DUDE IN TC YOU ALWAYS SAY "always bet on melee!" I FOLLOWED YOUR ADVICE AND GOT... da capo. Someone else replied with "DO YOU NEED TUBE?", so i of course answered "yes". He re-rolled his items (oofed himself), and he got Earth Tome. It's not the Noob Tube, but it can spawn trees, which act like players and count as K I L L S for da capo, smile, real knife, and a buncha otha upgradable weapons. So we started grinding together for kills, and i reached 1st Movement, and we saw a SMILE ON OUR SAME TEAM! Smile AND Da Capo??? This has to be too good to be true! i though to myself, but it didn't last for long... When we reached the statue on the bridge, and i had 2nd Movement, and he had Merged, he was knocked off the bridge by a Bible guy. R.I.P. smile. :( Luckily, i didn't fall off, and we captured the statue VERY fast. I reached AAAAAAAAALLL the way over to the statue in the bar, but that was then... my *WORST NIGHTMARE APPEARED!* It was the fact that i was playing on a WINDOWS 8.1 COMPUTER! Lag suddenly kicked in, and i started getting shot at by a spinbot. Not only that, but a distressed red ball person was also there! Not on my team. I tried to kill them with da capo, but i *didnt notice my HP.* Ouch. Long story short, always bet on melee, but never charge against someone if they have good ranged that are either spammable, or deal a significant amount of damage. Another time in TC i was a defender. And immediately, I spawned with Assailant, APC, and The Button. You know what the button does, right? You know what the apc does, right? I thought "HOLY SHIT", and my first kill i got almost immediately. I got my button to charge all the way up to 326.4 damage dealt out of 825. Not far, but you know, there was still over 200 seconds left. It was then, i saw it. A spinbot. My god. I've lost good sets to spinbots two times now. Can you believe it? Moral of the story: If you get something good, and youre not a youtuber, its too good to be true, and it will end up getting you killed because you think you can handle it with your setup.
79 views and 39 minutes, channel in decline🗿
new video pog
bro cooked
You should try rule + misery + dead
loadouts are random
DUDE IN TC YOU ALWAYS SAY "always bet on melee!" I FOLLOWED YOUR ADVICE AND GOT... da capo. Someone else replied with "DO YOU NEED TUBE?", so i of course answered "yes". He re-rolled his items (oofed himself), and he got Earth Tome. It's not the Noob Tube, but it can spawn trees, which act like players and count as K I L L S for da capo, smile, real knife, and a buncha otha upgradable weapons. So we started grinding together for kills, and i reached 1st Movement, and we saw a SMILE ON OUR SAME TEAM! Smile AND Da Capo??? This has to be too good to be true! i though to myself, but it didn't last for long... When we reached the statue on the bridge, and i had 2nd Movement, and he had Merged, he was knocked off the bridge by a Bible guy. R.I.P. smile. :( Luckily, i didn't fall off, and we captured the statue VERY fast. I reached AAAAAAAAALLL the way over to the statue in the bar, but that was then... my *WORST NIGHTMARE APPEARED!* It was the fact that i was playing on a WINDOWS 8.1 COMPUTER! Lag suddenly kicked in, and i started getting shot at by a spinbot. Not only that, but a distressed red ball person was also there! Not on my team. I tried to kill them with da capo, but i *didnt notice my HP.* Ouch. Long story short, always bet on melee, but never charge against someone if they have good ranged that are either spammable, or deal a significant amount of damage. Another time in TC i was a defender. And immediately, I spawned with Assailant, APC, and The Button. You know what the button does, right? You know what the apc does, right? I thought "HOLY SHIT", and my first kill i got almost immediately. I got my button to charge all the way up to 326.4 damage dealt out of 825. Not far, but you know, there was still over 200 seconds left. It was then, i saw it. A spinbot. My god. I've lost good sets to spinbots two times now. Can you believe it? Moral of the story: If you get something good, and youre not a youtuber, its too good to be true, and it will end up getting you killed because you think you can handle it with your setup.