My black and white boy Oreo is also a connoisseur of boxes. I put a box like Pongo's box on a chair in a sunny spot by our patio door. I call it Oreo's LA-Z-CAT chair. He spends many hours in his box on his chair watching cat tv through the glass door. He often stands by the door and meows to me, asking me to set up his chair.
My black and white boy Oreo is also a connoisseur of boxes. I put a box like Pongo's box on a chair in a sunny spot by our patio door. I call it Oreo's LA-Z-CAT chair. He spends many hours in his box on his chair watching cat tv through the glass door. He often stands by the door and meows to me, asking me to set up his chair.
Hi Pongo So cute and adorable. Thank you for sharing. ❤😊
If it fits, I sits!❤ Such a sweetheart.
Aww, those beautiful eyes and that little rosebud nose!!! 😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Aaaaw, adorable! 🥰 Such a sweet face. And his expressions are paw-riceless. 😄
He looks so completely happy laying in his box. What a sweet cat!❤❤
Qué mirada tan dulce! 😻🩷