速看EP47終於要下線了!謝公帶證據入王府卻離奇死亡?善良王妃偷出證據揭發自己哥哥,驪歌出大招定罪殺父仇人😎|錦繡南歌/The Song of Glory/古裝/愛情/權謀/李沁/秦昊

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
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    #中國電視劇 #ChineseDrama #dramaclips #古装 #爱情 #权谋 #李沁 #秦昊 #锦绣南歌 #thesongofglory
    ▶ 《錦繡南歌》由#李沁、#秦昊、蘆展翔 、戚跡、谷嘉誠主演的古裝言情權謀劇。講述劉宋元嘉年間,天下積弊積弱,監政劉義康羽翼未豐,暗中蟄伏。俠女驪歌借太妃壽宴獻舞,借機刺殺劉義康,卻成為劉義康和奸佞陸遠爭奪的棋子。陰差陽錯之間,驪歌成為沈家將門嫡女,並與劉義康聯姻。
    ▶The Song Of Glory, during the Song period of Southern Dynasty in China, there were many social problems and disadvantages emerging and accumulating. The State Supervisor Liu Yikang (acted by Qin Hao) was still inexperienced and unfamiliar with the politics of the country; therefore, he chose to hide himself silently. Meanwhile, the Heroine Lige (acted by Li Qin) took advantage of the concubine's birthday feast and danced at the feast in an attempt to assassinate Liu Yikang. However, she became the very person both Liu Yikang and the famous Criminal Lu Yuan competed for in order to achieve their perspective targets. Coincidentally and mistakenly, Lige became the eldest daughter of the General Shen family and was designated to marry Liu Yikang.

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