The first 10 seconds of your video turned my night around. You gave me a much needed laugh. So much so that I had to run that part back 3 times! A lifesaver you are, Justin. You've earned yet another new subbie.
Mannn this video got me in tears years later😂😂😂I be having to come back to his old shit so I can be weak! I miss when he did these reviews they are gold!
You are the funniest got damn person i have ever seen in my life.My sista just ask me wtf i was laughn so loud at now she lookn you up & shit.Keep it coming We Love This Shit
I just watched this episode yesterday! so to see that that you have a review just made my day. YAASSSSSS. I thought Old girl was an 8 yr boy when she came out the house. I had to do a double take!
LOL!!!!!! I'm sitting at my desk and scrolled down to read the comments! Lawd, I almost spit out my water all over my desk at work! I cant deal with you!
JJ you have all these great phrases "moving on swiftly and professionally" WHY ISN'T ONE OF YOUR HUSTLES BRANDING? Tshirst, key chains hats ...hell party supplies! You have ppl in swap meets mkn tshirts for ppl!!! At the very least coin them phrases on paper so they don't pop up on network TV/radio without you gettin paid... I'm such a fan
"moving on swiftly and professionally", "she had swaaaag for days, but dont nobody say no swag", "team no-titties" "I'll follow ya'll back, but ya'll gotta have some pictures of ya'll boyfriend, cause i can't be lookin' at ya'll and ya'll damn sundresses and shit. Ain't nobody checkin for that shit.. Take a picture with your man and then ill follow yo ass." lmao you give me liiiiife
"I work at mcdonalds and I model". Baaaabay! No shade at McDonalds whatsoever, but baby boo "model"? Model what? Girl I rsvp'd you all the seats but you a danger to yourself. Caaaaaaatfiiiiiiiiish! GET!IN!TO!IT!!!!
There's definitely a such thing as Brazilian weave. It's just a matter of where you get it from. Most girls purchase from Chinese vendors, which is where is issue of Chinese hair processed to a Brazilian texture arises. At any rate, this vid is hilarious!
I would buy these shirts in a second...hell in bulk lol! You read and throw jokes like you got 3months to live and your life depends on it! I don't know why your viewership is waaaaaay more! And I love that you're diverse in topics and stand strong in your opinions! I dnt agree w everything, most but not everything lol, but I ride with you bcz what you are on mon you are on Friday and you give fair warning if that changes too lolol! Blessings
LMAO DEAD @ this video... Dee Pimpin or whatever the hell her name is a hot ass mess for real smh. And you better drag Bow Wow's lame ass, lol I live for Justin J shade!
I watch this review every year for last 8 years because it’s so FUNNY!!
"struggle ass peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with no jelly, I almost chocked" lmao. omg that's why I Love you Justinj1232!!
2018 this video still has me hollering 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Latrice Johnson Lmfaoooo I miss this Justin so much!
The first 10 seconds of your video turned my night around. You gave me a much needed laugh. So much so that I had to run that part back 3 times! A lifesaver you are, Justin. You've earned yet another new subbie.
Mannn this video got me in tears years later😂😂😂I be having to come back to his old shit so I can be weak! I miss when he did these reviews they are gold!
2020 and I’m hollering you funny asf
"Where are your megapixels? !" DIED!!
oh god this is the best intro ever!!!!!!!!! lmao
You got me SCREAMING
I am so happy you did a review. The episode had me weeping. And I L-O-V-E when you say "Catfish. Oh HEY!". Thank you for always making me laugh.
You are the funniest got damn person i have ever seen in my life.My sista just ask me wtf i was laughn so loud at now she lookn you up & shit.Keep it coming We Love This Shit
This is toooooooooo it
"you make my ass itch"
I am dead!
I just watched this episode yesterday! so to see that that you have a review just made my day. YAASSSSSS. I thought Old girl was an 8 yr boy when she came out the house. I had to do a double take!
LOL!!!!!! I'm sitting at my desk and scrolled down to read the comments! Lawd, I almost spit out my water all over my desk at work! I cant deal with you!
When u did that .."team not Tities" I chocked! LOL U r too funny. Love
I was waiting on your review boo! Catttttfiiiisssshhhh Love it!
I love you so much!!!! I'm dying laughing from beginning to end! You made my day!
Justin J fresh hell when the Fed's watchin..
JJ you have all these great phrases "moving on swiftly and professionally" WHY ISN'T ONE OF YOUR HUSTLES BRANDING? Tshirst, key chains hats ...hell party supplies! You have ppl in swap meets mkn tshirts for ppl!!! At the very least coin them phrases on paper so they don't pop up on network TV/radio without you gettin paid... I'm such a fan
"moving on swiftly and professionally", "she had swaaaag for days, but dont nobody say no swag", "team no-titties" "I'll follow ya'll back, but ya'll gotta have some pictures of ya'll boyfriend, cause i can't be lookin' at ya'll and ya'll damn sundresses and shit. Ain't nobody checkin for that shit.. Take a picture with your man and then ill follow yo ass." lmao you give me liiiiife
I've watched it twice already lol i'm glad he liked it lol
This video gave me life! I can not stop crying and laughing. Thanks boo for another great review.
I was waiting for this! I had to watch your Framel/Ms.Tony video to hold me over!
Cingular Wireless.....took me back!!!!!
This made my night.
the intro to this video literally had me hollering lmaooooo !
don't get me in trouble with mama lol
I needed a good laugh so I decided to watch again always like your videos
"I work at mcdonalds and I model". Baaaabay! No shade at McDonalds whatsoever, but baby boo "model"? Model what? Girl I rsvp'd you all the seats but you a danger to yourself. Caaaaaaatfiiiiiiiiish! GET!IN!TO!IT!!!!
LMAO, yesss @ that intro! TS Madison had me dying when she did that! Love this =D
lmbo you killed me at the end, chile, get them bills paid!!
Moving on swiftly and professionally Lmao
Justinj1232... I luv you! Your mess loved your video... you give me soooo much life!
Catfish oh hey! I love when you say that.
LMFAO!!!!!!!! best review ever Justin!!...OMG died laughing! Please come resurrect me! ...Bowwow...child please.
She said in 106 that it wasn't her house it was her aunts house and she had her own place.... Bwhahahahaha
You have me in tears every video.
Lmao justin said "i been eatin pb&j sandwiches with no peanut butter. Almost fucking choked nshit" lmfao this video was funny as shit
hahaha the way you started this video off got me on the damn floor kmsl
Lhh Motorola 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
A struggle peanut butter sandwich without the jelly!!!! I got my life!
Chile, Im finna go in here and make me a Peanut Better and Jelly Sandwich! NO GAWD!!!
@justin1232 U give me life i watched this 3 times
Why is this on my tl Justinnnn?? I’m screaming
LMAO, you a fool. #TEAMNOTITTIES. I love watching your videos. I just watch your framel episode review and died.
There's definitely a such thing as Brazilian weave. It's just a matter of where you get it from. Most girls purchase from Chinese vendors, which is where is issue of Chinese hair processed to a Brazilian texture arises. At any rate, this vid is hilarious!
That is not a ''32inch more like ''15in tv..hahaha
You a mess! Loved it!
I love how you say "CATFISH"
I live, laugh, and love your videos....
Queen TS her influence!
omg mr justin you vids give me life. I love you. XD
Gov't shutdown 🤣😃😄😅😂
Kingaling D 😂
I've been waiting for this review since the show ended last night
Lmao! You just gave me life!
My 4th time watching! Stomach tight as fuck from laughing! Justin you are hilarious!
U had me CRYING laughing GR8 review.
lmaooo!!!!!! so you want to see our menfolk?? *cackles*
Omg I have to watch this video everyday to get my ♡
I'm crying right now!
Gurrrrrrllllll.... lol ;) Luv u Justin
Back pack back pack!!!
Still funny as hell
LOL #TeamCreditScore
Lololol @ #teamcreditscore!!! Love you justin
Lmao I love you!!!!
I felt so sorry for her.... She was living for them striped dresses though.
I would buy these shirts in a second...hell in bulk lol! You read and throw jokes like you got 3months to live and your life depends on it! I don't know why your viewership is waaaaaay more! And I love that you're diverse in topics and stand strong in your opinions! I dnt agree w everything, most but not everything lol, but I ride with you bcz what you are on mon you are on Friday and you give fair warning if that changes too lolol! Blessings daughter was like, shit momma I would have been gay for pay..after she/he sent me that money.
Pnut butta & jelly wid no jelly...I almost choked" I'm laid the fuck out!!!!
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Got my life!! #demtitties #REPLAY
Hilarious! LMAO
Had to watch it again lol
You should do a review on Black Ink Crew....the show on VH1
Who still watches 106and ringtones??? Those videos be Short ass fuck!!!!!!!
Rotf chile you got my side hurting
You or got to go in on the mcdonalds & part time model ! Lol
Love you Justin!!! Alicia girl please stop talking you making us Oakland women look bad.
Spill that tea child
Lol Justin yasssss!!!!
Love it lmao
Your old videos funny ass fuck 🤣🤣🤣
lord I had to turn the volume way down at the beginning so my mama wouldnt hear lmao
Were is Dora find the money!
Team iPhone 📱 ayeeeeee
Did I do a good job boo? lol
You funny as shit homie.
Scotty sent me here. I fucking love you! You reads down! Subscribed.
And I don't use the term stud either..I'm an Ag..
Team Samsung note 2!! JJ
I meant "is where the* issue..."
LMAO DEAD @ this video... Dee Pimpin or whatever the hell her name is a hot ass mess for real smh. And you better drag Bow Wow's lame ass, lol I live for Justin J shade!