Please consider helping others in the comments. We all start somewhere. ****Important Time Saving Info & Notes**** Fallout 4 Playlist : *TUTORIAL NAVIGATION* ------------------------------ 0:17 *Introduction* 0:19 What is Fallout 4 Texture Optimization Project 1:09 High Resolution Texture Pack 1:39 Why do I have to do this? 2:05 *Prerequisites* 2:06 Fallout 4 Creation Kit 2:35 WinRAR or 7zip 2:40 *Setup* 2:42 Downloading TOPs 3:10 Folder Creation 4:18 .ba2 backups 5:16 *Texture Optimization* 5:18 Unpack .ba2 5:51 Optimize Textures 6:35 Repack ba2 7:19 Clear Folder 7:48 *Final Notes* 7:50 Non-Replacer .ba2 8:08 Loose Files 8:40 Delete Backups 8:57 *Thank You's and References* *NOTES* ------------ *On Screen Annotations* -TH-cam removed the ability to create new ones as of May 2, 2017. Old ones were to remain functional. Recently many of my annotations are linking improper times and I can't fix them due to TH-cam. My only option is to remove on screen notations. Please use the Time Stamps above (or in the description) to navigate the video. *Forward Slashes not Back Slashes* I said the wrong thing verbally but I show it correctly in the video. Thank you Tim. *Hi Res DLC:* -Still doesn't work w/T.O.P. as of 7/20/17 *.ba2 Files to be optimized:* -DLCCoast - Textures.ba2 -DLCNukaWorld - Textures.ba2 -DLCRobot - Textures.ba2 -DLCWorkshop01 - Textures.ba2 -DLCWorkshop02 - Textures.ba2 -DLCWorkshop03 - Textures.ba2 -Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2 -Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2 -Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2 -Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2 -Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2 -Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2 -Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2 *PowerShell:* -Stop using it! =) A lot of people say it doesn't work. Use CMD as the video shows. I have windows 10. I have CMD. Search CMD on your system. *Archive2 Crashing?* -Try placing the work folders and Archive2 on the same drive and restart your PC. -Terminus Lord -Try Re-validating game files. A large portion were corrupted. -Mad0racle *Command Window:* -robocopy C:\Users\\Desktop\Working\2 C:\Users\\Desktop\Working\1 /s /xl *TOPs .bat file created by Shambles1980TRealOne* -I haven't tried it but I've heard positive things = ) This should help to streamline the process. Feel free to check it out: *Curious about file sizes?* -Watch Hill shared his testing with me. Results are below in this comment thread. *TOPs .bat file created by Lu5ck:* -Helps to speed up and automate the process. He has posted in the comments but I have copied and pasted it as a reply to THIS pinned comment below. I have not tried it out (as many of you who know me know that I'm already jumping into the next tutorial) but feel free to check it out = ) *Alternate CMD window procedure by McCracken:* -For those who don't use the mouse much or prefer a secondary approach check the replies to this pinned comment. *Bobby Pins via Shambles1980TRealOne:* -Are black instead of Bronze. *Share* and help us grow. =) -Michael
-via Lu5ck "First, you need to create two folders which are "OriginalBa2" and "PatchedFiles". Then, put the original .ba2 textures files into "OriginalBa2" and TOP "textures" folder into "PatchedFiles". Then, copy and paste the following batch commanders into a notepad and save as run.bat file. Then, put all the folders and .bat file into the same folder as "Archive2.exe" and finally execute the run.bat, wait for profit. ------------------------------------- @echo off mkdir WorkingFiles mkdir PatchedBa2 for /F "delims=|" %%f in ('dir /s/b "OriginalBa2")' DO ( Archive2.exe "%%~dpnxf" -e="WorkingFiles" robocopy PatchedFiles WorkingFiles /s /xl Archive2.exe "%cd%\WorkingFiles\textures" -f=DDS -c="%cd%\PatchedBa2\%%~nxf" -r="%cd%\WorkingFiles" rmdir /s /q WorkingFiles mkdir WorkingFiles ) rmdir /s /q WorkingFiles echo All Done! Move the new .ba2 from PatchedBa2 into the Data folder! pause ------------------------------------- For those who are confident or simply don't have a lot of disk space thus wanting to delete the original .ba2 files immediately after it is patched, you can add del after mkdir like this ------------------------------------- rmdir /s /q WorkingFiles mkdir WorkingFiles del /q %%~dpnxf } ------------------------------------- Alternatively, to those who are super confused with whatever I typed here can download the provided .bat file and folders from!edFzFCpa!juFova_UdcWWvU29xkwTI8IgAodpK40NaDCFww7kEjo and extract them to the same folder as "Archive2.exe"."
-via Abdullah McCracken "While the Drag and Drop to CMD window works it's sometimes easier / quicker to type the start of the folder name and press tab to auto fill the rest of the current folder name. This is especially faster if like me you will often navigate windows using only the keyboard (I generally am all or nothing with mice i.e. I will use the mouse exclusively if not typing anything or I will use the Keyboard exclusively) as a general rule I tend to only use the mouse in games or when not doing any typing at all after logging in (such as watching you tube and not planning to comment / watching netflix, etc... Conversely if I am typing at all I use only keyboard and ignore the mouse) Using the paths in your video at 6:23 this would work as Such: (note the non-letter key presses are parenthesised so pressing the tab key is written {Tab} and the Space bar {Space} robo{Tab}{Space}C:\U{Tab}\G{Tab}\D{Tab}\W{Tab}\2{Space}C:\U{Tab}\G{Tab}\D{Tab}\W{Tab}\1{Space}/s{Space}/xl{Enter} note if a folder (root or otherwise) has multiple folders starting with the same letters you type as many letters of that folder as needed until it becomes unique."
-via Watch Hill So, during my trials of optimizing my FO4 textures, I was constantly paranoid I was totally screwing things up. To set myself at ease, I made a sheet showing the differences of the sizes of each .ba2 file unpacked and packed. This let me see the actual progress and proved to myself I was doing it right. I thought you might like to have those numbers either as a personal curiosity or to put with the video to help other people see the differences. I'm pretty sure everyone would have the same results (at least until the mod is updated) so it should be helpful to everyone. I could be wrong though. Just figured I'd give it to you and let you do what you will with it. DLCCoast - Textures.ba2 Vanilla Data Folder 1,304,426,000 DLCCoast - Textures Vanilla File 2,776,386,172 DLCCoast - Textures Optimized File 2,025,955,196 DLCCoast - Textures.ba2 Optimized Data Folder 930,623,000 DLCNukaWorld - Textures.ba2 Vanilla Data Folder 2,293,509,000 DLCNukaWorld - Textures Vanilla File 3,976,985,292 DLCNukaWorld - Textures Optimized File 2,127,649,004 DLCNukaWorld - Textures.ba2 Optimized Data Folder 1,285,798,000 DLCRobot - Textures.ba2 Vanilla Data Folder 213,448,000 DLCRobot - Textures Vanilla File 365,104,892 DLCRobot - Textures Optimized File 267,936,812 DLCRobot - Textures.ba2 Optimized Data Folder 174,074,000 DLCworkshop01 - Textures.ba2 Vanilla Data Folder 22,691,000 DLCworkshop01 - Textures Vanilla File 47,551,208 DLCworkshop01 - Textures Optimized File 41,259,752 DLCworkshop01 - Textures.ba2 Optimized Data Folder 22,233,000 DLCworkshop02 - Textures Vanilla Data Folder 165,183,000 DLCworkshop02 - Textures Vanilla File 292,801,172 DLCworkshop02 - Textures Optimized File 122,232,836 DLCworkshop02 - Textures Optimized Data Folder 70,972,000 DLCworkshop03 - Textures Vanilla Data Folder 203,598,000 DLCworkshop03 - Textures Vanilla File 349,380,484 DLCworkshop03 - Textures Optimized File 120,790,916 DLCworkshop03 - Textures Optimized Data Folder 71,028,000 Fallout4 - Textures1 Vanilla Data Folder 2,640,240,000 Fallout4 - Textures1 Vanilla File 4,283,897,708 Fallout4 - Textures1 Optimizes File 2,070,673,964 Fallout4 - Textures1 Optimized Data Folder 1,211,852,000 Fallout4 - Textures2 Vanilla Data Folder 2,354,131,000 Fallout4 - Textures2 Vanilla File 3,904,311,368 Fallout4 - Textures2 Optimized File 2,310,675,632 Fallout4 - Textures2 Optimized Data Folder 1,375,264,000 Fallout4 - Textures3 Vanilla Data Folder 2,051,840,000 Fallout4 - Textures3 Vanilla File 3,419,866,766 Fallout4 - Textures3 Optimized File 2,104,278,200 Fallout4 - Textures3 Optimized Data Folder 1,223,638,000 Fallout4 - Textures4 Vanilla Data Folder 1,953,114,000 Fallout4 - Textures4 Vanilla File 3,388,109,572 Fallout4 - Textures4 Optimized File 2,179,388,708 Fallout4 - Textures4 Optimized Data Folder 1,200,485,000 Fallout4 - Textures5 Vanilla Data Folder 1,917,742,000 Fallout4 - Textures5 Vanilla File 3,412,905,568 Fallout4 - Textures5 Optimized File 2,003,862,472 Fallout4 - Textures5 Optimized Data Folder 1,151,589,000 Fallout4 - Textures6 Vanilla Data Folder 1,350,446,000 Fallout4 - Textures6 Vanilla File 2,565,187,332 Fallout4 - Textures6 Optimized File 1,739,436,674 Fallout4 - Textures6 Optimized Data Folder 865,456,000 Fallout4 - Textures7 Vanilla Data Folder 533,164,000 Fallout4 - Textures7 Vanilla File 1,237,517,520 Fallout4 - Textures7 Optimized File 1,237,517,520 Fallout4 - Textures7 Optimized Data Folder 533,164,000 Fallout4 - Textures9 Vanilla Data Folder 844,263,000 Fallout4 - Textures9 Vanilla File 1,547,749,348 Fallout4 - Textures9 Optimized File 1,260,265,020 Fallout4 - Textures9 Optimized Data Folder 662,009,000 Total Optimized Textures Folder as ba2 11,638,005,837 Total Vanilla Textures Folder as ba2 18,878,310,598 Total Vanilla Unpacked Folder 31,567,754,402 Total Optimized Unpacked Folder 19,611,922,706 Total Unpacked Savings 11,955,831,696 [[[robocopy C:\Users\Watch\Desktop\working\2 C:\Users\Watch\Desktop\working\1 /s /xl]]] Moved textures from mod to desktop/working/2 Extracted Vanilla Textures to desktop/working/1 Clicked in "working" folder blank space and then "Shift"+"R Click" Chose "Open Command Window Here". In CMD window, [Robocopy][space][drag folder 2 into cmd window][space][drag folder 1 into cmd window] [space][/s][space][/xl][enter] (Each set of brackets represents an action) If your folders are named "1" and "2", you can copy and paste the line in treble brackets above. Optimized Textures vs Vanilla Textures.txt Open with Google Docs Displaying Optimized Textures vs Vanilla Textures.txt.
I was pretty intimidated by this mod and the installation process. I watched you video a few times over to make sure I got every step. After watching again for the second file I felt confident enough to not need it for the 3rd and on. Thank you so much for this step by step guide.
It came in handy again when I had to redo it. :P When I loaded up the game I saw a lot of missing purple textures. Since this is a texture mod I figured I'd uninstall the ones I already have and then reinstall them after this optimization. That was a mistake. To fix it I deleted the modded .bat2 files and replaced them with the copies I made of the original ones. I revalidated the game and apparently was missing one file, though I'm not sure which one and not sure how. I reinstalled all my texture mods and then ran TOP again. NOW it runs beautifully and saw 10-20 fps INCREASE in the downtown area with all my other texture mods. If it wasn't for how simple and straightforward this guide was I would have never attempted it but thanks again!
Awesome stuff man = ) and thank you for sharing what you did. If I was at my pc I would add your comment to the pinned comment to help some. Hopefully I remember it when I get back to doing things after the 4th and I'll add it. -Michael
What memories... A couple of years ago I had resorted to this video to complete the downgrade, and now I'm back again to play F4 for the third time. Thanks for the video, it's very easy to accomplish thanks to your effective way of teaching.
I'll admit I was getting a little nervous towards the end, hoping like mad I didn't forget anything. I accidentally robocopy'd the first archive twice since it went so fast. I didn't see the "wall of text" until the later, bigger files. I got confused thinking I did something wrong, watched the vid about 30 times, scrutinized your dialog in the video like CSI Miami, and did it again anyway. Maybe even three times. It wasn't until after I got the hang of it I started to worry about the first archive. I would've been pissed off into the next dimension, lol. I got pretty good at robocopy tho. Went up a couple levels, ha!
You've helped me to install numerous Skyrim mods that were way over my head and you've done it again Michael! Thanks so much for your awesome tutorials! Without you the modding community would be far worse off :)
man your guides are PERFECT you say everything needed and everything is managed and on top of that you say all that with a voice that can sooth even dragons thank you so much i wish every guide video was like yours
Really clear and useful guide on how to do this! After a couple files, it's a very straight-forward process even thought it takes some time. Navigating back to the fallout 4 data folder is the most tedious part of it all, and can be overcome with a shortcut. Sick guide, thanks
@@cool_aid8254 Really crappy and old pc. 8gb of ddr5 ram, 1gb vram radeon r7 graphics apu. Although it helped immensely, Boston area is really unplayable, barely reaching 8 fps.
I have a good pc, not a high end, but is fine. full amd rysen 16gb w/ RX 580 8vram. However, I have a low-end brain, took me 4 hours to make all the process... too much weed in my life, I kept forgetting what I was doing, had to re-watch the optimization process step over and over for each texture, then stop for a while, refresh my thoughts, and keep going. Don't do drugs, melts your neurons. I feel like my brain is an old celeron with 1gb of ram and 254mg of vram.
this guy knows how to make an install guide every single step was vary clear vary easy to understand everything that you have to click on was highlighted amazing you could not know how to open you're web browser and be able to do this because he made it just that easy for you with this video good job man
Haha lots of people get them mixed up, it's okay. The way I remember is that a forward slash leans to the right, and we read from left to right, and most people are right handed...and the forward slash is most common (e.g. in web addresses, in place of "or", etc.) The backslash is pretty much only used in computer programming. It's kind of a reject. How sad
I did optimized all of the files, went to check me game, and some of the textures were purple. Did I miss a file, or did I do something wrong? I'm confus. Edit: Wait, never mind. I did miss a file. I'm keeping this comment here just in case anyone has the same problem as me
GamerPoets, thank you so much! I don't know how much time it would take if not your's video! All works great, and it's 7 GB difference between before optimization and after, it's almost a half of weight! Before, weight of all textures was around 17 GB and now it's around 10 GB. I need to say thanks to mod's author too :)
Had texture color issues on a few things after installing the mod using the instructions in this video, but eventually got it to work after deleting the modded texture files, replacing them with the vanilla backups, and then reinstalling the mod using the BAT. File Installer that the mod author linked in the "Posts" section of his mod page. Now everything is working great and much smoother. I can finally stop worrying about installing an ENB or War of the Commonwealth later and causing the game to stutter. But I still wouldn't have been able to figure anything out if it wasn't for this and the Creation Kit installation vid, so I left a like on both. Thank you!
hey i found some thing simular to this mod, except it easier to install. try it out, i heard top and this mixes very well and gives great performance. or it just breaks idk
getting a weird error when i try to save as in the archive2. this error bit Failed to save archive"": Could not open "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2" for writing
I've not heard of it, and you shouldn't have to do this but it won't hurt to try. Go to the Fallout 4 folder. Open Properties. Go to security and give full permissions for each setting. Maybe it's something to do with the folder blocking access. Just a guess. -Michael
Hey there. I found a solution that worked for me. Credit to "mimaef" on the Fallout 4 Nexus. You can find the comment they wrote on page 7 of the TOP posts, but I'll paste it here for convenience: "I'm going to guess you put all of the loose files in your data folder and didn't pack them? That's going to be a huge weight on your system - and the reason for not packing the .ba2 themselves is it only edits certain items within the vanilla .ba2 files and not all of them. Think of .ba2 files like a .zip, but specifically for Bethesda games. The mod is completely finished, you just need to do some legwork compared to other mods, which are just plug and play. It's just the nature of this type of mod so they aren't releasing purely vanilla assets for anyone to download - which I believe is against the TOS and considered pirating. My suggestion to you since you're new to more advanced modding is to go the .ini edit route. 1. You're going to need the Creation Kit. Not to use the entire thing, but a specific program it adds called Archive2. Download and install it. 2. Extract the .zip from the mod download into a temporary folder. 3. Navigate to "Tools\Archive2" inside the fallout 4 folder. And open Archive2.exe 4. Drag the extracted folder named "Textures", from where you extracted the downloaded .zip, onto the Archive2 interface. Can take a while, the program may be unresponsive, just wait. 5. In Archive2 press "Archive -> Settings", in format choose DDS. Press OK. 6. Then "File -> Save" or "CTRL + S", and choose the Fallout 4 Data folder and the name "TextureOptimizationProject.ba2". Wait til done. 7. Add TextureOptimizationProject.ba2 at the end of the list (separated by comma) of the sResourceIndexFileList setting in Fallout4.ini located in Documents > My Games > Fallout 4. It's going to look something like this. [Archive] sResourceIndexFileList=Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2, TextureOptimizationProject.ba2 Save it and you should be completely done if you followed all of the steps. There is another method that adds it with a dummy .esp, but I think this will be the simplest route for pretty much everyone. If you ever want to "uninstall" it, just delete the "TextureOptimizationProject.ba2" text from the Fallout4.ini and you're back to vanilla textures."
If you're wondering how this works (a fellow idiot), here's an explanation: 1. the .ba2 files are like bethesda rar files for the textures, so you need the Archive2 to extract them into "normal" files 2. if all the textures were in one .ba2 file, you could literally just archive2 and replace it, but unfortunately, you can't replace everything in one swoop 3. what actually makes this work is the robocopy command with the /xl option. When each of the .ba2 files is extracted, it has some specific textures in it, and you just wanna overwrite those. Robocopy /xl only replaces files that are BOTH in 1 and 2, and skips files only in 2. 4. then you just zip it back up and delete everything in 1
*slow clap* THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE!! Thank you very much for this clear and simple instruction video. I feel bad for being lazy just because the mod doesn't have automatic setup. Video makes it so easy and simple while providing some good tips for people who are new in modding. I especially love that you explained the importance of making backups. Thank you so much for the mod and especially thank you for taking the time to make the video. You restore my faith in humanity!
Incredibly helpful!! Have suffered by mouse-input-lag (despite “bMouseAcceleration=0,” and “iPresentInterval=0”); Now, it feels highly responsive. Thank you!!!
I feel like this is only really worth doing if you have an SSD, otherwise every single step can take 1-3 minutes and doing that shit 15 times just to get a bit of a framerate boost really doesn't seem worth it to me.
... but if you don't have an SSD won't you need that FPS boost that much more? ... also... Look at the pinned comment. That .bat file that the person created who I linked too may help you out. I haven't tried it though. -Michael
SSDs don't help much with framerates, they do help with file transfer as shown in this video, though, as well as loading screens. Extracting everything with an SSD will be astronomically faster than an HDD. I did end up finishing the whole thing, but didn't see much of a framerate improvement - though that may be due to the 70 or so other mods I have installed :P
Wow, this has to be the clearest tutorial on TH-cam, for everything. Really great, thanks for the help :] Funny though, I use cmd all the time, I didn't know you could just drag a file into the thing. I always manually type out file paths when I'm trying to do stuff .-.
That happens to me, but what happens is it takes awhile to register the SHEER AMOUNT of texture files, and therefore you just gotta wait. it sucks, but it works.
a little tip for 3:34, if you use Cut/Paste instead of Copy/Paste, Windows just instantaneously alters the address directory, instead of taking... what?.. 5-10 minutes to make a new copy of the files you're about to delete... The same outcome, but instant Vs copy and deletion time.
This is way too difficult. It says I get an error at 7:00 and I cannot find a fix for it. Thanks for wasting 5 of my hours Fallout 4, you're really a great game.
It's a 5-10 fps increase for the higher/high end builds. If you're running alow-end to medium-end build to run the game, I don't think this is too much work at all.
If you're adding a lot of mods to your game and have a desire to get the most you can from modding then nothing is too much work :) ... All depends on your modding goals. -Michael
@GamerPoets I did a bunch of troubleshooting after realizing that my optimized textures' cube maps were not showing correctly. This causes black, dark grey, or glowing textures on certain objects such as the vault door section that protrudes, the water fountains, the water cooler's plastic part, etc. Anyways, I did some digging and I realized that Archive2 does not extract cube maps correctly. At least in my case. I redid the process multiple times and still had the same issues so I looked at BAE's readme and saw something interesting. BAE had a similar problem a long time ago, but the author addressed it. So instead of using Archive2 to extract, I used BAE instead. I still archived using Archive 2. Now my textures look great and the cube maps aren't showing incorrectly. Some of my ba2s are now 1-3MBs bigger as well. The ones that had problems anyways. Some of them didn't vary in size from the Archive2 process.
6:21 If anyone has an issue with cmd not accepting the "\s" argument for robocopy. Try using forward slashes and capital letters instead for the last two arguments. For example: "/S /XL"
I'm having an issue with even accessing cmd prompt. It's been replaced with Powershell on my computer, and these commands aren't working either way. I've wasted an afternoon on this project and accomplished absolutely nothing :(
@@bradeki2997 I couldn't access it either. It gave me PowerShell instead as well. I looked up a tutorial to get cmd on the shift+right click menu and found one that took me a bit out of my comfort zone by using regedit, but I got it working. If you'd still plan to go through with it, I have faith in you. You can do it.
Great guide, best mod I have ever downloaded. No more frame drops anywhere! Constant 60fps. Though I do have a 970. It would stutter where the big buildings and debris were. Worth all the time it took and this tutorial made that process a whole lot easier.
Thanks for the Mod and video.Going through this process has given me an appreciation for how much work and how many files are involved in creating a game and by extension a MOD of this scope. Much Obliged!!!
I know this is old but this video guide is amazing! Super easy to understand just takes a lot of time depending on how many mods you have installed that come with texture files (Which is usually all of them lol) the only downside to this process is the repetitiveness but it's 110% worth it! Great job on the guide GamerPoets!!!
Not gonna lie. I probably watched this video 6 times before i got it ( lotta steps involved and all that ) ^_^. But it was totally worth it !. I got 10ish FPS extra in some of my bigger settlements and Boston is not as big a nighmare anymore. It was actually pretty interesting to focus a bit more on where everything goes. I only resently started learning about all the different file types and what they do. So this video not only helped my game run smoother but also helped me understand it all a little better. Thanks =D
Thank you so much for this! The instructions were perfectly clear. And it's a must-have, especially for people who can't have enough mods, as myself. It's my second time that I do this. First time I used Powershell and ended up with purple textures. This time I enabled CMD prompt and there is no purple texture! Yes, it's time-consuming, but it is SO worth it. When I found out that I had to reinstall my game and my mods all over again, I had a moment of panic when I couldn't remember where I found this guide. There was no way that I'd run my game without optimizing the textures! Without this, the fps would drop from 60 to 40 fps in Boston, now it runs at 62!
Thank you for your time on narrating this textures pack, and thank you for the heads up about the dlc texture pack writing over this textures pack have had that in the past, And remember guys to turn off automatic updates as the dlc texture pack will download and install itself,
Tip for people with as horrible short time meory as me, while saving your newly optimized textures you can get a hint to wich ones you have already done by looking at the date the file was last edited. ( by default this is displayed rigth next to teh file name)
Honestly, the only part I was confused on was why we needed to go back to the archive2 app so many times that we should create a shortcut... Until you caught me with that brutal twist at the end, that we have to repeat this process many, many times.
welp, were doin it again, jumping from skyrim modding to Fallout modding. your videos, as always, are a godsend. Saving me hours of research and screw ups. Thank you :D
Tip to speed up the process: when opening your first .ba2, right-click the file and select "open with", go to "more apps" => "look for another app on this PC" and navigate to the Archive2.exe. Make sure the "Always use this app to open .ba2 files" box is checked and click "okay". Now, your .ba2 files will open with Archive2 by double-clicking them. Just keep a window open to the \data folder 👍
For people having trouble with powershell not showing the wall of text, just dont erase the " " and you should be fine. Apparently cmd doesnt use the "" while powershell uses it. Well, i just did it with powershell and looks like it went fine. Now im gonna finish the proccess to see if works.
I am literally in love with you. You have restored my faith in humanity as a whole. This video is incredible. Thank you for your services to humanity, and to god.
Was here to learn about the texture thing, but then I found out you could drag&drop into a CMD window....mind fu@$ing BLOWN! Edit; additionally, you can streamline/expedite a bit if you've got HDD space enough to not care. In place of the folder "1" create a folder for every texture set (15 with all DLC's) and name them for their packs. Extract accordingly and just delete them when you're finished. Also, you can drag and drop the .ba2 texture files into Archive2, it's faster than using the menus. Similarly, when repacking archives you can drag/drop the optimized folder. All told, this is the most on-point explanation for anything PC related I've ever seen on the internet. Good job :D
I. AM. AMAZED!! For the first time, I can run through the city area without any lag. And that's WITH an ENB! Really shows the incompetence of Bethesda, when modders make their game 100% more playable.
If you don't get the 'Open Command Window Here' option when shift clicking in the folder then clear the pathway bar at the top, type 'cdm' and hit enter.
You are a legend my friend. I always enjoy your content when it comes to tutorials. I have a very crappy system and with a lot of effort and your brilliant videos I can actually run my games ( slightly staggering here and there but bearable) and no crashes :) thank you and keep it up!!! I'd love to help but I am not very clued up with technology anymore as age goes on :) lol Once again, thanks for everything and all the work and effort you put into your content.
thank you so much for this. i was so overwhelmed reading the text instructions, but following your steps really made this a simple process, even if it is tedious & time consuming.
Wow. I wasn't gonna bother, but your guide really shows the way. I actually managed it without getting frustrated and / or messing up my game. Are you a professional teacher or coach of some sort? You should be.
Please consider helping others in the comments. We all start somewhere.
****Important Time Saving Info & Notes****
Fallout 4 Playlist :
0:17 *Introduction*
0:19 What is Fallout 4 Texture Optimization Project
1:09 High Resolution Texture Pack
1:39 Why do I have to do this?
2:05 *Prerequisites*
2:06 Fallout 4 Creation Kit
2:35 WinRAR or 7zip
2:40 *Setup*
2:42 Downloading TOPs
3:10 Folder Creation
4:18 .ba2 backups
5:16 *Texture Optimization*
5:18 Unpack .ba2
5:51 Optimize Textures
6:35 Repack ba2
7:19 Clear Folder
7:48 *Final Notes*
7:50 Non-Replacer .ba2
8:08 Loose Files
8:40 Delete Backups
8:57 *Thank You's and References*
*On Screen Annotations*
-TH-cam removed the ability to create new ones as of May 2, 2017. Old ones were to remain functional. Recently many of my annotations are linking improper times and I can't fix them due to TH-cam. My only option is to remove on screen notations. Please use the Time Stamps above (or in the description) to navigate the video.
*Forward Slashes not Back Slashes*
I said the wrong thing verbally but I show it correctly in the video. Thank you Tim.
*Hi Res DLC:*
-Still doesn't work w/T.O.P. as of 7/20/17
*.ba2 Files to be optimized:*
-DLCCoast - Textures.ba2
-DLCNukaWorld - Textures.ba2
-DLCRobot - Textures.ba2
-DLCWorkshop01 - Textures.ba2
-DLCWorkshop02 - Textures.ba2
-DLCWorkshop03 - Textures.ba2
-Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2
-Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2
-Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2
-Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2
-Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2
-Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2
-Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2
-Stop using it! =) A lot of people say it doesn't work. Use CMD as the video shows. I have windows 10. I have CMD. Search CMD on your system.
*Archive2 Crashing?*
-Try placing the work folders and Archive2 on the same drive and restart your PC. -Terminus Lord
-Try Re-validating game files. A large portion were corrupted. -Mad0racle
*Command Window:*
-robocopy C:\Users\\Desktop\Working\2 C:\Users\\Desktop\Working\1 /s /xl
*TOPs .bat file created by Shambles1980TRealOne*
-I haven't tried it but I've heard positive things = ) This should help to streamline the process. Feel free to check it out:
*Curious about file sizes?*
-Watch Hill shared his testing with me. Results are below in this comment thread.
*TOPs .bat file created by Lu5ck:*
-Helps to speed up and automate the process. He has posted in the comments but I have copied and pasted it as a reply to THIS pinned comment below. I have not tried it out (as many of you who know me know that I'm already jumping into the next tutorial) but feel free to check it out = )
*Alternate CMD window procedure by McCracken:*
-For those who don't use the mouse much or prefer a secondary approach check the replies to this pinned comment.
*Bobby Pins via Shambles1980TRealOne:*
-Are black instead of Bronze.
*Share* and help us grow. =)
-via Lu5ck
"First, you need to create two folders which are "OriginalBa2" and "PatchedFiles". Then, put the original .ba2 textures files into "OriginalBa2" and TOP "textures" folder into "PatchedFiles". Then, copy and paste the following batch commanders into a notepad and save as run.bat file. Then, put all the folders and .bat file into the same folder as "Archive2.exe" and finally execute the run.bat, wait for profit.
@echo off
mkdir WorkingFiles
mkdir PatchedBa2
for /F "delims=|" %%f in ('dir /s/b "OriginalBa2")' DO (
Archive2.exe "%%~dpnxf" -e="WorkingFiles"
robocopy PatchedFiles WorkingFiles /s /xl
Archive2.exe "%cd%\WorkingFiles\textures" -f=DDS -c="%cd%\PatchedBa2\%%~nxf" -r="%cd%\WorkingFiles"
rmdir /s /q WorkingFiles
mkdir WorkingFiles
rmdir /s /q WorkingFiles
echo All Done! Move the new .ba2 from PatchedBa2 into the Data folder!
For those who are confident or simply don't have a lot of disk space thus wanting to delete the original .ba2 files immediately after it is patched, you can add del after mkdir like this
rmdir /s /q WorkingFiles
mkdir WorkingFiles
del /q %%~dpnxf
Alternatively, to those who are super confused with whatever I typed here can download the provided .bat file and folders from!edFzFCpa!juFova_UdcWWvU29xkwTI8IgAodpK40NaDCFww7kEjo and extract them to the same folder as "Archive2.exe"."
-via Abdullah McCracken
"While the Drag and Drop to CMD window works it's sometimes easier / quicker to type the start of the folder name and press tab to auto fill the rest of the current folder name. This is especially faster if like me you will often navigate windows using only the keyboard
(I generally am all or nothing with mice i.e. I will use the mouse exclusively if not typing anything or I will use the Keyboard exclusively) as a general rule I tend to only use the mouse in games or when not doing any typing at all after logging in (such as watching you tube and not planning to comment / watching netflix, etc... Conversely if I am typing at all I use only keyboard and ignore the mouse)
Using the paths in your video at 6:23 this would work as Such:
(note the non-letter key presses are parenthesised so pressing the tab key is written {Tab} and the Space bar {Space}
note if a folder (root or otherwise) has multiple folders starting with the same letters you type as many letters of that folder as needed until it becomes unique."
-via Watch Hill
So, during my trials of optimizing my FO4 textures, I was constantly
paranoid I was totally screwing things up. To set myself at ease, I
made a sheet showing the differences of the sizes of each .ba2 file
unpacked and packed. This let me see the actual progress and proved
to myself I was doing it right. I thought you might like to have
those numbers either as a personal curiosity or to put with the
video to help other people see the differences. I'm pretty sure
everyone would have the same results (at least until the mod is
updated) so it should be helpful to everyone. I could be wrong
though. Just figured I'd give it to you and let you do what you
will with it.
DLCCoast - Textures.ba2 Vanilla Data Folder 1,304,426,000
DLCCoast - Textures Vanilla File 2,776,386,172
DLCCoast - Textures Optimized File 2,025,955,196
DLCCoast - Textures.ba2 Optimized Data Folder 930,623,000
DLCNukaWorld - Textures.ba2 Vanilla Data Folder 2,293,509,000
DLCNukaWorld - Textures Vanilla File 3,976,985,292
DLCNukaWorld - Textures Optimized File 2,127,649,004
DLCNukaWorld - Textures.ba2 Optimized Data Folder 1,285,798,000
DLCRobot - Textures.ba2 Vanilla Data Folder 213,448,000
DLCRobot - Textures Vanilla File 365,104,892
DLCRobot - Textures Optimized File 267,936,812
DLCRobot - Textures.ba2 Optimized Data Folder 174,074,000
DLCworkshop01 - Textures.ba2 Vanilla Data Folder 22,691,000
DLCworkshop01 - Textures Vanilla File 47,551,208
DLCworkshop01 - Textures Optimized File 41,259,752
DLCworkshop01 - Textures.ba2 Optimized Data Folder 22,233,000
DLCworkshop02 - Textures Vanilla Data Folder 165,183,000
DLCworkshop02 - Textures Vanilla File 292,801,172
DLCworkshop02 - Textures Optimized File 122,232,836
DLCworkshop02 - Textures Optimized Data Folder 70,972,000
DLCworkshop03 - Textures Vanilla Data Folder 203,598,000
DLCworkshop03 - Textures Vanilla File 349,380,484
DLCworkshop03 - Textures Optimized File 120,790,916
DLCworkshop03 - Textures Optimized Data Folder 71,028,000
Fallout4 - Textures1 Vanilla Data Folder 2,640,240,000
Fallout4 - Textures1 Vanilla File 4,283,897,708
Fallout4 - Textures1 Optimizes File 2,070,673,964
Fallout4 - Textures1 Optimized Data Folder 1,211,852,000
Fallout4 - Textures2 Vanilla Data Folder 2,354,131,000
Fallout4 - Textures2 Vanilla File 3,904,311,368
Fallout4 - Textures2 Optimized File 2,310,675,632
Fallout4 - Textures2 Optimized Data Folder 1,375,264,000
Fallout4 - Textures3 Vanilla Data Folder 2,051,840,000
Fallout4 - Textures3 Vanilla File 3,419,866,766
Fallout4 - Textures3 Optimized File 2,104,278,200
Fallout4 - Textures3 Optimized Data Folder 1,223,638,000
Fallout4 - Textures4 Vanilla Data Folder 1,953,114,000
Fallout4 - Textures4 Vanilla File 3,388,109,572
Fallout4 - Textures4 Optimized File 2,179,388,708
Fallout4 - Textures4 Optimized Data Folder 1,200,485,000
Fallout4 - Textures5 Vanilla Data Folder 1,917,742,000
Fallout4 - Textures5 Vanilla File 3,412,905,568
Fallout4 - Textures5 Optimized File 2,003,862,472
Fallout4 - Textures5 Optimized Data Folder 1,151,589,000
Fallout4 - Textures6 Vanilla Data Folder 1,350,446,000
Fallout4 - Textures6 Vanilla File 2,565,187,332
Fallout4 - Textures6 Optimized File 1,739,436,674
Fallout4 - Textures6 Optimized Data Folder 865,456,000
Fallout4 - Textures7 Vanilla Data Folder 533,164,000
Fallout4 - Textures7 Vanilla File 1,237,517,520
Fallout4 - Textures7 Optimized File 1,237,517,520
Fallout4 - Textures7 Optimized Data Folder 533,164,000
Fallout4 - Textures9 Vanilla Data Folder 844,263,000
Fallout4 - Textures9 Vanilla File 1,547,749,348
Fallout4 - Textures9 Optimized File 1,260,265,020
Fallout4 - Textures9 Optimized Data Folder 662,009,000
Total Optimized Textures Folder as ba2 11,638,005,837
Total Vanilla Textures Folder as ba2 18,878,310,598
Total Vanilla Unpacked Folder 31,567,754,402
Total Optimized Unpacked Folder 19,611,922,706
Total Unpacked Savings 11,955,831,696
[[[robocopy C:\Users\Watch\Desktop\working\2 C:\Users\Watch\Desktop\working\1 /s /xl]]]
Moved textures from mod to desktop/working/2
Extracted Vanilla Textures to desktop/working/1
Clicked in "working" folder blank space and then "Shift"+"R Click" Chose "Open Command Window Here".
In CMD window, [Robocopy][space][drag folder 2 into cmd window][space][drag folder 1 into cmd window]
[space][/s][space][/xl][enter] (Each set of brackets represents an action)
If your folders are named "1" and "2", you can copy and paste the line in treble brackets above.
Optimized Textures vs Vanilla Textures.txt
Open with Google Docs
Displaying Optimized Textures vs Vanilla Textures.txt.
I followed this step by step and it worked for the first file (DLCCoast) but I was unable to repeat the process on any of the others.
More accurately the robocopy is failing.
"Now do this for every texture file"
*closes window*
welp looks like 45 auto pistol is optimized
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why??
I was pretty intimidated by this mod and the installation process. I watched you video a few times over to make sure I got every step. After watching again for the second file I felt confident enough to not need it for the 3rd and on. Thank you so much for this step by step guide.
Glad that you got things working krunchy = )
It came in handy again when I had to redo it. :P When I loaded up the game I saw a lot of missing purple textures. Since this is a texture mod I figured I'd uninstall the ones I already have and then reinstall them after this optimization. That was a mistake. To fix it I deleted the modded .bat2 files and replaced them with the copies I made of the original ones. I revalidated the game and apparently was missing one file, though I'm not sure which one and not sure how. I reinstalled all my texture mods and then ran TOP again. NOW it runs beautifully and saw 10-20 fps INCREASE in the downtown area with all my other texture mods.
If it wasn't for how simple and straightforward this guide was I would have never attempted it but thanks again!
Awesome stuff man = ) and thank you for sharing what you did. If I was at my pc I would add your comment to the pinned comment to help some. Hopefully I remember it when I get back to doing things after the 4th and I'll add it.
@@gamerpoets ay
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
What memories... A couple of years ago I had resorted to this video to complete the downgrade, and now I'm back again to play F4 for the third time. Thanks for the video, it's very easy to accomplish thanks to your effective way of teaching.
2 hours later...
WOW, those fallout textures archives take a while. But MAN does this run a whole lot smoother!
Worth it = ) ... Why I created the video.. this crap wasn't fun the first time that I did lol
I'll admit I was getting a little nervous towards the end, hoping like mad I didn't forget anything. I accidentally robocopy'd the first archive twice since it went so fast. I didn't see the "wall of text" until the later, bigger files. I got confused thinking I did something wrong, watched the vid about 30 times, scrutinized your dialog in the video like CSI Miami, and did it again anyway. Maybe even three times. It wasn't until after I got the hang of it I started to worry about the first archive. I would've been pissed off into the next dimension, lol.
I got pretty good at robocopy tho. Went up a couple levels, ha!
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
Concise, clear instructions with visuals and examples of benefits added by the mod. I'll subscribe for that quality.
Glad you like it Bob = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
2019 your vid is still helping people, your work is greatly appreciated man.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
You just got a sub! Absolutely amazing commentary perfect instructions and pace and the difficulty was on the easy side. Very well done.
Glad you liked it Primor = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
You've helped me to install numerous Skyrim mods that were way over my head and you've done it again Michael! Thanks so much for your awesome tutorials! Without you the modding community would be far worse off :)
I appreciate your comment Hampster = ) Thank you.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
This is incredibly helpful, and you delivered the instructions in basically the most comprehensible and simple way possible. A++ on this vid.
Glad you liked it Ian = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
Thank you so much for this tutorial! Very clear and concise, and now my game runs a whole lot smoother!
Happy that the video was able to help = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
man your guides are PERFECT you say everything needed and everything is managed and on top of that you say all that with a voice that can sooth even dragons thank you so much i wish every guide video was like yours
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
Wow the quality of this video and description is amazing, thank you very much! My game is sooo much better now :D
Thank you Grimxonic = )
Glad that the video helped.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
Your ability to explain things clearly was golden. Thank you very much.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
05:20 For those who need to repeat.
=) You know the time stamps are in the description as well. Whatever works my friend.
I saw that. :)
@@gamerpoets do you have to open the cmd window each time or do i only have to do it once at the start? thanks
@@smileybear420 each time, that's if you still want to know lol
Really clear and useful guide on how to do this! After a couple files, it's a very straight-forward process even thought it takes some time. Navigating back to the fallout 4 data folder is the most tedious part of it all, and can be overcome with a shortcut. Sick guide, thanks
This is stunning! The patch texture is 7 GB less than the original! Thanks for your work. Also thanks Lu5ck for providing the batch program.
Glad things are working out = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
I can't imagine doing this without this video! Thanks (once again) Micheal!
welcome = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
Its time consuming(took me 6 hours because I own every DLC and I have a low-end PC), but totally worth it! I now have 30-40 fps from 12-26.
Whats your setup bruv?
@@cool_aid8254 Really crappy and old pc. 8gb of ddr5 ram, 1gb vram radeon r7 graphics apu. Although it helped immensely, Boston area is really unplayable, barely reaching 8 fps.
@@aren8662 i know right the forests is fine but boston really is a kicker
6 hours wow thats dedication lol. It took me about 45 min.
I have a good pc, not a high end, but is fine. full amd rysen 16gb w/ RX 580 8vram. However, I have a low-end brain, took me 4 hours to make all the process... too much weed in my life, I kept forgetting what I was doing, had to re-watch the optimization process step over and over for each texture, then stop for a while, refresh my thoughts, and keep going. Don't do drugs, melts your neurons. I feel like my brain is an old celeron with 1gb of ram and 254mg of vram.
this guy knows how to make an install guide every single step was vary clear vary easy to understand everything that you have to click on was highlighted amazing you could not know how to open you're web browser and be able to do this because he made it just that easy for you with this video good job man
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
I love you man :D
Thanks so much!
=) Love returned sir. Thank you for the placement and the mod. It's the best place to start modding the game from.
At first I thought that it will be more difficult, but then i listen and it was very simple with the right instructions. Thanks.
Glad the video helped Christopher = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
6:24 is a forward slash, not backslash
Good catch = ) And before TH-cam takes our ability to create annotations away May 2nd... appreciate it = )
Haha lots of people get them mixed up, it's okay. The way I remember is that a forward slash leans to the right, and we read from left to right, and most people are right handed...and the forward slash is most common (e.g. in web addresses, in place of "or", etc.) The backslash is pretty much only used in computer programming. It's kind of a reject. How sad
The one he typed out on screen :)
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
Thanks Michael. Awesome video as always. Your simple step by step guides without all the fluff others use is so refreshing.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
Typing cmd and pressing enter will change powershell to cmd in my windows 10. Just a FYI
I'm a bit late to the party but thanks for this. It was super simple to understand and damn is it a drastic improvement!
Much love my dude.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
I did optimized all of the files, went to check me game, and some of the textures were purple. Did I miss a file, or did I do something wrong? I'm confus.
Edit: Wait, never mind. I did miss a file. I'm keeping this comment here just in case anyone has the same problem as me
all mine are purple too... guess I need to do this process all over again FML
@@ThexGamexDJ yeah it suck, but its worth it.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
thanks a ton man! without the video I would've struggled a lot more! and it works like a charm, went from 30-20 fps in boston to 35-60!
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
I cant seem to find the "Tools" Folder anywhere but I'm certainly in the correct place.
The CK is installed?
Oh I was missing the creation kit as well, thanks :D
i cant find it either where do i install the CK
never mind i found it here
Or the videos description for the link. Sigh.
I think this is the best tutorial i ever watched. Good instructions and well explained. Good Job :D
Glad you liked it Bruns = ) Thanks.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
This guide is so comprehensive, you could probably upload a macro that just clicks everything for you lol.
... if only lol = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
GamerPoets, thank you so much! I don't know how much time it would take if not your's video! All works great, and it's 7 GB difference between before optimization and after, it's almost a half of weight! Before, weight of all textures was around 17 GB and now it's around 10 GB. I need to say thanks to mod's author too :)
ROBOCOPY! This was tedious, fun, and wonderful... Thank you GamerPoets
lol = ) Best comment I've read about it. Thanks Photters.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
Had texture color issues on a few things after installing the mod using the instructions in this video, but eventually got it to work after deleting the modded texture files, replacing them with the vanilla backups, and then reinstalling the mod using the BAT. File Installer that the mod author linked in the "Posts" section of his mod page.
Now everything is working great and much smoother. I can finally stop worrying about installing an ENB or War of the Commonwealth later and causing the game to stutter. But I still wouldn't have been able to figure anything out if it wasn't for this and the Creation Kit installation vid, so I left a like on both. Thank you!
Thank you Veris :) Glad everything worked out.
why do i have a pc
GamerPoets Nahhhh that job is for my tablet. - Dj
hey i found some thing simular to this mod, except it easier to install.
try it out, i heard top and this mixes very well and gives great performance. or it just breaks idk
Looks cool.
this is the best instructions i have ever seen can tell you put some work in to this thank you so much
Thank you Aviator = ) Means a lot. 60+ hours a week into this stuff.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why??
i cant find tools folder
Newer systems got ''powershell'' incstead cmd at the shift right click part. It works too, atleast for me.
You also have cmd = )
Kovak, is it you???
just wanted to comment to spread some love
getting a weird error when i try to save as in the archive2. this error bit Failed to save archive"": Could not open "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2" for writing
I've not heard of it, and you shouldn't have to do this but it won't hurt to try. Go to the Fallout 4 folder. Open Properties. Go to security and give full permissions for each setting. Maybe it's something to do with the folder blocking access. Just a guess.
yea it has all the permissions set for "allow"
Having this same problem, did you find a solution?
no not yet
Hey there. I found a solution that worked for me. Credit to "mimaef" on the Fallout 4 Nexus. You can find the comment they wrote on page 7 of the TOP posts, but I'll paste it here for convenience:
"I'm going to guess you put all of the loose files in your data folder and didn't pack them? That's going to be a huge weight on your system - and the reason for not packing the .ba2 themselves is it only edits certain items within the vanilla .ba2 files and not all of them. Think of .ba2 files like a .zip, but specifically for Bethesda games. The mod is completely finished, you just need to do some legwork compared to other mods, which are just plug and play. It's just the nature of this type of mod so they aren't releasing purely vanilla assets for anyone to download - which I believe is against the TOS and considered pirating.
My suggestion to you since you're new to more advanced modding is to go the .ini edit route.
1. You're going to need the Creation Kit. Not to use the entire thing, but a specific program it adds called Archive2. Download and install it.
2. Extract the .zip from the mod download into a temporary folder.
3. Navigate to "Tools\Archive2" inside the fallout 4 folder. And open Archive2.exe
4. Drag the extracted folder named "Textures", from where you extracted the downloaded .zip, onto the Archive2 interface. Can take a while, the program may be unresponsive, just wait.
5. In Archive2 press "Archive -> Settings", in format choose DDS. Press OK.
6. Then "File -> Save" or "CTRL + S", and choose the Fallout 4 Data folder and the name "TextureOptimizationProject.ba2". Wait til done.
7. Add TextureOptimizationProject.ba2 at the end of the list (separated by comma) of the sResourceIndexFileList setting in Fallout4.ini located in Documents > My Games > Fallout 4.
It's going to look something like this.
sResourceIndexFileList=Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2, TextureOptimizationProject.ba2
Save it and you should be completely done if you followed all of the steps. There is another method that adds it with a dummy .esp, but I think this will be the simplest route for pretty much everyone. If you ever want to "uninstall" it, just delete the "TextureOptimizationProject.ba2" text from the Fallout4.ini and you're back to vanilla textures."
Thanks man!! I could not have done it without your help
Glad the video helped = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
I have to do it for all of them now x((((((( god give me sterength...
If you're wondering how this works (a fellow idiot), here's an explanation:
1. the .ba2 files are like bethesda rar files for the textures, so you need the Archive2 to extract them into "normal" files
2. if all the textures were in one .ba2 file, you could literally just archive2 and replace it, but unfortunately, you can't replace everything in one swoop
3. what actually makes this work is the robocopy command with the /xl option. When each of the .ba2 files is extracted, it has some specific textures in it, and you just wanna overwrite those. Robocopy /xl only replaces files that are BOTH in 1 and 2, and skips files only in 2.
4. then you just zip it back up and delete everything in 1
too much work ugh
... how bad you want that extra FPS = )
+Eric Draven Even though your response was quite rude, You have a point.
I finished everything in about 2 hours.
we are elitists, we are the bos of the gaming world
good thing you only do it once. 2 hours isnt much when you consider some people play this game for over 500.
Thank you very much for this clear and simple instruction video. I feel bad for being lazy just because the mod doesn't have automatic setup. Video makes it so easy and simple while providing some good tips for people who are new in modding. I especially love that you explained the importance of making backups. Thank you so much for the mod and especially thank you for taking the time to make the video. You restore my faith in humanity!
=) Glad you liked the video.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
@6:03 "Type '/format c:' and hit enter. Press 'y' and hit enter again."
Incredibly helpful!!
Have suffered by mouse-input-lag (despite “bMouseAcceleration=0,” and “iPresentInterval=0”); Now, it feels highly responsive.
Thank you!!!
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why??
I feel like this is only really worth doing if you have an SSD, otherwise every single step can take 1-3 minutes and doing that shit 15 times just to get a bit of a framerate boost really doesn't seem worth it to me.
... but if you don't have an SSD won't you need that FPS boost that much more? ... also... Look at the pinned comment. That .bat file that the person created who I linked too may help you out. I haven't tried it though.
SSDs don't help much with framerates, they do help with file transfer as shown in this video, though, as well as loading screens. Extracting everything with an SSD will be astronomically faster than an HDD.
I did end up finishing the whole thing, but didn't see much of a framerate improvement - though that may be due to the 70 or so other mods I have installed :P
Well, personal accomplishment at least = ) lol I'm trying to see the positives in everything that I can these days.
well it'll take about 20 minutes, and 20 minutes will pass no matter what
Wow, this has to be the clearest tutorial on TH-cam, for everything. Really great, thanks for the help :] Funny though, I use cmd all the time, I didn't know you could just drag a file into the thing. I always manually type out file paths when I'm trying to do stuff .-.
Thanks Tech. Hope the video helped. = )
I used cmd only a hand full of times before this. Just asking and learning as I go = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
7:00 archive2 not resonpding :
nvm :D
what was wrong with it, i cant seem to get mine to work
That happens to me, but what happens is it takes awhile to register the SHEER AMOUNT of texture files, and therefore you just gotta wait. it sucks, but it works.
a little tip for 3:34, if you use Cut/Paste instead of Copy/Paste, Windows just instantaneously alters the address directory, instead of taking... what?.. 5-10 minutes to make a new copy of the files you're about to delete... The same outcome, but instant Vs copy and deletion time.
This is way too difficult. It says I get an error at 7:00 and I cannot find a fix for it. Thanks for wasting 5 of my hours Fallout 4, you're really a great game.
the game didn't tell you to use a non-supported mod that replaces vanilla assets.
@@crisortega8518 Theres no choice unless you want to deal with the bad optimization of all Bethesda games.
It's been a great video. Everything was very straight forward and easy to conduct. Cheers!
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why??
fck that, way too much work, why didntr anyone have a bright idea of uploading already optimized textures in a torrent or something
mmmm love that packet loss
Holy shoot! these tutorials are professional, im impressed.
too much work for 5 fps
It's a 5-10 fps increase for the higher/high end builds. If you're running alow-end to medium-end build to run the game, I don't think this is too much work at all.
Yup.I have a 1500 bucks PC,and be stuck at 40/50 fps in downtown boston (my favourite place!) is really terrible!So I'll hope this will fix it!
If you're adding a lot of mods to your game and have a desire to get the most you can from modding then nothing is too much work :) ... All depends on your modding goals.
I did a bunch of troubleshooting after realizing that my optimized textures' cube maps were not showing correctly. This causes black, dark grey, or glowing textures on certain objects such as the vault door section that protrudes, the water fountains, the water cooler's plastic part, etc. Anyways, I did some digging and I realized that Archive2 does not extract cube maps correctly. At least in my case. I redid the process multiple times and still had the same issues so I looked at BAE's readme and saw something interesting. BAE had a similar problem a long time ago, but the author addressed it. So instead of using Archive2 to extract, I used BAE instead. I still archived using Archive 2. Now my textures look great and the cube maps aren't showing incorrectly. Some of my ba2s are now 1-3MBs bigger as well. The ones that had problems anyways. Some of them didn't vary in size from the Archive2 process.
Straight to the point, professional. The game runs beautifully.
glad to hear it = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
i re-watched the optimization process 9 times to make sure i got everything down lol. Great guide.
Always the go-to guy for mod installation tutorials.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
bro you got me with that last instruction damn I thought I ould get this done before bedtime
6:21 If anyone has an issue with cmd not accepting the "\s" argument for robocopy. Try using forward slashes and capital letters instead for the last two arguments.
For example: "/S /XL"
I'm having an issue with even accessing cmd prompt. It's been replaced with Powershell on my computer, and these commands aren't working either way. I've wasted an afternoon on this project and accomplished absolutely nothing :(
@@bradeki2997 I couldn't access it either. It gave me PowerShell instead as well.
I looked up a tutorial to get cmd on the shift+right click menu and found one that took me a bit out of my comfort zone by using regedit, but I got it working.
If you'd still plan to go through with it, I have faith in you. You can do it.
Great guide, best mod I have ever downloaded. No more frame drops anywhere! Constant 60fps. Though I do have a 970. It would stutter where the big buildings and debris were. Worth all the time it took and this tutorial made that process a whole lot easier.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
Something to note is that powershell works if you have issues opening cmd easily.
people forget to press the shift key, to see it.
Thanks for the Mod and video.Going through this process has given me an appreciation for how much work and how many files are involved in creating a game and by extension a MOD of this scope. Much Obliged!!!
I just make the videos = ) not my mod. Was asked but a viewer to make it and I had the time then so I did. Glad you like it = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
I know this is old but this video guide is amazing! Super easy to understand just takes a lot of time depending on how many mods you have installed that come with texture files (Which is usually all of them lol) the only downside to this process is the repetitiveness but it's 110% worth it! Great job on the guide GamerPoets!!!
Glad you liked it = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
Thanks once again Michael :) Had to re-do this and the guide was just wonderful!
Glad it helped = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
Not gonna lie. I probably watched this video 6 times before i got it ( lotta steps involved and all that ) ^_^.
But it was totally worth it !. I got 10ish FPS extra in some of my bigger settlements and Boston is not as big a nighmare anymore.
It was actually pretty interesting to focus a bit more on where everything goes. I only resently started learning about all the different file types and what they do. So this video not only helped my game run smoother but also helped me understand it all a little better.
Thanks =D
Glad to hear it on all counts = ) You sound like you have a long modding journey a head of you (in a good way).
Thank you so much for this! The instructions were perfectly clear. And it's a must-have, especially for people who can't have enough mods, as myself.
It's my second time that I do this.
First time I used Powershell and ended up with purple textures.
This time I enabled CMD prompt and there is no purple texture!
Yes, it's time-consuming, but it is SO worth it.
When I found out that I had to reinstall my game and my mods all over again, I had a moment of panic when I couldn't remember where I found this guide. There was no way that I'd run my game without optimizing the textures!
Without this, the fps would drop from 60 to 40 fps in Boston, now it runs at 62!
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
Thank you for your time on narrating this textures pack,
and thank you for the heads up about the
dlc texture pack writing over this textures pack have had that in the past,
And remember guys to turn off automatic updates as the dlc texture pack will download and install itself,
Appreciate ya :)
Thank you - this was a godsend!
Also that Skyrim music threw me 2:05 haha
Happy it helped :)
Great work, I don't know why you do this but you've gained some massive respect. Great work overall.
Tip for people with as horrible short time meory as me, while saving your newly optimized textures you can get a hint to wich ones you have already done by looking at the date the file was last edited. ( by default this is displayed rigth next to teh file name)
Honestly, the only part I was confused on was why we needed to go back to the archive2 app so many times that we should create a shortcut... Until you caught me with that brutal twist at the end, that we have to repeat this process many, many times.
You have a wonderful voice. Subbed.
This guide really helped! It isn't very hard once you get the hang of it just freaking tedious...
Very nice tutorials, very clear and not to quick or slow
Thank you Salt = )
Thanks for taking the time to make such a good tutorial. I should have installed this long ago lol.
Welcome Rick = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
welp, were doin it again, jumping from skyrim modding to Fallout modding. your videos, as always, are a godsend. Saving me hours of research and screw ups. Thank you :D
This is a puzzle, not a mod installation! But it worked bro, thank you.
Searched you again just to thank you! Great!
i love all your vids .. always good place to refresh\ remember gold tips for modding ,, so thank you o7
Nice guide, I really like that it reduces about half of the original of texture space on my HDD.
Endorsed! :D
Glad that the video helped = )
I love this guy, his tutorials are awesome.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why?
Hey, you're the DynDOLOD guy! Thanks for making this video. You're a legend!
Sheson is the DynDOLOD guy = ) I'm just your friendly neighborhood video man = )
Yes Sheson is most definitely a legend as well :D You guys are the best!
Great radio voice, Great tutorial. Thanks man!
Glad it could help =)
Tip to speed up the process: when opening your first .ba2, right-click the file and select "open with", go to "more apps" => "look for another app on this PC" and navigate to the Archive2.exe. Make sure the "Always use this app to open .ba2 files" box is checked and click "okay". Now, your .ba2 files will open with Archive2 by double-clicking them. Just keep a window open to the \data folder 👍
Nice intro and incredibly helpful video! mad probz to you my man.
Thanks man = ) Glad it could help.
For people having trouble with powershell not showing the wall of text, just dont erase the " " and you should be fine. Apparently cmd doesnt use the "" while powershell uses it. Well, i just did it with powershell and looks like it went fine. Now im gonna finish the proccess to see if works.
you deserve a medal for your work good sir
Thanks Retro = )
I am literally in love with you. You have restored my faith in humanity as a whole. This video is incredible. Thank you for your services to humanity, and to god.
Was here to learn about the texture thing, but then I found out you could drag&drop into a CMD window....mind fu@$ing BLOWN!
Edit; additionally, you can streamline/expedite a bit if you've got HDD space enough to not care. In place of the folder "1" create a folder for every texture set (15 with all DLC's) and name them for their packs. Extract accordingly and just delete them when you're finished. Also, you can drag and drop the .ba2 texture files into Archive2, it's faster than using the menus. Similarly, when repacking archives you can drag/drop the optimized folder.
All told, this is the most on-point explanation for anything PC related I've ever seen on the internet. Good job :D
One of the easiest tutorials I've ever watched
For the first time, I can run through the city area without any lag. And that's WITH an ENB! Really shows the incompetence of Bethesda, when modders make their game 100% more playable.
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
you worked pretty hard on all this
I put 2 to 4 hours of work time into every minute in every video = ) (just how the numbers average out).
If you don't get the 'Open Command Window Here' option when shift clicking in the folder then clear the pathway bar at the top, type 'cdm' and hit enter.
You are a legend my friend. I always enjoy your content when it comes to tutorials. I have a very crappy system and with a lot of effort and your brilliant videos I can actually run my games ( slightly staggering here and there but bearable) and no crashes :) thank you and keep it up!!! I'd love to help but I am not very clued up with technology anymore as age goes on :) lol
Once again, thanks for everything and all the work and effort you put into your content.
Thank you Renier = ) If you ever get bored catch one of the daily (mostly) live streams when I'm creating the tutorials.
I have been going in and out of your live steams since you started :) can't always stay long but I enjoy it non the less :)
PLENTY more coming = )
When i robo copy it fails any suggestions as to why???
thank you so much for this. i was so overwhelmed reading the text instructions, but following your steps really made this a simple process, even if it is tedious & time consuming.
Glad that the video helped Matthew = )
Wow. I wasn't gonna bother, but your guide really shows the way. I actually managed it without getting frustrated and / or messing up my game.
Are you a professional teacher or coach of some sort? You should be.
I'm a disabled dude that likes modding = ) Glad you liked the video.