I was combine that same year in march. The water was starting to really coming. It was 70 degrees that last day we were out there. I had neighbor out there helping me and he went through a drainage ditch little fast and didn't realize how deep the water was until it was taking in water and seen the water in the hopper.
Cool. There was so much corn up here in MN and ND left up in the winter because of water. It was interesting to see combines out in 10 degree weather, lots of snow too. Must have been 10s of thousands of acres of corn up in the red river valley
News said (North Dakota) up here we have a million unharvested acres yet across the state. Stressful times for farmers (esp ones with cattle as it's calving season now) when they should be getting seeders ready for planting and so many still combining corn and sunflowers. Unique circumstances up here this late in the game
Minnesota too, it seemed like maybe 10% made it off before the freese. Good thing corn can be harvested pretty much anytime. I saw combines out in all winter. So wet in NW MN had to wait for the soil to freeze. Even then we got so much snow drifted into the corn. Terrible corn season. Combines don’t usually have line or tank heaters like loaders or skid steers. I wonder how newer equipment liked number 1 diesel. We used it in our winter tractor, it used quite a bit more fuel, likely also due to the engine not running at optimal temperatures. We’d run it below zero, had no choice. When neighbors find out you have a big tractor with a loader and snowblower they depend on you. No heater, but had a cab anyway in the old Allis 200. Toughest tractor ever.
Corn harvest in March - that's just crazy. But hey - you may be on to something - double crop corn - 2 crops of corn in one year! Good luck with getting most of it before thaw.
I was combine that same year in march. The water was starting to really coming. It was 70 degrees that last day we were out there. I had neighbor out there helping me and he went through a drainage ditch little fast and didn't realize how deep the water was until it was taking in water and seen the water in the hopper.
22” rows?
Cool. There was so much corn up here in MN and ND left up in the winter because of water. It was interesting to see combines out in 10 degree weather, lots of snow too. Must have been 10s of thousands of acres of corn up in the red river valley
News said (North Dakota) up here we have a million unharvested acres yet across the state. Stressful times for farmers (esp ones with cattle as it's calving season now) when they should be getting seeders ready for planting and so many still combining corn and sunflowers. Unique circumstances up here this late in the game
Minnesota too, it seemed like maybe 10% made it off before the freese. Good thing corn can be harvested pretty much anytime. I saw combines out in all winter. So wet in NW MN had to wait for the soil to freeze. Even then we got so much snow drifted into the corn. Terrible corn season. Combines don’t usually have line or tank heaters like loaders or skid steers. I wonder how newer equipment liked number 1 diesel. We used it in our winter tractor, it used quite a bit more fuel, likely also due to the engine not running at optimal temperatures. We’d run it below zero, had no choice. When neighbors find out you have a big tractor with a loader and snowblower they depend on you. No heater, but had a cab anyway in the old Allis 200. Toughest tractor ever.
Oh yeah - great drone footage!
Corn harvest in March - that's just crazy. But hey - you may be on to something - double crop corn - 2 crops of corn in one year! Good luck with getting most of it before thaw.
How is the moisture and test weight? I just found your videos , good content !
Where are you at? You must be in Minnesota?
Good luck with the rest of the crop.