Does the Existence of Evil Exculpate God As the Cause of the Universe?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 35

  • @ronniehenwood8580
    @ronniehenwood8580 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Man I just love the way Wallace teaches. I have been learning from him for years, and I rarely comment, but the way he puts things together is just the best.

  • @mcdfood
    @mcdfood 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Love our video’s brother! Keep up the good work! It’s refreshing to encounter good apologies on these complex topics...

  • @TheHalusis
    @TheHalusis ปีที่แล้ว +4

    before i watch I know the answer. he wants us to learn and experience IT and we also learn we reap what we sow, its important to know this or we will never understand or appreciate the gift of life. It grieves him but satisfy s him, he can bind all things and erase the past, dont worry Trust in him

  • @allysondoerfler2435
    @allysondoerfler2435 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    WE allow it. Each person has a free will to conduct their lives as they choose.

    • @KayNolte
      @KayNolte 7 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @driverlkqtruck423
    @driverlkqtruck423 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Great knowledge about this that all Christian's need it. ,

  • @adzster4761
    @adzster4761 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Is there somewhere I can get this entire talk from start to finish? I'm hoping to show my Dad the evidence from beginning to end in one sitting, one source. J W Wallace - I'm so thankful for everything you provide. You helped me tremendously with my journey/decision to give my life to Christ 😊

    • @ColdCaseChristianity
      @ColdCaseChristianity  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      So great to hear about your decision! Here is the entire talk:

  • @kvanniekerk3792
    @kvanniekerk3792 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Anyone who makes the claim that God does not exist because He allows evil must first consider their own existence in the light of that claim. Since God does not call any human being good, that would mean that they are then also inherently evil and so become part of the problem. Should God do what they insist He should do to prove His existence? This would require Him to rid the world of ALL humans then. Does He begin with the person making this claim? Or is He in fact gracious and merciful by letting even evil people live? God's grace is not because of mankind. It is in spite of mankind.

  • @BigWes
    @BigWes 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I’m ashamed to admit the SpongeBob font in the thumbnail is what actually made me click on this video 😂😅
    Good stuff tho

  • @crushedforme
    @crushedforme ปีที่แล้ว

    I really like how you explain things. This argument for the existence of God is amazing! Thank you, Mr. Wallace. I have learned a lot from your books and videos! May God bless you and your ministry!

  • @renzelkamuro3815
    @renzelkamuro3815 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    If one calls certain things evil and certain things good on what moral compass do they base their statements? In court there is a law on which judgement is based to deliver punishment unto those who violate it, we call that justice. God will do the same thing, He will justify those who except Jesus as one who paid bail for their crimes, those who reject him will be cast into Hell forever and that is justice.

  • @ginemclaurin632
    @ginemclaurin632 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Soo True.

  • @justincameron9661
    @justincameron9661 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great video. Very informative

  • @christopherbuckenhamphotog368
    @christopherbuckenhamphotog368 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wow this is amazeing

  • @ChrisGuthrie-e5l
    @ChrisGuthrie-e5l 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have often sometimes thought, how do i know that God has not shown himself to me before my earthly life, or during my deep sleep, perhaps he appeals to me mightky trying to persuade me with his love. Maybe i've has inumerable chances before!

  • @victorcm5635
    @victorcm5635 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much! for this videos

  • @AnarchyThirtySeven
    @AnarchyThirtySeven 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ISAIAH 45:7

  • @ginemclaurin632
    @ginemclaurin632 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6


    • @ColdCaseChristianity
      @ColdCaseChristianity  4 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @ginemclaurin632
      @ginemclaurin632 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      My parents are Theologians, I think you would make two new friends if you called them.

  • @enriquemoure2739
    @enriquemoure2739 ปีที่แล้ว

    the foreknowledge of God. Though it is a subject which no finite creature can fully comprehend, yet it is possible to understand what relates to us as to avoid those rocks of presumption on which multitudes have been shipwrecked. The foreknowledge of God is never spoken of in reference to Himself, but in reference to us: in Him properly there is neither foreknowledge nor after knowledge. Omniscience, or the power to know all things, is an attribute of God, and exists in Him as omnipotence, or the power to do all things. He can do whatsoever He wills; and He does whatsoever is proper to be done. God cannot have foreknowledge, strictly speaking, because this would suppose that there was something coming, in what we call futurity, which had not yet arrived at the presence of the Deity. Neither can He have any after knowledge, strictly speaking, for this would suppose that something that had taken place, in what we call past time, had now got beyond the presence of the Deity. As God exists in eternity, so He is equally every where: nothing can be future to Him, because He lives in all futurity; nothing can be past to Him, because He equally exists in all past time; futurity and preterity are relative terms to us; but they can have no relation to that God Who dwells in every point of eternity; with whom all that is past, and all that is present, and all that is future to man, exists in one infinite, indivisible, and eternal Now. As God's omnipotence implies His power to do all things, so God's omniscience implies His power to know all things; but we must take heed that we meddle not with the infinite free agency of this Eternal Being. Though God can do all things, He does not all things. Infinite judgment directs the operations of His power, so that though He can, yet He does not do all things, but only such things as are proper to be done. In what is called illimitable space, He can make millions of millions of systems; but He does not see proper to do this. He can destroy the solar system, but He does not do it: He can fashion and order, in endless variety, all the different beings which now exist, whether material, animal, or intellectual; but He does not do this, because He does not see it proper to be done. Therefore it does not follow that, because God can do all things, therefore He must do all things. God is omniscient, and can know all things; but does it follow from this that He must know all things? Is He not as free in the volitions of His wisdom, as He is in the volitions of His power? The contingent as absolute, or the absolute as contingent? GOD HAS ORDAINED some things as absolutely certain; these He knows as absolutely certain. He has ordained other things as contingent; these He knows as contingent. It would be absurd to say that He foreknows a thing as only contingent which He has made absolutely certain. And it would be as absurd to say that He foreknows a thing to be absolutely certain which in HIS ETERNAL COUNSEL He has made contingent. By absolutely certain, I mean a thing which must be, in that order, time, place, and form in which Divine wisdom has ordained it to be; and that it can be no otherwise than His infinite counsel has ordained. By contingent, I mean such things AS THE INFINITE WISDOM OF GOD HAS THOUGHT IT PROPER TO ALLOW ON THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING OR NOT BEING, LEAVING IT TO THE WILL OF INTELLIGENT BEINGS TO DECIDE THE OUTCOME. CONTINGENCIES ARE POSSIBILITIES, IN THE MIDST OF SUCECSSION OF EVENTS, AS THE INFINITE WISDOM OF GOD HAS LEFT IT OPEN TO THE FREE WILL OF INTELLIGENT BEINGS TO DETERMINE WHETHER AN EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE OR NOT. To deny this would involve the most palpable contradictions, and the most monstrous absurdities. If there be no such things as contingencies in the world, then every thing is fixed and determined by an unalterable decree and purpose of God; and not only all free agency is destroyed, but all agency of every kind, except that of the Creator Himself; for on this ground God is the only operator, either in time or eternity: all created beings are only instruments, and do nothing but as impelled and acted upon by this Almighty Agent. Consequently, every act is His own; for if He has purposed them all as absolutely certain, having nothing contingent in them, then He has ordained them to be so; and if no contingency, then no free agency, and God alone is the sole actor. Hence the blasphemous, though, from the premises, fair conclusion, that God is the author of all the evil and sin that are in the world. Now, allowing the existence of contingency in human actions, (and it must be allowed in order to avoid the above absurdities and blasphemies), then we see every intelligent creature accountable for his own works, and for the use it makes of the power with which God has endued him; and, to grant all this consistently, we must also grant that God foresees nothing as absolutely and inevitably certain which He has made contingent; and, because He has designed it to be contingent, therefore He cannot know it as absolutely and inevitably certain. I conclude that God, although omniscient, is not obliged, in consequence of this, to know all that He can know; no more than He is obliged, because He is omnipotent, to do all that He can do.
    Adam Clarke

  • @sanmateoflights
    @sanmateoflights ปีที่แล้ว

    Praise Jesus

  • @daddada2984
    @daddada2984 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @melleetheka
    @melleetheka 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Epicures wasn’t so deep….

  • @steveh572
    @steveh572 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Anyone have a link to the full talk?

  • @connievk7
    @connievk7 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for this... question though, how would you talk to someone who believes that God shouldn't have given us free will? They argue that if we don't have free will, we couldn't choose to do things that are wrong or evil. They believe in God they just believe that He is wrong to give us free will if He'll judge us for wrong decisions we make. :(

    • @ermacsmith3709
      @ermacsmith3709 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      In my humble opinion, free will was given to people so they can choose to love or not love God.
      Free will is not just to do evil deeds it also able to do good things.
      If we don't have free will we will be like robots. Any Lord or Master who doesn't implement free will to his servants or people are fascist or totalitarian.

    • @cabletelcontar5440
      @cabletelcontar5440 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ermacsmith3709 I will edit your statement by saying
      Free will was given so that we can choose to love God. Just that it is an unfortunately inevitable consequence of that ability that we can also choose not to love God.

  • @Sparrowlee_
    @Sparrowlee_ ปีที่แล้ว

    This video is frue. Evil is also evil because God calls it evil. He says there are different degrees of evil here on earth because He cares about our time on earth, resulting in different degrees of punishment and consequences.
    But the eternal evil of not accepting His Son’s as our Savior is across the board damnable!