New Jerusalem - Soli Deo Gloria Brass Band

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 20

  • @andramilitaru3410
    @andramilitaru3410 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dl sa va binecuvinteze Amin

  • @parousiapeaceforallnations5649
    @parousiapeaceforallnations5649 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Revelation 2 and 3, The conclusions of the conscious process for causing Love to become whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple where God's Love does dwell through The Whole Spirit of Love anointed, namely Jesus Christ, who is coming quickly. Amen.🕊💖🕊
    is always positive +
    the assured expectation of good, the ultimate positive mindset
    Choosing good
    Positive, in accord with God's Love
    Mindful, awareness of God, others and self.
    Positive friendships with others
    Joining in the endorphin blood of Positive Love made whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell for Healing all Nations and Heaven on Earth.
    UNION, for unity, Oneness with God's Love made whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell through Jesus Christ for Heaven on Earth as promised for the Promised Land to come. Amen.
    I illustrate these in reverse order to match our chakras, endocrine glands in the image of 2 faces creating a cup, the cup of Love from positive relationships.
    The end is the beginning of The Word, endorphin
    Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ
    God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone, but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us, God, JHVH meaning He who causes to become Jesus Christ, Anointed with The Whole Spirit of Love, YHWH, I shall prove to be what I prove to be - Love, #Loveisnotacortisol
    New Jerusalem, The Heavenly City, Zion
    'Do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad for you will positively die' 'surely die' Genesis 2:17.
    God does not want us to learn bad in any way, virtual or in reality because bad, haram, creates doubt, negative, faithless, doubtful, fearful, stressed, anxious, depressed, unstable mental health.
    Jesus Christ was born in a stable but
    I say Jesus Christ was born to stable, born to stabalise the hormones in our body for healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth through His Love made whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple where God's Love can dwell, when we choose righteousness over sin. Sin is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace, which means Jerusalem, to All for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come. Come, The gemstones of New Jerusalem reveal this healing consciousness for Love's Light to shine brightly in us, in our hearts for fullness of all the fruits of the spirit, namely
    LOVE which is always positive +
    JOY positive and very happy
    FAITH positive hope of Joy and Love in the future, the assured expectation of good
    GOODNESS righteous, moral, positive
    KINDNESS compassionate, understanding, positive
    MILDNESS gentle, positive
    PATIENCE tolerance, long suffering, positive
    SELF CONTROL not to sin or abuse or hurt another, positive for
    PEACE within yourself via a quiet conscience with God for
    Always positive +
    Love is always positive creating endorphins, God's #Loveisnotacortisol
    Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, time to positively Love our global neighbours too and ' learn war no more.' Jesus Christ is coming quickly...
    You are welcome to share freely in accord with God's Love 🎁🎁🎁
    Today is our present
    Our present is a present
    Only if and when we are present
    Our present is designed be pleasant with Love present
    Life is God's gift.
    We will 'all be changed just as in the twinkling of an eye' I Corinthians 15:51-2 with understanding Love's Light because it is a nervous system change allowing full conscious reason and emotional processing from the most wonderful counsellor, The Prince of Peace in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell. So be Love...Jesus Christ is coming quickly, come

  • @teofiljolte7079
    @teofiljolte7079 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    From where can I have or buy the sheet for this? I love it and I would give it to my brass from my church. Thanks!

    • @RBCDP
      @RBCDP  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Teofil Jolte to sheet music please contact

    • @liutfilip1966
      @liutfilip1966 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Da i-o n-am știut ca ai cont pe youtube

  • @parousiapeaceforallnations5649
    @parousiapeaceforallnations5649 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    New Jerusalem, The Heavenly City , The Holy City, Zion. Throughout the Bible and Book of Revelation God promises healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth.
    How can this be?
    Could the gemstones of New Jerusalem contain the treasure we are looking for? I propose they can and do reveal the healing consciousness for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth.
    I also inspire to recognise the wonderful beauty of life that is here on Earth in many forms. When we can connect with true beauty with Love we can find appreciation and Grace. When we can connect with Grace we are blessed with Faith and Faith gives Hope for Life. Hope not stress, worry or fear.
    We are created with the ability to heal through Love in accord with God's Love made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen.
    God does not want us to have hurts, pains, anxieties or depression. Love does not create sickness and Love says 'do not fear'.
    Love says 'trust in me and I will guide you and keep you safe in my Love' , our refuge. God is Love and God is Light, universal forces for us All, for us All, for us All.
    Where are you living, in Love or fear?
    Where would you like to live, in Love or fear?
    What choice can you make to live in accord with Love?
    'By their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God and by their fruits we know them'.
    Fruits of the whole spirit of Love are:
    Love is always a positive mindset.
    Faith is always positive.
    Joy is always positive.
    Goodness, Mildness and Kindness are always positive.
    Patience and long suffering with and for self control not to hurt another is always positive for Peace, for Twofold Peace, Jerusalem for New Jerusalem for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through the whole spirit of Love, namely Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste...Healing for All People and All Nations, for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...
    Thanks be to God who is Love who causes himself to become whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell for Healing for All Nations on a paradise Earth, for Heaven on Earth which we can choose to create, or not.
    Do you choose to live with Love, Trust and Faith ?
    Do you choose to live in stress, anxiety and fear with pains?
    #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised, Love is coming quickly...
    Our thoughts create our reality and with consciousness of positive thoughts we do not 'positively die.' Genesis 2:17.
    We can and will be changed 'just as in the twinkling of an eye ' because it is a nervous system change from the sympathetic nervous system response back to the parasympathetic nervous system which looks after our body's well being.
    Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hear
    Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.
    Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing to All Nations...
    Maranatha. Parousia. Come Lord Jesus Christ Come 🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖
    Come, Holy Spirit, Come - The whole spirit of God's Love embodied in us, anointed by The Anointed One , The One Anointed with the whole spirit of God's Love, namely Jesus Christ who will anoint us when we attain to His Love by turning away from sin which is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, our body, The Temple for God's moral Love to dwell, Amen.
    Time for change and restoration of mankind 🕊💖🕊#Armageddon
    #trust #peace #security #NewJerusalem #Zion #Loveisnotacortisol but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, peace to All Nations for Healing All Nations for Twofold Peace and Heaven on Earth, Heaven on Earth Amen 🕊💖🕊
    Pentecost 2020

  • @blinduandrei8388
    @blinduandrei8388 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    the bessst

  • @parousiapeaceforallnations5649
    @parousiapeaceforallnations5649 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Apocalyptic Poem
    Revelation 6
    The red, black and pale horses ride with thunder...
    Thunderous clouds of hail and snow
    Bringing cold wherever they go
    Reaching to lands far and wide
    Going to affect many new brides
    Not what they had planned for their wedding days
    Psychopathic games being played
    Games of hunger, death and thrones
    Ice reaching inside, inside to their bones
    Reaching the marrow, harrowing thoughts
    Causing divisions of all sorts
    Dichotomies of mind
    Tipping the scales away from man being kind.
    Tipping to fractions of slated grey
    Slavery to states of being not gay
    Slavery to hunger, thirst and no day
    Slavery to making no hay.
    Slavery riding into the day
    Galloping our freedoms away
    Causing our blood to rage like the sea
    Burning as an ember tree
    Causing the charcoal to burn somewhere new
    Making potash, a chance to renew
    Time to release the pure white horse
    Jousting with the paler horse
    Knocking him far off course
    With a new form of discourse
    The red horse cannot fail to stumble
    Causing all the greed to crumble
    Causing the black horse to turn his back
    And turn around and head right back
    Into the darkness, the density.
    Time to bring out the city of Gold
    That we have been waiting since times of old
    Galloping white horses bringing the food
    To avoid those negative moods
    Making fields of darkness white like snow
    Placing footprints showing which way to go.
    From Parousia, Love's Light by Francess.
    I use 'gay' as in happy.
    'Reaching the marrow harrowing thoughts causing divisions of all sorts' = cancer and other blood diseases from stress.
    'Negative moods' depression amd mental health problems.
    Jesus Christ was born To stable our autonomic stress response by upholding moral and kind Love.
    I understand the white horse as Jesus returning with the sword of His spirit as judgement.
    Jesus Christ is returning quickly, come to the reasoning of the healing consciousness of New Jerusalem, The Holy City, Zion. The stones will cry out, this is the cry I hear

  • @mariabaraiac1635
    @mariabaraiac1635 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @adelaadela5536
    @adelaadela5536 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @danyelbaloy6752
    @danyelbaloy6752 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Pace! Ati putea va rog frumos sa imi trimiteti partitura la adresa de email

    • @RBCDP
      @RBCDP  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Danyel Băloy pentru partituri contactati

  • @adelinistoc5013
    @adelinistoc5013 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Poti sa imi trimiti partiturile la gmailul

    • @RBCDP
      @RBCDP  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Adelin Istoc pentru partituri trimiteti email la

  • @Capilya
    @Capilya 11 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Not a true brass band. Better described as a wind band or a military band.