[Mobile] Panel Attack -- Touch Screen Test Drive

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • Yes, I pride myself on being significantly behind the curve at all times:
    (Especially behind on content production. HMMMM?!)
    I spent the past week involuntarily whisked away to parts unknown, desperately trying to check in on society as I formerly knew it. But between laborious travel through physical space (ew) and... ... ... the barren expansive void of... nature (ew!?!) ...well... ... ... you just gotta find ways to make your own fun.
    Spoiler alert: nature isn't always "on"... so. You just passively soak it in. And attempt to avoid it devouring you whole. From time to time.
    Cohabitators on this journey of freeform malarkey are similar, mind you, since they're going to be just as passively besieged by... nature. And such. And in between such encounters, you'll be intermittently colliding and bouncing off each other's activities. "I'm going to have a snack, you want some?" "I'm going to go sit out over there for awhile." "Hey, do you want to play this card game?!" "Okay maybe later."
    Um. Uh. BESIDES having established that I am not good with vacations, nature, and/or people in general, even the ones that I purportedly already am supposed to like... ... ... you get a lot of time to yourself to think about stuff and read about things so that you have less time to think about reading things.
    So. Um. I (finally) learned a lot about Panel Attack. Which had been on my radar for quite some time, obviously... but... I mean, I've had bad experiences in the past with a) continuously in-development software and b) Panel de Pon clones.
    Don't get me wrong! I think that the latter is INSANE how you even find ANY of those, like, even going as far back as ones for the old "you need this for your class" graphing calculators... but... um... ... ... it's VERY difficult to get such a finicky piece of software right. I have nothin but respect for people who can put up with it AND get it JUST RIGHT. But if any community of people could congeal such a software developer as do take on the task, it'd be the Panel de Pon people. We are a weird and stoic lot, DO NOT TRIFLE WITH US.
    And then fan-developed software that just constantly gets updates is frequently quite AMAZING. No ifs, ands, or buts. But then. Like. Depending on WHEN you get into it... it could be rougher than you bargained for. COULD. So there's always the "ehhh, I'll catch it a while down the line and maybe it'll be even nicer!"
    Panel Attack, by the way... pretty dang spiffy for such an effort. It's missing a bit of polish around the edges here and there, but not in any way that'd meaningfully impact your usage except for once in a very strange while. But what it DOES have intact? It is a wonder to behold.
    I-If you like Panel de Pon, I mean. You DO, don't you?! You MUST!
    But anyway, enough about that. This is not about Panel Attack proper. This is about... a weird little "oh, that sounds neat" aside I had with myself wherein I found that the engine it was scripted around is indeed quite platform-agnostic to a degree I couldn't have expected... to the point that you can take the literal .exe file you use on PC and just. Rename its extension and a standalone platform for executing scripts... JUST WORKS.
    And WHY would I do this? Good question! I'm not as insane as I usually I am, I swear! (This time.)
    Because the mobile fork actually supports TOUCH controls!
    Like, last I remember, the "community" (insofar as I could have claimed to know of it, mind you) was pretty torn over Planet Puzzle League essentially trivializing certain skill-based maneuvers and letting you traverse the puzzle matrix nearly as fast as your eyes could allow, rather than your fingers being the deciding factor.
    So, suffice to say, it surprised me to find that there was such a robust effort towards adding such a feature to the flagship project blazing a trail to do what Nintenwon't. By ALSO doing what NintenDID, but... is it just in hindsight that people are appreciating it? Maybe I was in a weird negativity feedback loop zone?
    Anyway, as the man said... Touching is Good! ... ... ...um. yeah!
    (Even BETTER than motion control! And I'm a massive proponent of shoving that EVERYWHERE so that the option is there, and we can just move forward, instead of fighting over our goofy little thumbsticks, when there's MORE IMPORTANT battles to wage! ... ... ...like touching!)
    UN-fortunately, I caught this at a pretty volatile moment in its development, since the MAIN Panel Attack application is in a pretty big growth spurt and going exciting ways, and the touch interface has always been... kinda... frustrating to develop (shocking!) by comparison, so... THIS build isn't actually much supported and has a lot of those rough edges I mentioned.
    It was also a nightmare to record audio for, but that's a systemic Android OS growing pain, not Panel Attack's fault.
    But I had enough fun to want to make a weird one-off video AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME.

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