Wayne, I sooo hope you see my comment. My Mom has dementia and hasn't worn anything but eye pencil and lipstick for years. Picture Mom and I, as well as my 64 lb dog all in Mom's bed with my phone turned sideways GLUED to your videos. GLUED! This morning there was Mom tap, tap, tapping moisturizer on her eyes and blending foundation. Maybe you couldn't buy your Mom a house but what you did for my Mom was Magic. Thank You Wayne. Thank You with all my heart :)
I’m a mum, and I can assure you...there isn’t a house on earth that would mean as much to me, as just knowing what a beautiful human being the child I raised turned out to be. . She must be so incredibly proud,. I would be. ❤️😉
I’m so sorry that someone as kind & selfless as you has found himself in a place where you’re feeling so offended that you want to explain how you spend your hard earned money. You owe that person or the public NOTHING Wayne & you certainly don’t need to defend your position. I’m quite sure your mother is very proud of the man you are & the integrity you live by. There’s no dollar amount that can be placed on that! I’m surely honored to be a part of your journey too! Sending lots of love from Connecticut, USA 🇺🇸 💚💜
Joining you from Oregon, USA to encourage Wayne. Don't listen to haters Wayne. I really appreciate all you wonderful work you do here on TH-cam. You were the very first person I subscribed to here. Thank you for what you have taught me and continue to teach me 🙏💕
I am 47 and needed every single one of these tips! I love you Wayne. I want to hug you through my screen. When someone gets at you, and really hurts your feelings, it can sting like nothing else. That just shows how passionate you are about your mother. Hurt people hurt other people. I hope she reads these comments and realizes what a turd she was. Stay passionate my friend!
Raquel Ruehl same here lol 47y.o. n i hang just about on the edge of my seat awaiting his next post lol For this woman to say such icky stuff smh to such a giving kinda guy smh ..... Hmm
I totally agree. You´re the best here on youtube Wayne. And remember you are a great person and we love you so much. Nobody can´t change that. There is a lot of empty person who never show us their face but like to hurt sombody so much. Keep your head up. Once again we love you and your videos. You are such a smart person and nobody can change that, remember always. Big kiss from a polish girl from Spain for you and your mum Wayne.
Raquel Ruehl...great comment! I love you, too, Wayne! You are a beautiful soul and so talented. I really enjoy all your tips regarding makeup and skincare. I am 48 and can’t wait to try these concealer tips. Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Raquel Ruehl You’re 47 looking 27 from what I can see in your photo! Skin care details please!! Help a young woman out! I’m trying to be like you at 47!
My heart broke when I saw that glimmer of tears in his eyes 🙈ugh this man is so kind and yet what the Internet chooses to focus on, startles me. He's one of a kind and that's good enough for me.
My dear child...speaking for all mothers everywhere, all your momma wants is for you to be happy. Cars and houses for her are very much secondary to that. Anyone who watches you for even a few minutes can tell you are a good person with a good heart. Hold your head high and remember your momma raised you with strength and dignity. Be proud of that.
I'm absolutely appalled that someone would think it was HER business how you spend your money. You didn't owe anyone an explanation, but once again you've poured your heart out for your followers...and that's one reason why I love watching you. You're genuine and kind, among a host of other adjectives, and you've made your mum proud!!! I hope that woman feels like shite now, but YOU should hold your head high! Here's a virtual hug from across the pond. 🤗🤗🤗
Wayne I found this really difficult to watch. NEVER feel like you’ve got to justify how you spend YOUR money. Some people will always try and hurt you in the most viscous way possible. They’re just mean spirited. Being a mum myself, I can safely say that I appreciate my kids time and thoughtfulness much more than anything they could ever buy me. You sound like such a lovely son. I’m sure your mum wouldn’t care if you just bought her a lipstick. She’ll be super proud that you’re her son. Xxx
Pampered Wolf right! I actually cried! It did hurt to watch his pain and honestly I hope every person who enjoys leaving hate comments sees the last part of this video and realizes what they are doing to people when they do things that are that mean spirited. I literally wanted to jump through the screen and hug him so tight! What a nasty person to stoop so low.
Pampered Wolf Me too. I got really upset. It made my heart hurt. I hate bullies and that is exactly what that woman is, an internet troll bully. There was no need for her rude hurtful comments. No one deserves that. 😢
Wayne, darling, you are such a blessing. I'm so very sorry that anyone would ever be so rude to you, and I hurt for you and with you. You, Wayne, have helped turn my life around. You inspired me to start caring about myself again, to give a flip about my makeup again, and to try your tips to attempt to look better. When you gave me a shout out, you gave me the courage to believe in myself when I was at my absolute worst. I spent 10 months out of the 12 months of last year in physical therapy fighting to hold on to the ability to walk. I felt awful and looked worse. When you lose the ability to walk, nothing else matters and the last things you care about are your hair and makeup because the world casts you aside and starts looking at you differently - and ostracizes you and judges you. People can be quite cruel - I know that first hand from how I was treated while in a wheelchair. My heart hurt so badly and I sank so low. And then I discovered you. And you cared about women like me - any age, any size, any anything. I remember the very first video of yours I ever watched - the straight line method of eye shadow for hooded eyes. I tried it - and by golly it worked. And for the first time in years, this old broad felt pretty for a moment. I'm tearing up now. The point of my rambling is to say how proud your mum must be to have such a wonderful son - not because of a car, but because of his incredible heart and the joy he brings to the world, despite what Debbie Downer/Negative Nancy/Wendy Whiner had to say. I would be proud to be related to you. I would be proud to sweep the dust under your feet. And I hope that all of these comments will encourage you, just as have you have encouraged us, and that you will feel our love, just as we feel yours. You make an enormously positive difference in this world - you have in my life. I've lost 40 pounds now and still going. You played a part in that. I put my makeup on every day again now. You influenced that. I care about myself again - and YOU, my dear Wayne, have had a huge role in that. I'm sorry that woman hurt you. I'm also sorry that she is so damaged herself that she felt the need to lash out and be hurtful. I hope she finds peace. Please know that I am forever grateful to you for all you do and have done for me. Much love, with all my heart - Carla
I can’t believe you even feel you need to justify yourself, you are such a beautiful and kind soul that comment is just disgusting and hurtful. After this video I love you even more, you’re so incredibly sweet and seem so kind hearted and genuine! ❤️❤️❤️
Okay, first off “no ones falling for that shit” is the greatest comment ever! 2nd I’ve just discovered your channel. So I’m slowly making my way through your videos. 3rd this video broke my heart for you! You bought your Mom a car!!! I bet my yearly salary that your Mom is furiously proud of you. And not because you bought her a car! But because you are an amazing, considerate, loving, and compassionate person. This type of person should never have to “explain” their actions nor themselves to others. Just wanted you to know, even tho I’m kinda late to the game, that you have another person in your corner rooting for you! ❤️💕
Linda - He has close to 4 million subscribers ! Can you just imagine... if his subscribers would donate one dollar every month ! Gosh ! He could easily collect over 4 million dollars every month !
Oooh, thank you for for wonderful Comment! I'm German and I could not find so perfect and warm Words to explain my feelings! Bitte YOU did this for me and send IT to Wayne! Wish you a wonderful Week and thank you once more for this lovely and fine Comment! 🍀😍💋💞👍
@@AlmaWells: OMG! 😮😩 Yes... If they would donate.... But they, means: WE don't do! 😊😏 He makes his Videos for NOTHING (IN THE BEGINNING!) ! And because he is so talented he got oder the Years 3.8 Millions of Subscribers! Yes! But didn't you see, that he has not so many Promotions/Commercials in his Videos? They are the interesting "Money-Point"! Have a look to another Videos... 😏😫😫...OMG, every 2 Min. a Commercials/ Promotion-Video...
Wayne you truely are one of the last of the REAL makeup artists here on TH-cam. You are not only a beautiful person inside and out but a true gentleman with how you handled this. What you do in life is no ones business! The fact that such a rotten person felt the need to attack you like this speaks volumes about them in life and they shouod be ashamed of themselves. Breaks my heart that someone made you feel like this and I am so sorry you experienced this. Sending you lots of love. Xoxo
Exactly. That's why I don't like most people. I'm grateful for the tutorials and advice. That's amazing. How someone lives their life isn't my business or anyone else's. Honestly (rage face now) nobody else has to buy things for work? Because that's how it goes. I need new boots and I have to go to physical therapy. That's buying things for work. _Crikey_
Wayne, I think you are the most highly regarded make up and beauty influencer. All of the other influencers speak of you and your products with reverence. You can’t get better praise than the praise that comes from your peers. You Rock!
I have 2 sons. I would rather have their love and care than anything material. You are a terrific person, therefore, a great son. I hope the Mini was a convertible. I have a 10 yr old convertible that makes me happy. I am positive your mother is grateful--don't listen to the naysayers. I am 70 years old and still wouldn't miss any of your vids. I don't even wear makeup much anymore. It is YOU with whom I love spending my time.:)
Wayne, don’t take what the ignorant trolls say, to heart. You’re helping us older women as well as young, to feel beautiful. You’re wanted on TH-cam more than you realize. You DON’T need to explain yourself. Thank you for your kindness and your good heart.😘❤️
As a mom of 5 (my oldest is 40) I would just like to say I think you are a wonderful son. As the mom of older children I would also like you to know that I am the proudest of them because they are good people. I am sure your mom would be the first to tell you that she loves you just because you are her son. It is really wonderful that you help her and that certainly shows how much you love her. Please don't ever let some outsider make you feel you are not doing enough for her because it is so obvious that you do love your mom and take very good care of her. As a parent of older children I certainly am grateful for their gifts but my greatest joy is knowing they are happy, healthy and pursuing their dreams. If you were to ask your mom I'm sure she would give you a hug and tell you the same thing or something very simular. Love your video's.
I’ve literally been watching you for YEARS even before I was able to properly put lipstick on myself and I’m extremely hurt and disgusted that someone would say something like that to you then feeling the need to defend yourself to a human being who literally knows nothing about you. You’re doing things for your mother that most cannot and you’ll be blessed for that. You’re spreading yourself to teach us artistry and technique rather than some trend! A lot of us understand your value and the great person you are! You gave your mom a mini and she doesn’t struggle, if you do nothing else for her you’ve done something great
Hi! I’ve just discovered you & plan to catch up on your videos. Obviously I don’t know what everyone is commenting about but one thing I do know...a son’s love. My brilliant, wonderful son passed away in a freak accident 6 years ago on January 30. Never underestimate unconditional love. I clicked on your site due to the hooded eye tutorial. I turned 69 at end of September. After entertaining myself with cute cat videos, I suddenly saw your video.
Sorry, I hit wrong button & sent this before finished. I’m impeded by arm (shoulder) pain in my dominant side due to avascular necrosis;so, I can empathize with you! Hope you’re feeling better! Anyhow, after watching that first video I decided...hey, I can up my game here and the Covid lockdowns give me the extra time now! Thank you! Best wishes!
Mr. Wayne. As an old-ish lady, new to the cosmetic industry, and a Mom to two boys ( in their 30,s), I literally have tears running down my cheeks. Can I please recommend that you read “The Four Agreements”? It has helped me in my life. I am, and I suspect you are part of a decreasing club of sensitives. You really need not explain to anyone how, or what you do with your money, time, relationships, or anything else for that matter. Keep on doing your thing. Am learning a lot from you!
Dude. You don’t have to explain yourself to ANYONE let alone someone who doesn’t know a thing about you or your life. I am very grateful for your videos and you’re doing a great job. Thank you.
Can't believe someone really said that!! You brought tears to my eyes, made me want to hug you. Sometimes we can feel like we are not good enough, and while we try, certain people pour their venom on us and bring us down. She is probably the one with issues with her self or in her life. Sad that she can't deal with them in a useful and healthy way. You are a sunshine, i mean it, it's great what you did for your mom and i'm sure you'll be able to do much more, not just for her, but for yourself as well. Meanwhile, I'm going to continue recommending your videos so we make you rich ;-) All the way from Argentina! María
Wayne, you are fabulous and honest and you do not have to explain or defend how and where you spend your hard-earned money. We love you, consider you to be successful and will continue to tune in to your videos for as long as you continue to produce them!
Wayne it's a shame that you have to explain yourself where your Mom is concerned. It's obvious that you love her and do your best by her. People who make hurtful comments obviously have serious issues of their own. Your personal life is no ones business but your own. Best response to someone like that BLOCK & DELETE!!! Then just let them stew. Wishing you boundless future success & your Mom is fortunate to have a Son that loves her. Which is all we Moms really want❤
Wayne I’m sure your Mum just wants you to succeed in your job, and a House is the last thing she’s thinking about, as a mother all I want is for my children to be happy. Love you Wayne x
It doesn't even need to be said but I will join with others in saying you shouldn't have had to explain yourself, however, seeing how much this really hurt your feelings will hopefully make anyone else who is ready to just cut someone to their core with their words, I hope they think twice. It's their bad karma to do that, especially to one TH-camr who is real, kind, and shares their endless expertise with us. For shame. But we love you, Wayne. Great tips on the concealer tricks. I need to employ them all! HAHAHAH!!!
As a mum the biggest thing we want is our kids to be happy and successful...you've nailed that Wayne in no way would your mum expect any material possessions from you she is your mum not your responsibility (no doubt she would feel exactly that way). People need to mind their own business especially when it comes to others finances!
Absolutely, and it would be interesting to know if this lady has purchased a home for her own mother, probably not. That’s one thing that’s really upsetting when it comes to people judging other people for what they do with their finances is it most often those people are not even following whatever they’re implying for the other person. For example, but I am actually blind and I live in Los Angeles and I actually get a lot of people who try to tell me that I should take public transportation when they themselves driving their own car and they would never even think of trying to manage with only public transportation here, and yet they’re so quick to try to tell me to take a bus and they’re not even considering my circumstances and how incredibly difficult that would be in most cases and how it’s important to be able to get a drop off at the actual locations of places, some people are just so eager to jump on another person
Wayne, I’d love my son to turn out to be a decent man like you. Your Mama must be very proud of you, and she must be one amazing woman, to have raised you so wonderfully! Lots of love to you both 😘
I bet your mom is so proud of the man you have become. I can tell you, as a mom, the way you talk about her and describe her as a person is probably the most important thing to her. You love her and that comes through, loud and clear, every time you mention her. Thank you for sharing your life with us and the tips.
Wow, the end of this broke my heart! Pls don't feel you need to explain your life to people who literally know nothing about it! Im sure your mum is very proud of you already, you seem like an amazingly kind person & I would love if my boys grow up to be as kind & gentle as you xxx ♥ xxxx
I really love you tips and tricks for dealing with more mature skin. There’s so many others makeup artists out there that show how makeup works for younger skin, but as you and I know your skin changes a lot over the years and the same techniques you used in your 20s don’t work anymore. I have tried so many of your suggestions before and being amazed by the results. As far as the comment from the woman, she had no right to attack you on such a personal level. What happens in your personal life is nothing to do with this woman. She had no right to judge you, is she so perfect?? You don’t have to explain yourself and I’m sure your mum is so proud of her hard working son. There are critics everywhere just live your life as best as you can and be proud of yourself and what you have achieved. I know it’s hard but try not let these people get to you. You are strong, you are beautiful and so kind and you have so many true followers you don’t need people like this in your life. Hugs and kisses Jessica.
Thank you explaining how the you tube process works. You are, by far, my favorite makeup artist on youtube. Not only for your techniques, but your positivity. I’m sure you make your mom proud everyday! My son does, and he never bought me a house either.
Oh darling. You bought your mum a mini?!! And you help her in other ways?! That is so, so incredibly generous and kind. Of course you did not have to do that. She's an adult and so are you. But it was so deeply caring and kind. Please hear me: I know it's difficult but you are doing all the right and good things. Please don't listen to people who have their own issues and who just want to inflict hurt onto others. I could be your mum and if I were, I'd consider myself the luckiest mum on earth. You're smart, funny, kind and just a lovely human, and that's the best any mum could hope for. XO.
Wayne, you are amazing at your craft and have a beautiful soul. The fact that you even wished you could buy your mom a house shows your mum how much you love her. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
You WERE blessed with good genes, thank you. You're intelligent, quirky, handsome, funny, thoughtful, hard working and a strong role model for women and men to embrace their looks and their inner beauty. It is time for you to take your own lessons seriously. That people find you sexy, 'delicious' and fabulous at what you do, an amazing make up artist and teacher. I hope you realise, deep down, how much you mean to us.
Absolutely! My mother used to tell me that when I was in Jr. High school. Sometimes kids that age can be so mean, and I was always very shy and sensitive. Some rotten little girl would say something to hurt my feelings, and my mother would always remind me.. That defines what SHE is.. The only person who can define what I am is ME.
Love these techniques Wayne and it drives me nuts when people THINK they know your business behind the scenes. Happens all the time. Keep being you. Hate that you feel that you need to feel you need to explain yourself.
I just came upon this video late last night. It touched my heart and rattled my soul. I know it's a number of years old now but I just had to say how profoundly honest, vulnerable and touching this was. I wanted to crawl through my lap top screen and hug you for days. Such authenticity and eloquence. What a beautiful soul you are, Wayne. What a loving, and caring son you are. Thank you for sharing your light with the world. Truly.
What a thoroughly mean thing to say to you. You’re such a wonderfully kind person. Your mother must be so proud of you. I’m old enough to be your mum and find you to be such a positive inspiration. You light up many of my days with your straightforwardness. Thank you sweetheart x
Great tips for this old girl. Wayne, that woman with the messed up comment must feel bad about herself. Don't let people like that get to you! I feel sorry for her. Maybe she's not feeling good about her own children's love or life choices she made. That's her problem, not yours. Good thoughts and prayer sent both your ways. ;-)
Karen Presley EXACTLY!!! Misery loves company!! If people would learn to look for the positive in situations, we wouldn't have so many rogue randoms trying to cut people down all the time to make themselves feel better.
Hi Wayne... I’ve been a viewer of yours for YEARS. I’ve never felt the need to comment on any of your videos before, I just watched, learned, and enjoyed them. With this video, i felt the need to comment...why? because Wayne your a wonderful being. You accomplished your dream of sharing your knowledge about beauty through makeup. Now your sharing your knowledge with your own brushes and makeup with the world. You really have done well. Enjoy your success. You may not be one of the million dollar youtube earners but that doesn’t matter. What matters is your growing your channel, your brand on your own will & money. Whatever your contributing to your family that’s your business not ours. You’ll come across some viewers who’s going to judge you, let them. It’s between you and your Mom❤️
I rarely comment but was so moved by this WG. You are so real and authentic, a quality rarely seen on YT nowadays. Thank you for being you and being your best self. Truly it means alot to us, the subscribers
You such a beautiful soul. Your Mom must be so proud to have you as her son. The house will come Wayne. I have faith that your makeup and brush line is going to do enormously well. Btw, I’ve also promised to buy my Mom a house years ago and she’s still waiting. It will happen. I have faith in us. Love you and keep the tips coming. Us older gals need all the help we can get. Love you buttercup
I love how ABSOLUTLY unassuming you are. You are one of the biggest youtubers but you dont act it. You are just very humble and you ACTUALLY give good tips and tricks
Wayne, you didn’t need to do this. You are obviously à genuinely nice and caring person. I have been hesitating buying brushes for myself and my youngest daughter - who loves wearing make-up - but this is now one of my New Year resolutions. I will be ordering some in 2023. Keep on giving Wayne; I have always lived with the belief that life is a circle and what you put in comes back around to you. I am an elderly woman with no material assets of my own but my wonderful, beloved children are my most precious assets and they are caring and loving in return. I am rich beyond all expectations. I am sure your mother feels the same way.
Wayne you are lovely, please don't feel that you have to justify yourself to anyone! How much money you make and how you spend it is nobody's business but your own. The 'lady' that posted that comment should be ashamed of herself! xx
Wayne you need not to explain to the world! The day the world pays your bills then you do meanwhile no one has the right to judge. Shame on them! Enjoy what you love! I'm pretty sure your mom is proud of her son!!!
I know that this is 2 years ago but I wanted to tell you that you really touched my heart with the way you speak about your mum! You ARE such a beautiful soul and I for one look to you for advice that I genuinely respect over any other TH-cam beauty expert!❤🙏
We got you. It upsets me that someone would be so bold, so rude, to comment on your personal life. It is your business what do you do with your money and your life. I watch your videos because of the content and how it is delivered. So I am open to any type of relationship, it is not my business and I don't make comments. Stay true to you and don't allow others to bring you down. You do what you can, when you can, and don't answer to anyone except yourself. Much love from Virginia, USA
Wayne I was so upset when I watched this,your a credit to your mum she must be soo proud of you and you should be proud of yourself ! Your an inspiration to the make up lovers of the world and a genuinely nice and kind person,that comment isn't worth the time it took to be written, stay strong and ignore the mindlessness of this individual your worth more x
You are a good person and a good son. Don't let anyone make you feel bad. You're amazing and I wish I lived in England so we could be best friends:) Most people don't think of others the way you do. I wish people were half as good as you are.
Oh, Wayne...we love you so much. You are inside out beautiful and always try to help us find that beauty within ourselves. This awful person, who felt so badly about herself that she had to spew her poisonous venom onto you, is a nothing. You are an amazing son! You are one of the most generous, honest and real people I've never met. There is no doubt in my mind that your mum is proud of the son you are. I wish I could shield you from all of the hate. Sending you love and squishy hugs from Indiana 😘
Wayne, your 3 year old videos ending was very touching and heartfelt. I could literally feel your emotions in my own chest. You were hurt by the unthoughtful comment, you have every right to reply, but remember you do not need to justify your life's choices to anyone. I've been watching your very helpful video's off & on since aging over 50, now 54 as make-up doesn't apply the same now and I'm now looking for better coverage and dealing with droopy-hooded eyes. I rarely comment on a video. After seeing this video and watching the ending I felt compelled to do so. I love your tips, how you present them, your honesty about our aging skin and your sense of humor and pride. I look forward to watching more of your videos! Your mum will love and appreciate you no matter what your bank account allows you to purchase. Hey, we all have goals, sometimes we reach them, sometimes we spend a bit (or more) time on the struggle-bus. Keep up the good work, keep on being your true self. fondly, Deanna, New Hampshire, USA
Honestly, when people make their nasty comments I think.."Mind your own business!!" This channel is wonderful! You are sharing your gift of knowledge, so wonderful!! Essentially, unless the person personally, fills up your bank accounts, they have no say. People like this just need to move on!! We have enough sourness, nastiness and hatefulness to contend with in this world! Its just enough!
Oh my Love! You are the most amazing Son! Your mum must be Soooo proud to have a passionate, talented, kind, hardworking, Son! Don’t ever doubt your self! you have a heart of gold! If anything you are so amazing and kind that watching your videos unfortunately can highlight (in a bad way) others who aren’t as kind and they can see they are not as true to self as you. Take it as a complement and if anything wish them well that they find peace in them. You are loved, and I’d be willing to bet my own house that your mom is so proud & honored to have such an amazing son.
My Dear Wayne, I’m SO SORRY that people are so awful!!! You don’t owe that jerk any details of what financial support you do for ANYONE! You are a beautiful soul, keep doing what you’re doing because WE LOVE IT 😍 ❣️❣️❣️🌟❤️🌟❤️🌟❤️
I am probably about the age of your mom. If she is anything like 99% of mothers, she would tell you that she doesn't want a house, or a this or that. What she wants is a relationship with her son. Time is the most precious gift of all. I am assuming you talk to your mom at least weekly, if not more. That means so much more than any physical gift, and she'd probably be the first person to tell you that. Don't bust yourself up trying to give her big gifts, she'd much rather that you took care of yourself and use some of your precious leisure time being with her. And if she's happy with you, who cares about what some nasty lady in outer Slobovia thinks anyway. Take care.
Amen, honey. As I have recently become an empty nester and a widow, I know where you are coming from. Mr. Wayne, sending much love and encouragement from South Carolina, USA
Dear Wayne, you don't need to justify anything to anyone. Subscribers are not supposed to judge you. You are awesome as you are, you teach lots of people so much, talking about your personal life helps to know you more, but can't be by any mean used against you. We are here to learn from you not to judge you, what you do is no one's business. Much love 💜🧡💛💚💙❤
That beyond rude and presumptuous commenter sounds like she is projecting her bitterness surrounding her own issues, with her own kid, onto you. You are beyond a lovely and generous human being for sharing all you do! I just found your channel but subscribed immediately after watching the first video and have been bingeing your content ever since. I don’t just watch your content because it’s chock full of incredibly useful tips, I watch because your authentic beautiful energy just shines through and lifts my own, every time! Thank you for your generosity!
Wayne I know how hard it is to run your own business. Whose who don't have no idea. They think money grows on trees. You use your creativity and brains to generate your income. You are an inspiration to us all. I wish you and your mum health and happiness. Good luck mate xx
Your mum drives a mini and she does not struggle anymore, that my friend is a million dollars to her, which I am sure of. You are kind and a good son. Keep your head up and continue to do you. Xoxo cheers!! Love loren
I hardly ever comment on your videos. But I enjoy everyone you post. And your the only one who's tips and tricks stick in my mind and I use daily. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your videos. You may not be in the TH-cam millionaires club. But your one in a million. Your mum will be proud with or with out the house.
You are a precious angel and inspiration to millions The fact that you were made to feel that you needed to explain anything just grieves my heart. As a mother myself, I would never want my children to feel the hurt that this made you feel by telling you that you are not enough or haven’t done enough. YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU are the gift to your mother as well as to the world. Thank you for all you do to inspire us and to help us to feel beautiful. It matters. Keep shining brilliantly.
We appreciate you, Wayne. You have put so much time and effort into helping regular people master makeup for years and years. Please keep up the good work.
I love your channel. Why??? Cos I'm 46, and as much as I love watching all these young people do makeup, sometimes, in fact, us older women need...different versions of "things." I can always count on your channel to give me stuff I can actually use in my life ❤❤❤
You have the biggest heart, Wayne! Some days people have nothing better to do but give other people pain. I’m sure your mum knows she is #1 in your heart. Big hug. Be well!
Hello Wayne...I know this video is 3 years old... Thank YOU for your GENEROSITY with all of us. Your parting comments were classy, beautiful and heartfelt. You're exactly right that we should always consider the deeper implications of someone else's life circumstances before making comments. You ARE ABSOLUTELY BETTER THAN GOOD ENOUGH!!! You are consistently gentle, kind, funny and caring...your light shines through in every video. I am grateful to have discovered you. Can't say thank you enough for YOU 💖💖💖💯‼
I’m 47 and had my one and only child at 35. She is TRULY the joy of my life. I want so much for her, good true friends, good health, wonderful adventures in life, profound love, earning $$ doing what she loves. I can tell you I NEVER had her with the hope or expectation she will someday buy me house or anything else for that matter. I’m not sure why that woman commented such an ugly admonishment towards you. My guess is she’s very unhappy in her life, perhaps her own off springs have been disappointments to her...who knows?🤔. Your turmoil over her comment only speaks to the profound love you have for your mother and how it haunts you that you physically can’t do more for her. I’m quite sure she’s over the moon with you and knowing how much joy you bring to so many people in this world. The sublime satisfaction she must feel when asked about herself and her family and she gets to say Wayne Goss....THE Wayne Goss, is her son. Yup, you’ve done the best job a child can do, you grew up and were true to yourself, you followed your heart and passions, you found success and respect within a field that is both artistic, technical and very competitive...and you THRIVED. What a gift you’ve given her...a life well lived. Bravo!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. Much love to you Wayne, always✨💖✨💖✨.
Omg Wayne my heart is breaking! How awful! I am so sorry you had to go through this but as I was reading the comments below I can see that you are very loved! None of us will ever please everyone. We will all have critics who feel they know your life better and how you should live it. Your mom is blessed and I am so glad she doesn't struggle anymore! I love you! Praying for you and mom and may God bless you both!
Wayne, you seem like a deep and kind person, full of love. Sorry that commenter hurt you, and your response tugged at my heart. As I tell my kids, when people are unkind, it says everything about them, and nothing about you. Sending love and grace to you, and thanks for all your help with my going-on 59 year old face! You’re a treasure!
I’m just seeing this tutorial for the first time. Wayne, I’d bet that your mom still can’t watch this video without bringing a tear to her eyes. Haters gonna hate. Shake it off. You are adding so much value to our lives and I have every confidence you’re going to follow those dreams. Love love love you.
I found you a little while ago and I’ve learnt so much from you. You’re a real professional. Don’t ever feel like you have to explain yourself, your income your sexuality or anything else to anybody. It’s sad that you found yourself feeling that you needed to. Chin up and onwards and upwards 😊
I recently started getting back into makeup, now that I’m in my thirties. I find your videos so helpful, focused and wonderful. You are so sweet to even address the nasty comment from someone who doesn’t even deserve your time. I hope you know that you have many people who love what you’re doing. You are a true professional. Keep doing amazing things!
You don’t deserve that kind of criticism or negativity. Her comment says far more about her than it does you. You’re a treasure, and what you teach us is invaluable. I’ve been applying makeup for over 50 years, yet you teach me something new and important in every video you post. It’s great to see you using “old school” angled sponges, small brushes, and powder puffs. Those are the tools I used when I first started applying makeup for modeling and then theatre, and they still work better for me than the popular big brushes and blenders. Seeing you using them validates my continued use, and that means so much to me. Thank you! Please keep doing what you do for us and know that you have far more supporters than you’ll ever have of critics. You truly are a treasure.
You're a doll, and I'm sure your Mom is overjoyed that she has a son like you! All a Mama wants from her kids is to know they care, and it sounds like you're doing a great job of showing her that. Bless you, Wayne!
The end of the vid brought tears to my eyes.. and it made me admire and love u more for how true and beautiful soul u are❤️ There’re always light and dark everywhere.. Whenever u feel down, I hope u’ll remember there’re also many ppl who truly support u from heart, we love the way you are and u don’t owe us any explanation how u live ur life. Love u!🤗❤️
I have always admired you, and after this video, I respect you even more. You are one of the few makeup artists I follow, because I only follow the best.
As a parent I can guarantee your Mum doesn’t want the house, she just wants you to be happy. My parents worked so hard and did without to try to give to me, yet all I want to do is be able to do well and give back to them now that they’re older 🙈 I bet she bloody loves her mini and is so proud of you!
I am SO glad your mama has a mini 😃 I am sure she is enjoying it immensely, probably telling everyone her son bought it for her, and you should be proud of yourself for that. Cuz you made her happy 😊
Wayne, we all love your genuineness, makeup tips and touch if humour. Im sorry someone lost their focus after watching your tutorials and left a personal jab at who and what you spend your hard earned money on. She was deflecting her misery on you. We love you, Wayne, no need to ever explain your love for your mom❤.
There are so many beautiful comments saying everything I could ever hope to. So I'll keep it short and simple. You are a gem and your genuine kindness and wonderful, cheeky sense of humour brighten my day. Thank you for being a sparkling ray of sunshine in a sometimes dreary dark world.
Wayne my mom lost her battle with cancer. I made a video around that topic and our family history with the disease so others wouldn't feel alone. In April I lost 80% of the sensation and use of my legs almost over night because developed Transverse Myelitis which causes paralysis. I shared this journey with my subscribers because it was therapeutic and again, I didn't want people going through this at any point in their lives to feel alone. I was hospitalized for about a month. During this time I received so many words of support and encouragement, but one subscriber said something like, "Why are you letting those doctors kill you like they killed your mother." I was shocked! How insensitive. But I thank God that as individuals we have the strength to navigate past such negativity. You are obviously a wonderful son who loves his mother. You're a great person who takes the time to share your knowledge, passion and skills through this platform. I did not need to justify to her my treatment or my mother's, just as you don't need to justify the ways in which you spend your money or have provided for your dear Mother. I thank God that you have the strength to navigate past such nastiness, and that you shared your experience here so others know we're not alone and dealing with such biting commentary. Sorry this is so long. But thank you.
NoLyeNapturallyMe I'm disabled, I won't go into it all as too many things are wrong!! I lost my Mum a year ago in November. On the way driving up to Scotland where I'm originally from, about 400 miles away. I got up half way, then slid on ice and totally wrote my car off, my son and me were ok though I was in shock. I couldn't get to my Mums funeral, even if I could have got a hire car between grief and shock I don't think I could have driven it. Since then my brother and sister no longer talk to me! Why are folk so cruel? I've just had my Achilles' tendon operated on and I'm stuck in bed because my other leg is not good enough to balance on. It's gave me lots of time to think, thank God I have met some good friends through the internet as we are ex army I know no one here. One thing, and it's so true, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family!! I hope you are doing well/better all the best xxxAnnxxx
+NoLyeNapturallyMe +Rachel Barker +Ann Littler +French Anthony +Allyson Sixx Costello +Angel Garza To each of you ladies in this comment thread: My heart goes out to you as I empathize with you and your respective medical circumstances and personal losses. I too became disabled by a couple of congenital, incurable, progressive medical conditions 12 years ago (in 2006) that I did not know I had until they seemingly exploded in my body, thereby affecting me from head to toe both inside and out and severely restricting and limiting me in my daily life. I have been mostly bedbound ever since. I had been a vibrant, athletic, thriving, successful career woman and lost it all when I lost my health. Additionally, I have since lost my bio-dad (in 2011) and my beloved dad (just last May 2017) who raised me since I was 6 yrs old. Now it is just my mom and me. We live together; and, because her health is poor and declining, we are like the blind leading the blind which, given our personalities, can often be quite funny but is also very difficult. My dad took such great care of us, and we are absolutely lost without him and his love, help, and care. You would think that people, especially friends and family, would be understanding and even sympathetic to such a confluence of unfortunate circumstances. But, alas, it has been a handful of the closest of “friends” and family members who have been and continue to be the most hurtful in their constant criticism, judgment, and outright condemnation of us. And that certainly takes its toll on us. It saddens me deeply to the point where I need to hide myself away under the covers and not speak or communicate with anyone from time to time. And afterwards-after I pull myself out of that funk and out from underneath the covers-the anger sets in towards those who said this or did that to hurt my mother and/or me. Why are people so cruel? Especially when it is so unnecessary?! Personally, it takes me far more energy to be mean to another person than it does for me to be kind, caring, and loving. I never leave YT comments. In fact, I think this is the first one I have ever posted. As such, I think it is important for you ladies to know that you are never alone in your struggles be they health related or otherwise. I, for one, hear you, feel for you, and will keep you in my prayers. And for YOU Wayne: What a lovely, sweet human being you are! I agree with what the other commenters are saying about you not owing anyone an explanation about how your finances work. Having said that, though, BLESS YOU for being so honest and transparent in sharing such personal details of your life, hopes, goals, and dreams. You ARE good enough as a son, and I am sure your mother is tremendously proud of you no matter what! And I am beyond grateful to have found you here on YT. (Also, an employee at a local Sephora store recommended you to me just a few weeks after I had already started watching your videos. I thought that was quite a nice endorsement for you!) I am a late bloomer when it comes to makeup, especially since I am unable to get out much. But sometimes a girl needs to feel pretty for a minute just to keep going. And so I am finally learning about makeup and how to apply it at the ripe, old age of about-to-be-48; although I am only 32 in my head (on a good day). Ha! ;) Wayne, you are the only YT MUA that makes any realistic sense to me and my almost-48-yr-old face and skin. I could not care less about how many followers I have or “likes” I get on social media. But I do want to look nice at my high school reunions and at holiday gatherings with my most special friends and the family members who have NOT criticized me and abandoned me because I and my life did not turn out the way they expected. Even I am horribly disappointed in myself for not living up to their and subsequently my own expectations for my life path. But some things are just outside of our own control. And I have learned to accept that (which, for me, is a daily and difficult decision) and to strive to find joy in this journey of mine that has taken so many unexpected twists and turns. There is so much to be learned from those twists and turns, and I have discovered some pretty wonderful things about myself that I would not have if my life was still the way it was before I became sick and disabled. Such things have taught me how to be a better friend and daughter, how to set and enforce healthy boundaries to push away and keep negative and toxic people out of my life, and how to listen more closely to others and discern what’s truly going on with them in between the layers of their lives and behind the many masks they wear (as we all wear). All of that helps me know how to better support and help them...if they let me...instead of constantly focusing solely on myself and my needs. I have learned that this life is not all about me. Rather, it is about OTHERS; it is about US; it is about “How can I help YOU? What can I do for YOU?”. As you have demonstrated here, Wayne, vulnerability begets vulnerability. Your humility and emotional honesty are bringing people together down here in the comments where we can share our own stories with one another in an effort to support, encourage, and lift each other up through our struggles and difficulties. And that is a beautiful thing to witness and be a part of! So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being your amazing self on camera and allowing us to see and know what you really think and how you really feel about what others say to you. Sorry for such a long comment. Everything you shared in this video and what these ladies shared in this comment thread deeply resonate with me, and I want each of you to know how much your individual honesty about your personal struggles have encouraged me and made ME feel not so alone in all that I am having to deal with in my life. Sometimes, it only takes a smile to save another person’s life. Thank you for your smile, Wayne! And, ladies, thank you for supporting one another! Smiles and support are contagious. Wishing ALL of you the very best... Cheers! ~Christina~ :)
Your mother did a good job raising a compassionate son. As a mom with compassionate kids, that’s meaningful and any material things you can give her are just highlighting your love for her. I’m sure she is proud of you 💜
Wayne, I sooo hope you see my comment. My Mom has dementia and hasn't worn anything but eye pencil and lipstick for years. Picture Mom and I, as well as my 64 lb dog all in Mom's bed with my phone turned sideways GLUED to your videos. GLUED! This morning there was Mom tap, tap, tapping moisturizer on her eyes and blending foundation. Maybe you couldn't buy your Mom a house but what you did for my Mom was Magic. Thank You Wayne. Thank You with all my heart :)
That is so sweet!! God bless you and your Mom!!
This made me cry. Truely shows that SOMEONE is always watching ! Be kind
Praise God!! I've read your comment so many times Sandra. I've imagined your Mom 'getting cuter' Lol! What a blessing!!
@@mindyedavenport6371 so true Mindy!!
I’m a mum, and I can assure you...there isn’t a house on earth that would mean as much to me, as just knowing what a beautiful human being the child I raised turned out to be. . She must be so incredibly proud,. I would be. ❤️😉
Spoken from the heart of a true mum! I am lucky enough to know exactly what you are talking about and I feel I am truly blessed.
I’m so sorry that someone as kind & selfless as you has found himself in a place where you’re feeling so offended that you want to explain how you spend your hard earned money. You owe that person or the public NOTHING Wayne & you certainly don’t need to defend your position. I’m quite sure your mother is very proud of the man you are & the integrity you live by. There’s no dollar amount that can be placed on that! I’m surely honored to be a part of your journey too! Sending lots of love from Connecticut, USA 🇺🇸 💚💜
Allyson Sixx Costello I couldn’t have said it better myself!!
Totally agree
Allyson Sixx Costello Well said!
Allyson Sixx Costello well said!
Joining you from Oregon, USA to encourage Wayne. Don't listen to haters Wayne. I really appreciate all you wonderful work you do here on TH-cam. You were the very first person I subscribed to here. Thank you for what you have taught me and continue to teach me 🙏💕
As a mother, I believe your mother is so incredibly proud of you. You do not owe an explanation to rude, hurtful people. God bless!
I am 47 and needed every single one of these tips! I love you Wayne.
I want to hug you through my screen. When someone gets at you, and really hurts your feelings, it can sting like nothing else. That just shows how passionate you are about your mother. Hurt people hurt other people. I hope she reads these comments and realizes what a turd she was. Stay passionate my friend!
Raquel Ruehl 👏🏼Great comment. So true ❤️
Raquel Ruehl same here lol 47y.o. n i hang just about on the edge of my seat awaiting his next post lol
For this woman to say such icky stuff smh to such a giving kinda guy smh .....
I totally agree. You´re the best here on youtube Wayne. And remember you are a great person and we love you so much. Nobody can´t change that. There is a lot of empty person who never show us their face but like to hurt sombody so much. Keep your head up. Once again we love you and your videos. You are such a smart person and nobody can change that, remember always. Big kiss from a polish girl from Spain for you and your mum Wayne.
Raquel Ruehl...great comment! I love you, too, Wayne! You are a beautiful soul and so talented. I really enjoy all your tips regarding makeup and skincare. I am 48 and can’t wait to try these concealer tips. Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Raquel Ruehl You’re 47 looking 27 from what I can see in your photo! Skin care details please!! Help a young woman out! I’m trying to be like you at 47!
My heart broke when I saw that glimmer of tears in his eyes 🙈ugh this man is so kind and yet what the Internet chooses to focus on, startles me. He's one of a kind and that's good enough for me.
Keshav Bajaj 👍❤
I felt the same.
Keshav Bajaj me too. Wayne is such a wonderful, kind man. I bet his mum is so, so proud of him.
I couldn't agree with you more! Mr Boss is one of a kind and should be cherished!
My dear child...speaking for all mothers everywhere, all your momma wants is for you to be happy. Cars and houses for her are very much secondary to that. Anyone who watches you for even a few minutes can tell you are a good person with a good heart. Hold your head high and remember your momma raised you with strength and dignity. Be proud of that.
As a mother, I second that.
As a mother I second that as well
As a mother, I second that as well.
I appreciate your words 😆❤️❤️
I'm sure your Mum would rather wait for a house (which is absolutely self-less of you) than have her son be a sell-out.
Don't ever have to explain yourself. That u care and teach us your tricks is amazing. Your momma and I as a momma are so proud of you.
I'm absolutely appalled that someone would think it was HER business how you spend your money. You didn't owe anyone an explanation, but once again you've poured your heart out for your followers...and that's one reason why I love watching you. You're genuine and kind, among a host of other adjectives, and you've made your mum proud!!! I hope that woman feels like shite now, but YOU should hold your head high! Here's a virtual hug from across the pond. 🤗🤗🤗
Wayne I found this really difficult to watch. NEVER feel like you’ve got to justify how you spend YOUR money. Some people will always try and hurt you in the most viscous way possible. They’re just mean spirited.
Being a mum myself, I can safely say that I appreciate my kids time and thoughtfulness much more than anything they could ever buy me. You sound like such a lovely son. I’m sure your mum wouldn’t care if you just bought her a lipstick. She’ll be super proud that you’re her son. Xxx
Pampered Wolf right! I actually cried! It did hurt to watch his pain and honestly I hope every person who enjoys leaving hate comments sees the last part of this video and realizes what they are doing to people when they do things that are that mean spirited. I literally wanted to jump through the screen and hug him so tight! What a nasty person to stoop so low.
Pampered Wolf you're 100% right👍❤
Beauty Shit With Noelle i cried too💔
Pampered Wolf Me too. I got really upset. It made my heart hurt. I hate bullies and that is exactly what that woman is, an internet troll bully. There was no need for her rude hurtful comments. No one deserves that. 😢
You are so right.
Wayne, darling, you are such a blessing. I'm so very sorry that anyone would ever be so rude to you, and I hurt for you and with you. You, Wayne, have helped turn my life around. You inspired me to start caring about myself again, to give a flip about my makeup again, and to try your tips to attempt to look better. When you gave me a shout out, you gave me the courage to believe in myself when I was at my absolute worst. I spent 10 months out of the 12 months of last year in physical therapy fighting to hold on to the ability to walk. I felt awful and looked worse. When you lose the ability to walk, nothing else matters and the last things you care about are your hair and makeup because the world casts you aside and starts looking at you differently - and ostracizes you and judges you. People can be quite cruel - I know that first hand from how I was treated while in a wheelchair. My heart hurt so badly and I sank so low. And then I discovered you. And you cared about women like me - any age, any size, any anything. I remember the very first video of yours I ever watched - the straight line method of eye shadow for hooded eyes. I tried it - and by golly it worked. And for the first time in years, this old broad felt pretty for a moment. I'm tearing up now. The point of my rambling is to say how proud your mum must be to have such a wonderful son - not because of a car, but because of his incredible heart and the joy he brings to the world, despite what Debbie Downer/Negative Nancy/Wendy Whiner had to say. I would be proud to be related to you. I would be proud to sweep the dust under your feet. And I hope that all of these comments will encourage you, just as have you have encouraged us, and that you will feel our love, just as we feel yours. You make an enormously positive difference in this world - you have in my life. I've lost 40 pounds now and still going. You played a part in that. I put my makeup on every day again now. You influenced that. I care about myself again - and YOU, my dear Wayne, have had a huge role in that. I'm sorry that woman hurt you. I'm also sorry that she is so damaged herself that she felt the need to lash out and be hurtful. I hope she finds peace. Please know that I am forever grateful to you for all you do and have done for me. Much love, with all my heart - Carla
2 Real Chicks what a beautiful comment. Wayne also has changed my life . After watching his tutorials I feel so much better, he really is a gem .
Well said - if you see this reply I hope Cindy is doing OK.
Thank you, Nicole. And hi, Cheryl. That's very sweet of you. I will pass along your kind words. Many thanks, ladies.
I love your heart, Carla. We have the same opinion of Wayne. He's a keeper!
Thank you, Reese. I hope Wayne sees all of the love being sent his way. ❤
I can’t believe you even feel you need to justify yourself, you are such a beautiful and kind soul that comment is just disgusting and hurtful. After this video I love you even more, you’re so incredibly sweet and seem so kind hearted and genuine! ❤️❤️❤️
You are lovely and do not need to explain yourself to anyone. We love you.
You are an amazing person and son!!
What you have with your mom let no one tarnish!
You are loved!❤️
Okay, first off “no ones falling for that shit” is the greatest comment ever! 2nd I’ve just discovered your channel. So I’m slowly making my way through your videos. 3rd this video broke my heart for you! You bought your Mom a car!!! I bet my yearly salary that your Mom is furiously proud of you. And not because you bought her a car! But because you are an amazing, considerate, loving, and compassionate person. This type of person should never have to “explain” their actions nor themselves to others. Just wanted you to know, even tho I’m kinda late to the game, that you have another person in your corner rooting for you! ❤️💕
I so agree with you and you can tell in his eyes how sad he is about it. I've just found Wayne to and he seems to be the most caring person ever.
Linda - He has close to 4 million subscribers !
Can you just imagine...
if his subscribers would donate one dollar every month !
Gosh ! He could easily collect over 4 million dollars every month !
ZMMC Clinic I love the way he tells it like it is.
Oooh, thank you for for wonderful Comment!
I'm German and I could not find so perfect and warm Words to explain my feelings! Bitte YOU did this for me and send IT to Wayne!
Wish you a wonderful Week and thank you once more for this lovely and fine Comment! 🍀😍💋💞👍
@@AlmaWells: OMG! 😮😩
Yes... If they would donate....
But they, means: WE don't do! 😊😏
He makes his Videos for NOTHING (IN THE BEGINNING!) !
And because he is so talented he got oder the Years 3.8 Millions of Subscribers! Yes!
But didn't you see, that he has not so many Promotions/Commercials in his Videos?
They are the interesting "Money-Point"!
Have a look to another Videos... 😏😫😫...OMG, every 2 Min. a Commercials/ Promotion-Video...
Wayne you truely are one of the last of the REAL makeup artists here on TH-cam. You are not only a beautiful person inside and out but a true gentleman with how you handled this. What you do in life is no ones business! The fact that such a rotten person felt the need to attack you like this speaks volumes about them in life and they shouod be ashamed of themselves. Breaks my heart that someone made you feel like this and I am so sorry you experienced this. Sending you lots of love. Xoxo
Lovely said and I honestly got a little upset myself the more I tough about it
Exactly. That's why I don't like most people. I'm grateful for the tutorials and advice. That's amazing.
How someone lives their life isn't my business or anyone else's.
Honestly (rage face now) nobody else has to buy things for work?
Because that's how it goes.
I need new boots and I have to go to physical therapy. That's buying things for work. _Crikey_
Wayne, I think you are the most highly regarded make up and beauty influencer. All of the other influencers speak of you and your products with reverence. You can’t get better praise than the praise that comes from your peers. You Rock!
This breaks my heart.. you're such a good man.. please don't allow this woman to hurt you. You are so loved..❤
"Never explain yourself. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it" xxx
Linda Passos Perfect advice 💗
Linda, this is a very good quote, so true🙂
Linda Passos I absolutely love how you put this!!!!🤣
Love this Linda... so true
So true. Can i tweet this?
I have 2 sons. I would rather have their love and care than anything material. You are a terrific person, therefore, a great son. I hope the Mini was a convertible. I have a 10 yr old convertible that makes me happy. I am positive your mother is grateful--don't listen to the naysayers. I am 70 years old and still wouldn't miss any of your vids. I don't even wear makeup much anymore. It is YOU with whom I love spending my time.:)
Wayne, don’t take what the ignorant trolls say, to heart. You’re helping us older women as well as young, to feel beautiful. You’re wanted on TH-cam more than you realize. You DON’T need to explain yourself. Thank you for your kindness and your good heart.😘❤️
As a mom of 5 (my oldest is 40) I would just like to say I think you are a wonderful son. As the mom of older children I would also like you to know that I am the proudest of them because they are good people. I am sure your mom would be the first to tell you that she loves you just because you are her son. It is really wonderful that you help her and that certainly shows how much you love her. Please don't ever let some outsider make you feel you are not doing enough for her because it is so obvious that you do love your mom and take very good care of her. As a parent of older children I certainly am grateful for their gifts but my greatest joy is knowing they are happy, healthy and pursuing their dreams. If you were to ask your mom I'm sure she would give you a hug and tell you the same thing or something very simular. Love your video's.
I’ve literally been watching you for YEARS even before I was able to properly put lipstick on myself and I’m extremely hurt and disgusted that someone would say something like that to you then feeling the need to defend yourself to a human being who literally knows nothing about you. You’re doing things for your mother that most cannot and you’ll be blessed for that. You’re spreading yourself to teach us artistry and technique rather than some trend! A lot of us understand your value and the great person you are! You gave your mom a mini and she doesn’t struggle, if you do nothing else for her you’ve done something great
You said it perfectly! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Hi! I’ve just discovered you & plan to catch up on your videos. Obviously I don’t know what everyone is commenting about but one thing I do know...a son’s love. My brilliant, wonderful son passed away in a freak accident 6 years ago on January 30.
Never underestimate unconditional love.
I clicked on your site due to the hooded eye tutorial. I turned 69 at end of September.
After entertaining myself with cute cat videos, I suddenly saw your video.
Sorry, I hit wrong button & sent this before finished. I’m impeded by arm (shoulder) pain in my dominant side due to avascular necrosis;so, I can empathize with you! Hope you’re feeling better! Anyhow, after watching that first video I decided...hey, I can up my game here and the Covid lockdowns give me the extra time now!
Thank you! Best wishes!
Mr. Wayne. As an old-ish lady, new to the cosmetic industry, and a Mom to two boys ( in their 30,s), I literally have tears running down my cheeks. Can I please recommend that you read “The Four Agreements”? It has helped me in my life. I am, and I suspect you are part of a decreasing club of sensitives. You really need not explain to anyone how, or what you do with your money, time, relationships, or anything else for that matter. Keep on doing your thing. Am learning a lot from you!
Dude. You don’t have to explain yourself to ANYONE let alone someone who doesn’t know a thing about you or your life. I am very grateful for your videos and you’re doing a great job. Thank you.
Can't believe someone really said that!! You brought tears to my eyes, made me want to hug you.
Sometimes we can feel like we are not good enough, and while we try, certain people pour their venom on us and bring us down.
She is probably the one with issues with her self or in her life. Sad that she can't deal with them in a useful and healthy way.
You are a sunshine, i mean it, it's great what you did for your mom and i'm sure you'll be able to do much more, not just for her, but for yourself as well.
Meanwhile, I'm going to continue recommending your videos so we make you rich ;-)
All the way from Argentina!
Wayne, you are fabulous and honest and you do not have to explain or defend how and where you spend your hard-earned money. We love you, consider you to be successful and will continue to tune in to your videos for as long as you continue to produce them!
Wayne it's a shame that you have to explain yourself where your Mom is concerned. It's obvious that you love her and do your best by her.
People who make hurtful comments obviously have serious issues of their own. Your personal life is no ones business but your own.
Best response to someone like that BLOCK & DELETE!!! Then just let them stew. Wishing you boundless future success & your Mom is fortunate to have a Son that loves her. Which is all we Moms really want❤
Wayne I’m sure your Mum just wants you to succeed in your job, and a House is the last thing she’s thinking about, as a mother all I want is for my children to be happy. Love you Wayne x
Thank you so much xx
"Don't be mental- no one's falling for that shit "- Love it 💗
Oh my goodness!!! Loved that… had me in stitches over here hahaha
That comment made me LOL 💜
It doesn't even need to be said but I will join with others in saying you shouldn't have had to explain yourself, however, seeing how much this really hurt your feelings will hopefully make anyone else who is ready to just cut someone to their core with their words, I hope they think twice. It's their bad karma to do that, especially to one TH-camr who is real, kind, and shares their endless expertise with us. For shame. But we love you, Wayne. Great tips on the concealer tricks. I need to employ them all! HAHAHAH!!!
I love how u r oh so real n u owe no one an explanation at all..keep being who u r..an awesome son..she probably know so too..💗
As a mum the biggest thing we want is our kids to be happy and successful...you've nailed that Wayne in no way would your mum expect any material possessions from you she is your mum not your responsibility (no doubt she would feel exactly that way). People need to mind their own business especially when it comes to others finances!
Absolutely spot on.
Absolutely, and it would be interesting to know if this lady has purchased a home for her own mother, probably not. That’s one thing that’s really upsetting when it comes to people judging other people for what they do with their finances is it most often those people are not even following whatever they’re implying for the other person. For example, but I am actually blind and I live in Los Angeles and I actually get a lot of people who try to tell me that I should take public transportation when they themselves driving their own car and they would never even think of trying to manage with only public transportation here, and yet they’re so quick to try to tell me to take a bus and they’re not even considering my circumstances and how incredibly difficult that would be in most cases and how it’s important to be able to get a drop off at the actual locations of places, some people are just so eager to jump on another person
I think everyone here knows how much you love your Mum Wayne! We love you 😘
We do!!!
Wayne, I’d love my son to turn out to be a decent man like you. Your Mama must be very proud of you, and she must be one amazing woman, to have raised you so wonderfully! Lots of love to you both 😘
I bet your mom is so proud of the man you have become. I can tell you, as a mom, the way you talk about her and describe her as a person is probably the most important thing to her. You love her and that comes through, loud and clear, every time you mention her. Thank you for sharing your life with us and the tips.
Wow, the end of this broke my heart! Pls don't feel you need to explain your life to people who literally know nothing about it! Im sure your mum is very proud of you already, you seem like an amazingly kind person & I would love if my boys grow up to be as kind & gentle as you xxx ♥ xxxx
I really love you tips and tricks for dealing with more mature skin. There’s so many others makeup artists out there that show how makeup works for younger skin, but as you and I know your skin changes a lot over the years and the same techniques you used in your 20s don’t work anymore. I have tried so many of your suggestions before and being amazed by the results. As far as the comment from the woman, she had no right to attack you on such a personal level. What happens in your personal life is nothing to do with this woman. She had no right to judge you, is she so perfect?? You don’t have to explain yourself and I’m sure your mum is so proud of her hard working son. There are critics everywhere just live your life as best as you can and be proud of yourself and what you have achieved. I know it’s hard but try not let these people get to you. You are strong, you are beautiful and so kind and you have so many true followers you don’t need people like this in your life. Hugs and kisses Jessica.
Thank you explaining how the you tube process works. You are, by far, my favorite makeup artist on youtube. Not only for your techniques, but your positivity. I’m sure you make your mom proud everyday! My son does, and he never bought me a house either.
Oh darling. You bought your mum a mini?!! And you help her in other ways?! That is so, so incredibly generous and kind. Of course you did not have to do that. She's an adult and so are you. But it was so deeply caring and kind. Please hear me: I know it's difficult but you are doing all the right and good things. Please don't listen to people who have their own issues and who just want to inflict hurt onto others.
I could be your mum and if I were, I'd consider myself the luckiest mum on earth. You're smart, funny, kind and just a lovely human, and that's the best any mum could hope for. XO.
Wayne, you are amazing at your craft and have a beautiful soul. The fact that you even wished you could buy your mom a house shows your mum how much you love her. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
You WERE blessed with good genes, thank you. You're intelligent, quirky, handsome, funny, thoughtful, hard working and a strong role model for women and men to embrace their looks and their inner beauty. It is time for you to take your own lessons seriously. That people find you sexy, 'delicious' and fabulous at what you do, an amazing make up artist and teacher. I hope you realise, deep down, how much you mean to us.
Well said, Claire!
I agree! Love Wayne, don’t ever feel the need to explain yourself to haters, you’re perfect as you are!
Claire Spicer AMEN!
It's mother's day today and as a mother I can safely say you're an awesome son and I hope my son grows up to be as talented and kind as you.
You don’t have to justify anything. You are a wonderful person with a kind heart with very helpful tutorials. Xxx
Her comment doesn't define you - it defines her. Your fantastic, just the way you are.💖
yes, you are fantastic
Shelley Walker that’s an amazing saying I’m going to keep that in mind thank you! Xx
Absolutely! My mother used to tell me that when I was in Jr. High school. Sometimes kids that age can be so mean, and I was always very shy and sensitive.
Some rotten little girl would say something to hurt my feelings, and my mother would always remind me.. That defines what SHE is.. The only person who can define what I am is ME.
Perfect 💗
Yess, so true! 😍👍
Love these techniques Wayne and it drives me nuts when people THINK they know your business behind the scenes. Happens all the time. Keep being you. Hate that you feel that you need to feel you need to explain yourself.
I just came upon this video late last night. It touched my heart and rattled my soul. I know it's a number of years old now but I just had to say how profoundly honest, vulnerable and touching this was. I wanted to crawl through my lap top screen and hug you for days. Such authenticity and eloquence. What a beautiful soul you are, Wayne. What a loving, and caring son you are. Thank you for sharing your light with the world. Truly.
What a thoroughly mean thing to say to you. You’re such a wonderfully kind person. Your mother must be so proud of you.
I’m old enough to be your mum and find you to be such a positive inspiration.
You light up many of my days with your straightforwardness.
Thank you sweetheart x
Great tips for this old girl. Wayne, that woman with the messed up comment must feel bad about herself. Don't let people like that get to you! I feel sorry for her. Maybe she's not feeling good about her own children's love or life choices she made. That's her problem, not yours. Good thoughts and prayer sent both your ways. ;-)
Karen Presley EXACTLY!!! Misery loves company!! If people would learn to look for the positive in situations, we wouldn't have so many rogue randoms trying to cut people down all the time to make themselves feel better.
Karen Presley agreed!
Do you do these steps before the foundation?
Karen Presley agreed👍👏❤
Hi Wayne... I’ve been a viewer of yours for YEARS. I’ve never felt the need to comment on any of your videos before, I just watched, learned, and enjoyed them. With this video, i felt the need to comment...why? because Wayne your a wonderful being. You accomplished your dream of sharing your knowledge about beauty through makeup. Now your sharing your knowledge with your own brushes and makeup with the world. You really have done well. Enjoy your success. You may not be one of the million dollar youtube earners but that doesn’t matter. What matters is your growing your channel, your brand on your own will & money. Whatever your contributing to your family that’s your business not ours. You’ll come across some viewers who’s going to judge you, let them. It’s between you and your Mom❤️
FamBlastic Fun I totally agree with this comment!
I rarely comment but was so moved by this WG. You are so real and authentic, a quality rarely seen on YT nowadays. Thank you for being you and being your best self. Truly it means alot to us, the subscribers
You such a beautiful soul. Your Mom must be so proud to have you as her son. The house will come Wayne. I have faith that your makeup and brush line is going to do enormously well. Btw, I’ve also promised to buy my Mom a house years ago and she’s still waiting. It will happen. I have faith in us. Love you and keep the tips coming. Us older gals need all the help we can get. Love you buttercup
I love how ABSOLUTLY unassuming you are. You are one of the biggest youtubers but you dont act it. You are just very humble and you ACTUALLY give good tips and tricks
Wayne you so shouldn’t have to justify yourself x please try to ignore the haters ❤️
Wayne, you didn’t need to do this. You are obviously à genuinely nice and caring person. I have been hesitating buying brushes for myself and my youngest daughter - who loves wearing make-up - but this is now one of my New Year resolutions. I will be ordering some in 2023.
Keep on giving Wayne; I have always lived with the belief that life is a circle and what you put in comes back around to you. I am an elderly woman with no material assets of my own but my wonderful, beloved children are my most precious assets and they are caring and loving in return. I am rich beyond all expectations. I am sure your mother feels the same way.
Wayne you are lovely, please don't feel that you have to justify yourself to anyone! How much money you make and how you spend it is nobody's business but your own. The 'lady' that posted that comment should be ashamed of herself! xx
As long as ur mum's happy, you're a good son Wayne. Huggs. ..
Wayne you need not to explain to the world! The day the world pays your bills then you do meanwhile no one has the right to judge. Shame on them! Enjoy what you love! I'm pretty sure your mom is proud of her son!!!
I know that this is 2 years ago but I wanted to tell you that you really touched my heart with the way you speak about your mum! You ARE such a beautiful soul and I for one look to you for advice that I genuinely respect over any other TH-cam beauty expert!❤🙏
We got you. It upsets me that someone would be so bold, so rude, to comment on your personal life. It is your business what do you do with your money and your life. I watch your videos because of the content and how it is delivered. So I am open to any type of relationship, it is not my business and I don't make comments. Stay true to you and don't allow others to bring you down. You do what you can, when you can, and don't answer to anyone except yourself. Much love from Virginia, USA
Wayne I was so upset when I watched this,your a credit to your mum she must be soo proud of you and you should be proud of yourself ! Your an inspiration to the make up lovers of the world and a genuinely nice and kind person,that comment isn't worth the time it took to be written, stay strong and ignore the mindlessness of this individual your worth more x
You are a good person and a good son. Don't let anyone make you feel bad. You're amazing and I wish I lived in England so we could be best friends:)
Most people don't think of others the way you do. I wish people were half as good as you are.
Oh, Wayne...we love you so much. You are inside out beautiful and always try to help us find that beauty within ourselves. This awful person, who felt so badly about herself that she had to spew her poisonous venom onto you, is a nothing. You are an amazing son! You are one of the most generous, honest and real people I've never met. There is no doubt in my mind that your mum is proud of the son you are. I wish I could shield you from all of the hate. Sending you love and squishy hugs from Indiana 😘
Wayne, your 3 year old videos ending was very touching and heartfelt. I could literally feel your emotions in my own chest. You were hurt by the unthoughtful comment, you have every right to reply, but remember you do not need to justify your life's choices to anyone. I've been watching your very helpful video's off & on since aging over 50, now 54 as make-up doesn't apply the same now and I'm now looking for better coverage and dealing with droopy-hooded eyes. I rarely comment on a video. After seeing this video and watching the ending I felt compelled to do so. I love your tips, how you present them, your honesty about our aging skin and your sense of humor and pride. I look forward to watching more of your videos! Your mum will love and appreciate you no matter what your bank account allows you to purchase. Hey, we all have goals, sometimes we reach them, sometimes we spend a bit (or more) time on the struggle-bus. Keep up the good work, keep on being your true self. fondly, Deanna, New Hampshire, USA
I tried these concealer tips and can I just tell you that my makeup looks 100% better! you're the best Thank You!
Honestly, when people make their nasty comments I think.."Mind your own business!!" This channel is wonderful! You are sharing your gift of knowledge, so wonderful!! Essentially, unless the person personally, fills up your bank accounts, they have no say. People like this just need to move on!! We have enough sourness, nastiness and hatefulness to contend with in this world! Its just enough!
Not just an amazing makeup artists and teacher your a amazing human being. I’m sure your mom is proud.
Oh my Love! You are the most amazing Son! Your mum must be Soooo proud to have a passionate, talented, kind, hardworking, Son! Don’t ever doubt your self! you have a heart of gold! If anything you are so amazing and kind that watching your videos unfortunately can highlight (in a bad way) others who aren’t as kind and they can see they are not as true to self as you. Take it as a complement and if anything wish them well that they find peace in them. You are loved, and I’d be willing to bet my own house that your mom is so proud & honored to have such an amazing son.
My Dear Wayne, I’m SO SORRY that people are so awful!!! You don’t owe that jerk any details of what financial support you do for ANYONE! You are a beautiful soul, keep doing what you’re doing because WE LOVE IT 😍 ❣️❣️❣️🌟❤️🌟❤️🌟❤️
"Don't be mental because no one is falling for that shit". Wayne is the best!
😂 ❣
lol Ikr... laughed at that one... made me like this video even more
I laughed out loud at that too.
Hilarious and true!
Well that's beautiful. Speech-wise, life-wise. You're a good dude, Wayne. God bless.
It’s clear how much you love your mom and how proud she must be of you and your kind heart♥️
I am probably about the age of your mom. If she is anything like 99% of mothers, she would tell you that she doesn't want a house, or a this or that. What she wants is a relationship with her son. Time is the most precious gift of all. I am assuming you talk to your mom at least weekly, if not more. That means so much more than any physical gift, and she'd probably be the first person to tell you that. Don't bust yourself up trying to give her big gifts, she'd much rather that you took care of yourself and use some of your precious leisure time being with her. And if she's happy with you, who cares about what some nasty lady in outer Slobovia thinks anyway. Take care.
Amen, honey. As I have recently become an empty nester and a widow, I know where you are coming from. Mr. Wayne, sending much love and encouragement from South Carolina, USA
Dear Wayne, you don't need to justify anything to anyone. Subscribers are not supposed to judge you. You are awesome as you are, you teach lots of people so much, talking about your personal life helps to know you more, but can't be by any mean used against you. We are here to learn from you not to judge you, what you do is no one's business.
Much love 💜🧡💛💚💙❤
The concealing tricks you shared are EXACTLY the ones you’ve taught me over the years & I use them every single day! They’ve been invaluable! 😊🙏🏼💚
That beyond rude and presumptuous commenter sounds like she is projecting her bitterness surrounding her own issues, with her own kid, onto you. You are beyond a lovely and generous human being for sharing all you do! I just found your channel but subscribed immediately after watching the first video and have been bingeing your content ever since. I don’t just watch your content because it’s chock full of incredibly useful tips, I watch because your authentic beautiful energy just shines through and lifts my own, every time! Thank you for your generosity!
Wayne I know how hard it is to run your own business. Whose who don't have no idea. They think money grows on trees. You use your creativity and brains to generate your income. You are an inspiration to us all. I wish you and your mum health and happiness. Good luck mate xx
Your mum drives a mini and she does not struggle anymore, that my friend is a million dollars to her, which I am sure of. You are kind and a good son. Keep your head up and continue to do you. Xoxo cheers!! Love loren
I hardly ever comment on your videos. But I enjoy everyone you post. And your the only one who's tips and tricks stick in my mind and I use daily. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your videos. You may not be in the TH-cam millionaires club. But your one in a million. Your mum will be proud with or with out the house.
You are a precious angel and inspiration to millions
The fact that you were made to feel that you needed to explain anything just grieves my heart. As a mother myself, I would never want my children to feel the hurt that this made you feel by telling you that you are not enough or haven’t done enough. YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU are the gift to your mother as well as to the world. Thank you for all you do to inspire us and to help us to feel beautiful. It matters. Keep shining brilliantly.
We appreciate you, Wayne. You have put so much time and effort into helping regular people master makeup for years and years. Please keep up the good work.
I love your channel. Why??? Cos I'm 46, and as much as I love watching all these young people do makeup, sometimes, in fact, us older women need...different versions of "things." I can always count on your channel to give me stuff I can actually use in my life ❤❤❤
You have the biggest heart, Wayne! Some days people have nothing better to do but give other people pain. I’m sure your mum knows she is #1 in your heart. Big hug. Be well!
Hello Wayne...I know this video is 3 years old... Thank YOU for your GENEROSITY with all of us. Your parting comments were classy, beautiful and heartfelt. You're exactly right that we should always consider the deeper implications of someone else's life circumstances before making comments. You ARE ABSOLUTELY BETTER THAN GOOD ENOUGH!!! You are consistently gentle, kind, funny and caring...your light shines through in every video. I am grateful to have discovered you. Can't say thank you enough for YOU 💖💖💖💯‼
I’m 47 and had my one and only child at 35. She is TRULY the joy of my life. I want so much for her, good true friends, good health, wonderful adventures in life, profound love, earning $$ doing what she loves. I can tell you I NEVER had her with the hope or expectation she will someday buy me house or anything else for that matter. I’m not sure why that woman commented such an ugly admonishment towards you. My guess is she’s very unhappy in her life, perhaps her own off springs have been disappointments to her...who knows?🤔. Your turmoil over her comment only speaks to the profound love you have for your mother and how it haunts you that you physically can’t do more for her. I’m quite sure she’s over the moon with you and knowing how much joy you bring to so many people in this world. The sublime satisfaction she must feel when asked about herself and her family and she gets to say Wayne Goss....THE Wayne Goss, is her son. Yup, you’ve done the best job a child can do, you grew up and were true to yourself, you followed your heart and passions, you found success and respect within a field that is both artistic, technical and very competitive...and you THRIVED. What a gift you’ve given her...a life well lived. Bravo!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. Much love to you Wayne, always✨💖✨💖✨.
Omg Wayne my heart is breaking! How awful! I am so sorry you had to go through this but as I was reading the comments below I can see that you are very loved! None of us will ever please everyone. We will all have critics who feel they know your life better and how you should live it. Your mom is blessed and I am so glad she doesn't struggle anymore! I love you! Praying for you and mom and may God bless you both!
Wayne, you seem like a deep and kind person, full of love. Sorry that commenter hurt you, and your response tugged at my heart. As I tell my kids, when people are unkind, it says everything about them, and nothing about you. Sending love and grace to you, and thanks for all your help with my going-on 59 year old face! You’re a treasure!
I’m just seeing this tutorial for the first time. Wayne, I’d bet that your mom still can’t watch this video without bringing a tear to her eyes. Haters gonna hate. Shake it off. You are adding so much value to our lives and I have every confidence you’re going to follow those dreams. Love love love you.
I found you a little while ago and I’ve learnt so much from you. You’re a real professional. Don’t ever feel like you have to explain yourself, your income your sexuality or anything else to anybody. It’s sad that you found yourself feeling that you needed to. Chin up and onwards and upwards 😊
I recently started getting back into makeup, now that I’m in my thirties. I find your videos so helpful, focused and wonderful. You are so sweet to even address the nasty comment from someone who doesn’t even deserve your time. I hope you know that you have many people who love what you’re doing. You are a true professional. Keep doing amazing things!
Your mum knows you love her and she will be so proud. Ignore the negativity you are doing the best you can and I am grateful for all your tips x
You don’t deserve that kind of criticism or negativity. Her comment says far more about her than it does you. You’re a treasure, and what you teach us is invaluable. I’ve been applying makeup for over 50 years, yet you teach me something new and important in every video you post. It’s great to see you using “old school” angled sponges, small brushes, and powder puffs. Those are the tools I used when I first started applying makeup for modeling and then theatre, and they still work better for me than the popular big brushes and blenders. Seeing you using them validates my continued use, and that means so much to me. Thank you! Please keep doing what you do for us and know that you have far more supporters than you’ll ever have of critics. You truly are a treasure.
You're a doll, and I'm sure your Mom is overjoyed that she has a son like you! All a Mama wants from her kids is to know they care, and it sounds like you're doing a great job of showing her that. Bless you, Wayne!
The end of the vid brought tears to my eyes.. and it made me admire and love u more for how true and beautiful soul u are❤️ There’re always light and dark everywhere.. Whenever u feel down, I hope u’ll remember there’re also many ppl who truly support u from heart, we love the way you are and u don’t owe us any explanation how u live ur life. Love u!🤗❤️
Don’t know how ANYONE could be mean to such a kind lovely man 😢 words fail me.
Keep up the great work Wayne 😘x
wow. ok. so.. for the first half of the video i laughed so much i just wanted to say again "i just love you, now more"
I have always admired you, and after this video, I respect you even more. You are one of the few makeup artists I follow, because I only follow the best.
As a parent I can guarantee your Mum doesn’t want the house, she just wants you to be happy. My parents worked so hard and did without to try to give to me, yet all I want to do is be able to do well and give back to them now that they’re older 🙈 I bet she bloody loves her mini and is so proud of you!
I am SO glad your mama has a mini 😃 I am sure she is enjoying it immensely, probably telling everyone her son bought it for her, and you should be proud of yourself for that. Cuz you made her happy 😊
Wayne, we all love your genuineness, makeup tips and touch if humour. Im sorry someone lost their focus after watching your tutorials and left a personal jab at who and what you spend your hard earned money on. She was deflecting her misery on you. We love you, Wayne, no need to ever explain your love for your mom❤.
There are so many beautiful comments saying everything I could ever hope to. So I'll keep it short and simple. You are a gem and your genuine kindness and wonderful, cheeky sense of humour brighten my day. Thank you for being a sparkling ray of sunshine in a sometimes dreary dark world.
Wayne my mom lost her battle with cancer. I made a video around that topic and our family history with the disease so others wouldn't feel alone. In April I lost 80% of the sensation and use of my legs almost over night because developed Transverse Myelitis which causes paralysis. I shared this journey with my subscribers because it was therapeutic and again, I didn't want people going through this at any point in their lives to feel alone. I was hospitalized for about a month. During this time I received so many words of support and encouragement, but one subscriber said something like, "Why are you letting those doctors kill you like they killed your mother." I was shocked! How insensitive. But I thank God that as individuals we have the strength to navigate past such negativity. You are obviously a wonderful son who loves his mother. You're a great person who takes the time to share your knowledge, passion and skills through this platform. I did not need to justify to her my treatment or my mother's, just as you don't need to justify the ways in which you spend your money or have provided for your dear Mother. I thank God that you have the strength to navigate past such nastiness, and that you shared your experience here so others know we're not alone and dealing with such biting commentary. Sorry this is so long. But thank you.
I am so sorry for your loss! I pray you find comfort and may God bless you.
Well said sweet lady!! I pray for healing and endurance for you and thank you for sharing with us as well. God bless and take great care of you :D
NoLyeNapturallyMe I'm disabled, I won't go into it all as too many things are wrong!! I lost my Mum a year ago in November. On the way driving up to Scotland where I'm originally from, about 400 miles away. I got up half way, then slid on ice and totally wrote my car off, my son and me were ok though I was in shock. I couldn't get to my Mums funeral, even if I could have got a hire car between grief and shock I don't think I could have driven it. Since then my brother and sister no longer talk to me! Why are folk so cruel? I've just had my Achilles' tendon operated on and I'm stuck in bed because my other leg is not good enough to balance on. It's gave me lots of time to think, thank God I have met some good friends through the internet as we are ex army I know no one here. One thing, and it's so true, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family!! I hope you are doing well/better all the best xxxAnnxxx
+NoLyeNapturallyMe +Rachel Barker +Ann Littler +French Anthony +Allyson Sixx Costello +Angel Garza
To each of you ladies in this comment thread: My heart goes out to you as I empathize with you and your respective medical circumstances and personal losses. I too became disabled by a couple of congenital, incurable, progressive medical conditions 12 years ago (in 2006) that I did not know I had until they seemingly exploded in my body, thereby affecting me from head to toe both inside and out and severely restricting and limiting me in my daily life. I have been mostly bedbound ever since. I had been a vibrant, athletic, thriving, successful career woman and lost it all when I lost my health.
Additionally, I have since lost my bio-dad (in 2011) and my beloved dad (just last May 2017) who raised me since I was 6 yrs old. Now it is just my mom and me. We live together; and, because her health is poor and declining, we are like the blind leading the blind which, given our personalities, can often be quite funny but is also very difficult. My dad took such great care of us, and we are absolutely lost without him and his love, help, and care.
You would think that people, especially friends and family, would be understanding and even sympathetic to such a confluence of unfortunate circumstances. But, alas, it has been a handful of the closest of “friends” and family members who have been and continue to be the most hurtful in their constant criticism, judgment, and outright condemnation of us. And that certainly takes its toll on us. It saddens me deeply to the point where I need to hide myself away under the covers and not speak or communicate with anyone from time to time. And afterwards-after I pull myself out of that funk and out from underneath the covers-the anger sets in towards those who said this or did that to hurt my mother and/or me. Why are people so cruel? Especially when it is so unnecessary?! Personally, it takes me far more energy to be mean to another person than it does for me to be kind, caring, and loving.
I never leave YT comments. In fact, I think this is the first one I have ever posted. As such, I think it is important for you ladies to know that you are never alone in your struggles be they health related or otherwise. I, for one, hear you, feel for you, and will keep you in my prayers.
And for YOU Wayne: What a lovely, sweet human being you are! I agree with what the other commenters are saying about you not owing anyone an explanation about how your finances work. Having said that, though, BLESS YOU for being so honest and transparent in sharing such personal details of your life, hopes, goals, and dreams. You ARE good enough as a son, and I am sure your mother is tremendously proud of you no matter what!
And I am beyond grateful to have found you here on YT. (Also, an employee at a local Sephora store recommended you to me just a few weeks after I had already started watching your videos. I thought that was quite a nice endorsement for you!) I am a late bloomer when it comes to makeup, especially since I am unable to get out much. But sometimes a girl needs to feel pretty for a minute just to keep going. And so I am finally learning about makeup and how to apply it at the ripe, old age of about-to-be-48; although I am only 32 in my head (on a good day). Ha! ;)
Wayne, you are the only YT MUA that makes any realistic sense to me and my almost-48-yr-old face and skin. I could not care less about how many followers I have or “likes” I get on social media. But I do want to look nice at my high school reunions and at holiday gatherings with my most special friends and the family members who have NOT criticized me and abandoned me because I and my life did not turn out the way they expected. Even I am horribly disappointed in myself for not living up to their and subsequently my own expectations for my life path.
But some things are just outside of our own control. And I have learned to accept that (which, for me, is a daily and difficult decision) and to strive to find joy in this journey of mine that has taken so many unexpected twists and turns. There is so much to be learned from those twists and turns, and I have discovered some pretty wonderful things about myself that I would not have if my life was still the way it was before I became sick and disabled.
Such things have taught me how to be a better friend and daughter, how to set and enforce healthy boundaries to push away and keep negative and toxic people out of my life, and how to listen more closely to others and discern what’s truly going on with them in between the layers of their lives and behind the many masks they wear (as we all wear). All of that helps me know how to better support and help them...if they let me...instead of constantly focusing solely on myself and my needs. I have learned that this life is not all about me. Rather, it is about OTHERS; it is about US; it is about “How can I help YOU? What can I do for YOU?”.
As you have demonstrated here, Wayne, vulnerability begets vulnerability. Your humility and emotional honesty are bringing people together down here in the comments where we can share our own stories with one another in an effort to support, encourage, and lift each other up through our struggles and difficulties. And that is a beautiful thing to witness and be a part of! So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being your amazing self on camera and allowing us to see and know what you really think and how you really feel about what others say to you.
Sorry for such a long comment. Everything you shared in this video and what these ladies shared in this comment thread deeply resonate with me, and I want each of you to know how much your individual honesty about your personal struggles have encouraged me and made ME feel not so alone in all that I am having to deal with in my life.
Sometimes, it only takes a smile to save another person’s life. Thank you for your smile, Wayne! And, ladies, thank you for supporting one another! Smiles and support are contagious. Wishing ALL of you the very best... Cheers! ~Christina~ :)
NOBODY and i mean NOBODY does tutorials/tricks better than you Wayne. Its that simple.xxx
Your mother did a good job raising a compassionate son. As a mom with compassionate kids, that’s meaningful and any material things you can give her are just highlighting your love for her. I’m sure she is proud of you 💜