Title of video: "Gunboat Build" Pretty much doesn't use guns. You played this ship exactly how it's meant to be played. You have to be comfortable being extremely close to the enemy. You take advantage of the strong torps and when you run into an enemy DD, you use your win button do blast him into smithereens. 👍
I haven't had Kleber for very long. Haven't even used in is stardard yet, but it has been very fun against ai bot.
Thanks for the vid.
It's a situationally very fun boat... this is one of the situations. Thx 3D!
Title of video: "Gunboat Build"
Pretty much doesn't use guns.
You played this ship exactly how it's meant to be played. You have to be comfortable being extremely close to the enemy. You take advantage of the strong torps and when you run into an enemy DD, you use your win button do blast him into smithereens. 👍
Wellll it IS a gunboat build. I just didn't use the guns very much.