On exponent encoding: The number is an unsigned offset from -127. so 0000 0000 is -127, 0000 0001 is -127 + 1 = -126, 0000 1100 is -127+12 = -115, etc. So an exponent of 3 would be an offset of 3 - -127 = 130 (1000 0010), an exponent of 14 would be an offset of 14 - -127 = 141 (10001101), etc.
Thanks master for sharing you knowledge.
God bless u
On exponent encoding: The number is an unsigned offset from -127. so 0000 0000 is -127, 0000 0001 is -127 + 1 = -126, 0000 1100 is -127+12 = -115, etc. So an exponent of 3 would be an offset of 3 - -127 = 130 (1000 0010), an exponent of 14 would be an offset of 14 - -127 = 141 (10001101), etc.
why -127? Where did this number come from?
127 is the bias. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponent_bias
ok, thanks! really clarifying link.