- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
WORKFORIT APPAREL: www.workforitap...
JAMES' TH-cam CHANNEL: / @mr_get_muddy
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Man Ryan I gotta say I really dig all the content with y’all clownin around and upgrading trucks and whatever but the ranch content is on a different level
💯 just looking at the views vs previous videos the message is loud and clear.
Definitely build new pump house out of concrete blocks etc..
The town I lived in has a bylaw to only have buildings built from stone and brick from burning down twice back in the 1900s.
That’s the plan!
Slate or clay roof tiles as well. Possibly put solar panels on the roof of it so you don't lose water if you get a power outage.
Yeah Solar Panels are a good idea considering how Californian power companies seem to cut power in Heat Waves now. I remember that happening back in 2019 or was it 2018
Just remember to make a nice access hole on the roof for when the pump has to be pulled, lowered etc.
The fact that you no Spanish makes me like you and your channel that much more absolutely love your channel. You knowing Spanish shows how much dedication you have for your career i look up to you for that and thank you for taking time to learn my native tounge my friend 🇵🇷🇵🇷
Dakota Velazquez Spanish is the second language in Cali
Hello Ryan once again I’m so happy everything is okay. I’ve been praying for you and your animals. Blessings Robert.
Ryan you can make hour long video I’d watch love the work getting back to workin for it 👍
Dropped everything when I saw this notification
Me too
Felt like forever since the last
I'm so glad all the animals and your home is safe. I hope the fires die down and everyone in the fire areas are safe. House can be rebuilt but a life is precious.
Guy does a amazing job of taking care of his animals. Good for him.
Love how much you Love and Respect your Animals. ✨☺️✨👍👍👍
im building a new house on 80 acres myself , im making and keeping Autocad Drawing of everything underground as well as the house plans. Will be nice to have in case of future improvements and ill leave them in a folder for the new owners if i ever sell it.
Such a nice guy.
I absolutely love how much you care for your animals, water 3x a day for bbq 😭♥️
He seems like a sweetheart
I have to change my pig's water a few times a day because they pee pee in it😝
Put a fruit tree next to the leach pit. It will have plenty of water and provide some shade
There are no trees near the stables bc of the fire situation I guess.
Hi, I saw this video on NOWTHIS on twitter. I'd happily subscribe if you keep updating us on your ranch content. I'm not into trucks, but that 1 video prompted me to watch all your ranch related videos. Keep up the good content!👍🏻
That 🐷 is adorable as all heck.
at first i didnt like your videos with all the trucks. now i find these more relaxing. keep up the good work.
I actually love watching the ranch videos more than the truck related stuff haha all in all your channel is very entertaining thank you.
This fire situation sucks, keep up the great attitude! It always makes the best if all situations.
Damn you stay hella positive dude, stay up hope it goes well glad to see all your animals looking good.
It is so cool you’re showing us all your progress rebuilding the ranch. Keep safe
Your great attitude and willingness to "work for it" has shown its rewards. I really love these ranch videos. Please keep making them as it seems to be anticipated by many in the comments too.
Ryan is the master operator of that mini excavator.
Dude... I am so addicted to your ranch videos. Hope you keep them up!!
You should look into a VFD system for your water well. With all the water going to the animals, sprinklers, and everything else, a VFD drive would be way more efficient. The Pentair Pentair setup is pretty nice. Yaskawa and Franklin make them too.
Good that everything is getting back together
Bro it’s awesome that your able to improvements are the Ranch to fix everything and making it better
The company I work for just installed a KNEE operated valve for our hand washing sink. We simply walk up, push the lever easily with our knee, get some soap on the hands, stop the water flow with the knee, wash the hands all up for 20 seconds :) , and then push the lever valve with our knee and the water flows. They set the flow of hot & cold to just the right temp, but you wont need to mess with that even. Its so nifty id like one for my kitchen sink!
That obs is gonna be badass as a diesel.
What I have done in the past is set up a 3'' pipe made from PVC over our animal stalls and connected a water hose to it. This way you can keep the PVC pipe full and all you have to do is turn the valves on that you've installed on it. It is a lot cheaper to do and easier to replace when something gets damaged.
man i love this channel. so happy my wife showed it to me.
I think you should buy those big water containers that hold 300some gallons for backup just in case for the animals. There pretty cheap. Couple hundred bucks. Just got back up water for animals or yourself. Hopefully soon I can get my own ranch like that. Beautiful ranch. So much potential. I like seeing these build videos. Gives me ideas hahaha
Have you got any plans for a underground grey water system it would be a nice feature to have especially for landscaping purposes
You can also buy 45° PVC conduit fittings that pull super easy if you don't feel like busting out the torch/heater.
Hey DMX if you put a 2x4 that just barely fits snugly on the top of buckets they won't spill spill as much
Glad to see you getting things back to getting things fixed better than it was
Caution tape!! 👍excellent idea!!
i really wish there was more people like you !!! god bless you and all the animals
Ryan as a fellow southern Californian and being close to the Bobcat fire and too close to the Blue Cut Fire back 2016, I have been worried for you since seeing the Jinxed disclaimer in the previous video. I hope it was referring to just the well. The ranch is awesome and you are the embodiment of The American Dream, with hard work and a positive attitude you can achieve what you want in life. Can't wait to see what you do with the ranch next. Also, it might be helpful to share your Fire Emergency Plan when you have it ready.
That awesome yall r cool and when u do something do it right the first time!
The fact that you speak Spanish is awesome man, been following you for a minute. Keep up the great content! And QUE PASO PAPI!
great video and your progress. I wanted to suggest you put sprinkler heads in line above animal stalls just in case of another fire, it will keep them cool and safer.
I’m glade to see you holding up. Keep up the great work
These fires are crazy in Cali. I live north of sf and we had just got clear of the fires then a new one started yesterday and is in city limits now and already burnt down lots of home its crazy. Glad your ranch was able to be saved man definitely a blessing
Good choice to run two conduits, will need one for low voltage and using larger than you need is always a good idea. Don't forget to leave a pull string in them as well.
I agree with gerald clemens build with concrete one less thing to worry about if you have to go through fire situation again , I’m a long time subscriber , seeing how you are with the animals n your concern for them considering you havn’t had them long take you to the top of my watch list , wish you all the success and happiness you deserve at Ryno ranch x 🏴
They do make a nipple that you can put in a 55gal plastic drum to make a pig, and other livestock, waterer that they won’t dump and needs cleaned and filled far less. You can also add a float valve to make auto fill. I only use nipples with my chickens way better. I also wrap the storage tanks with reflectix to keep the water cooler in the summer.
Felicidades compa! Y gracias por dar trabajo a los paisanos!! Eso habla muy bien de usted 👍🏼 Dios lo bendiga!!
might look into building cinder block house around your water pump so you have some fire protection for next time . maybe with a removable slab roof for maintenance
FYI, if you run the water lines up by the metal roof for the animals, it will be hot water they will be getting from the auto water bowls you will be putting in. If you kept them underground and ron up where you need them by the post they will be protected and cold water.
We tested them in 105 degree weather, came out cold. No different than water sitting in metal troughs in the sun.
@@DMAXRYNO I know as the water sits there in the open, in the heat it will get hot especially during the summer, its like leaving a hose in the sun when you first turn it on it's hot until the cold water comes through, but if you had run the water through the line before testing it would be colder obviously. I trust in what you say and your situation but watch out for it incase.
Not sure why I keep watching your vids. We have zero in common. That said, I love watching them. Thanks A+
Any time you put in conduit or pipe it is always best to plan ahead. If you pull 2 drag lines through you can also pull extra cables through later so you don't need to invest more than a few bucks for string. My township just did a bunch of pipe work and now they sell the extra pipe capacity to telecom companies etc. Cheaper for the companies since they can put in new lines faster and the township has already recouped their entire installation costs.
ranch content is fire bro i like it more than the truck stuff..haha
Glad that everything is going good
BBQ is awesome haha legit love animals they’re my best friends more then humans! Awesome ranch Ryan
Nice work. Talk about frustrating for a pink setup. Nice of those guys to come out.
I just installed that same cheaper faucet for a customer the other day lol I actually like the push nut to lock it down that’s pretty cool when your under a sink an can’t see to get a ratchet on the nuts lol
Ya, took us a minute to figure it out, but as long as it stays tight, it’s way better than the old way!
Glad to see things are better at ryno ranch. Can't wait till we can get calm ranch content and good truck content with that diesel swap on the k20
Finally someone who says mischievous right hahaha love the work and your videos hope everything goes well!!!
Build a block pump house, sounds a bit overkill but make it about 10 foot clearance on each side so if it does get close again the walls are plenty ways away from the pump, plus run a few sprinkler heads above the pump where if it gets above a certain temp it kicks the heads on, keeping everything wet and cooled off so hopefully nothing happens again. Once the threat it gone, flip a shutoff valve and hopefully save you pump.
My the best of thing come your way man you need it my love for the wonderful content you give us no matter what it is I enjoy it
If your sink ends up backing up on you because it can't drain fast enough, dig the hole back out and get a 5-gallon bucket that has a lid and drill a bunch of holes around the bottom of it and bury it will gravel. It works great, just like a small septic tank.
When you run pipe, it might be smart to run an outer-pipe from like hard PVC (We use it for sewage transportation from the house; 90-110mm). It would be perfect as another protection layer + you'd be able to run new things (power, internet, whatever you want) through it without having to dig up the whole thing (t-section might be a bit tricky there though :P)
Love the vids!!!! My experience in finding burried lines measurements r very helpful and make it way easier to know exactly where they are.
Woohooo! Best TH-camr out there man, keep it up🙏
Glad to see things are working out as well💯
I mentioned to run electric in your last video I’m glad you’re doing that
hey man i do pump work too and its kind of weird if theyre saying the pumps locked up and all they did was try and spin the shaft....btw make sure you use sch 120 pvc when you go back in
When you have To dig under a fence or something flip the bucket around on the excavator. It’ll make it a lot easier.
It's coming along nicely! Good job! Love the video!
It's tragic what happened but i cant get enough of the content!
Stay safe out there keep up great videos
You can use the mini x exhaust to bend the pvc in a pinch
love dmaxrynos videos
Not sure if you know but you can buy 5 gallon bucket lids that snap on the top of the buckets. That’s be really good for not spilling water
Keep doing ranch videos im loving it
found that workforit sticker out in Yermo Ca at the Eddies Gas station.
Barbeque is the star of the show.
My brother caught two wild piglets at different times and raised them for several years and they both did the same with watermelon.
Try Imperial Sprinklers or SiteOne Landscape Supply for Landscape, Irrigation parts & electrical.
You should just make another channel RynoRanch. Be another revenue stream and could keep the ranch and truck stuff separate. I’m sure the videos for the new property will be plentiful. Anyways, keep up the good work bro!
Have you thought about setting a Horse trough under the water tank spicket and using the submersible pump and your hoses to get water to the animals. Just a thought
Damn dude, you got that Dimebag vibe going on. I don't know why but it's freaking cool man. Getcha pull!
The water pipe overhead should have insulation around it to keep it cooler.
If you do concrete between the stalls in the center would you do a drain down the center for easy clean or if you wanted to wash down the animals?
Either a drain in it, or put fall into it, so the water will flow out.
I love how professionally you’re doing all the work, seriously satisfying to watch someone who understands how to do shit 😂.
Another high quality video!
If you dig a hole for the water containers for bbq the she is less likely to spill it out. So the edge are closer to grund level, keep a stone or other to make it even more safer. If its a hot day my pig even used it as a bath. Easyer for their heads to go down to drink them over an edge.
Glad everything is starting to get put together for you guys though :) hopefully they get your new pump fast for ya so you can work on other stuff around the ranch instead of having to manually water the animals :)
I took my lunch wen i felt the notification lol
Clicked off a Demo Ranch video for this.
Coming along greatly! Really looking forward to seeing all the ranch videos that will be mixed into the channel. Question, is your contractor business running while you are up at the ranch like you have some crews working and you go check in on the progress?
Just here for Miss BBQ. The guy talking is alright
yea he cool i guess
He's really cool he's awesome
Old farmers trick, cut a couple of pieces of 2x4 to float on top of water in the buckets and you will spill wayyyy less. It wont stop the spills but spill way less than before.
Hey just a thought but I was thinking about putting a sprinkler system on top of the house for a little extra insurance down the road hopefully will never have to use it again
DMAX getting down with the Spanish love that 💪
I need to figure out why my notifications on your content are delayed, video is 2hrs old and I just got the notification. Love the ranch content.
The water is going to be boiling hot if you run it up and over . We had it that way for our horses and they stop drinking for a few days during the day and only used it at night or early in the morning.
To lock the tensioner all you need to do is pull the passenger side of the belt hard and it will lock in place reason to love the placement on the 6.0
Should've put down about a foot of gravel, then placed a 5 gal bucket upside down with some small holes drilled around the sides and ran your drain into that. Bury the bucket with more gravel.
Leaves a chamber so bigger debris or hair cant back up and plug your drain.
Nice !