MAKE LOVE NOT WAR! Clearly, out of the whole video the only one's showing this is Cam & Maya & that's exactly why everyone is rooting for them (besides Claire who looks more confused than anything.) I like that while everyone is fighting there's just Campbell & Maya embracing, that's the bigger message. Positive energy folks! Haha
I love how Clare is in the middle of all this, I was hoping to see some eclare in this, but this is Ok too I guess, with Maya and that Cameron person, I'm soo happy that Drew and Katie are gonna break up, I srsly do not like them, though Bi's pretty much a biatch I really like how she is with Drew, and Katie is just plain awfull, amazing promo and I CANNOT WAIT FOR IT TO HAPPEN :D:D (excuse me, I'm gonna be al girlish right now)
awwwww cam and maya
I LOVE HOW CAMS LIKE guys leave tristan alone HE IS SO CUTE I AM OBBSESED To bad he's dead belive me I cryed....alot
I think theywere all yelling "DID YOU EVER LOVE ME AT ALL?!?!"
I just love this season! And the video is absolutely amazing
Love the way Claire is in the middle so cool!!
okay i gotta say favorite couples are definitely maya&cam bianca&drew eli&claire... justt sayinggg
How did I not see this until now? Lol.
This is my School right here >.
I loveeeeeee it
In this whole starcrossed lovers thing, one ends up dying
MAKE LOVE NOT WAR! Clearly, out of the whole video the only one's showing this is Cam & Maya & that's exactly why everyone is rooting for them (besides Claire who looks more confused than anything.) I like that while everyone is fighting there's just Campbell & Maya embracing, that's the bigger message. Positive energy folks! Haha
because Tristan liked him first and tori got mad or something I don't remember this was a long time ago
katy looks so badass
this ain't twitter
I like Maya and Cam, but how are they starcrossed?
camaya yes plz if diona/fallas doesnt happen camaya has to happen or i am going to cry
I love how Clare is in the middle of all this, I was hoping to see some eclare in this, but this is Ok too I guess, with Maya and that Cameron person, I'm soo happy that Drew and Katie are gonna break up, I srsly do not like them, though Bi's pretty much a biatch I really like how she is with Drew, and Katie is just plain awfull, amazing promo and I CANNOT WAIT FOR IT TO HAPPEN :D:D
(excuse me, I'm gonna be al girlish right now)
did any1 else not see fiona and imogenO_o whats up with that?:(
bianca or katie
Im 10
drew should be with bianca.katie is a pain in the ass
I liked season 11 promo better
that girl becky is a horrible director