Blagoglasna pesem Slovenskega okteta ima v moji duši posebno mesto. Leta 1976 sem jih slučajno poslušal na koncertu v atriju Kneževega dvorca v Dubrovniku sredi poletja. Vsem, ki smo bili tam, so stopile solze v oči, a bili smo nabrani iz vsega sveta. Lepa slovenska narodna in zborovska pesem v vseh njenih oblikah je pravi glasnik naše kulture in to je nujno negovati tudi v današnjih dneh video igric in mobitelov.
Paradise strings, zadonite, echo from heaven! Words angelically hit to the ground and sing: Glory be to the highest, glory be to God; and peace to the people in the lowlands let tonight dew! He heard a sweet melody they are shepherds that night; find the Child and Mary and the love of God's power; knelt devotedly, faithfully and prayed to Jesus, matured in spirit immeasurably the glory of the Eternal Son. A mild secret is kept, the Son of God is born in her; it arises in the souls of the faithful Child of the Blessed Night. Happiness is immeasurable to the human race: sweet manna is being prepared to the heart, faithful to God. More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information Send feedback Side panels
Blagoglasna pesem Slovenskega okteta ima v moji duši posebno mesto. Leta 1976 sem jih slučajno poslušal na koncertu v atriju Kneževega dvorca v Dubrovniku sredi poletja. Vsem, ki smo bili tam, so stopile solze v oči, a bili smo nabrani iz vsega sveta. Lepa slovenska narodna in zborovska pesem v vseh njenih oblikah je pravi glasnik naše kulture in to je nujno negovati tudi v današnjih dneh video igric in mobitelov.
Paradise strings, zadonite,
echo from heaven!
Words angelically hit
to the ground and sing:
Glory be to the highest,
glory be to God;
and peace to the people in the lowlands
let tonight dew!
He heard a sweet melody
they are shepherds that night;
find the Child and Mary
and the love of God's power;
knelt devotedly, faithfully
and prayed to Jesus,
matured in spirit immeasurably
the glory of the Eternal Son.
A mild secret is kept,
the Son of God is born in her;
it arises in the souls of the faithful
Child of the Blessed Night.
Happiness is immeasurable
to the human race:
sweet manna is being prepared
to the heart, faithful to God.
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