Outseal will be my first choice to quickly get things going with Arduino Nano, But then OpenPLC supports lots of other microcontroller boards. And the new Arduino code extension has increased its possibility beyond normal PLC operations.
I have another question. I bought an OP320 HMI, also using the link you recommended. Is it possible to use OpenPLC and OP320 HMI under Modbus RTU? If so, would you make some examples about it? Greetings again!😀!
Hi Onos: I checked out the openPLC editor, I can see that it is possible to create several programs in different languages in the same project. Would you please make a video on how to create a program (main) and activate secondary programs in the same project? Greetings!😀!
Здравствуйте! Я могу приобрести у Вас эту плату с доставкой в мою страну. Я нахожусь в России. Сколько будет стоить эта плата в рублях с доставкой в мою страну и возможно ли доставка?
Sir im using win10 until this day , why it can't work with the ch340 nano??
As usual very helpful and informative. Thanks
My pleasure!
Be good to see what can be done with open PLC and if it’s as versatile as FLprog?
Nice tutorial, OpenPLC with display in coming tutorials?
Thanks for creating very useful and educational content to those who are DIY PLC applications. Which one do you prefer, OUTSEAL or OpenPLC?
Outseal will be my first choice to quickly get things going with Arduino Nano, But then OpenPLC supports lots of other microcontroller boards. And the new Arduino code extension has increased its possibility beyond normal PLC operations.
how can i download the english version of boutseal software ?
It is the same, you just need to select the English Language option
@@OnosTech ok
Nice vídeo 🤙
Control de velocidad de motores con openplc por favor.
Saludos desde Colombia.
I have another question. I bought an OP320 HMI, also using the link you recommended.
Is it possible to use OpenPLC and OP320 HMI under Modbus RTU?
If so, would you make some examples about it?
Greetings again!😀!
I would have loved to but my OP320 HMI COM port was damaged long ago and I am yet to get another one
Hi Onos:
I checked out the openPLC editor, I can see that it is possible to create several programs in different languages in the same project.
Would you please make a video on how to create a program (main) and activate secondary programs in the same project?
btw, Would you be so kind enough to make some examples using arduino Nano, OpenPLC and Modbus RTU Scada?
Thanks in advance!
Please help me......🙏🙏🙏🙏
Give me a Ldmicro analog video.
Just analog to digital proper video.
Look how convenient OpenPLC is. if we were to do this on arduino IDE, we'd have to write a shitton of code which we have absolutely no idea of.
It's awesome! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Здравствуйте! Я могу приобрести у Вас эту плату с доставкой в мою страну. Я нахожусь в России. Сколько будет стоить эта плата в рублях с доставкой в мою страну и возможно ли доставка?
J R Electrokits Arduino Nano PLC Purchase Link
@@OnosTech Нет а в наличии. Когда будет в наличии?
@@antonsviridchenko2454 hi, now it is available