Love the commentary. I hate all the fluff and overzealous excitement that so many other commentators give. This commentary is straight to the point, nothing difficult and everything calm. Well done!
For those who dont know bojana, dont think shes a push over, she plays far better than this. I dont really know what got to her this match it was definitely of her own making tho. Ive never seen bo look this bad to be honest it was quite shocking. This is pias typical level of play which is still good enough to compete with most of the womans division although shes far from the best the ladies are far from the men in terms of skill and overall capabilities. All in all, great commentary and a decent match i just wish both had a more competitive match.
Love the commentary. I hate all the fluff and overzealous excitement that so many other commentators give. This commentary is straight to the point, nothing difficult and everything calm. Well done!
Great match, great commentary and great production. It doesn't get any better than that! Keep 'em coming BN!
Well done commentary! Thank you.
Bravo! Idemoo
Why would you have the camera facing away from the players chairs. It’s nice to see the players facial expressions.
Good match. Thx for the upload
Bravo, Bojana!
Great Safetys from Boyana..
Good Game Bojana.... Love You My Beautiful... You Beat The Pee Out Of Pia.....
3-point rule on the break is a stupid idea and should be forced out of the game altogether.
For those who dont know bojana, dont think shes a push over, she plays far better than this. I dont really know what got to her this match it was definitely of her own making tho. Ive never seen bo look this bad to be honest it was quite shocking. This is pias typical level of play which is still good enough to compete with most of the womans division although shes far from the best the ladies are far from the men in terms of skill and overall capabilities. All in all, great commentary and a decent match i just wish both had a more competitive match.
Bravo Bojana, ponosna je Srbija!!!
Bojana is not from Slovakia but from Serbia!
Božana Božana...
Helo Diem Do
@@johndenver752 where you from?
Was this supposed to be a pro match... Just asking
Why you talk
this alternate break idea sucks...also, so many simple shots missed for both these players...they play like girls, lol.