The Bangle written: ''God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference''
Yess ..i know that its forever love together silent why...because of alot of haters fans...judging people around... I miss them so much...i love his love story...and hwangbo is very trusting and faithful to kim hyun joong..eventhough that was time alot of guys to love her because she is versatil women inside and out she is pretty much...thats why...khj is lucky for her... The orginality of ssangchu is super unique until now its so incredible....puzzle....????
what can i say, i love you girl.. many many thanks for making this eye opening MV to show not only us joongboers but the rest of the world that HB and HJ are really a couple... segyero!!!
thanks for this vid! i am also one of the many joongboers.. and i believe in them.. it's ok if they dont tell and show the world about the real score between them.. what really counts is their true feelings.. im just praying and hoping for their happiness!
Its such a beautiful MV. I believe in these signs, from HB's ring, to HJ's bangle everything seems to point to one thing: that they have something going on...whether or not its true I don't know. One thing for sure, I believe!!!
Didn't realize Lee Min Ho could sing so well, lol. So Midhoyo means 'I trust you' I really like this song, I think it's appropriate for the lettuce couple. Joongbo fighting.....
Hi there!!! Can I ask you a favor... there are lots of coincidence that is happenning in JOONGBO World right now... if you could make another MV like a part 2 that is... Thanks!!!
thanx akaneslum... luv it n thanx for the ring info did the numbers mean something? n the bracelet... did u know the whole sentence that were written on the bracelet? i'm really curious about dis two..
Wow... I'm so glad that I find this video all the clues are in here. I am a joongbo fun and till now I'm still hoping that they can be together for real. Anyway, I don't understand the ring what's the story behind that? Thanks!
i'm totally touched by this beautiful song and a great compilation for all spazz that we've been discussing post WGM:)VERY SWEET!!Could you please let me know the name and the singer of the song??thank you so much!
The Bangle written:
''God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference''
Yess ..i know that its forever love together silent why...because of alot of haters fans...judging people around...
I miss them so much...i love his love story...and hwangbo is very trusting and faithful to kim hyun joong..eventhough that was time alot of guys to love her because she is versatil women inside and out she is pretty much...thats why...khj is lucky for her...
The orginality of ssangchu is super unique until now its so incredible....puzzle....????
I miss the two of them together. I hope they get together again in a new project or program
very nice vid.....thanks for sharing! seeing pix of HB taken in the Phils. reminded me so much of my beautiful land......To the World!!!
one word to express my gratittude to tis vid is..."WOW"...
what can i say, i love you girl..
many many thanks for making this
eye opening MV to show not only us joongboers but the rest of the world that
HB and HJ are really a couple...
thanks for this vid!
i am also one of the many joongboers..
and i believe in them..
it's ok if they dont tell and show the world about the real score between them..
what really counts is their true feelings..
im just praying and hoping for their happiness!
Thank you for making this akaneslum..its beautiful and so meaningful..
Its such a beautiful MV. I believe in these signs, from HB's ring, to HJ's bangle everything seems to point to one thing: that they have something going on...whether or not its true I don't know. One thing for sure, I believe!!!
thanks so much
Yes!!! Its all true...What can i say... Because I Believe In Them!!! To The World...
Didn't realize Lee Min Ho could sing so well, lol. So Midhoyo means 'I trust you' I really like this song, I think it's appropriate for the lettuce couple.
Joongbo fighting.....
I always missing Kim Hyun Joong Only One ☝️ Forever 🙏👩🎤👍👌💘
i've seen hwangbo wearing that ring again when she went to Thailand a couple of days ago
💟💟💟💟💟💟JOONGBO IS BEST💟💟💟💟 FIGHTING 🌈🌈🌈💟💟💟💟
lovely vid! i never knew about HJ's bracelet! =O i hope you make more of these! :D
Hmm... I believe JoongBo and I sitt hope too.
I love it!! What does midhoyo mean?
nice...i only c this after 2 years....u so good csi..very2 joongber
Hi there!!! Can I ask you a favor... there are lots of coincidence that is happenning in JOONGBO World right now... if you could make another MV like a part 2 that is... Thanks!!!
thanx akaneslum...
luv it
n thanx for the ring info
did the numbers mean something?
n the bracelet...
did u know the whole sentence that were written on the bracelet?
i'm really curious about dis two..
Wow... I'm so glad that I find this video all the clues are in here. I am a joongbo fun and till now I'm still hoping that they can be together for real. Anyway, I don't understand the ring what's the story behind that? Thanks!
i'm totally touched by this beautiful song and a great compilation for all spazz that we've been discussing post WGM:)VERY SWEET!!Could you please let me know the name and the singer of the song??thank you so much!
Well, I'm a little curious. What is the "skeleton boy" ??? Does he have any connection to JoongBo LOL?