To those who don't believe, prior to converting to Catholicism I lived in a haunted house. I didn't know that at the time but would wake up in the night hardly able to move or breathe. Something was pressing down on me and trying to 'take me over'. It was terrifying and a series of conversations with friends, after I had moved, led me to a Catholic priest who was able to explain what had likely been going on. I just wish I had had the knowledge and tools at the time and often pray for the family currently living in that house.
I think I’d contact the new residents and tell them about your experience and refer them to a good priest. Never mind if they aren’t Catholic or think you’re crazy. If what you describe happens to them, chances are, they’ll be eager to cleanse the establishment of whatever demons are lurking. Even if not Catholic, I’ve heard of non-Catholics calling in a Catholic priest after everything else fails. It’s advisable to always have a new residence blessed before or shortly after moving in. I do the same with my vehicles, especially the used camper van I bought. One never knows what went on beforehand. Consecrate your home and vehicles to Our Lord’s Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I too had frightening experiences during what felt like sleep but was a slightly aware state and had the dreadful feeling of being pressed down in an other worldly strength…. Getting out of it was soo difficult. I would eventually awaken scared to death. No one could ever explain what was going on with me. I never thought to ask my priest!! Perhaps I now will.
@Bellaluccaminis Praying a hail Mary, let alone praying 50 of them in a row, is not meditating on Christ's life. Mary was not Holy she was a sinner like the rest of us Luke 1:47, Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23, she is not the mother of God as God has no mother and no father Hebrews 7:3, and she cannot hear the prayers or requests of millions of people everyday that is suggesting she is omnipresent or omnipotent and somehow how these God like abilities which is attributing divinity to her and making an idol out of her.
I was in Church when the priest was doing the Anointing of the Sick for those who wish this sacrament. When went to a woman and put oil on her head, she shook so violently, that the priest could not continue with the blessing. The shaking continued for more than five minutes.
The Anointing of the Sick isn't supposed to be given to "who ever wishes to receive it" like the priest was doing, anyway. The Church has specific liturgical prayers and guidelines for administering the Sacrament.
God bless you father. I like what Padre pio said when approached by someone who says I don't believe in hell and Padre Pio Said you'll believe it when you get there
That's interesting what Fr said. Sometimes when I pray for someone I will feel what they feel in shorter, milder form. I prayed for some relatives I knew were going through hardships and started feeling depression. I'm not depressed. So after about a day I could tell this was not coming from me. It felt like it was outside of me like it belonged to someone else. Not sure how to explain it. It passed in a couple days. It was like I had taken on a bit of their suffering but somehow knew it would pass. A few days later the relative who didn't know I was praying for called me. We haven't talked in months. I talked to him a bit and could hear the anguish in his voice. I hope my prayers at least helped a little after we spoke. It also wasn't anything that I didn't thing I could handle I guess bc I'm a practicing Catholic I'm generally protected bc I go to confession often and receive holy Eucharist, rosary etc. I never pray deliverance prayers though, over others or even myself.
I have the same experience for my siblings and children. I can feel the cries of their spirits and I am compelled to pray foe them (a rosary or two), a mass dedicated for them and a prayer for them when I accept the Holy Eucharist. God is always merciful, ask with all sincerity and it will be given. Blessed Mother Virgin Mary, Please Pray for us.
Exorcised Epiphany water, Exorcised St. Benedict Medal, miraculous medal, Holy Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a regular daily prayer life. Oh and the Latin Mass and Latin prayers. The Latin mass because your united with many Catholics that believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist and it makes your prayers more effective.
@@poppylar1834 of course not everyone at the NO mass but the majority of them probably don’t. I’ve been to both and I see and hear the difference. You obviously are going to disagree but that’s your opinion and I have mines. But if you look up Annabel Bugninii and his six or seven protestant ministers that change the mass then you’ll start to realize. The guy got sent to Iran for being a Freemason and he had an ID card of freemasonry.
@@poppylar1834 i'm sure a lot of them do! But there is greater reverence in the TLM for Christ in the Eucharist than in the New Mass as shown in the levity with which many a parish receive our Lord on the hand and standing! If that's the King of the Universe, shouldn't we be going over and beyond to receive Him than just the bare minimum? Its quite telling the statistics about belief in the REAL PRESENCE is far declined amongst people who go to the New Mass and still very high amongst Traditional Latin Mass goers. As we pray, so do we believe! So do we express worship! Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi
IIR, Fr. Ripperger has spoken to this: Latin was the language of the dark empire of the Romans... an empire of extreme torture and infanticide, undermined and overcome by Christianity. Hearing Latin further humiliates the devil and his minions.
YES...JESUS TRUE KING OF ALL NATIONS❤ Love Father much he must sacrifice personally for Christ's childten..God's blessings be ipon him & you J.H.❤
I believe it ! I went to a TLM on the 1st Sun in June 2024 for prayers for my b-day and demon showed up in church while we were all praying the rosary - It's real! Screaming like i've never heard and we all knelt and continued praying the rosary -
Thank you fr ripperger.where i am we have a new bishop and we waited a while for him.he is from poland and when i see him ,i always thiink of what our lord said to saint faustina,about saint john paul ii.i will send you a spark from poland.i pray for them and will pray for you as well.may our lady and saint micheal protect you.
Thank you for proclaiming the Truth. My experience against evil attacks is trusting the Our Father Prayer. For it written like Jesus Said, it is written. Grab a hand full of Bible Verses for protection. In JC mighty name.
Thankyou so much for this important information God blessTrudy Scremin just be greatful for your Catholic church and all the religious and support them ❤
We must emulate Jesus Christ when He was suffering on His Cross for us. And so like Jesus Christ we must die to ourselves our "self" NOT for ourselves but for our neighbors, our "enemies". As Jesus Christ proclaimed that we should not pray for our friends but for our enemies. The last will be the first and the first last. No point offering to God a sacrifice to God that is defiled "land" with a closed heart but with an open heart, pure and contrite heart. As st Paul teaches us after being taken up to the third heaven, says, we must die to ourselves daily. Jesus tells the women crying on his way to Calvary says, pray for your children. Jesus Christ didn't offer himself but " Himself " as a sacrifice for all of us as He prayed to the Father, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Jesus Christ cleansed us once and for all with this one prayer to the Father and through His precious body and blood as the Eternal Atonement. As the perfect lamb of God, Jesus Christ was the perfect lamb and sacrifice for all humanity under obedience to the Father's Will. And so when you have an open pure and contrite heart, you are able to seek knock and ask in Jesus Christ as you do not want to say Lord Lord and he turns you away saying, go away, I do not know you. Therefore, enter yourself into the Cross as Jesus Christ as your example and offer your death to "yourself" on your cross for the sins of your neighbour. God bless
Fr Ripperger is a wonderful priest - very wise, with deep insight and full of common sense. Thank you John Henry for interviewing him - Fr Chad's advice is always so helpful and very practical for us all on the Catholic pilgrim path
We have everything in our blessed church....we lack nothing . We are so fortunate to be Catholic....I pray that my relatives come back to Holy Mother Church ⛪️
A Devout Client of Mary Shall Never Suffer the Loss of His Soul There was a certain man who was religious in name only, but, wherever true religion was concerned, hard-hearted and careless. He was, however, in the habit of praying to the Blessed Virgin and saying once everyday a hundred “Hail, Mary’s.” Coming near his end, he was caught away in an ecstasy, and devils charged him before the Great Judge seeking a sentence that would adjudge him to be theirs. God, therefore, knowing his manifold sins, said that he must be condemned. Meantime the Blessed Virgin came offering schedules in which were contained all the “Hail Mary’s,” and begging her Son to allow him to receive a milder sentence. But the devils brought many books full of his sins. ‘The books on both sides were put into the scales, but the sins weighed most. Then the Blessed Virgin, seeing She was doing no good, earnestly besought her Son, saying: “Remember, Beloved, that Thou didst receive of my substance, visible, tangible and sensible substance; give to me one drop of Thy blood shed for sinners in Thy passion.” And he replied: “It is impossible to deny thee anything. Yet know that one drop of my blood weighs heavier than all the sins of the whole world. Receive therefore thy request.” Receiving it, She placed it in the scales, and all those sins of the religious weighed against it as light as ashes.‘Then the devils departed in confusion, crying out and saying: “The Lady is too merciful to Christians; we fail as often as She comes to contend with us.” And so the man’s spirit returned to his body, and on recovery he related the whole tale and became a true monk. Taken From The Glories of Mary By Saint Alphonsus Liguori ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Lady explains the Hail Mary to Saint Mechtilde of Helfta (1241-1298): “My daughter, I want you to know that no one can please me more than by saying Rosary. The salutation which the Most Adorable Trinity sent to me, and by which He raised me to the dignity of Mother of God. By the word 'Ave' (which is the name Eve, Eva), I learned that in His infinite power God had preserved me from all sin and its misery, which the first woman had brought upon herself. The name ‘Mary’ which means ‘Lady of Light’ shows that God has filled me with wisdom and light, like a shining star, to light up Heaven and Earth. The words ‘full of grace’ remind me that the Holy Spirit has showered so many graces upon me that I am able to give these graces in abundance to those who ask for them through me as Mediatrix. When people say the ‘Lord is with thee,’ they give to me again the indescribable joy that I received when the Eternal Word became incarnate in my womb. When you say to me ‘blessed art thou among women,’ I praise Almighty God’s Divine mercy which raised me to this exalted level of happiness. And at the words, ‘blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus,’ the whole of Heaven rejoices with me to see my Son Jesus Christ adored and glorified for having saved mankind.”
Lay people should not go about trying to exorcize demons out of one another. I was once at a prayer meeting where they had what the leader called a “deliverance session.” It started off okay with the St. Michael prayer, then this woman began “speaking in tongues.” Gibberish that sounds vaguely like Hebrew, but it’s not! Next thing just about everyone was jabbering away, walking around, gathering around one person, then another, laying hands on them. This one lady sank to the floor and began screaming like a screech owl. The one man flopped down on the couch, laughing hysterically. Then someone announced the “demon of arthritis” was leaving. She went over to the window, opened it, and blew the demon away. I retreated into the bathroom and locked the door. It was insanity, but I knew I had to get myself out of that apartment. After a few minutes, the noise level abated, so I came out, saw four women on the floor, everyone else seated like they were in a trance. I grabbed my bag and bolted out the door into the street. Once outside, it was as if a heavy weight had been lifted from my chest and my sinuses cleared. I wasn’t aware of it until it was gone. I can only conclude it was actually demonic or that it was a reaction to stress on my part, and that the people including my friend whipped themselves up into mass hysteria, in the delusion that they were doing God’s ministry. As for the demon of arthritis being blown out the window, he must have been blown back in because the lady with the condition appeared at Mass on Sunday with her walker, as usual. Two months after this incident, I was ready to give up on my third try at Catholicism, but I was invited to a colleague’s son’s Confirmation. It turned to be at a church run by the SSPX. Somehow, I had lived to age 47, unaware that the Church of which I had only vague memories still existed. I’ve attended the Latin Mass exclusively ever since except for a couple of funerals and a First Communion.
A bishop is a bishop and his authority is inherent, so to speak, despite his personal failures. Just like a very sinful priest will still consecrate the Host the same way a very holy priest would.
TLM and NO are on the same level. Our goal is to live a holy life and praise Him. Going to NO, especially with the proper attitude of worship, helps us gain all the graces we could from it.
Father, in all respect to you, I’ve heard you say that grandparents don’t have the right to demand demons to leave their grandchildren alone. The reason is that a number of grandparents are bringing up grandchildren?
Since a bishop has far more power than an exorcist over demons, would it not be a good idea for a diocesan bishop to make his diocesan exorcist an auxiliary bishop?
If bishops have the power to drive out demons from the territory of their diocese, do parish priests have that same power on the territory of their parishes?
Bishops only have "enormous power against the demons" if they hold the Catholic Faith whole and entire -that is, if they are bona fide members of Christ in His Mystical Body the Catholic Church. When the so-called pope does not hold the Faith but continually actively attacks and falsifies it, how many of his hierarchy hold it? Next to none; So instead of their having tremendous power over the demons, the demons have tremendous power over them. Heresy separates fro Christ who is the Truth and from His power. Who are the bishops and who is the Pope? "Beware of false their deeds shall you KNOW them..." - Our Lord.
@@brianruane8505, you STILL don't acknowledge the blatant LIES against Pres. Trump from the communist DEMONcrat party???? They FEAR him, because he KNOWS their evil plans to destroy America/our freedoms, thus the continual lies, persecution, harrassment . If GOD doesn't give Pres. Trump the victory in this election, America is doomed to communist domination!!! 💔😭🤬
Q: How can the Virgin Mary impregnated by no man, give birth and still maintain her perpetual virginity? A: She was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, and Jesus was taken from her womb as a ray of light through an act of God. She maintained her perpetual virginity through this act. So she experienced no pain of childbirth as that is a sign of sin. She is a sinless vessel for a sinless baby. Her title is daughter to God the Father, mother to God the Son, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 66 * Before she is in labor, she gives birth;f Before her pangs come upon her, she delivers a male child. So God himself is born of a Jewish virgin, clothed in the flesh of a sinless daughter of high priest. She is the apex of Jewish holiness, a most holy sinless Jewish virginal woman. (Moses himself says in Genesis - “the seed of the woman (and not man) will crush the head of the serpent” She is the New Ark of the Covenant which holds the Word of God, just as the First Ark held the stone tablets written by the finger of God. Let me give you the OT mirror image of this scenario where Jesus and Virgin Mary is the New Adam and New Eve of the New Creation The relationship being The New Adam being taken from the side of the New Eve (both virginal and sinless) mirroring the First Eve taken from the side of the First Adam (both virginal and sinless) OT : Adam is created spiritually perfect and Eve is taken from his side (through an act of God) also was also made spiritually perfect. They were both created sinless and spiritually perfect. NT : Mary was created spiritually perfect (sinless) and Jesus was taken from her womb as a ray of light through an act of God. She maintained her perpetual virginity through this act.
Why doesn't the Bishops do the exorcisms instead of delegating it to specialist priests? . If they are that powerful they would be far more effective and free up the time for priests.
It isn’t limited to bishops. I know of a church where laymen laid hands on someone possessed and he was freed. Titles do not mean a thing, it is the power of Jesus.
@@lifesong8484 that is the devil tricking you into believing and staying in the Novus Ordo. Fr Jenkins discussed this topic in detail recently on What Catholics Believe. I also am speaking from personal experience with novus ordo "exorcisms"
Father Jenkins discusses exorcisms of the Novus Ordo in a recent episode of What Catholics Believe. The discussion starts around the 34:20 mark in the following video: I wonder why my previous reply to you was removed.
@@lucystephanieproperties I don't know why Fr. Ripperger even sat down with these schismatics or gave them the time. The only time he should give them is confession time so they repent of their sedevacantist ways.
No Exorcist claims they themselves have any power over demons, but they have the Christ given authority over demons (Mark 16:16-18). It is Jesus Christ Who casts demons out. In saying that though, priests & bishops have the extra anointing that comes with Apostolic succession. This drives demons mad.
It is absolutely extraordinary that there are people who, in 2024, actually believe there are 'demons' and then a crook tells us how he 'exorcises' these 'demons'!!! Its quite clear that there is a long way to go at educating people....if this fellow Rippiger is so good, how come he's not working in hospital around the country healing the sick and ill..????
You can't even spell his name correctly. Also, do you have proof that he is a crook? Support your argument. You are making random comments without ANY facts or resources to support your opinion. You are clearly uneducated. It is " absolutely extraordinary " that people like you are GIVEN a degree😅
@@lisacup6876 Ripperger repeatedly refers to demons and repeatedly tells people that they are real. There is not the slightest shred of evidence ever that demons exist in reality - to continue to claim this is the absence of evidence confirms that he is a crook! He males a good living being invited to give speeches all over the country - just like all the evangelical preachers in their private jets and palatial houses. He has crook written all over him!
As an Irish Catholic who is very aware of the suffering that my ancestors endured for their unwavering loyalty to the Pope under pain of death I am very disappointed to see Fr. Ripperger associating himself with this non-Catholic schismatic TH-cam channel!
FYI : Lifesite news represents Catholic content. I know John- Henry Westen is a devout Roman Catholic and he actually came to adoration and my local church. Fr. Ripperger will not allow himself to be interviewed by non- Catholic channels. You should pray for John- Henry and Fr. Ripperger.
May the Holy Family always protect Father Ripperger
To those who don't believe, prior to converting to Catholicism I lived in a haunted house. I didn't know that at the time but would wake up in the night hardly able to move or breathe. Something was pressing down on me and trying to 'take me over'. It was terrifying and a series of conversations with friends, after I had moved, led me to a Catholic priest who was able to explain what had likely been going on. I just wish I had had the knowledge and tools at the time and often pray for the family currently living in that house.
You could write them a letter to warn them and give advice on what to do.
I think I’d contact the new residents and tell them about your experience and refer them to a good priest. Never mind if they aren’t Catholic or think you’re crazy. If what you describe happens to them, chances are, they’ll be eager to cleanse the establishment of whatever demons are lurking. Even if not Catholic, I’ve heard of non-Catholics calling in a Catholic priest after everything else fails. It’s advisable to always have a new residence blessed before or shortly after moving in. I do the same with my vehicles, especially the used camper van I bought. One never knows what went on beforehand. Consecrate your home and vehicles to Our Lord’s Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I too had frightening experiences during what felt like sleep but was a slightly aware state and had the dreadful feeling of being pressed down in an other worldly strength…. Getting out of it was soo difficult. I would eventually awaken scared to death.
No one could ever explain what was going on with me. I never thought to ask my priest!! Perhaps I now will.
Say a Holy Rosary every day.
For starters
@@siggymartin There's nothing Holy about the rosary. Turn away from your idolatry.
@@kevinkane9446 God bless you
@kevinkane9446 the Holy Rosary is a Meditation of the life of Christ contemplating on scriptural verses from the bible.
@Bellaluccaminis Praying a hail Mary, let alone praying 50 of them in a row, is not meditating on Christ's life. Mary was not Holy she was a sinner like the rest of us Luke 1:47, Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23, she is not the mother of God as God has no mother and no father Hebrews 7:3, and she cannot hear the prayers or requests of millions of people everyday that is suggesting she is omnipresent or omnipotent and somehow how these God like abilities which is attributing divinity to her and making an idol out of her.
I was in Church when the priest was doing the Anointing of the Sick for those who wish this sacrament. When went to a woman and put oil on her head, she shook so violently, that the priest could not continue with the blessing. The shaking continued for more than five minutes.
Perhaps he should have said a few exorcism prayers 🙏
@@karenmunch4316at least binding prayers ...
The Anointing of the Sick isn't supposed to be given to "who ever wishes to receive it" like the priest was doing, anyway. The Church has specific liturgical prayers and guidelines for administering the Sacrament.
@@Marcia-fw3wzThey administer it after a Confession and in a Healing Mass.
@Marcia-fw3wz usually during a Healing Mass, any Catholic present who would like to receive the Anointing of the Sick is able to.
God bless, and Mary keep Fr. Ripperger!!!
God bless you father. I like what Padre pio said when approached by someone who says I don't believe in hell and Padre Pio Said you'll believe it when you get there
Fortunately, there is absolutely no evidence of any kind that such a place exists....
Thank you again, John- Henry and Fr. Ripperger. Praying for both of you❤
Someone needs to get Fr Ripperger and Jordan Peterson in the same room
That's interesting what Fr said.
Sometimes when I pray for someone I will feel what they feel in shorter, milder form.
I prayed for some relatives I knew were going through hardships and started feeling depression. I'm not depressed. So after about a day I could tell this was not coming from me.
It felt like it was outside of me like it belonged to someone else. Not sure how to explain it.
It passed in a couple days.
It was like I had taken on a bit of their suffering but somehow knew it would pass.
A few days later the relative who didn't know I was praying for called me. We haven't talked in months.
I talked to him a bit and could hear the anguish in his voice. I hope my prayers at least helped a little after we spoke.
It also wasn't anything that I didn't thing I could handle I guess bc I'm a practicing Catholic I'm generally protected bc I go to confession often and receive holy Eucharist, rosary etc.
I never pray deliverance prayers though, over others or even myself.
I have the same experience for my siblings and children. I can feel the cries of their spirits and I am compelled to pray foe them (a rosary or two), a mass dedicated for them and a prayer for them when I accept the Holy Eucharist.
God is always merciful, ask with all sincerity and it will be given.
Blessed Mother Virgin Mary, Please Pray for us.
You can pray deliverance prayers for others such as Fr's Auxilium Christianorum prayers from his Sensus Traditionis website.
Exorcised Epiphany water, Exorcised St. Benedict Medal, miraculous medal, Holy Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a regular daily prayer life. Oh and the Latin Mass and Latin prayers. The Latin mass because your united with many Catholics that believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist and it makes your prayers more effective.
Add Gregorian Chant to the litany
Are you saying those that don't attend latin mass don't believe in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist?????????
@@poppylar1834 of course not everyone at the NO mass but the majority of them probably don’t. I’ve been to both and I see and hear the difference. You obviously are going to disagree but that’s your opinion and I have mines. But if you look up Annabel Bugninii and his six or seven protestant ministers that change the mass then you’ll start to realize. The guy got sent to Iran for being a Freemason and he had an ID card of freemasonry.
@@poppylar1834 i'm sure a lot of them do! But there is greater reverence in the TLM for Christ in the Eucharist than in the New Mass as shown in the levity with which many a parish receive our Lord on the hand and standing! If that's the King of the Universe, shouldn't we be going over and beyond to receive Him than just the bare minimum?
Its quite telling the statistics about belief in the REAL PRESENCE is far declined amongst people who go to the New Mass and still very high amongst Traditional Latin Mass goers.
As we pray, so do we believe! So do we express worship!
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi
IIR, Fr. Ripperger has spoken to this:
Latin was the language of the dark empire of the Romans... an empire of extreme torture and infanticide, undermined and overcome by Christianity. Hearing Latin further humiliates the devil and his minions.
YES...JESUS TRUE KING OF ALL NATIONS❤ Love Father much he must sacrifice personally for Christ's childten..God's blessings be ipon him & you J.H.❤
I believe it ! I went to a TLM on the 1st Sun in June 2024 for prayers for my b-day and demon showed up in church while we were all praying the rosary - It's real! Screaming like i've never heard and we all knelt and continued praying the rosary -
What happened next?
Thanks for this interview, J-H. May God bless you both and your viewers.
Thank you fr ripperger.where i am we have a new bishop and we waited a while for him.he is from poland and when i see him ,i always thiink of what our lord said to saint faustina,about saint john paul ii.i will send you a spark from poland.i pray for them and will pray for you as well.may our lady and saint micheal protect you.
I've met 2 priests from Poland, both devout, holy & humble men of God.
Daily Adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist whenever possible.
Thank you for proclaiming the Truth. My experience against evil attacks is trusting the Our Father Prayer. For it written like Jesus Said, it is written. Grab a hand full of Bible Verses for protection. In JC mighty name.
God bless you, too. Please pray for all who work for and share around the world LSN TV. Thank you.
Bishop Barron needs to hear this!
Worse than childbirth! I hope I'm never possessed.
Probably meant natural childbirth, no epidural etc
16:45 The bishop where the Bohemian Grove is located started doing exorcisms himself but was severely attacked because of it.
I noticed when a bishops praying during the's like the ground is shaking.its very special
you are very easily impressed....poor gullible you!!
Great job!! We need the church bells back ringing!!!
Thankyou so much for this important information God blessTrudy Scremin just be greatful for your Catholic church and all the religious and support them ❤
We must emulate Jesus Christ when He was suffering on His Cross for us. And so like Jesus Christ we must die to ourselves our "self" NOT for ourselves but for our neighbors, our "enemies". As Jesus Christ proclaimed that we should not pray for our friends but for our enemies. The last will be the first and the first last. No point offering to God a sacrifice to God that is defiled "land" with a closed heart but with an open heart, pure and contrite heart. As st Paul teaches us after being taken up to the third heaven, says, we must die to ourselves daily. Jesus tells the women crying on his way to Calvary says, pray for your children. Jesus Christ didn't offer himself but " Himself " as a sacrifice for all of us as He prayed to the Father, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Jesus Christ cleansed us once and for all with this one prayer to the Father and through His precious body and blood as the Eternal Atonement. As the perfect lamb of God, Jesus Christ was the perfect lamb and sacrifice for all humanity under obedience to the Father's Will. And so when you have an open pure and contrite heart, you are able to seek knock and ask in Jesus Christ as you do not want to say Lord Lord and he turns you away saying, go away, I do not know you. Therefore, enter yourself into the Cross as Jesus Christ as your example and offer your death to "yourself" on your cross for the sins of your neighbour. God bless
Fr Ripperger is a wonderful priest - very wise, with deep insight and full of common sense. Thank you John Henry for interviewing him - Fr Chad's advice is always so helpful and very practical for us all on the Catholic pilgrim path
He is a complete crook - and his only real interest is MONEY!!!
Such a sad state of affairs. When God has blessed the bishops with such great power yet some are actually in bed with the devil.
Judas was the first ….
Like the human smugglers in the USCCB
Incredible !! Thank you Father 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
The evil don't bother with me ,, I do rosary daily . I wear my medals and scapulors ..I planted 4 St Benedict medals on my property . I each corner .
I also Consecrate after midnight . God powerful prayers from Fth Jim Blount
Same here❤
I consecrated myself and my family and my home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you.
@@rajoschannel4338 beautiful
We have everything in our blessed church....we lack nothing . We are so fortunate to be Catholic....I pray that my relatives come back to Holy Mother Church ⛪️
Amen no truer words spoken
Amen thank you
A Devout Client of Mary Shall Never Suffer the Loss of His Soul
There was a certain man who was religious in name only, but, wherever true religion was concerned, hard-hearted and careless.
He was, however, in the habit of praying to the Blessed Virgin and saying once everyday a hundred “Hail, Mary’s.” Coming near his end, he was caught away in an ecstasy, and devils charged him before the Great Judge seeking a sentence that would adjudge him to be theirs. God, therefore, knowing his manifold sins, said that he must be condemned.
Meantime the Blessed Virgin came offering schedules in which were contained all the “Hail Mary’s,” and begging her Son to allow him to receive a milder sentence. But the devils brought many books full of his sins. ‘The books on both sides were put into the scales, but the sins weighed most. Then the Blessed Virgin, seeing She was doing no good, earnestly besought her Son, saying:
“Remember, Beloved, that Thou didst receive of my substance, visible, tangible and sensible substance; give to me one drop of Thy blood shed for sinners in Thy passion.”
And he replied: “It is impossible to deny thee anything. Yet know that one drop of my blood weighs heavier than all the sins of the whole world. Receive therefore thy request.”
Receiving it, She placed it in the scales, and all those sins of the religious weighed against it as light as ashes.‘Then the devils departed in confusion, crying out and saying: “The Lady is too merciful to Christians; we fail as often as She comes to contend with us.”
And so the man’s spirit returned to his body, and on recovery he related the whole tale and became a true monk.
Taken From The Glories of Mary By Saint Alphonsus Liguori
Our Lady explains the Hail Mary to Saint Mechtilde of Helfta (1241-1298):
“My daughter, I want you to know that no one can please me more than by saying Rosary.
The salutation which the Most Adorable Trinity sent to me, and by which He raised me to the dignity of Mother of God.
By the word 'Ave' (which is the name Eve, Eva), I learned that in His infinite power God had preserved me from all sin and its misery, which the first woman had brought upon herself.
The name ‘Mary’ which means ‘Lady of Light’ shows that God has filled me with wisdom and light, like a shining star, to light up Heaven and Earth.
The words ‘full of grace’ remind me that the Holy Spirit has showered so many graces upon me that I am able to give these graces in abundance to those who ask for them through me as Mediatrix.
When people say the ‘Lord is with thee,’ they give to me again the indescribable joy that I received when the Eternal Word became incarnate in my womb.
When you say to me ‘blessed art thou among women,’ I praise Almighty God’s Divine mercy which raised me to this exalted level of happiness.
And at the words, ‘blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus,’ the whole of Heaven rejoices with me to see my Son Jesus Christ adored and glorified for having saved mankind.”
So the Bishop of every violent city could in effect be improved by daily exorcisms by the bishop? If only they would. And they MUST!
Thank you and God bless you both...❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for watching!
Thank you sir. For positive thoughts.
Thank you for watching!
Pray for me🙏🏻🙏🏻 keep the Devil away! JESUS I TRUST IN YOU! Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🕊️🕊️✝️✝️❤️🔥
Then why dont the Bishops use that power in their Diocese
They feel unworthy...
They give the work to their exorcist priests.
Very informative and helpful. Thank you 🇺🇸🙏❤️ Father you are very intelligent.
Thank you Father Ripperger. It’s always a pleasure to see you and hear your analysis of the spiritual world
it be nice to see what power they have against something mundane as a bad Pope.
Listening and follow your I teresting topics from Adelaide God Bless You and Father abundantly
Thanks for watching!
Be safe always :) Godbless
"Cease, the Sacred Heart of Jesus is with me"
Is this going to be a regular segment? That would be excellent! ❤❤❤❤
the bishops have so much power, but now it's harder than ever to drive the demons out of possessed people. Wonder why!
Am one of those fascinated by the exorcists
Thank you, J-H and Father Ripperger. This raised my knowledge about very important questions.
Lay people should not go about trying to exorcize demons out of one another. I was once at a prayer meeting where they had what the leader called a “deliverance session.” It started off okay with the St. Michael prayer, then this woman began “speaking in tongues.” Gibberish that sounds vaguely like Hebrew, but it’s not! Next thing just about everyone was jabbering away, walking around, gathering around one person, then another, laying hands on them. This one lady sank to the floor and began screaming like a screech owl. The one man flopped down on the couch, laughing hysterically. Then someone announced the “demon of arthritis” was leaving. She went over to the window, opened it, and blew the demon away. I retreated into the bathroom and locked the door. It was insanity, but I knew I had to get myself out of that apartment. After a few minutes, the noise level abated, so I came out, saw four women on the floor, everyone else seated like they were in a trance. I grabbed my bag and bolted out the door into the street. Once outside, it was as if a heavy weight had been lifted from my chest and my sinuses cleared. I wasn’t aware of it until it was gone. I can only conclude it was actually demonic or that it was a reaction to stress on my part, and that the people including my friend whipped themselves up into mass hysteria, in the delusion that they were doing God’s ministry. As for the demon of arthritis being blown out the window, he must have been blown back in because the lady with the condition appeared at Mass on Sunday with her walker, as usual. Two months after this incident, I was ready to give up on my third try at Catholicism, but I was invited to a colleague’s son’s Confirmation. It turned to be at a church run by the SSPX. Somehow, I had lived to age 47, unaware that the Church of which I had only vague memories still existed. I’ve attended the Latin Mass exclusively ever since except for a couple of funerals and a First Communion.
Pray for Fr. Ripperger. He looks very tired.
Please send the link of fr. To get the books
our archbishop apparently does not go for exorcisms & has not assigned an exorcist for the diocese, but he doesngo for same sex blessings. 😢
Can we pray for people who are sick, with a disease?
of course
Bishops who deny the TLM probably have little power over demons
A bishop is a bishop and his authority is inherent, so to speak, despite his personal failures. Just like a very sinful priest will still consecrate the Host the same way a very holy priest would.
Bishops who don't like the Saint michael prayer perhaps
TLM and NO are on the same level. Our goal is to live a holy life and praise Him. Going to NO, especially with the proper attitude of worship, helps us gain all the graces we could from it.
Say 91 psalm, flame of love unity prayer, guardian angel, st benedict prayers...
Do Grandparents or God Parents have any authority to pray over them?
Father, in all respect to you, I’ve heard you say that grandparents don’t have the right to demand demons to leave their grandchildren alone. The reason is that a number of grandparents are bringing up grandchildren?
What if you're stuck with Cupich?
My opinion only.. you can go to another diocese. I am from East Chicago. Listen to what Fr. Ripperger says.
My sympathies..but leave Chicago ASAP
No wonder that city is so sick. As the clergy goes, so does the city.
Pray pray alot!
Didn't Padre Pio once tell us that in these times we would be in very much need of more exorcists?
Since a bishop has far more power than an exorcist over demons, would it not be a good idea for a diocesan bishop to make his diocesan exorcist an auxiliary bishop?
You mean, the King to make his secretary an Auxiliary King?
Trivia: Peter the Apostle is the First Pope of the Catholic Church, and St. Evodius of Antioch invented the word Christian ❤
If bishops have that much power over demons and more power than exorcists....why don't bishops perform these deliverances/exorcisms...?
If bishops have the power to drive out demons from the territory of their diocese, do parish priests have that same power on the territory of their parishes?
I think so and I hope everyone does.
At what age does the authority over the children stop? Or us it until they are married?
I have the same question!
i dont believe they expire b/c the relationship continues
Bishops only have "enormous power against the demons" if they hold the Catholic Faith whole and entire -that is, if they are bona fide members of Christ in His Mystical Body the Catholic Church. When the so-called pope does not hold the Faith but continually actively attacks and falsifies it, how many of his hierarchy hold it? Next to none; So instead of their having tremendous power over the demons, the demons have tremendous power over them. Heresy separates fro Christ who is the Truth and from His power. Who are the bishops and who is the Pope? "Beware of false their deeds shall you KNOW them..." - Our Lord.
I will be back in support of you, John-Henry, when you come out explicitly in support of Donald Trump. Ave Maria.
you are in favour of a convicted felon..?????? SHAME ON YOU!!!
@@brianruane8505FOOLISH notion !
Repent & judge NOT !
@@danieldimond5734 I'm NOT judging - the evidence is absolutely clear: Trump is a convicted felon!! (prove me wrong)
So, you are happy to support a Convicted Felon...are you??? SHAME ON YOU!!!
@@brianruane8505, you STILL don't acknowledge the blatant LIES against Pres. Trump from the communist DEMONcrat party???? They FEAR him, because he KNOWS their evil plans to destroy America/our freedoms, thus the continual lies, persecution, harrassment . If GOD doesn't give Pres. Trump the victory in this election, America is doomed to communist domination!!! 💔😭🤬
Q: How can the Virgin Mary impregnated by no man, give birth and still maintain her perpetual virginity?
A: She was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, and Jesus was taken from her womb as a ray of light through an act of God. She maintained her perpetual virginity through this act.
So she experienced no pain of childbirth as that is a sign of sin. She is a sinless vessel for a sinless baby.
Her title is daughter to God the Father, mother to God the Son, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 66
* Before she is in labor,
she gives birth;f
Before her pangs come upon her,
she delivers a male child.
So God himself is born of a Jewish virgin, clothed in the flesh of a sinless daughter of high priest.
She is the apex of Jewish holiness, a most holy sinless Jewish virginal woman.
(Moses himself says in Genesis - “the seed of the woman (and not man) will crush the head of the serpent”
She is the New Ark of the Covenant which holds the Word of God, just as the First Ark held the stone tablets written by the finger of God.
Let me give you the OT mirror image of this scenario where Jesus and Virgin Mary is the New Adam and New Eve of the New Creation
The relationship being The New Adam being taken from the side of the New Eve (both virginal and sinless) mirroring the First Eve taken from the side of the First Adam (both virginal and sinless)
OT : Adam is created spiritually perfect and Eve is taken from his side (through an act of God) also was also made spiritually perfect. They were both created sinless and spiritually perfect.
NT : Mary was created spiritually perfect (sinless) and Jesus was taken from her womb as a ray of light through an act of God. She maintained her perpetual virginity through this act.
My ex husband welcomed the diabolic into our home and unsafe environment to raise my family a black out drunk
Pray the Holy Rosary prayer for his conversion. It is very effective.
Why doesn't the Bishops do the exorcisms instead of delegating it to specialist priests? . If they are that powerful they would be far more effective and free up the time for priests.
Bishops are very busy. They already do not have spare time, let alone the countless hours required for Exorcisms. What we need is more priests 🙏
It isn’t limited to bishops. I know of a church where laymen laid hands on someone possessed and he was freed. Titles do not mean a thing, it is the power of Jesus.
😂😂😂😂😂……..wait, what?……😂😂😂😂😂
You don’t have to be a bishop to cast out demons if god has anointed you with his power anyone can do it!
I suggest you listen to Fr's podcasts on that. If you go beyond your authority you can get into a lot of trouble. Acts 19:15
@@stevevrana3922agreed, these priests go through tons of training, don’t mess with that Eli you would get in trouble
What’s with the visionaries. This is not the Catholic faith. Why doesn’t exorcise the evil out of the vatican
Or Not...
Ummmm...none of the NO guys are priests or bishops etc.
That's untrue. I say this as someone who has felt the power of the authority of their anointing during Exorcisms.
@@lifesong8484 that is the devil tricking you into believing and staying in the Novus Ordo. Fr Jenkins discussed this topic in detail recently on What Catholics Believe. I also am speaking from personal experience with novus ordo "exorcisms"
Father Jenkins discusses exorcisms of the Novus Ordo in a recent episode of What Catholics Believe. The discussion starts around the 34:20 mark in the following video:
I wonder why my previous reply to you was removed.
Why does TH-cam suggest schismatic channels like Lifesite to me? 😭
Oh my, I never knew that until you mentioned it. I see Fr. Ripperger I click. 😅😢
@@lucystephanieproperties I don't know why Fr. Ripperger even sat down with these schismatics or gave them the time. The only time he should give them is confession time so they repent of their sedevacantist ways.
You have no power at all.
No Exorcist claims they themselves have any power over demons, but they have the Christ given authority over demons (Mark 16:16-18). It is Jesus Christ Who casts demons out. In saying that though, priests & bishops have the extra anointing that comes with Apostolic succession. This drives demons mad.
@@lifesong8484 i understand but i dont like the formulation of the video title at all.
It is absolutely extraordinary that there are people who, in 2024, actually believe there are 'demons' and then a crook tells us how he 'exorcises' these 'demons'!!! Its quite clear that there is a long way to go at educating people....if this fellow Rippiger is so good, how come he's not working in hospital around the country healing the sick and ill..????
The demons believe in God in the Holy Eucharist and here we see a person who don't believe they exist no thanks to them.
You can't even spell his name correctly. Also, do you have proof that he is a crook? Support your argument. You are making random comments without ANY facts or resources to support your opinion. You are clearly uneducated. It is " absolutely extraordinary " that people like you are GIVEN a degree😅
@@lisacup6876 Ripperger repeatedly refers to demons and repeatedly tells people that they are real. There is not the slightest shred of evidence ever that demons exist in reality - to continue to claim this is the absence of evidence confirms that he is a crook! He males a good living being invited to give speeches all over the country - just like all the evangelical preachers in their private jets and palatial houses. He has crook written all over him!
As an Irish Catholic who is very aware of the suffering that my ancestors endured for their unwavering loyalty to the Pope under pain of death I am very disappointed to see Fr. Ripperger associating himself with this non-Catholic schismatic TH-cam channel!
FYI : Lifesite news represents Catholic content. I know John- Henry Westen is a devout Roman Catholic and he actually came to adoration and my local church. Fr. Ripperger will not allow himself to be interviewed by non- Catholic channels. You should pray for John- Henry and Fr. Ripperger.
@@user-dbdbehcbn You are so wrong. You should know better unless you are an NO pseudo Catholic
We are NOT obligated to follow a heretical pope and hopefully you will never have need of a Father Ripperger
Wow - aren't you the judgemental one.
I know Father Ripperger and he very much cares about people who are suffering from demons. You should read some of his books.