 🙏🙏❤❤
Je crois en celui qui à créé la terre et les cieux, je crois en celui qui m'a permis de respirer, DIEU! AMEN ☦️🇬🇷
☦ I'm Ethiopian Orthodox christians love the Chant ❤
I am a former protestant.I converted to Orthodoxy in 2019 and i'm pround!☦🇸🇯
I’m a Swedish protestant but i’m considering orthodoxy. Why did you convert?
@@davidanderson5645 I felt in heart that Ortodoxy is my home.
Dont be proud brother, pride is a sin, be thankful and God has surely blessed you brother, amin
@@kingarthur1854thats not what pride means pride means that your proud of your wrong doingsn
As a representative of the first Christian country in the world 🇦🇲✝️ (and a Christian myself) I am more than full of joy and happiness that people from other "religions" finally find our true God Jesus in their lives! May God Bless You!
My brother we share with you this joy ❤❤
We thank GOD who gave us this opportunity to praise him and to make others do so ❤
Please share
@@byzantinechants-EAM I already shared! Thank you for sharing such great content in social medias!
تماما axper🇦🇲❤🇸🇾
I’m Catholic but damn this chant touched my soul. It cured me of evil thought and desires. Orthodoxy is so beautiful ❤️
Don't you listen to Gregorian, Templar or Benedicten chants?
@@reimaphilip8568 I’m an Indian Catholic from Kerala so I listen to Catholic chants/songs in my language 👍🏽 I saw these beautiful orthodox chants on TikTok and decided to listen to them
I'm Orthodox and I'm proud ☦️❤️🇸🇾
Брат мира твоей стране, и твоему дому! Привет из России ☦️🇷🇺
Orthodox ☦️♥️🇸🇾
Catholic 🇸🇾
Orthodoxy the only truth. Stay strong brothers and sisters . Love from Greece
Greetings 🙏❤🙏
I am Persian and Jesus guide me to Christianity and I found peace forgiveness and happiness and I will try to guide as many people as possible
God bless you from 🇦🇱✝️🤲
Welcome home! ✝️🤍🫂
May the old Persian Christianity reinstated in full glory and St. Thomas get his full reward in heaven.
Im arab baduine from Bahrain i accept my lord and saver jesus ❤️☦️
Lord Jesus bless your life and protect you 🙏🙏❤❤
Well done. If you wish to Become a Catholic, I will try to answer all of your questiins☦️⚜️✝️
Jesus is God☦️❤️🔥✝️
Awesome having you with us! Merry Christmas from a Greek in Texas.
Welcome brother I used to live in bahrain
@@stlouisix3 hi why do catholic pray to God in Mary's name
As a Chechen I love Jesus my Lord and Saviour 💪🏻🤝🏻✝️☦️
Чушь не неси мушрик
You are not checen
Welcome brother lets way this world to God's Direction
Аминь брат ☝🏼
Müslüman olarak doğdum hristiyan olarak can vereceğim İsa mesihim şükürler olsun ki hakikati buldum ❤🙏🏻
Alleluia 🙏🙏❤❤
As a Shia Muslim this is so beautiful and relaxing, much love to our Christian brothers
لبيك يا عيسى (يسوع)
I am an Orthodox Christian from Serbia and I have found peace in my religion, I am happy that I chose the right path. May our God Jesus Christ protect us! Amen.🇷🇸☦️
I was born a Christian and staying Christian for life but may the most high convert all those who are lost to Christianity in Christs name amen 🙏 ✝️❤️
Please share 🙏
proud arab christian ❤🇩🇿 i will not hide myself !
Halleluia ❤❤🙏🙏
GOD bless you 🙏
The Celestial Father will reward you greatly! God bless you!
I'm Christian I also know arabic ❣️☦️
Im Roman Catholic but I like to listen to orthodox chants
Thank you ❤
Please share 🙏🙏
You are Christian too 🧡✝️🤍☦️❣️
@@SofijaTrifunovic-ki4pr much love Amen
i cried while worshipping the Lord i felt this 😭🙏
Same and God bless you
As a Christian, this chant is beautiful, all hail the king of kings. Lord of lords, the first and the last, Christ The Lord
I am a Roman Catholic and this chant is empowering and calming to the soul thank you☦️❤️✝️
Happy to hear that 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
We are all Christian believing in Jesus Christ ✝️🧡☦️❣️
@@SofijaTrifunovic-ki4pr јел знаш шта је филиокве?
صوته جميل جدا تحيه لكم مسلم لله من السعوديه 🇸🇦
شكرا 🙏🙏
الله يفشلك هذول يقولون عيسى ابن الله وتقوله تحيه , الله يهديك هذول اهل الشرك الله لايبلانا
@@abosaad451نحن لا نعرف شخص يدعى عيسى نحن لدينا يسوع المسيح له كل المجد ، ملك الملوك، الذي لا خلاص بدونه ، هو الالف و الياء .
@@abosaad451 لم تعرفوا ابدا الحب الالهي الحقيقي لذلك تعيشون اكتئاب لان الاله الاسلام لا يحبكم و لا يقدر الانسان و المرأة، مثال
ياأيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن ذلك أدنى أن يعرفن فلا يؤذين وكان الله غفورا رحيما (الاحزابء 59)
ونفهم من التفسير أن ازواج الرسول وبناته ونساء المؤمنين هن اللائي يجب احترامهن، اما ان كانت عابرة سبيل لا يعرفها احد، أو من نساء وبناة اليهود والنصارى، فإن التعرض لها والاعتداء عليها مباح!
هل حقا هذا كلام الاله الحب و الحق؟
كراهية ضد المراة الغير مسلمة و الحكم عليها فقط لانها غير مسلمة علمًا ان اغلبهم اشرف من المسلمات
فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِي الْمَضَاجِعِ وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ .."النساء 34
تبيح ضرب النساء وتدعمها مجموعة من الأحاديث النبوية ؛ففي حديث مروي عن عمر بن الخطاب قال رسول الله:( لَا يُسْأَلُ الرَّجُلُ فِيمَا ضَرَبَ امْرَأَتَهُ ) وفي
حديث آخر قال رسول الله"علقوا السوط حيث يراه أهل البيت فإنه أدب لهم "
3 "وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تُقْسِطُوا فِي الْيَتَامَىٰ-;---;-- فَانْكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُمْ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَىٰ-;---;-- وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ ۖ-;---;-- فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ ۚ-;---;-- ذَٰ-;---;--لِكَ أَدْنَىٰ-;---;-- أَلَّا تَعُولُوا"
الآية تقول بأن للرجل الحق أن ينكح أربع نساء دون الحديث عن ملك اليمين أو بمعنى "زنا حلال" لكن المرأة لا ينكحها إلا رجل واحد كما أنها ستكون محرومة من النكاح في الجنة بينما الرجل سينكح الحور العين
غير ان المراة ليس لها دور في الاسلام لكن في اليهودية و المسيحية هناك نبيات قادوا الامم
لكن الاله الحقيقي في الكتاب المقدس يقول:
أَيُّهَا الرِّجَالُ، أَحِبُّوا نِسَاءَكُمْ كَمَا أَحَبَّ الْمَسِيحُ أَيْضًا الْكَنِيسَةَ" (رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل أفسس 5: 25)
يَجِبُ عَلَى الرِّجَالِ أَنْ يُحِبُّوا نِسَاءَهُمْ كَأَجْسَادِهِمْ. مَنْ يُحِبُّ امْرَأَتَهُ يُحِبُّ نَفْسَهُ" (رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل أفسس 5: 28
يَتْرُكُ الرَّجُلُ أَبَاهُ وَأُمَّهُ وَيَلْتَصِقُ بِامْرَأَتِهِ وَيَكُونَانِ جَسَدًا وَاحِدًا" (سفر التكوين 2: 24؛ إنجيل متى 19: 5؛ إنجيل مرقس 10: 7؛ رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل أفسس 5: 31)
أكد العهد الجديد على المساواة التامة بين الرجل والمرأة في الواجبات والحقوق، مثلا:
"3 لِيُوفِ الرَّجُلُ الْمَرْأَةَ حَقَّهَا الْوَاجِبَ وَكَذَلِكَ الْمَرْأَةُ أَيْضاً الرَّجُلَ. 4 لَيْسَ لِلْمَرْأَةِ تَسَلُّطٌ عَلَى جَسَدِهَا بَلْ لِلرَّجُلِ وَكَذَلِكَ الرَّجُلُ أَيْضاً لَيْسَ لَهُ تَسَلُّطٌ عَلَى جَسَدِهِ بَلْ لِلْمَرْأَةِ. 5 لاَ يَسْلِبْ أَحَدُكُمُ الآخَرَ إِلاَّ أَنْ يَكُونَ عَلَى مُوافَقَةٍ إِلَى حِينٍ لِكَيْ تَتَفَرَّغُوا لِلصَّوْمِ وَالصَّلاَةِ ثُمَّ تَجْتَمِعُوا أَيْضاً مَعاً لِكَيْ لاَ يُجَرِّبَكُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ لِسَبَبِ عَدَمِ نَزَاهَتِكُمْ." 1 كورنثوس 7.
نرى من خلال الآيات السابقة، كل حق وجد للرجل، مساوي تمامًا للمرأة (عدد 3). وأي مطلب يُطلب من الرجال، نفسه يطلب من النساء؛ فالالتزام فيه إنصاف وتساوي بين الاثنين
انصح الجميع لقراءة الكتاب المقدس و البحث عن المسيحية، لان الرب قريب صلوا ليفتح الرب اعينكم قبل فوات الاون و قارنوا من الاله الحقيقي الله الذي من محمد ام الرب اله الحق يسوع المسيح. ليس من الخطأ البحث، فعلى البشر البحث للاقتناع فما فائدة الولادة في دين و انت لا تفهم شيء منه.
@@abosaad451اقرء الكتاب المقدس ❤
I was a Hindu at first then lost faith in God and become an Atheist for more than 2 years but converted or rather made my body a temple for the holy spirit to reside.. Amen to that☦️✝️🙏❤️
Amen Alleluia 🙏🙏
Please share ❤
Blessed be upon thee my brother under Christ 🙏
Syrian orthodox here, these type of chants help me sleep and help me with my struggles. God bless all my catholic and orthodox brothers and sisters.☦️🇸🇾
Thank you 🙏🙏❤❤
Lord Jesus Christ bless and protect you 🙏❤
@@byzantinechants-EAM you too my brother in Christ ☦️
@DeadShotz اهلا وسهلا يا زميل
Hello from an American Catholic. I will pray for you in your struggles, please pray for me.
@@claybahl5107 I’m English orthodox I’ll pray for you too🙏🏻 I’m a new Christian
Much love from Germany ❤️✝️✝️✝️
I am Finnish Orthodox and this chant gives me hope. ❤
Yes Bro is the right way ✝️❤️
Big respect brother ❤ How come? Isn't Finland catholic/protestant?
@@iFlorex Lutheran
Siunausta ja hyvää kesää! Ite konservatiivinen luterilainen, mut ortodoksisuus tuntuu "aidommalta". Toki kirkkokunnalla ei oo väliä kuhan uskoo Jeesukseen herranamme.✝️💪☦️
💕💘➕💘💕يا ربي إلهي مخلصي يسوع المسيح القدوس روح قلب قلبي إجعلني أن أحبك بكليتي 🇱🇧♥️🌲♥️
Im Armenian apostolic (oriental orthodox) and I love this chant so much
Thank you 🙏🙏❤❤
I'm a young Christian in my teens, I don't claim to be any branch but I do serve the Most High I know for sure. I love these orthodox chants because they help kill my flesh and the desire to listen to secular music. I pray for all my brothers and sisters that watch this and I pray that God guides everyone during their journey with Him Amen 🙏✝
Repent to orthodoxy my brother in christ
I'm starting to become that, from a pentecoastal brother
God bless you brother. Many teens nowadays turn away from God in order to seem “cool” or “rebellious”. It’s good to know that there are still some well-educated, intelligent young people out there.
@@thearbiter3351 Isnt being christian enough? It should be "Repent to Christianity" and not to an specific denomination.
Beautiful chant. Greetings from a Maronite Catholic ❤🇱🇧
I am a Muslim, this chant is really cool I like it very much, respect to all Christians
It's not haram right to listen to chant?
Jesus is calling you he is the only way to heaven ❤️✝️
I'm christian but I love so much Muslims, you are very respectful and lovely ever
I am a new Christian. I am very happy to see the truth!
I love you Lord Jesus ✝☦
Happy for you 🙏🙏❤❤
Et saches que le Christ, lui, t'aime depuis que tu es née ☦️🇬🇷
may the lord lead you🙏
@@theokastellanos415 🙏❤
@@1tachi-. 🙏❤
Long live One Great and United Orthodox 🇷🇺🇺🇦🇬🇪🇷🇴🇪🇷🇦🇲🇬🇷🇧🇾🇧🇬🇪🇬🇷🇸🇪🇹🇲🇩🇲🇰🇸🇾🇲🇪🇨🇾☦️⚔️
thanks you ❤ but we armenians are apostolic
Only these 🇷🇺🇷🇸🇺🇦🇧🇾🇬🇪🇬🇷🇷🇴🇲🇪🇲🇩🇲🇰🇧🇬🇨🇾 are Orthodox Christians my friend. Those Oriental churches who call themselves Orthodox but don't accept all 7 of Ecumenical Councils are heretics.
Türkiye'den bütün hristiyan kardeşlere selamlar 🇹🇷✝️
I'm Christian I know turkish 🧡🧡✝️
i am egyptian orthodox god bless all our orthodox brothers from all countries 🇪🇬 ❤☦
Our greetings to our brothers in Jesus Christ in Egypt , GOD bless your life 🙏🙏❤❤
God bless you brother from Orthodox Serbia ♥️🇷🇸☦️
I'm French catholic, I love Orthodox, The light of Christ in our hearts ❤
Yo I’m Lebanese Orthodox and I want to show my gratitude to France being a bastion of Christianity in Europe ever since the Muslims came knocking in Iberia
God bless ☦️
I'm a Filipino Catholic, God bless to our Arab Christians. 🇵🇭
This Byzantine almost made me cry, jesus is the only way☦❤god bless you all Halleluia
Halleluia 🙏🙏❤❤
Please share 🙏❤
I don’t understand as I’m a Cuban Protestant but feel very peaceful listening to this may God bless you☦️
GOD bless you too ❤❤
Please share 🌹🙏❤
I am from a Muslim family but I feel more peaceful being here
You are so welcome ❤🙏
Jesus is King
I am a Muslim from Morocco 🇲🇦♥️ and I respect all religions. We do not want enmity, but we want peace
Thank you ziyad!❤️🙏
Yeah yeah peace like we see in europe with the north african
Im also moroccan and love this song ❤️❤️❤️ and moslim
when this video released about one year ago, i was comparing between two sides christian and islamic one and i was an ex muslim with mental health issues and depression all time
now i accepted jesus and got only a few steps left to baptize and trust me, since that moment i start living
Halleluia , soo happy for you ❤❤❤
Please share 🙏🙏
جميل 🌼
تحياتنا لكم من الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية
سلام الله الذي يفوق كل عقل يحفظ قلوبكم وأفكارهم في المسيح يسوع
Much Love from the Ethiopian Orthodox ❤ (Sister Church)
You are more than welcome ❤❤
Please share 🌹🌹
ربي هبني أن أحبك بكُليّتي 🙏†
الرجاء النشر 🙏🙏
+++ Amin +++
I found christs message it touched me deeply i am a christian again
Halleluia ❤❤
Please share ❤❤🙏🙏
As a swedish convert i am truly blessed by the Lord to have listen to such a great song, my life in such a secular country feels like a real struggle as none of my family is christian and none of my friends are "real" christians only lukewarm, atheist or muslim. I pray that they will all come to the Most High and that they soon will worship Him like I do, thank you Lord for bringing me to you, I owe you everything, Amen☦
Lord Jesus bless your life 🙏🙏❤❤
Är du ortodox konvertit eller katolik?
welcome home brother
@@IarlenTror han mena att hane ortodox konvert
Jesus is my lord and saviour ✝️ love from india🇮🇳
Greetings to you 🙏🙏❤❤
I'm Catholic and this is one of my favourite Christian Chants
@@helloman1051the Eastern Orthodox Church is the body of Christ. God bless.
I'am a Brazilian catholic Roman, but i love my orthodox Brothers.
Long live our Lord Jesus Christ, living God and image Visible of YHWH.
I am a 🇬🇷 🇬🇪 orthodox ☦️ and I love this song so much. It's so peaceful and makes me feel so enlightened.
Thank you 🙏🙏❤❤
Hope you can share it 🙏🙏😊
Salutations mon ami, je suis un Grec de Belgique, paix et amour par le Christ, notre seigneur ❤️☦️🇬🇷☦️❤️
@@theokastellanos415 bon à entendre ❤
გაგიმარჯოს ღმერთმა ძმაო☦️❤️
@@shrine6944 didi madloba dzma ❤☦️
I am a Greek Orthodox person and I really Love this chant 🇬🇷☦️
🇹🇷 💪
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord ❤☦️
من سمائك الهي اذكرني اني خاطئ ما لي الا عظيم رحمتك يا يسوع المسيح الرب❤❤
آمين سارة ❤❤
الرجاء النشر 🙏🙏
I’m a Proud Orthodox from Ethiopia 🇪🇹, I am in love with this , everytime i hear it all i see is a bright light and just want to leave this evil world🥹…..እግዚአብሄር ኢትዮጵያውያን እና ልጆቹን ይባርክ ....አሜን!!!
In this time it is very hard to be an orthodox in Ethiopia
God should give power to all Ethiopian brothers
نشكر الرب على اننا خلقنا من عائلة مسيحية ❤
found my true peace from islam to orthodoxy 🙏🏼☦️🇦🇱😌
Halleluia 🙏❤🙏
Please share ❤🌹
Halleluia 🙏❤🙏
Please share ❤🌹
Nice my brother love from Serbia ❤☦🇷🇸🇦🇱
Im from Brazil, everybody here love's Jesus Christ, me too 🙏✝️
You are more than welcome ❤❤
Please share 🙏🙏❤❤
Join us in the one true orthodox church .
I come from a Muslim family but this is so beautiful, anyone could cry at this maravelous chant ❤
Amin ✝️
Im a recent convert to orthodoxy i was born a mexican roman catholic God bless you all
Big respect brother 🙏❤☦️
Assyrian Christian here.
One of the most beautiful hyms I've ever heard.
It allows me to reflect on Jesus and to seek him further