What’s the Most Inappropriate Time That You Started Laughing and Couldn’t Stop?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 50

  • @Claire_Aces
    @Claire_Aces 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    In my church, there’s this man who every Sunday, unfailingly, would I guess fall under the spirit and start speaking in tongues. The thing is I’m Catholic and our mass is usually very quiet, so the first time it happened, I feared the worst. Over time, I understood it was normal, as no one seemed to react.
    A few Sundays ago, like clockwork, the man started yelling again. This time, the priest had to wait for him to finish. I couldn’t help but laugh at it because the whole situation seemed to ridiculous. I had my head bowed, so the only one who noticed was my sister who was beside me. She too then started laughing

  • @SilentEcho9194
    @SilentEcho9194 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Why is it that at the most inappropriate times we are overcome with laughter? The more you try to stop, the more you laugh.

  • @terrisr2085
    @terrisr2085 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Ok. I have one. About 12 years ago, my sister and I attended my office Christmas party. It was assigned seating in a hotel ballroom. They purposely placed you at a table with people from different departments which made things awkward. As we settled in and dinner was served, an older heavy set gentleman sitting next to his wife was trying to stand up from his seat. He grabbed the back of his wife’s chair. His wife, being on the tiny side, was slung out of the chair. She ended up thrown across the floor with her legs in the air and her dress around her waist. I was immediately concerned that she was hurt. Her husband said “Oh God honey are you okay? He moves over to help her up and she swats his hand away and says “get away from me.” Maybe it was the alcohol, at that moment, I lost it. I laughed until I had tears rolling down my cheeks. My sister kept kicking me and telling me to stop. I knew it was bad but I just could not. They eventually rejoined the table and I was still going. God forgive me, I’m laughing about it right now.

  • @mamaremy628
    @mamaremy628 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    At my aunt's funeral.
    But, I was the last person she spoke to on the phone about 20 minutes before she passed from a massive heart attack.
    She was in denial, but was trying to make me laugh and distract me.
    I ended up calling my uncle and cousin, neither of which live with her but only about 5 or so minutes away, and she had called 911, as did I, but it was too late by the time all of them arrived.
    My aunt had made a few jokes to me just before she died, one of them was -
    "Hey, you remember that game I used to play with y'all when y'all were kids called Don't Wake Daddy? Well,what if I die? It'd be funny as hell if i sat up all of a sudden like daddy! And, put one of them damn Build A Bear voiceboxes in me so I can go RAWR!"
    I was laughing and crying at the same time because I was trying to convince her to call 911, and she did and so did I, but not before she made one more joke to me.
    "If I die make my dead ass dance like that frog from Bugs Bunny. Hello my baby hello my honey! I wanna scare the shit outta y'all one last time!"
    She was a famous prankster, and that was the last conversation we had.
    2 days later I'm at her funeral, and me and my sister were the first to see her.
    I had to turn away and bury my face in my sister's shoulder becauuuuuse....
    All the hell I can think of is...
    and also all I can think of is
    "What if I sat up and went RAWR?"
    I had to leave to go laugh hysterically to myself.
    One of my cousins must have seen me snickering, which everyone mistook for me losing it (I was but not in a sad way), and he got uptight, that is, until i explained things, showed him the text, and we all laughed our asses off in the parking lot.
    She would have wanted me to remember her cracking smartass jokes until the very end, instead of being sad.
    R.I.P. aunt Vickie, I miss your pranks and jokes. Thanks for all the laughs!😂🤣

  • @hollywoodslym
    @hollywoodslym 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Backstory: Summer time. My neighbors are outside drunk and fighting. They’re brothers ages 21 and 25. The older brother (Vernon)who is smaller then the younger brother took off his timberland boot 🥾 and told the younger brother (call him Roe) he’s going to smack him with it. Roe says “I wish you”. 💥 Vernon smacks him across the face with it. Ro is pissed off but before he could react 💥 Vernon smacks him again. I lost it…😂😂😂
    Now fast forward 6 months later. A very popular guy from my HS died. He was a high profile guy and his brother played in the NBA so the whole city came out to his funeral. I’m with my bff and he also was there to witness the boot smacking incident. Anyway they were about to close the casket so they asked to come see him for the last time. But it was so packed that we got detoured to the balcony seats. So we just sat down. Then I look up and see Roe and his entourage walk pass me. I look down I have a text from my bff saying remember Vern smacked him with that boot.
    I haven’t thought of that incident in months so I completely lost control 😂😂😂😂
    I had to pretend I was crying uncontrollably
    While everyone stared angrily at first. Then they felt sorry for me and random ppl would rub my back while I buried my head in my lap. Laughing like a hyena and pretending to cry.

  • @glitchbubbles219
    @glitchbubbles219 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    A couple months ago my mom was listening to a murder documentary and I laughed when they said “spontaneous human combustion”

    • @mihan2d
      @mihan2d 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There is a theory it is real though, just way too little evidence to prove it. But as far as I know, human cells contain just *ludicrous* amount of energy in chemical bonds, so if there were a possibility it could be released in a chain-reaction manner, combustion would be the mildest of outcomes.

  • @askreddit3021
    @askreddit3021 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    My grandmother was the same way during my granddads funeral. When we were putting him in the ground one of my young cousins asked why the hole was so deep and my grandmother explained that when she dies they're burying her on top of his casket. She then leaned over to me and my two older sister and said, "he did always like me on top." Fucking. Lost it.

    • @BloxyMelonio
      @BloxyMelonio 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      this is copied from a reddit comment 😂

  • @011mrq7
    @011mrq7 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There was an assembly at my school ,they had a handicapped girl speaking on the mic ... Idk why they didn't use an "interpreter" or stand-in but this disabled girl just foamed and gargled through the entire speach.i looked at my friend across the way in bewilderment of what we were witnessing. I began laughing so hard I hurt my rib trying to hide the sound of it. I was kicked out of the assembly. I feel bad, I was a disturbed child.

  • @darrisreid502
    @darrisreid502 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    At a remembrance day ceremony due to my classmate wispering a joke in my ear. What was worse is it was when they mentioned the people who died during the war.

    • @011mrq7
      @011mrq7 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      My story is similar.

  • @ravenblue7805
    @ravenblue7805 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Some of my friends and I were at a local theatre for a celebration of different cultural acts. It was pretty well a full house and there were acts which invited audience participation so we were all kind of loosened up and enjoying it. Then the announcement came that we’d be seeing some traditional Irish dancing by a brother and sister team. The music started up and it was very lively....then, from stage left came a little girl and boy, no older than 10, with their arms down stiff at their sides, and their legs kicking high and fast, like a blur. They travelled across the stage and back and forth, their upper bodies unmoving while their feet are stomping out impossible rhythms, staying side by side wherever they went. Then one of my friends just said very quietly “Isn’t this just like the *ministry of silly walks*?”
    ALL of us looked back at the stage and promptly lost our
    sh!t.....the kind of laughter from your core that makes you feel like you’ll never be able to inhale enough air to keep being alive....we laughed as quietly as we could and didn’t stop until long after the act finished.
    Now, whenever I see that style of dance, I see John Cleese from the 70’s Monty Python skits, and I cannot keep straight, even if my life depended upon it.

  • @heisensaul5538
    @heisensaul5538 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    ok, when I was a kid, I went to a private catholic school. I remember in the 2nd grade we did the stations of the cross. Our teacher was a nun. May have mercy on your soul if you started to laugh during that and couldn't stop lol ok the other thing I want to say is that I saw The Pianist in the theaters. At the end of the movie when he is asked why is he wearing a Nazi jacket, and he replies with "I'm cold..." That actually did make a few people in the theater chuckle a little bit. And after all that he went through in that movie, I think it was fair to have a lighthearted moment. The guy in the wheel getting tossed over the balcony, yeah that's not a good moment to get the giggles lol

  • @starwarsguy9803
    @starwarsguy9803 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My story is when I was a sophomore in high school. My friend showed me a video of this guy blowing his brains out on TV. Now I don’t remember if this was real or not, but when he pulled the trigger I instantly started laughing. I don’t know why it just happened. She has said that she thought she was gonna need therapy after seeing that while I was just cackling in my seat

  • @j_mill9356
    @j_mill9356 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I’m just sitting here imaging I’m in these situations while sipping beer cracking up 😂

    • @BloxyMelonio
      @BloxyMelonio 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      i wouldn’t be able toe, i’d just choke on the drink and start laughing at that itself 😂

  • @petertawil5504
    @petertawil5504 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sitting in college class, a blind kid walks in (like obviously blind with the stick and all. This is important for what happened.), asks, “Did I leave a tape recorder here?” My professor picks up the tape recorder left on the desk and asks (with a dead pan face and not joking at all), “Does this look like it?” I was laughing so hard and couldn’t stop I had to leave the class. I still bust out in giggles thinking about it today.

    • @ElfMaidWithInternet
      @ElfMaidWithInternet 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have a blind friend that makes vision jokes quite a lot. It cracks me up every time, especially when she does stuff like put her hand up when the teacher asks if anyone couldn't see the screen from where they were sitting.

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thanks for the stories

  • @thessian420
    @thessian420 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @brucea9871
    @brucea9871 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not me but other people. Once I was listening to the news on the radio and the newscaster was describing something that was definitely not a laughing matter; it was rather tragic. Then it seemed as if he started snickering, trying to stop himself from bursting out laughing. I suspect a co-worker at the radio station was deliberately doing something to try to make him laugh on the air. If so it was very immature and unprofessional, especially since the newscaster was relating some tragic news. Another instance occurred at my father's funeral. The priest made a mistake during the funeral and several people in the audience started laughing briefly.

  • @DuchessofEarlGrey
    @DuchessofEarlGrey 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Remembrance Day ceremony. 11:00 AM moment of silence. Suddenly out of the quiet, a little old lady somewhere in the crowd, "I can't hear anything."
    Oh. My. GOD. Longest two minutes of my life.

  • @HLY66
    @HLY66 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    We were watching a documentary in Geography class about cliffs and how they erode over time. It cut to a still camera shot of a man and his son (who looked to be 9-10) walking up a rocky path on a hill. I guess it some sort of guerrilla filming for the documentary. Just before the pair walk out of frame, the boy trod on a rock that rolled under his show and almost made him trip over. All you could see was the boy's right foot continuously tripping over this rock (all the while he nor the father never uttered a word) before the scene ended. The class roared with laughter. It was obviously much funnier than seeing a cartoon character slipping on a banana. The teacher got mad at us for laughing but the class egged him on to rewind the video to watch it again. The class were even more hysterical watching it a second time. The teacher was still mad but the class wanted to see this small boy tripping over a rock one more time. I think the video is hidden within the depths of TH-cam somewhere.

  • @ddplayerfromgodknowswhere7492
    @ddplayerfromgodknowswhere7492 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I was younger, I used to think the sounds of babies crying was funny and when I was in the waiting room of a hospital, getting ready to have a surgery, another baby, I believe was getting a shot or something and started crying and I started laughing

  • @UncleMikeDrop
    @UncleMikeDrop 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is the key to avoid inappropriate laughter when telling a serious story is to open with the most serious part. Shape the mental image.

  • @MackRangerPower
    @MackRangerPower 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So I was working at Walmart and my boss comes in and he’s all sad. We ask him what’s wrong and he talks about his wife falling out of bed and hurting her back and when he tried to help her she injured it further. I was listening and one single thought crept into my head: my god, he blew her back out. For the next hour I was laughing so hard I could barely handle myself. I even heard him ask if I was laughing at him. But the more I thought about it the harder I left and I could not stop

  • @nicholasnguyen5181
    @nicholasnguyen5181 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I laughed when I was at either a funeral or a wedding. Man I’m bad XD

  • @ericgarringer6911
    @ericgarringer6911 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not necessarily inappropriate but when we studied ww2 in high school we were watching footage from the Pacific marines using flamethrowers to clear pillboxes & a bunch of burning Japanese run out I just lost it everyone else in the class turned and looked at me

  • @danteaghoulfromspace2996
    @danteaghoulfromspace2996 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    oh i have one
    in my filosophy class, we were once shown a picture and we would talk about the first thing we thought of. it was this picture of a little kid 3-4 years old maybe, just straight on the ground, face down in the sand. so i thought it was funny, you know "ah kids, crazy little animals", and so i gave off a loud laugh.
    but then, it turned out to be a refugee kid who had drowned during the boat part of their journey and had washed up in greece or something. everyone looked at me funnily the rest of the 2 hours we had left.
    i learned to check the filters on the pictures first

  • @beagleissleeping5359
    @beagleissleeping5359 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    6th grade. We were having a moment of silence because of the recent Challenger accident. Another girl and I suddenly had a fit of the giggles. To this day I don't know why we were laughing.😬

  • @jacalynnepuder1172
    @jacalynnepuder1172 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hopefully you all will read/enjoy this, this happened a few years back on a trip back home from visiting grandpa in Michigan I do believe: family was having fun in some indoor amusement park thing, mom, myself and my brother were doing the mirror maze. I used my sense of touch to navigate the maze, I don't think my brother did because as he was coming out of the exit, he walked into a mirror. I have started to think about this and felt it would be good for this video

  • @saitheruler3581
    @saitheruler3581 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is it bad that I laughed even before the funny part was said for the funerals?
    Edit just thought of this, you can't have funerals without fun

  • @kierstenfish9324
    @kierstenfish9324 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anybody else in driver's ed watch the video where the police officer is talking about a head on crash and his experience pulling up to the scene "and he screamed this loud, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH"?

  • @lilyawoodburn
    @lilyawoodburn 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    18:40 my high school church youth group went to see this, it was such a bizarre movie to watch. By the end I legit thought they were gonna do the whole nonsensical "Ham's curse is that he was turned Black" thing that way too many Christians still believe, that's how much the movie pandered to white American creationists

  • @donovanthedbzlover576
    @donovanthedbzlover576 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ok so my dads friend was getting married and my dad was going to be the guy who was all like you may kiss the bride and so he obviously stood in between their friend and their wife and they got married at their house in their backyard was a pool that they were a bit close to it anyways the flower girl who was like 5 was prancing around throwing flowers the usual wedding stuff and she passed my dad and my older brother who was sitting next to me said
    Imagine if dad football kicked the girl into the pool
    I immediately thought of that scene where in tropic thunder the guy yeets the kid and the kid flips like a million times in the air and I just started laughing and when my brother asked me what was so funny I told him and he just started laughing to and so here we are at a wedding everyone all serious and stuff and me and my brothers are in the corner imagining our dad kicking a kid into a pool that was a fun day

  • @midnightgt46
    @midnightgt46 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    someone got stabbed in front of me and i laughed

  • @Battlebot111
    @Battlebot111 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    School presentation we get two a part we’re it say 10000 people died my group partner started nervously laughing then that made me nervous laugh

  • @susansusan6612
    @susansusan6612 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I come to threads like these specifically for pissed of Bible thumper comments.....
    Life is to short, enjoy while you can, it is a given that everyone will mess up at least once in their life, and if laughing at an inappropriate time is the worst thing you ever do, then consider yourself lucky/blessed.

  • @justyouraveragecommenter7812
    @justyouraveragecommenter7812 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I laughed at a marriage I was 10 or 9

  • @SamadahalRey
    @SamadahalRey 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    um.. why does it keep reading "reading" as "redding"? It's not misspelled or anything.

  • @cornedbeefloaf5799
    @cornedbeefloaf5799 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    me my one friend and my sister were at my friends house playing monopoly when he decides to watch a movie and i tell him to pick once upon a time in london, we watch it, then i get bored of it so i tell him chopse another one, he doesnt, so i just tell him to hurry up and make his turn, he does, then a sex scene appeared, we laughed, i tell him again to choose another movie, he doesnt then right after that another sex scene, we laugh and then he finally picks another movie
    different one but me and that friend i mentiones above were looking for movies when we discover his dads porn stash with his mother nearby

  • @wb9913
    @wb9913 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Pinkerton story is so stupid lol it’s not even funny as an immature high schooler

  • @zacharysiple629
    @zacharysiple629 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Our church has a Thanksgiving Eve service every year. One year, about 3 or 4 years ago, we recited a confession of sins called The Confiteor which starts like this:
    "I confess to God Almighty, before the whole company of Heaven, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned in thought, word, and deed, in what I have done, and what I failed to do, by my fault...by my own fault...through my most miserable fault…"
    I was standing in front of a family that I hang around with (the kids are in youth group), and the Mom was like: "Woah." I had already started giggling.
    Every couple of minutes, I kept snickering at that. I even forgot what was so funny, then I looked at the bulletin (order of service) and remembered. I tried getting some water to calm down but ended up choking on the water. One of the ushers came to check on me when he heard me choke.
    I told my Grandma about that later and when I recited that part, she said: "Oh, you horrible sinner!" :)

  • @zacharysiple629
    @zacharysiple629 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    18:40 "My friend and I went to go see Noah in theaters."
    That right there is enough. That completely misrepresents the story of Noah to ACTUALLY call it Noah. To quote my Pastor: "The only thing Biblical about the movie Noah, is the name Noah." To which I added: "And there's an ark and a flood." That movie from a Biblical standpoint IS a comedy.

  • @zacharysiple629
    @zacharysiple629 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    4:44 I watched that 6 days ago for the first time- 1/12/22. Yeah, that is NOT a scene to be laughing at.

  • @windowlicker_4207
    @windowlicker_4207 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The time I accidentally called a homeless guy a loser, but not for being homeless
    I live in Los Angeles and there are weirdos everywhere. A few weeks back, I was in line to drop mail off at the blue box outside the postoffice. There was a homeless guy out there, seemingly in line too. Weird but okay.
    The car behind me honks for some reason.
    Homeless guy thinks it was me.
    He starts yelling at me.
    I tried to tell him it wasnt me and he keeps yelling at me so I said "listen loser-"
    And the guy went from angry, to shocked, to absolutely insane livid (and all the facial expressions to match) all in about .025 seconds and hes now jumping and yelling "LOSER?!?!? LOOOOOOSER?!?!" outside my window and I started laughing hysterically. I didnt mean he was a loser for being homeless, I meant it cuz he was yelling at me for no reason.
    That's still hilarious to me

  • @windowlicker_4207
    @windowlicker_4207 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I dont want to say who i am in rl because it will make it even worse. Let's put it this way, I knew Aaliyah. Not very well but I did know her on a personal level. When she died, i was in utah with a friend and the friend says "dang. She cant dust herself off and try again"
    I laughed so hard I peed my pants. Everyone thought I was crying because I was upset. I honestly didnt know how to react but u knew Aaliyah would have laughed at that, so I did too. I still feel horrible about it but it makes me giggle.
    RIP AALIYAH. I'm so sorry for laughing at your death but why did u have to sing that song?