A great writing style in which prose is like poetry. It’s certainly an eye-opening read in which the female role in the Rastafarian faith is presented. It’s also clear that practices vary from family to family and the one unifying symbol is Haile Selassie and the disdain for Babylon.
A wonderful discussion. I am now reading the book and it is beautiful - especially to me as a Caribbean woman.
Yes! Its the UK cover that caught my attention😊
Gifted ❤
A great writing style in which prose is like poetry.
It’s certainly an eye-opening read in which the female role in the Rastafarian faith is presented. It’s also clear that practices vary from family to family and the one unifying symbol is Haile Selassie and the disdain for Babylon.
I would love it if she is able to meet up Chimamanda Ngozi, the Nigerian writer.