Couple honest questions: 1. The fellowships that I’ve seen around the southeast US use Halloween to draw in the pagans and lost and declare the Gospel. Surely you’re not saying that because the church is open that the act of assembling is idolatry? Surely Christ will put all His enemies under His feet as His bride and Body take back from the pagans, and declare the Gospel 2. Would you say the sin is the intent of glorifying evil, not putting on a costume and consuming candy? After all my 7 year old still wears her princess outfit around the house for dress up randomly. Sometimes the neighbors give her candy because she’s a sweet girl. I wouldn’t think Christ would see that as the offense? The offense would be glorifying evil. 3. Wouldn’t a Sunday Christian be the same as a Messianic believer? Worshipping on the Lord’s Day (because our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus was risen on Sunday) is observed in the first century. In Him we have our Sabbath rest right? I think it was Igneatius that speaks about the early church assembling on the Lord’s Day?
Halloween has no redeeming quality at all. It celebrates demons and worships death. The only proper stance for a church that claims to believe in Yeshua is to abstain and teach people the truth. The first century Christians kept Sabbath and learned Moses in the synagogue. While the words Christ and Messiah are interchangeable, the distinction is a Messianic believer believes the whole bible and lives as Messiah and the Apostles did.
31 October, 1991 changed my life forever.
Couple honest questions:
1. The fellowships that I’ve seen around the southeast US use Halloween to draw in the pagans and lost and declare the Gospel. Surely you’re not saying that because the church is open that the act of assembling is idolatry? Surely Christ will put all His enemies under His feet as His bride and Body take back from the pagans, and declare the Gospel
2. Would you say the sin is the intent of glorifying evil, not putting on a costume and consuming candy? After all my 7 year old still wears her princess outfit around the house for dress up randomly. Sometimes the neighbors give her candy because she’s a sweet girl. I wouldn’t think Christ would see that as the offense?
The offense would be glorifying evil.
3. Wouldn’t a Sunday Christian be the same as a Messianic believer? Worshipping on the Lord’s Day (because our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus was risen on Sunday) is observed in the first century. In Him we have our Sabbath rest right? I think it was Igneatius that speaks about the early church assembling on the Lord’s Day?
Halloween has no redeeming quality at all. It celebrates demons and worships death. The only proper stance for a church that claims to believe in Yeshua is to abstain and teach people the truth.
The first century Christians kept Sabbath and learned Moses in the synagogue. While the words Christ and Messiah are interchangeable, the distinction is a Messianic believer believes the whole bible and lives as Messiah and the Apostles did.