I am from Syria, 24 years ,I grew up and finished university during the war so as I grew up during bad situations I could see myself loosing the ability to feel happy , hope and every good feeling, but music especially Leonard kohen music With a few other things helped me through this dark time to find kind of inner peace and now I didn't heal or have a life change I still the same person incapable to feel but the peace pieces I collected help me to wake up and live my day
May God stay with you, my friend. Please keep up the courage, and keep listening to Leonard Cohen. And listen to your good feelings.... to their weak, sick voice.... nurture them.
"There's a crack in everything, that's how the Light gets in" May the Light come to you, and through you, and through us all in these time of darkness 🙏 sending support from Ukraine
Texte magnifique, qui exprimé de manière belle et profonde ce que vous avez vécu, que les morceaux de paix que vous avez collectés vous aident à vous réveiller et à vivre votre journée toujours mieux. Soyez béni. Jeanne-Marie Nouvelle-Calédonie
Spero che la vita possa sorriderti ancora. E ancora. Nessuno dovrebbe sopportare la guerra, i suoi lutti e le sue perdite, ma io ti auguro di rinascere. Non so come, non so quando, ma coltiva forte questa speranza in te. Un abbraccio dall'Italia.
Suzanna Bienkowski Me and my father kinda communicate through music 💕 I don’t think he was into Leonard Cohen so much because he hadn’t heard the songs I sent him before. . But I definitely passed it on to my daughter.. lol.. He’s her favorite artist on her fb info. lol I was sooo proud when I saw that 😁
You know what is unique with Leonard Cohen? There's plenty of songs on youtube from around the world and each time you listen Leonard you can find a little rhyme that takes you to the other parts of world. These songs are not basic chords, they have a structre and a ton if you belive even you can see the colors of it. I love every inch of this man and his music. God Bless his soul. Rest in Peace meister.
There is nothing or no-one who compares to Leonard cohen. I miss him very much. A huge loss to poetic thought and songwriting. He was and is outstanding! An accomplished artist and icon ❤
Why do people try to capture what this great soul is about? Leonard Cohen is beyond description- he touches our souls. Our souls don’t need words. The touch is the greatest gift. Rest in Peace great Leonard Cohen. You gave us your all.
Listened to Cohen first time at the age of 13, 52 years ago! His songs, lyrics and humanity still takes my breath away - with my wife through almost 40 years I attended his Concert in Copenhagen, Denmark some years ago: we danced, dreamed, sang and felt in love again (# ♾)! Humle thanks, Leonard, for Your being and sharing!
I saw Leonard Cohen when he came to New Zealand in 2010. I was 15 years old, probably the youngest in the audience by decades. But I had been listening to Leonard's music for years before I saw him live. What an experience. Seeing a man in his mid-70s playing and leading the stage for hours. Laughing with the crowd as though he were a youthful 50 year old. Thank you Leonard for your music. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for being.
All his words send shivers don my spine .What a poet ! He would have deserved the Nobel Prize of literature instead of Bob Dylan.Here the singer, the musicians, the chorus girls are so much in harmaony and show great respect to each other .I miss you Mr Cohen!
Ah, Mr. Cohen. You were a poet in your time. Hemingway with a guitar. A muse for us all. A hero to my hero, that being my father. He wept when hearing of your passing and honored your legacy with a musical shabbot, listening to your discography, back to back, for months while he worked in the office and at home.
Услышала этого чудесного певца семь лет назад...Моему восхищению нет предела..Какой уникальный , неповторимый голос! Он успокаивает ,дает надежду и силу жить! Леонард, живи!Ты нам нужен!💓💓💓
Listening on Christmas Day 2024. My brother gave me the gift of the book: Leonard Cohen “The man who saw the angels fall”. Have just started to read it.
He is a part of all our memories. If you forgot a beautiful part of your life, one of his songs will remind you of them... And his words and voice will make you feel melangolic and longe for the purity of life again ❤️
Food for the soul . Isn't it amazing how music can change your day, mental health, calm you, pump you up and (temporarily) take away the darkness.. To the prophet, Mr. Cohen. No one comes close. I miss you even though we only met once. Rest easy, maybe I'll see you again one day. Respect Forever. 💙🙏💙
“Who by fire” is Leonard Cohen’s version of the Hebrew prayer "Unetanneh Tokef", chanted on Yom Kippur. It was released in the 1974 album “New Skin for the Old Ceremony.” This is one of the main songs of the album and one of Cohen’s best known songs. The prayer Cohen heard as a child in the synagogue describes God reviewing the Book of Life and deciding the fate of every soul for the year to come - who will live, who will die and how. The line: “And who shall I say is calling?” can be understood as a break from faith in God. According to Cohen that element of doubt is what made the song into a personal prayer for him" And who by fire, who by water, who in the sunshine, who in the night time, who by high ordeal, who by common trial, who in your merry merry month of may, who by very slow decay, and who shall I say is calling? And who in her lonely slip, who by barbiturate, who in these realms of love, who by something blunt, and who by avalanche, who by powder, who for his greed, who for his hunger, and who shall I say is calling? And who by brave assent, who by accident, who in solitude, who in this mirror, who by his lady's command, who by his own hand, who in mortal chains, who in power, and who shall I say is calling?
I so enjoy reading the comments especially by the youth who have just discovered this icon that some of us have had the honour of knowing all our lives.
I loved Leonard Cohen!!! I especially love that he let his Judaism flow freely through this song and it gets me right into the spirit of the High Holy Days. ♥️♥️Beautifully done Mr. Cohen. You are truly missed.
Léonard Cohen un géant , que l'on entend guère ... Une voix qui touche le fond du coeur et de l'âme ( et les musiciens mettent si bien en valeur ses chansons ...). Un pur moment d'emotion
La Humanidad entera debería escuchar estas melodías, sobre todo los dirigentes, para que tomarán conciencia. Gracias sr. Cohen por todo su arte. Inmenso y eterno.
I know of no other performer who could keep it going right to the very end and, in ways, his voice improved with maturity. A true legend of outstanding lyrical mastery.
He is a genius at reaching into the human soul and lay it out for us to see. We see love, hate, spirituality, list, confusion, desperation; but above all he offers hope.
I’m so glad that I found Leonard Cohen. I missed him in the early days! But I’m so happy to listen to his music now! I love how his Judaism is influenced in his music!
Over recently discovered him but he was an amazing artist and he evolved as he aged. One of the things that comes with great talent and a heart as big as the sky is his humanity you can see it at times as he can not hide it. He was a lover of life and the people in his life. I don't know him but I know him and admire him. His songs just take you to another place. Way underrated... Amazing guy. Good day y'all.
As far as I know (from talking to people close to him) in the last decade and a half of his life he shed all these divisive sectarian labels and was studying advaita vedanta (non-duality or Oneness). In his last eight years he was a student of the zen/advaita "teacher" Wayne Liqourman
@@HeadAndHeart7 "Who by Fire" is from Unetaneh Tokef, the central prayer said on Kol Nidreh (Yom Kippur Eve) as Cohen heard countless times in Sha'arei Shamayim synagogue in Montreal.
@@A.staris Thank you. Yes, i am fully aware that this song was inspired by the ונתנה תוקף prayer/chant. I also grew up with this prayer/chant and know it very well. The fact that this song is a commentary on this chant (and the worldview behind this chant) is very obvious and clear. However, what is usually not noted by those who have emotionally invested their indentity in a humanity-dividing, sectarian belief systems (and take any possible opportunity to distinguish themselves from the rest of humanity by using such non-sensical nationalist oxymoroms like 'the god of israel' or 'jesus calls on you to repent and come back to the christian faith' or 'muhammed is god's messanger, so repent and come back to islam', or being proud that someone mentioned a chant from their sectarian tradition), what is failed to be noted by such sectarian religious-nationalists is that he was actually NOT agreeing with this abusive fear-driven theology of god (that is promoted in the ונתנה תוקף chant) as a judgemental punishing vengeful entity (which is the common view in all sectarian exoteric religions that created god in the image of their traumatised, fearful, violent, possesive, tribalistic and unconscious psyche), and he was NOT agreeing with this reliance on fear and terrorizing as a means to acheive compliance (as is practiced by all psychologically-undeveloped exoteric religions. For example, if you'll study christian evangelism, you'll know that this ונתנה תוקף chant is IDENTICAL to their beliefs and practice of terrorizing/scaring the followers into "repentance" and compliance. It is the exact same judgemental, punishing, vengeful uncompassionate sectarian theology and set of beliefs (which are the POLAR OPPOSITE of what God actually is... even though both of these zealous sectarian mind-invented unconscious ideologies - both christian and jewish evangelism - place themselves as the gatekeeprs to God, pretend to speak for God and to represent God's will..) PS. In case you are not familiar with the distinction i made above between exoteric religions (which are the POLAR OPPOSITE of God, and that move humanity away from God and the wholistic qualities of God) and esoteric religions (which do see and understand the non-sectarian nature of God) then I'll just quickly explain that exoteric religions are highly divisive and sectarian (and place a huge amount of value on 'the uniquness of our group and "our god"). Exoteric religions contradict the wholistic universal non-sectarian REALITY of God/Consciousness/Being. Exoteric religion distort/turn on their head the original teachings of the mystics who were the original spark of all religions (distort them from a wholistic-unifying esoteric seeing of the nature of reality/God, into a sectarian humanity-dividing US-versus-Them right-wing conservative abomination and distortion of the nature of God) Exoteric religion stays on the superficial level of culturally-specific rituals and conditioning. Its ideals are completely ego-bound and mind-created, and it doesn't go beyond the level of conceptual thoughts and the emotions that such thoughts generate. Exoteric religion is a reflection of the wounded and unconscious human psyche which seeks safety and solace through beliefs, and therefore is highly reliant on judgement, punishment and the use of fear, shame and guilt to achieve compliance. Lastly, exoteric religions always dwell in the past (judgement/condemnation/shame/guilt) and future (hope/anxiety), and move their followers' attention away the eternal present moment (which is where God/reality actually is). Esoteric religions are unifying, non-sectarian and recognize the universal qualities of God/Consciousness/Being (which is non-sectarian and non-judgemental and not punishing and not cruel and not vengeful, which is unconditionally loving and is inseparable from what we are). Esoteric religions have also realized the reality beyond the concepts and images of the thinking brain and the emotional attachments of the frightened and safety-seeking ego. Esoteric religions also recognize that the present moment is all there is, the time-less reality in which God looks through our eyes (and all other senses) and percives these words on a screen.. Almost any religion on the planet has an exoteric side (which is extremely popular and which is practiced by the vast majority of the culturally-indoctrinated population) and an original esoteric side (which is the original insight of an heretic mystic or mystics - possibly as a result of an NDE in their life - before it was turned into an organized and ritualised religion with a large following. An esoteric side which is usually of interest only for a small number of mystics and not of interest to the vast majority of the population, who seem to crave security, safety, comfort, certainty, community of similarly-believing people, and soothing solace-giving concepts, more than anything else, and therefore gravitate to the exoteric part of the religion). For example, the esoteric side of exoteric christianity, islam, judaism, buddhism, hinduism is (respectively) Gnosis, Sufism, Kabbalah, Zen/Daoism, Advaita-Vedanta/Non-Duality, respectively.. And of course there are also many indigenous shamanic wholistic ways of living on the planet which are almost entirely esoteric in their un-mediated connection to (and embodying of) Spirit/Being/God/Consciousnes and its manifestation as everything that exists.. ❤
I love you. I was lucky to see you in downtown Los Angeles, along with my son who also loves your music. Physically you are bye bye but your voice and songs will live forever. RIP
@@nav3622 it's a very holy Jewish day. You must fast for 25 hours and concentrate in self examination( no cars no electricity just complete silen Until you make peace with your creator And with yourself and fellow-men.. We believe the gates of heaven/sky is opened on that very holy day and you can ask forgiveness and to grant atonement.. There is a lot more about that day if you interested to know more..
Besides the humility personified by Leonard Cohen never knew of Javier Mas. Never in my life saw a person play a 12-string like it was a 6-string. Such beauty!
I miss you, Leonard Cohen. And more still, I miss my dear friend Leon Michel, who very recently passed away, and who introduced me to Cohen properly. Your beautiful voice singing these songs is now only a cherished memory. This song will always bring you to the forefront of my mind.
I’m 61 years old, and music has been my religion since I can remember. Always. This man is like the best thing I have ever heard. He’s transcendent. I remember a bit of him in the background of the 60’s and 70’s. Amazing man.
Leonard cohen Was the Poet who accompanied my life, He still does like a charming generous friend Till the end. Teaches me to enyoy Even the moments of an old mans desire. Thanks So much.
" Une grande religion affirme les autres religions. Une grande culture affirme les autres cultures. Une grande nation affirme les autres nations, et un grand individu affirme les autres individus dans leur existence . " L. Cohen .
I’ve seen them all Bowie / Bolan / Dylan / Stones / the who and many more but Leonard Cohen’s concert in Manchester just a few years before he died tops the lot no words to describe how amazing it was all I can say is it was musical perfection ❤️🎵👌
Ironic that Leonard was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. His music cannot be called rock & roll by any stretch, but he influenced so many other musicians & singer- songwriters. I read an article in the New Yorker magazine that said Cohen & Dylan were good friends & used to take long drives on the Pacific Coast Highway. I'd love to have been able to eavesdrop on those conversations!
This song is amazing. I play it since i'm young and each time i discover it. This session with these skilled musicians is very nice and inspiring. Thank's a lot for this publication.
One of my favorite songs of Leonard...When I was young he was my favorite singer while my boyfriend (then husband!) preferred Bob. They are two of the greatest singers ever!
Leonard, shortly before his death, received the Príncipe de Asturias Award in Spain. In his speech he told how a Spanish gypsy taught him his first chords on the guitar. Based on flamenco art. And he recognized that all his later work was musically based on those six chords that he learned from that boy who unfortunately committed suicide before giving him his fourth guitar class. This song shows that what he said in his speech was absolutely true. Incredible poet, musician and thinker...
I sure wish we had you back, Leonard, if for nothing else, just to hear your calm voice in these turbulent times. Your life is still such a huge part of mine. Every day reminds me of you, my friend. 🤠
@@ryanjavierortega8513 This is his handcrafted special instrument. It's in the same family with lute and archlute but I don't know if it has an exact name. Leonard sometimes mentions it as archlute.
@@ryanjavierortega8513 Javier Más, es un multiinstrumentista español fabuloso !! Aquí toca una guitarra española llamada "bandurria". Javier Mas is a consummate Spaniard musician who plays here the Spanish Bandurria - a kind of guitar.
Thank you Leonard, your Music was so important since, I was about 16 years of age. This number was and is one of my favorites from you. I never met you in Person. But I have met you so deeply in your wouderfull songs and music! ❤️🙏🌹
@Honestcriz Hello, did you react on my message to Leonard Cohen about the song "who by Fire" and his music? It's always Nice to get Greetings from Scotland and especially from a fan from Leonard Cohen. Thank you, I am Fine. The weather is also wouderfull today here in Holland. So that makes it even better for me. Have a good Sunday and a Nice week. 🎶🎵🌦️🌈🌹
Todos nos vamos al mismo sitio, bajo tierre y no hay mas. La voz de Leonard Cohen es una suerte tenerla gravada. Caballero inmortal, siempre que podamos escucharle. Un placer.
La premiere fois que j'ai écouté Leonard Cohen, j'avais 19 ans (73 aujourd'hui!!!)(en classe d'anglais proposé par ma prof de l'époque, qui avait su reconnaîte tout le potentiel de cet homme!). Et pour l'avoir vu et écouté souvent en concert, je ne peux que confirmer!!! Un grand homme!
Saw him in the 70s at the quite night Chicago. My husband , Bob, gone now ten years, turned me on to to excellent music. Thank you Bob, I hope you're still playing your guitar in heaven.
I saw Javier Mas 10 days after Mr. Cohen died. I was at a Glen Hansard consert in Belgium, and we was so lucky that Javier Mas was part of the band. They played a lot of Leonard Cohen songs that night as a tribute and it was one of the best concerts I have ever attended.
i saw cohen live in halifax in the early seventies. after the concert we were all on cloud nine and walking home there was leonard dancing in the alley in a light rain. washed by tears of god.
I am from Syria, 24 years ,I grew up and finished university during the war
so as I grew up during bad situations I could see myself loosing the ability to feel happy , hope and every good feeling,
but music especially Leonard kohen music With a few other things helped me through this dark time to find kind of inner peace
and now I didn't heal or have a life change I still the same person incapable to feel
but the peace pieces I collected help me to wake up and live my day
May God stay with you, my friend. Please keep up the courage, and keep listening to Leonard Cohen. And listen to your good feelings.... to their weak, sick voice.... nurture them.
"There's a crack in everything, that's how the Light gets in" May the Light come to you, and through you, and through us all in these time of darkness 🙏 sending support from Ukraine
haddak !
Texte magnifique, qui exprimé de manière belle et profonde ce que vous avez vécu, que les morceaux de paix que vous avez collectés vous aident à vous réveiller et à vivre votre journée toujours mieux. Soyez béni. Jeanne-Marie Nouvelle-Calédonie
Spero che la vita possa sorriderti ancora. E ancora. Nessuno dovrebbe sopportare la guerra, i suoi lutti e le sue perdite, ma io ti auguro di rinascere. Non so come, non so quando, ma coltiva forte questa speranza in te. Un abbraccio dall'Italia.
I listen to this every Yom Kippur. He found so much beauty and mystery in Hebrew liturgy.
צריך בראש השנה.
@mayash4870 I am not Jewish but love this music from Cohen. Majestic. From Australia 🇦🇺 sorry for October 7th. Shalom
Sometimes it takes a lifetime to appreciate how brilliant Leonard was!
Please don't say was
Please don’t say
Well, nice people.. he “ was “ “ is” “ and always will be “ a genius 🙏💕
Generations even. Got the live for Leonard from my father.
Suzanna Bienkowski Me and my father kinda communicate through music 💕 I don’t think he was into Leonard Cohen so much because he hadn’t heard the songs I sent him before. . But I definitely passed it on to my daughter.. lol.. He’s her favorite artist on her fb info. lol I was sooo proud when I saw that 😁
We miss you Leonard, especially in these times of darkness
C'est beau. Merci
@@brahmani928 00
So say we all.
Yes we do.
You know what is unique with Leonard Cohen? There's plenty of songs on youtube from around the world and each time you listen Leonard you can find a little rhyme that takes you to the other parts of world. These songs are not basic chords, they have a structre and a ton if you belive even you can see the colors of it. I love every inch of this man and his music. God Bless his soul. Rest in Peace meister.
There is nothing or no-one who compares to Leonard cohen. I miss him very much. A huge loss to poetic thought and songwriting. He was and is outstanding! An accomplished artist and icon ❤
Cohen was Prophet and I think Dylan will live to see Judgement Day.
@@fionagreig9392 Vive en todas sus obras
This is a thousand year old prayer that we say on rosh hashana and Yom kippur- unetannah tokef
Why do people try to capture what this great soul is about? Leonard Cohen is beyond description- he touches our souls.
Our souls don’t need words.
The touch is the greatest gift.
Rest in Peace great Leonard Cohen. You gave us your all.
Listened to Cohen first time at the age of 13, 52 years ago! His songs, lyrics and humanity still takes my breath away
- with my wife through almost 40 years I attended his Concert in Copenhagen, Denmark some years ago: we danced, dreamed, sang and felt in love again (# ♾)!
Humle thanks, Leonard, for Your being and sharing!
God bless you and your wife 🙏
Remembering him on the seventh anniversary of his passing. Godspeed, Leonard Cohen.
A ja w 8 rocznicę jego śmierci. Spoczywaj w pokoju 🙏
I saw Leonard Cohen when he came to New Zealand in 2010. I was 15 years old, probably the youngest in the audience by decades. But I had been listening to Leonard's music for years before I saw him live. What an experience. Seeing a man in his mid-70s playing and leading the stage for hours. Laughing with the crowd as though he were a youthful 50 year old. Thank you Leonard for your music. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for being.
They don't make Real Men like this anymore Brother. Blessed you are. Men only judge nowadays.
God bless you and your family 🙏❤️
Michael I been listening to him at least 35 years
How blessed you are. Would of loved to see Leonard perform. I'm sure you will treasure that forever.
@@ElDecinuevemy cat pressed reply to you by accident so I wrote this.
Not only Leonard Cohen was amazing but also the team of musicians are outstanding!
Cohen always appreciative and respectful of the team surrounding him.
Javier Mas leads off with an amazing solo on the laúd.
They breathe and feel happy with music.
So true
This is an ancient Jewish prayer song..
Leonard turned his own..
He did a great work.
Who shall I say is calling you?
@@tedmangano789 you don't need to call me
I come all by myself
Thanks, I was wondering what the meaning behind the song was…
Thank you for sharing that - I didn’t know.🙏
This you right,
This is for everybody nice 😔👌👌👌😎🙏🙏🙏💯👍🌟🌟🌟
This man was a wonderful poet. He makes me cry.
@@michaelmcgrath6969 iiiii
Me too
Vvvvŕ4vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc v v v v v
V vvv vv v v.
v v v v v v v
All his words send shivers don my spine .What a poet ! He would have deserved the Nobel Prize of literature instead of Bob Dylan.Here the singer, the musicians, the chorus girls are so much in harmaony and show great respect to each other .I miss you Mr Cohen!
הוא המיוחד במינו כל שיר שובר שיא של האחר מדהים חבל שהוא לא איתנו יהי זיכרון ברוך אגדה היה בחיוו
Anyone and everyone who loves wisdom and music
Ah, Mr. Cohen. You were a poet in your time. Hemingway with a guitar. A muse for us all. A hero to my hero, that being my father. He wept when hearing of your passing and honored your legacy with a musical shabbot, listening to your discography, back to back, for months while he worked in the office and at home.
I have had to stop and remark at Leonard’s lyrics more than any other artist. Such a true poet, wordsmith, writer and voice.
Proud grandson of 2 WW2 partisans. I wish our generation had their balls to stand against oppression and genocide...
It took power by stealth.
Услышала этого чудесного певца семь лет назад...Моему восхищению нет предела..Какой уникальный , неповторимый голос! Он успокаивает ,дает надежду и силу жить! Леонард, живи!Ты нам нужен!💓💓💓
Been listening to this since it was released in the 1970s. Greatness never gets old. 😍
Ditto.i love his darkness
True. We're still listening to great musicians, even 400 years later
I find this nourisment to the soul in these troubled times, thank you and forever loving you Leonard.
Thank you for the poetry and beautiful music, Leonard. You live forever in my heart
Listening on Christmas Day 2024. My brother gave me the gift of the book: Leonard Cohen “The man who saw the angels fall”. Have just started to read it.
When Leonard sings, he looks and sounds like he's receiving a prophecy of humanity
This is a masterpiece. The guitar is amazing, so is Mr. Leonard Cohen.
I love it
J'adhère pleinement au commentaire précédent. Merci pour ces beautés.
Guitar bei Xavier Maas
Your memory is a blessing, Mr. Cohen.
The musicians are phenomenal.
Indeed so true
@@JuliaLeighBrooks מה
Fk yes they are.. 💕
@@JuliaLeighBrooks I feel so common..you said it with eloquence..and I’m like fk yah. lol ✌🏻😊
Each and everyone👌☘️✨
He is a part of all our memories. If you forgot a beautiful part of your life, one of his songs will remind you of them... And his words and voice will make you feel melangolic and longe for the purity of life again ❤️
, Beautifully put 💓💓👌
Buried my little pet while this beautiful piece of music was playing . I’m devastated and it helped me a lot . Peace
What a wonderful version. Cohen touches part of one's soul like no other.
Some one very sepical
Thank you
سيد آلشيطآن.
För alltid
Bad Sisters gave this a new life. Wonderful.
Food for the soul . Isn't it amazing how music can change your day, mental health, calm you, pump you up and (temporarily) take away the darkness..
To the prophet, Mr. Cohen. No one comes close. I miss you even though we only met once.
Rest easy, maybe I'll see you again one day. Respect Forever.
What a wonderful comment , I feel exactly the same .
I always wanted to see him live, I missed my chance .
What a legend ❤️
You are so lucky to have met him Janice Joplan knew him very well. Love knows its own kind.
The darker the times, the brighter his legacy.
@@freedomtherapies507❤ x
I’m trapped in Virginia. This brings my soul to relax and accept my fate. It shines a loving path of hope for me. ❤
words cannot describe the magic of leonard cohens music
“Who by fire” is Leonard Cohen’s version of the Hebrew prayer "Unetanneh Tokef", chanted on Yom Kippur. It was released in the 1974 album “New Skin for the Old Ceremony.” This is one of the main songs of the album and one of Cohen’s best known songs.
The prayer Cohen heard as a child in the synagogue describes God reviewing the Book of Life and deciding the fate of every soul for the year to come - who will live, who will die and how.
The line: “And who shall I say is calling?” can be understood as a break from faith in God. According to Cohen that element of doubt is what made the song into a personal prayer for him"
And who by fire, who by water,
who in the sunshine, who in the night time,
who by high ordeal, who by common trial,
who in your merry merry month of may,
who by very slow decay,
and who shall I say is calling?
And who in her lonely slip, who by barbiturate,
who in these realms of love, who by something blunt,
and who by avalanche, who by powder,
who for his greed, who for his hunger,
and who shall I say is calling?
And who by brave assent, who by accident,
who in solitude, who in this mirror,
who by his lady's command, who by his own hand,
who in mortal chains, who in power,
and who shall I say is calling?
On Rosh Hashana it is written, on Yom Kippur it is sealed
An exceptional musician, wordsmith and story teller.
Been a fan of his since the 60's.
Me too! And I am a Montréalaise: this city worships him still. 🇨🇦
I so enjoy reading the comments especially by the youth who have just discovered this icon that some of us have had the honour of knowing all our lives.
I first ran across him waaaay back in the Christian Slater film "Pump up the Volume".
Who's calling you, old woman?
I only found his music after he passed. And I'm 60. I missed out.
Леонард, ты пел душой! Как же сжимается сердце, когда слушаешь тебя.
Leonard is one of my old favourites. Have followed him for years. He influenced so many other artists. He was a hero in the music world.
I loved Leonard Cohen!!! I especially love that he let his Judaism flow freely through this song and it gets me right into the spirit of the High Holy Days. ♥️♥️Beautifully done Mr. Cohen. You are truly missed.
do you think that it would be helpful to explain the source of lyrics -- I am pretty sure that only MOT and not all of us would know this.
Semyon Axelrod lets keep it a secret. ;-)
just kidding. Share your comments.
He never left his Judaism. He was too wise! First, you should learn about the Kabbalah and you will kneel and regret your ignorance.
VictoriaV I never said left. I said let.
James Morrison I was just having an I love Leonard Cohen and I love being Jewish. Sorry that bothered or offended you.
Шедевр. Снимаю шляпу. Супер. Высший пилотаж.
Léonard Cohen un géant , que l'on entend guère ... Une voix qui touche le fond du coeur et de l'âme ( et les musiciens mettent si bien en valeur ses chansons ...). Un pur moment d'emotion
La Humanidad entera debería escuchar estas melodías, sobre todo los dirigentes, para que tomarán conciencia. Gracias sr. Cohen por todo su arte. Inmenso y eterno.
I know of no other performer who could keep it going right to the very end and, in ways, his voice improved with maturity. A true legend of outstanding lyrical mastery.
J adore
Bowie too. But yes. Leonard is a master of song, poetry and the heart.
Gord Downie!!
He is a genius at reaching into the human soul and lay it out for us to see. We see love, hate, spirituality, list, confusion, desperation; but above all he offers hope.
I’m so glad that I found Leonard Cohen. I missed him in the early days! But I’m so happy to listen to his music now! I love how his Judaism is influenced in his music!
Over recently discovered him but he was an amazing artist and he evolved as he aged. One of the things that comes with great talent and a heart as big as the sky is his humanity you can see it at times as he can not hide it. He was a lover of life and the people in his life. I don't know him but I know him and admire him. His songs just take you to another place. Way underrated... Amazing guy. Good day y'all.
Я не знаю его ,но восхищаюсь им ,так может написать только грузин ,либо обиженный хохол
As far as I know (from talking to people close to him) in the last decade and a half of his life he shed all these divisive sectarian labels and was studying advaita vedanta (non-duality or Oneness). In his last eight years he was a student of the zen/advaita "teacher" Wayne Liqourman
@@HeadAndHeart7 "Who by Fire" is from Unetaneh Tokef, the central prayer said on Kol Nidreh (Yom Kippur Eve) as Cohen heard countless times in Sha'arei Shamayim synagogue in Montreal.
@@A.staris Thank you. Yes, i am fully aware that this song was inspired by the ונתנה תוקף prayer/chant. I also grew up with this prayer/chant and know it very well. The fact that this song is a commentary on this chant (and the worldview behind this chant) is very obvious and clear. However, what is usually not noted by those who have emotionally invested their indentity in a humanity-dividing, sectarian belief systems (and take any possible opportunity to distinguish themselves from the rest of humanity by using such non-sensical nationalist oxymoroms like 'the god of israel' or 'jesus calls on you to repent and come back to the christian faith' or 'muhammed is god's messanger, so repent and come back to islam', or being proud that someone mentioned a chant from their sectarian tradition), what is failed to be noted by such sectarian religious-nationalists is that he was actually NOT agreeing with this abusive fear-driven theology of god (that is promoted in the ונתנה תוקף chant) as a judgemental punishing vengeful entity (which is the common view in all sectarian exoteric religions that created god in the image of their traumatised, fearful, violent, possesive, tribalistic and unconscious psyche), and he was NOT agreeing with this reliance on fear and terrorizing as a means to acheive compliance (as is practiced by all psychologically-undeveloped exoteric religions. For example, if you'll study christian evangelism, you'll know that this ונתנה תוקף chant is IDENTICAL to their beliefs and practice of terrorizing/scaring the followers into "repentance" and compliance. It is the exact same judgemental, punishing, vengeful uncompassionate sectarian theology and set of beliefs (which are the POLAR OPPOSITE of what God actually is... even though both of these zealous sectarian mind-invented unconscious ideologies - both christian and jewish evangelism - place themselves as the gatekeeprs to God, pretend to speak for God and to represent God's will..)
PS. In case you are not familiar with the distinction i made above between exoteric religions (which are the POLAR OPPOSITE of God, and that move humanity away from God and the wholistic qualities of God) and esoteric religions (which do see and understand the non-sectarian nature of God) then I'll just quickly explain that exoteric religions are highly divisive and sectarian (and place a huge amount of value on 'the uniquness of our group and "our god").
Exoteric religions contradict the wholistic universal non-sectarian REALITY of God/Consciousness/Being.
Exoteric religion distort/turn on their head the original teachings of the mystics who were the original spark of all religions (distort them from a wholistic-unifying esoteric seeing of the nature of reality/God, into a sectarian humanity-dividing US-versus-Them right-wing conservative abomination and distortion of the nature of God)
Exoteric religion stays on the superficial level of culturally-specific rituals and conditioning. Its ideals are completely ego-bound and mind-created, and it doesn't go beyond the level of conceptual thoughts and the emotions that such thoughts generate.
Exoteric religion is a reflection of the wounded and unconscious human psyche which seeks safety and solace through beliefs, and therefore is highly reliant on judgement, punishment and the use of fear, shame and guilt to achieve compliance.
Lastly, exoteric religions always dwell in the past (judgement/condemnation/shame/guilt) and future (hope/anxiety), and move their followers' attention away the eternal present moment (which is where God/reality actually is).
Esoteric religions are unifying, non-sectarian and recognize the universal qualities of God/Consciousness/Being (which is non-sectarian and non-judgemental and not punishing and not cruel and not vengeful, which is unconditionally loving and is inseparable from what we are).
Esoteric religions have also realized the reality beyond the concepts and images of the thinking brain and the emotional attachments of the frightened and safety-seeking ego.
Esoteric religions also recognize that the present moment is all there is, the time-less reality in which God looks through our eyes (and all other senses) and percives these words on a screen..
Almost any religion on the planet has an exoteric side (which is extremely popular and which is practiced by the vast majority of the culturally-indoctrinated population) and an original esoteric side (which is the original insight of an heretic mystic or mystics - possibly as a result of an NDE in their life - before it was turned into an organized and ritualised religion with a large following. An esoteric side which is usually of interest only for a small number of mystics and not of interest to the vast majority of the population, who seem to crave security, safety, comfort, certainty, community of similarly-believing people, and soothing solace-giving concepts, more than anything else, and therefore gravitate to the exoteric part of the religion).
For example, the esoteric side of exoteric christianity, islam, judaism, buddhism, hinduism is (respectively) Gnosis, Sufism, Kabbalah, Zen/Daoism, Advaita-Vedanta/Non-Duality, respectively..
And of course there are also many indigenous shamanic wholistic ways of living on the planet which are almost entirely esoteric in their un-mediated connection to (and embodying of) Spirit/Being/God/Consciousnes and its manifestation as everything that exists..
I love you. I was lucky to see you in downtown Los Angeles, along with my son who also loves your music. Physically you are bye bye but your voice and songs will live forever. RIP
Best version of all times..Thank you for your ART LEOnard. Love from Portugal
Am posting it today, on Yom Kippur, for many to listen to.
Shalom my friend from Sicilia..
What's Yom Kippur?
Happy Hannuka..
@@nav3622 it's a very holy Jewish day.
You must fast for 25 hours and concentrate in self examination( no cars no electricity just complete silen
Until you make peace with your creator
And with yourself and fellow-men..
We believe the gates of heaven/sky is opened on that very holy day and you can ask forgiveness and to grant atonement..
There is a lot more about that day if you interested to know more..
@@nav3622 ???:))
Gone but not forgotten. Thank you for the words.
My god I am 53 and discover this pearl.. wanna thank god I did😲🙏😚
Леонард вы в своих песнях передаёт все свои чувства душой, сердцем и, конечно, своим талантом, данным вам Богом.
Besides the humility personified by Leonard Cohen never knew of Javier Mas. Never in my life saw a person play a 12-string like it was a 6-string. Such beauty!
Leonard Cohen was always surrounded by the best musicians. What did enalce his greatness. Love this song.
I miss you, Leonard Cohen.
And more still, I miss my dear friend Leon Michel, who very recently passed away, and who introduced me to Cohen properly.
Your beautiful voice singing these songs is now only a cherished memory.
This song will always bring you to the forefront of my mind.
I am so sorry fir your loss.
@@annaveenstra4557 thanks for the kind thought, Anna, it's very welcome right now, just one day after my friend's funeral.
@@geroffmilan3328 I hope things have gotten better. It hurts less with time but never passes entirely.
Oh so beautiful. Such sublime beauty. I'm speechless, and on the verge of tears.
Cry that clean your soul!
@@harriehalfsoft ogog,àvoonovnpg
I’m 61 years old, and music has been my religion since I can remember. Always. This man is like the best thing I have ever heard. He’s transcendent. I remember a bit of him in the background of the 60’s and 70’s. Amazing man.
He’s not transgender!
@@tommygalbally239 Troll!
This man's songs are touching deeply and comforting my heart
Leonard cohen Was the Poet who accompanied my life, He still does like a charming generous friend Till the end. Teaches me to enyoy Even the moments of an old mans desire. Thanks So much.
Im still listening 2024! Cant help myself! Masters on stage.
Totally 🦊🦊😎😉😉🌝😭😭🙏🙏🙏🦋🤸🤸😍😍🐇🍷🍷🖤🤍
" Une grande religion affirme les autres religions. Une grande culture affirme les autres cultures. Une grande nation affirme les autres nations, et un grand individu affirme les autres individus dans leur existence . " L. Cohen .
I’ve seen them all Bowie / Bolan / Dylan / Stones / the who and many more but Leonard Cohen’s concert in Manchester just a few years before he died tops the lot no words to describe how amazing it was all I can say is it was musical perfection ❤️🎵👌
I saw him at the Manchester opera house in 2008. It was perfect.
Ironic that Leonard was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. His music cannot be called rock & roll by any stretch, but he influenced so many other musicians & singer- songwriters. I read an article in the New Yorker magazine that said Cohen & Dylan were good friends & used to take long drives on the Pacific Coast Highway. I'd love to have been able to eavesdrop on those conversations!
Would add Mark Knopfler and Roger Waters to that list. True magical, musical experiences with amazing poets
Thank you for mentioning the amazing Marc Bolan; he's often overlooked :D
Transcendant. Divin. No words strong enough to describe this masterpiece. Greetings from France.
On est d'accord
Greetings from
Christ bless you and your family 🙏❤️
Bien dit
J'ai vu Léonard Cohen en 2009 à Bercy et ça a été une soirée comme jamais.
Que des frissons, sa voix, les paroles, la musique, son style.
Une émotion.
Absolument sublime. Envoûtant! Merci infiniment M. Cohen
Cohen looks like he's staring up into the Heaven's while he's singing this.
Love it.
As a bass i can confirm that that position helps you get a richer tone.
This song is amazing.
I play it since i'm young and each time i discover it.
This session with these skilled musicians is very nice and inspiring.
Thank's a lot for this publication.
5:14 the organ is simply beautiful, love it. RIP Leonard
Toujours magnifique Léonard avec d' excellents musiciens. Envoûtant
One of my favorite songs of Leonard...When I was young he was my favorite singer while my boyfriend (then husband!) preferred Bob. They are two of the greatest singers ever!
Like you , i prefer mister Cohen then mister Bob Dylan
2024 am still here listening to LC❤
The rest of that, the ones not understanding.... End of the World perhaps i'm a fraid😔😔😔🫂🌎
@@palapadadouwa807 Don't be afraid. There are too many who will fight for it to be okay!
One of the greatest singer, musician and poets ever - Johan Marais Johannesburg South Africa
I am binge watching the clips from the London concert all because Hallelujah was earworming me just after Christmas. This is awesome.
Das ist Musik, die sooo tief unter der Haut, in der Seele ankommt....
Leonard, shortly before his death, received the Príncipe de Asturias Award in Spain. In his speech he told how a Spanish gypsy taught him his first chords on the guitar. Based on flamenco art. And he recognized that all his later work was musically based on those six chords that he learned from that boy who unfortunately committed suicide before giving him his fourth guitar class. This song shows that what he said in his speech was absolutely true. Incredible poet, musician and thinker...
He touches souls and minds, mesmerising us on a grand scale
Tears from my heart....guided by you. To my precious love of 59 years. Deep love. Shared by Two.
I miss him.
This Man brings the words from my heart and soul , that I could never ,ever , express .
Could not agree more. Rips the word right out if my heart.
כל כך מתגעגעת לדמותך לקולך ולאושר הפנימי שגרמת לי ולאחרים.
God, how beautiful it is.
I listen, miss and cry...💔💔💔💔💔⭐💔😥😥😥😥😥😥🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🌺🍀🌻🍀🌺
I am listening to this wonderful poet Leonard Cohen now and forever......T he wonderful man, words are inadequate to describe his charisma , xxxxxxxxx
This is magnificent every lyric , his voice and this musician ..
I simply adore the Brillant of this song and melody
The words from the Jewish prayer on Yom Kippur Day.
@@mrno.7366 and Rosh Hashona as well...
I sure wish we had you back, Leonard, if for nothing else, just to hear your calm voice in these turbulent times. Your life is still such a huge part of mine. Every day reminds me of you, my friend. 🤠
This song makes me feel like it is full of glories of humanities.
One of his absolutely best songs
Heb het geluk om hem diverse momenten in zijn leven te mogen zien optreden
Javier Mas' solo takes this song up to heavenly places
What is the instrument called, please?
@@ryanjavierortega8513 This is his handcrafted special instrument. It's in the same family with lute and archlute but I don't know if it has an exact name. Leonard sometimes mentions it as archlute.
@@raservesthedinner7620 Thank you, Sir.
@@ryanjavierortega8513 You're welcome :)
@@ryanjavierortega8513 Javier Más, es un multiinstrumentista español fabuloso !! Aquí toca una guitarra española llamada "bandurria". Javier Mas is a consummate Spaniard musician who plays here the Spanish Bandurria - a kind of guitar.
I grew up listening to him and I never stopped,what a poet....
Thank you Leonard, your Music was so important since, I was about 16 years of age. This number was and is one of my favorites from you. I never met you in Person. But I have met you so deeply in your wouderfull songs and music! ❤️🙏🌹
@Honestcriz Hello, did you react on my message to Leonard Cohen about the song "who by Fire" and his music? It's always Nice to get Greetings from Scotland and especially from a fan from Leonard Cohen. Thank you, I am Fine. The weather is also wouderfull today here in Holland. So that makes it even better for me. Have a good Sunday and a Nice week. 🎶🎵🌦️🌈🌹
Todos nos vamos al mismo sitio, bajo tierre y no hay mas. La voz de Leonard Cohen es una suerte tenerla gravada. Caballero inmortal, siempre que podamos escucharle. Un placer.
Hay más, amigo. Hay más
La premiere fois que j'ai écouté Leonard Cohen, j'avais 19 ans (73 aujourd'hui!!!)(en classe d'anglais proposé par ma prof de l'époque, qui avait su reconnaîte tout le potentiel de cet homme!). Et pour l'avoir vu et écouté souvent en concert, je ne peux que confirmer!!! Un grand homme!
Life is going a way so quickly, memories are staying with us.. I just love his songs, they touching my heart.
An absolute gem of a song. Love the instrumentation along with Leonards voice. Wow. Amazing ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Listening to this in 2024❤
sure...I hear it all the time.
I do, 6th of September
Saw him in the 70s at the quite night Chicago. My husband , Bob, gone now ten years, turned me on to to excellent music. Thank you Bob, I hope you're still playing your guitar in heaven.
I discovered this song today. It's a masterpiece
Timeless music
I saw Javier Mas 10 days after Mr. Cohen died. I was at a Glen Hansard consert in Belgium, and we was so lucky that Javier Mas was part of the band. They played a lot of Leonard Cohen songs that night as a tribute and it was one of the best concerts I have ever attended.
Loved this man so much.A poet and an amazing song writer.sadly missed rest in peace you beautiful man.
Je suis très impressionnée par la dimension spirituelle de l'oeuvre de Léonard Cohen..
So happy I lived in a time when I get to listen his musics. Tks
And his poetry!
i saw cohen live in halifax in the early seventies. after the concert we were all on cloud nine and walking home there was leonard dancing in the alley in a light rain. washed by tears of god.